How to Be a Good Student: Checklist - Literacy Minnesota

How to Be a Good Student: Checklist

• Take Care of Yourself

• Get Organized

• Be an Active Learner

Are you a good student? Maybe you could be a better student.

This checklist describes things you can do to learn English and Civics faster and better.

A. I Take Care of Myself

1. I am kind to myself when I don’t understand or make mistakes. I know that mistakes are not bad.

2. I am patient with myself. Language learning takes time. There is a lot of Civics

information to learn.

3. I don’t compare myself to other people.

4. I take care of myself physically and mentally. I get enough sleep, good food, and


B. I Am Organized

1. I keep my papers in a binder or folders.

2. My papers are organized by date.

3. If I tend to lose things, I always keep my papers in the same place in my house.

4. I bring my papers to class.

C. I Am an Active Learner

1. I schedule time to learn outside of class.

2. I think about how to learn more, and I do it.

3. When I learn a new word or idea, I explain it to someone else.

4. When I learn new language, I make sentences about my life.

5. I use the new language I am learning outside of class.

6. I ask the teacher questions.

7. I take notes in class, like writing down words I don’t know or drawing pictures to help me remember things.

8. I frequently ask myself if I understand what I am reading or hearing. If I don’t, I ask a question, reread, or circle things I don’t understand so I can get help later.

9. I practice reading aloud. Sometimes I read the same thing aloud 3 or more times.

10. I know someone who can help me practice for my Naturalization Test. I ask this

person to quiz me and give me dictation.

11. I study words myself, using the dictionary and making sentences about my life.

12. I study Civics on my own time, using websites and books from the library.

13. I connect the new things that I’m learning to the old things that I already know.

14. I test myself to see if I remember what I’ve learned.


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