Contemporary Black Inventors

Contemporary Black Inventors

|1 |A.P. Abourne |Refining of coconut oil. |July 27, 1980 |

|2 |A. B. Blackburn |Spring seat for chairs. Patent# 380,420 |April 3, 1888 |

|3 |A.C. Richardson |Casket-Lowering Device. Patent# 529,311 |November 13, 1894 |

|4 |A.C. Richardson |Churn. Patent # 466,470 |February 17, 1891 |

|5  |A.E. Long and A.A. Jones--  |Caps For Bottles And Jars  |1898  |

|6  |A.L. Lewis  |Window Cleaner  |1892  |

|7  |A.L. Rickman  |Galoshes  |1898  |

|8 |Anna M. Mangin |Pastry fork |March 1, 1892 |

|9  |Alexander P. Ashbourne  |Biscuit Cutter  |November, 1875  |

|10  |Alexander Miles  |Elevator  and also safety device for elevators. |October11, 1887  |

| | |Patent No. 371,207  | |

|11  |Alfred L. Cralle  |Ice Cream Scooper. Patent # 576,395  |February 2,1897  |

|12  |Alice Parker  |Heating Furnace  |1918  |

|13  |Andrew Beard  |Automatic Car Coupling Device  |1897  |

|14  |Augustus Jackson  |Ice cream  |1832  |

|15 |B. F. Cargill |Invalid cot. Patent# 629,658 |July 25, 1899 |

|16  |B.F. Jackson  |Gas Burner  |  |

|17  |Benjamin Banneker  |Clock, Prints for Wash. DC 1st Almanac  |  |

|18  |Bessie V. Griffin  |Portable Receptacle  |1951  |

|19  |C.B. Brook  |Street Sweeper  |1896  |

|20 |C.V. Richey |Fire Escape Bracket. Patent # 596,427 |December 28, 1897 |

|21 |C. W. Allen |Self Leveling table. Patent # 613,436 |November 1, 1898 |

|22 |D. McCree |Portable Fire Escape. Patent # 440,322 |November 11, 1890 |

|23  |Darryl Thomas  |Cattle Roping  Apparatus  |  |

|24  |Dr. Charles Drew  |Invented Blood Banks And Established Them Around The |1940  |

| | |World  | |

|25  |Dr. Daniel Hale Williams  |Performed First Open Heart Surgery  |1893  |

|26  |Edmond Berger  |Spark Plug  |  |

|27  |Elbert R. Robinson  |Electric Railway  Trolley  |  |

|28 |Ellen Elgin  |Clothes Wringer  |1880s  |

|29  |Elijah Mccoy  |Automatic Lubrication System (For Railroad And Heavy | July 2, 1872  |

| | |Machinery) 1892  | |

|30  |Folarin Sosan  |Package-Park (Solves Package Delivery Dilemma)   |1997  |

| | | | |

|31 |Frederick Jones |Ticket Dispensing Machine. Patent # 2163754 |June 27, 1939 |

|32 |Frederick Jones |Starter Generator. Patent # 2475842 |July 12, 1949 |

|33 |Frederick Jones |Two-Cycle gasoline Engine. Patent # 2523273 |November 28, 1950 |

|34  |Frederick Jones  |Air Condition. Patent # 2475841  |July 12, 1949  |

|35  |Frederick Jones  |Portable X-Ray Machine  |  |

|36 |G.W. Murray |Cultivator and Marker. Patent # 517,961 |April 10, 1894 |

|37 |G.W. Murray |Combined Furrow Opener and Stalk-Knocker. Patent # |April 10, 1894 |

| | |517,960 | |

|38 |G.W. Murray |Fertilizer Distributor. Patent# 520,889 |June 5, 1894 |

|39 |G.W. Murray |Cotton Chopper. Patent # 520,888 |June 5, 1894 |

|40 |G.W. Murray |Planter.  Patent # 520,887 |June 5, 1894 |

|41 |G. F. Grant  |Golf Tee. Patent # 638,920  |December 12, 1899  |

|42  |G.T. Sampson  |Clothes Drier  |1892  |

|43  |G.W. Kelley  |Steam Table  |1897  |

|44  |Garret A. Morgan  |Gas Mask (Saved Many Lives During WWI)  |1914  |

|45 |George Alcorn |Fabrication of spectrometer. Patent # 4,618,380 |October 21, 1986 |

|46 |George Tolivar |Ship's propeller |  |

|47  |George Washington Carver  |Peanut Butter  |1900  |

|48  |George Washington Carver  |300 products from peanuts, 118 products from the |1900-1943  |

| | |sweet potato and 75 from the pecan.  | |

|49  |Garret A. Morgan  |Automatic Traffic Signal  |1923  |

|50  |Gertrude E. Downing and William |Corner Cleaner Attachment.  |February 13, 1973 |

| |Desjardin  |Patent # 3,715,772  | |

|51  |Granville Woods  |Telephone (His Telephone Was Far Superior To | Dec. 2,1884  |

| | |Alexander Graham Bell's)  | |

|52  |Granville Woods  |Trolley Car  |1888  |

|53  |Granville Woods  |Multiplex Telegraph System (Allowed Messages To Be |1887  |

| | |Sent And Received From Moving Trains)  | |

|54  |Granville Woods  |Railway Air Brakes (The First Safe Method Of Stopping|  |

| | |Trains) 1903  | |

|55  |Granville Woods  |Steam Boiler/Radiator  |1884  |

|56  |Granville Woods--  |Third Rail (Subway)  |  |

|57 |H. Grenon |Razor Stropping Device. Patent # 554,867 |February 18, 1896 |

|58 |H.H. Reynolds |Window Ventilator for Railroad Cars. |April 3, 1883 |

| | |Patent No.275,271 | |

|59  |H.A. Jackson  |Kitchen Table  |  |

|60  |Henry Blair  |Mechanical Seed Planter  |1830  |

|61  |Henry Blair  |Mechanical Corn Harvester  |  |

|62 |Henry Single |Patented an Improved Fish Hook. He sold it later for |1854 |

| | |$625. | |

|63  |Henry Sampson  |Cellular Phone  |July 6th, 1971  |

|64  |I.O. Carter  |Nursery  Chair  |1960  |

|65  |Issac R. Johnson  |Bicycle Frame  |  |

|66 |J. A. Joyce |Ore Bucket. Patent # 603,143 |April 26, 1898 |

|67 |J. Hawkins |Patented the Gridiron |March 3, 1845 |

|68  |J. Gregory  |Motor  |  |

|69  |J.A. Sweeting  |Cigarette Roller  |1897  |

|70  |J.B. Winters  |Fire Escape Ladder  |  |

|71 |J. H. Hunter |Portable Weighing Scales. Patent # 570,533 |November 3, 1896 |

|72  |J.F. Pickering  |Air Ship  |1892  |

|73 |J. H. Robinson |Lifesaving guards for Street Cars. Patent# 623,929 |April 25, 1899 |

|74 |J. Robinson |Dinner Pail. Patent# 356,852  |February 1, 1887 |

|75 |J. W. Reed |Dough Kneader and Roller. Patents# 304,552 |September 2, 1884 |

|76 |J. Ross |Bailing Press. Patent # 632,539 |Sept 05, 1899 |

|77  |J.H. White  |Convertible Sette (A Large Sofa)  |1892  |

|78  |J.H. White  |Lemon Squeezer  |1896  |

|79  |J.L. Love  |Pencil Sharpener. Patent # 594,114  |23 November 1897  |

|80  |J.S. Smith  |Lawn Sprinkler. Patent # 581,785  |May 4, 1897  |

|81  |James Forten  |Sailing Apparatus  |1850  |

|82  |James S. Adams  |Airplane Propelling  |  |

|83  |Jan Matzelinger  |Automatic Shoe Making Machine  |1883  |

|84  |Joan Clark  |Medicine Tray  |1987  |

|85  |John A. Johnson  |Wrench  |  |

|86  |John Burr  |Lawn Mower  |  |

|87 |John Parker |"Parker Pulverizer" Follower-Screw for Tobacco |September 2, 1884 |

| | |Presses. Patent# 304,552 | |

|88  |John Standard  |Refrigerator. Patent# 304,552 |Jul 14,1894  |

|89  |Joseph Gammel  |Supercharge System for Internal Combustion Engine  |  |

|90  |Joseph N. Jackson  |Programmable Remote Control  |  |

|91  |L.C. Bailey  |Folding Bed  |1899  |

|92 |L. Bell |Locomotive smoke stack. Patent# 115,153 |May 23, 1871 |

|93 |L. F. Brown |Bridle bit. Patent # 484,994 |October 25, 1892 |

|94  |L.S. Burridge And N.R. Marsham  |Typewriter  |1885  |

|95  |Lewis Howard Latimer  |Light Bulb Filament  |  |

|96  |Lewis Temple  |Toggle Harpoon (Revolutionized The Whaling Industry) |1848  |

|97  |Lloyd A. Hall  |Chemical compound to preserve meat  |  |

|98  |Lloyd P. Ray  |Dust Pan  |  |

|99 |Lydia Holmes |Wood Toys. Patent # 2,529,692 |November 14, 1950 |

|100  |Lydia O. Newman  |Hair brush  |  |

|101  |M.C. Harney  |Lantern/Lamp  |Aug.19,  1884  |

|102  |Madam. C. Walker  |Hair Care Products  | 1905  |

|103 |Majorie Joyner |Permanent hair wave machine. Patent  # 1693515 |November 27, 1928 |

|104  |Madeline M. Turner  |The Fruit Press  |1916  |

|105  |Marie V. Brittan Brown  |Security System. Patent # 3,482,037  | December 2, 1969 |

|106 |Manley West |Discovered compound in canibis to cure glaucoma. |1980-1987 |

|107  |Norbett Rillieux  |Sugar Refining System  |1846  |

|108 |O.B. Clare |Rail Tresle. Patent# 390,753 |October 9, 1888 |

|109 |O. E. Brown  |Horse Shoe  |8/23/1892  |

|110  |Onesimus  |Small Pox Inoculation (He Brought This Method From |1721  |

| | |Africa Where Advance Medical Practices Were In Use | |

| | |Long Before Europeans Had Any Medical Knowledge)  | |

|111  |Otis F. Boykin  |Wire Type Precision Resistor.  | June 16, 1959 |

| | |Patent # U.S. 2,891,227 | |

|112  |Paul E  Williams  |Helicopter  |  |

|113  |Peter Walker  |Machine for Cleaning Seed Cotton  |  |

|114  |Phillip Downing  |Letter Drop Mailbox. Patent # 462,096  |October 27, 1891  |

|115  |Philip Emeagwali | Accurate Weather Forecasting  |1990  |

|116 |Philip Emeagwali |Hyperball Computer  |April 1996  |

|117 |Philip Emeagwali |Improved Petroleum Recovery  |1990  |

|118 |Philip Emeagwali |World's Fastest Computer  |1989  |

|119 |R.A. Butler |Train alarm.  Patent #157,370 |June 15, 1897 |

|120  |R.P. Scott  |Corn Silker  |1894  |

|121  |Richard Spikes  |Automatic Gear Shift  |  |

|122  |Robert Flemming Jr.  |Guitar  |March 3, 1886  |

|123 |S. H. Love |Improvement to military guns. Patent # 1301143. |22 April 1919 |

|124 |S. H. Love |Improve Vending Machine. Patent # 1936515 |November 21, 1933 |

|125  |Sara E. Goode  |Cabinet Bed  |1885  |

|126  |Rufus Stokes Patent #3,378,241  |Exhaust Purifier  |April 16, 1968  |

|127  |Sarah Boone  |Ironing Board  |April 26, 1892  |

|128  |T. Elkins  |Toilet  |1897  |

|129 |T. J. Byrd |Rail car coupling . Patent# 157,370 |December 1, 1874 |

|130  |Thomas Carrington  |Range Oven  |1876  |

|131 |Thomas J.Martin |Patented the Fire Extinguisher |March 26, 1872 |

|132  |Thomas W. Stewart  |Mop  |1893  |

|133 |Virgie M. Ammons |Fireplace Damper Actuating Tool. Patent # 3,908,633 |September 30, 1975 |

|134  |W. A. Lovette  |The Advance Printing Press  |  |

|135 |W. F. Burr |Railway Switching device . Patent # 636,197 |Oct.31,1899 |

|136 |W. H. Ballow |Combined hatrack and table. Patent # 601,422 |March 29, 1898 |

|137 |W.S. Campbell |Self-setting animal trap. Patent# 246,369 |August 30, 1881 |

|138  |W. Johnson  |Egg Beater  |1884  |

|139  |W.B. Purvis  |The Fountain Pen Patent# 419,065 |Jan 7,1890   |

|140  |W.D. Davis  |Riding Saddles  | October 6, 1895 |

|141  |W.H. Sammons  |Hot Comb  |1920  |

|142  |W.S. Grant  |Curtain Rod Support  |1896  |

|143  |William Barry  |Postmarking and Canceling machine  |  |

|144  |Wm. Harwell  |Attachment for shuttle arm; device used to capture |  |

| | |satellites  | |


Now don't leave without taking the BlACK INVENTORS QUIZ to see how good you are.

Ancient Black Inventors


|Africans |Civilization |10 000 BC or |

| | |Earlier |

|Africans |Democracy |  |

|Africans  |Chess |  |

|Africans |Alphabet |  |

|Africans |Petroleum:- petroleum was used by Kemetians(Africans) as bitume and combustile. |3000-4000 BC |

| |Petroleum was found in the mummies.The extraction and production of oil required a high | |

| |knownledge of geology,mathematiques,chimistry... | |

|Africans |Writing(hieroglyphics) Mdw Ntr |2613-2494 BC |

|Africans |Maths and Engineering  |2613-2494 BC |

|Africans |Paper (made from Papyrus) |  |

|Africans |Boats (made from Papyrus) |  |

|Africans |Pyramids |800 BC and |

| | |Earlier |

|Africans |Calendars:  Solar, Lunar, Astrological, ect. (360 days/12 months |  |

|Africans |Domestication of Animals |  |

|Africans |Art and Literature, Philosophy and Spiritual Sytems |  |

|Africans |Mining (Gold, Tin, Copper, Iron and other metals) |  |

|Imhotep |Father of Scientific  Medecine |2613-2494 BC |

|Akhenaten |Belief in one God |  |

|Africans |Stone Achitecture |2613-2494 BC |

|Africans |Sytem of Higher Education  :Universities (Timbuktu) |2 - 6 AD |

|Africans |Agriculture |  |

|Africans |Labor and Economics |  |

|Kemetic (African) |Established such principles and concepts as the Mind/Soul/Spirit, spiritual |  |

|Scholars |transformation, life and death, resurrection and after-life, Ancestralhood, immortality,| |

| |creation, universal order, ideas, will, thought, speech, memory, learning, human | |

| |development, justice, morality, human nature, self-consciousness, unconscious or | |

| |subconscious, and many others, long before the Greeks were known to exist in human | |

| |history  | |


Now don't leave without taking the BlACK INVENTORS QUIZ to see how good you are.

The Black Inventors Test

In this world that is dominated and controlled by the Eurocentric Worldview, the contributions of people of African descent to world development is maliciously ignored or hidden or even pass off as white inventions. This small test is designed mainly to expose the truth about the great contributions made by countless black inventors to the progress of humanity, since the beginning of human civilization until today. So if you think you are ready and you can pass this test because you are smart and you know all about black inventors then Jump Right In!!

Question 1

Top of Form

Who first introduced the concept of One God?


[pic]Roman Catholics


[pic]The Pope.

Bottom of Form

Question 2

Top of Form

Where was the art of writing invented?




[pic]Africa-Kemet(Ancient Egypt)

Bottom of Form

Question 3

Top of Form

Who is the true father of Medicine?





Bottom of Form

Question 4

Top of Form

The first calender known to man was found in Africa. In that calender how many days are in 12 months?

[pic]365 days

[pic]200 days

[pic]400 days

[pic]360 days

Bottom of Form

Question 5

Top of Form

Africans in Ancient Kemet, now known as Egypt first invented paper. What is the name of the material that this paper was made from?





Bottom of Form

Question 6

Top of Form

Which of the following is true?

[pic]The first known organized civilizations appeared in Africa in about 10 000 BC

[pic]The Ancient Greeks were the first civilizations

[pic]Africans did not contribute to world civilization

[pic]China is the origin of man.

Bottom of Form

Question 7

Top of Form

Which best describes Africa?

[pic]A backward place.

[pic]A continent that is poor in natural resources.

[pic]A place that only has exotic wild animals but no significant human achievements.

[pic]The original home of humanity, the cradle of civilization and intellect.

Bottom of Form

Question 8

Top of Form

Africans were the first known miners. Three metals that they mined were?

[pic]Uranium, Aluminum and Platinum

[pic]Silicon, Picth and Bauxite

[pic]Gold, Tin and Copper

[pic]None of the above

Bottom of Form

Question 9

Top of Form

Where in Africa were the world's first known Universities established?

[pic]South Africa




Bottom of Form

Question 10

Top of Form

Around what dates were the world's first Universities introduced

[pic]2-6 AD.



[pic]6-8 AD.

Bottom of Form

Question 11

Top of Form

Who created the concept of Art and Literature, Philosophy and Spiritual Sytems?





Bottom of Form

Question 12

Top of Form

Where were the first domestication of animals done?


[pic]South America.



Bottom of Form

Question 12

Top of Form

Where were the first domestication of animals done?


[pic]South America.



Question 14

Top of Form

Is it true to say Africans were the inventors of gun powder?


[pic]No the Greeks invented it.

[pic]No the Vikings invented it.

[pic]No the Chinese invented

Question 15

Top of Form

The first people to use stones in building structures were?





Question 16

Top of Form

Who invented Blood Banks and established them around the World?

[pic]Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

[pic]Marcus Garvey

[pic]Dr. Charles Drew


Question 17

Top of Form

What is the name of the black man that invented the Mechanical Seed Planter?

[pic]Andrew Beard.

[pic]Michael Jordon.

[pic]Henry Blair.

[pic]Tony martin.

Question 18

Top of Form

Norbett Rillieux invented the:

[pic]Sugar Refining System.




Question 19

Top of Form

He invented the Mechanical Corn Harvester. Who is he?

[pic]John Daily

[pic]Andrew Beard


[pic]Henry Blair

Question 20

Top of Form

Which Black Person invented the Elevator?

[pic]Michael Jackson

[pic]Alexander Miles

[pic]Granville Woods

[pic]Henry Blair

Question 21

Top of Form

What did J.S. Smith invent?


[pic]Lawn Sprinkler


[pic]Lawn Mower

Question 22

Top of Form

This household machinery was invented in 1892 by G.T. Sampson:?


[pic]Clothes Dryer



Question 23

Top of Form

Who invented the Fountain Pen in 1890?

[pic]G.T. Sampson

[pic]Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

[pic]W.B. Purvis


Question 24

Top of Form

Garret A. Morgan is credited for inventing the?


[pic]Gas Mask (Saved Many Lives During WWI)


[pic]Poison Gas

Question 26

Top of Form

Who Invented the Toggle Harpoon which revolutionized the Whaling Industry?

[pic]Lewis Temple

[pic]Colin Jones

[pic]Sammuel Jim

[pic]Steve Smith

Question 27

Top of Form

John Burr is a Black man who invented the

[pic]Lawn Mower



[pic]Lawn Spinkler

Question 28

Top of Form

The automatic gear shift revolutionized the way we drive. Who invented it?

[pic]W. Lovette.

[pic]Richard Spikes

[pic]James Cameron.

[pic]Jim Burger.

Question 29

Top of Form

The Small Pox Inoculation was brought from Africa by who?



[pic]Jan Kelly


Question 30

Top of Form

Who performed the first open heart surgery?

[pic]Andrew Beard

[pic]Daniel Steel

[pic]Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

[pic]Dr. Charles Drew

Question 31

Top of Form

In what year did L.S. Burridge And N.R. Marsham invent the typewriter?





Question 32

Top of Form

The Automatic Shoe Making Machine was invented in 1883 by?

[pic]G.W. Kelley


[pic]Jan Matzelinger


Question 34

Top of Form

The Air Condition invention was done by ?

[pic]Joseph Gammel

[pic]Frederick Jones

[pic]Semore Wilson

[pic]Richard Spikes

Question 35

Top of Form

The Refrigerator was invented by?

[pic]William Barry

[pic]John Standard

[pic]Lloyd P. Ray

[pic]Jones Spikes

Question 36

Top of Form

The Light Bulb Filament was invented by?

[pic]Phillip Downing

[pic]Barry Sanders

[pic]Lewis Howard Latimer

[pic]Lloyd P. Ray

Question 37

Top of Form

Robert Flemming Jr. invented this musical instrument?





Question 38

Top of Form

Bicycle Frames came into use since it was invented by?

[pic]T. Elkins

[pic]Issac R. Johnson

[pic]Paul E Williams

[pic]Michael Jordan

Question 39

Top of Form

The great invention of the Helicopter was done by this black man. Who was he?

[pic]Paul E Williams

[pic]Henry Sampson

[pic]Joseph N. Jackson

[pic]Longston Hughes

Question 40

Top of Form

The Cellular Phone which tremedously improved communication, was invented by?

[pic]Isaac Newton

[pic]Jim Johnston

[pic]Sammy Sosa

[pic]Henry Sampson

Question 41

Top of Form

B.F. Jackson created the?

[pic]Gas Burner

[pic]Ice Cream

[pic]Bicycle Frame


Bottom of Form

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Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Question 42

Top of Form

James S. Adams invented?


[pic]Aeroplane Propelling



Bottom of Form

Question 43

Top of Form

The toilet (commode) was invented by

[pic]T. Elkins

[pic]B.F. Jackson

[pic]James Adams

[pic]WM. Harwell

Bottom of Form

Question 44

Top of Form

Augustus Jackson invented this great food product?


[pic]Ice cream



Question 45

Top of Form

J. Gregory invented the?


[pic]steering wheel


[pic]car seat

Question 46

Top of Form

The Fire Escape Ladder was invented by?


[pic]Henry Sampson

[pic]J.B. Winters

[pic]Jay Norman

Question 47

Top of Form

The cattle roping apparatus was created by?

[pic]Darryl Thomas

[pic]Griffin Jones


[pic]Sara E. Goode

Question 48

Top of Form

Choose the popular school or office equipment that was invented by J.L. Love




[pic]Pencil Sharpener

Question 49

Top of Form

C.B. Brook invented the?

[pic]The tractor


[pic]street sweeper


Question 50

Top of Form

Who was well known for her hair products invention

[pic]Madam C.J. Walker

[pic]Marry Blackman

[pic]Jilly James

[pic]Harriet Tudman

Question 51

Top of Form

The Portable X-Ray Machine was created by

[pic]Frederick Jones

[pic]Granville Woods

[pic]James Jones


Question 52

Top of Form

The Egg Beater was invented by

[pic]W. Johnson

[pic]W.H. Sammons


[pic]Steve Johns

Question 53

Top of Form

Caps for Bottles and Jars were invented by

[pic]Stokely Carmichael

[pic]Andrew Long

[pic]Wilbert Johnson

[pic]A.E. Long and A.A. Jones

Question 54

Top of Form

Choose the object that was invented by W.H. Sammons:

[pic]Hot Comb


[pic]Hair Clip


You scored 32/54 correctly.

You scored 32/54 correctly.

Here is how you scored:

Question 1

Who first introduced the concept of One God?

a. Moses

b. Roman Catholics

c. Akhenaten

d. The Pope.

You answered this correctly.

Question 2

Where was the art of writing invented?

a. Europe

b. America

c. China

d. Africa-Kemet(Ancient Egypt)

You answered this correctly.

Question 3

Who is the true father of Medicine?

a. Imhotep

b. Hypocrates

c. Newton

d. Sacrotes

You answered this correctly.

Question 4

The first calender known to man was found in Africa. In that calender how many days are in 12 months?

a. 365 days

b. 200 days

c. 400 days

d. 360 days

The correct answer is: d

Question 5

Africans in Ancient Kemet, now known as Egypt first invented paper. What is the name of the material that this paper was made from?

a. Papyrus

b. Wood

c. Stone

d. Cotton

You answered this correctly.

Question 6

Which of the following is true?

a. The first known organized civilizations appeared in Africa in about 10 000 BC

b. The Ancient Greeks were the first civilizations

c. Africans did not contribute to world civilization

d. China is the origin of man.

You answered this correctly.

Question 7

Which best describes Africa?

a. A backward place.

b. A continent that is poor in natural resources.

c. A place that only has exotic wild animals but no significant human achievements.

d. The original home of humanity, the cradle of civilization and intellect.

You answered this correctly.

Question 8

Africans were the first known miners. Three metals that they mined were?

a. Uranium, Aluminum and Platinum

b. Silicon, Picth and Bauxite

c. Gold, Tin and Copper

d. None of the above

You answered this correctly.

Question 9

Where in Africa were the world's first known Universities established?

a. South Africa

b. Kenya

c. Congo

d. Timbuktu

You answered this correctly.

Question 10

Around what dates were the world's first Universities introduced

a. 2-6 AD.

b. 1880-1890.

c. 1200-1300

d. 6-8 AD.

You answered this correctly.

Question 11

Who created the concept of Art and Literature, Philosophy and Spiritual Sytems?

a. Greeks

b. Africans

c. Chinese

d. Mayans

You answered this correctly.

Question 12

Where were the first domestication of animals done?

a. Asia.

b. South America.

c. Africa.

d. Arabia.

You answered this correctly.

Question 13

Africans created Math and Engineering. Is this a true statement?

a. Impossible. This is a sick joke.

b. The Chinese did it.

c. The Greeks did it.

d. Yes, it is evident in the building of the pyramids.

You answered this correctly.

Question 14

Is it true to say Africans were the inventors of gun powder?

a. Yes.

b. No the Greeks invented it.

c. No the Vikings invented it.

d. No the Chinese invented.

You answered this correctly.

Question 15

The first people to use stones in building structures were?

a. Americans.

b. Africans.

c. Europeans.

d. Australians.

You answered this correctly.

Question 16

Who invented Blood Banks and established them around the World?

a. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

b. Marcus Garvey

c. Dr. Charles Drew

d. Newton

You answered this correctly.

Question 17

What is the name of the black man that invented the Mechanical Seed Planter?

a. Andrew Beard.

b. Michael Jordon.

c. Henry Blair.

d. Tony martin.

You answered this correctly.

Question 18

Norbett Rillieux invented the:

a. Sugar Refining System.

b. Boats.

c. Computers.

d. Refrigerators.

You answered this correctly.

Question 19

He invented the Mechanical Corn Harvester. Who is he?

a. John Daily

b. Andrew Beard

c. Manley

d. Henry Blair

The correct answer is: d

Question 20

Which Black Person invented the Elevator?

a. Michael Jackson

b. Alexander Miles

c. Granville Woods

d. Henry Blair

The correct answer is: b

Question 21

What did J.S. Smith invent?

a. Parachute

b. Lawn Sprinkler

c. Cars

d. Lawn Mower

You answered this correctly.

Question 22

This household machinery was invented in 1892 by G.T. Sampson:?

a. Computer

b. Clothes Dryer

c. Table

d. Microwave

The correct answer is: b

Question 23

Who invented the Fountain Pen in 1890?

a. G.T. Sampson

b. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

c. W.B. Purvis

d. Chinese

The correct answer is: c

Question 24

Garret A. Morgan is credited for inventing the?

a. Gun

b. Gas Mask (Saved Many Lives During WWI)

c. Harpoon

d. Poison Gas

You answered this correctly.

Question 25

Garret A. Morgan was a genius for also inventing the

a. Automatic Traffic Signal

b. Sailing Boat

c. Light Bulb

d. Sprinkler

The correct answer is: a

Question 26

Who Invented the Toggle Harpoon which revolutionized the Whaling Industry?

a. Lewis Temple

b. Colin Jones

c. Sammuel Jim

d. Steve Smith

You answered this correctly.

Question 27

John Burr is a Black man who invented the

a. Lawn Mower

b. Fork

c. Cutlass

d. Lawn Spinkler

You answered this correctly.

Question 28

The automatic gear shift revolutionized the way we drive. Who invented it?

a. W. Lovette.

b. Richard Spikes

c. James Cameron.

d. Jim Burger.

The correct answer is: b

Question 29

The Small Pox Inoculation was brought from Africa by who?

a. Mandela

b. Clayton

c. Jan Kelly

d. Onesimus

You answered this correctly.

Question 30

Who performed the first open heart surgery?

a. Andrew Beard

b. Daniel Steel

c. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

d. Dr. Charles Drew

You answered this correctly.

Question 31

In what year did L.S. Burridge And N.R. Marsham invent the typewriter?

a. 1885

b. 1880

c. 1990

d. 1500

The correct answer is: a

Question 32

The Automatic Shoe Making Machine was invented in 1883 by?

a. G.W. Kelley

b. Onesimus

c. Jan Matzelinger

d. Lovette

You answered this correctly.

Question 33

Alice Parker is credited for inventing the?

a. The Trolley

b. Heating Furnace

c. Engine

d. Gear Shift

You answered this correctly.

Question 34

The Air Condition invention was done by ?

a. Joseph Gammel

b. Frederick Jones

c. Semore Wilson

d. Richard Spikes

The correct answer is: b

Question 35

The Refrigerator was invented by?

a. William Barry

b. John Standard

c. Lloyd P. Ray

d. Jones Spikes

The correct answer is: b

Question 36

The Light Bulb Filament was invented by?

a. Phillip Downing

b. Barry Sanders

c. Lewis Howard Latimer

d. Lloyd P. Ray

You answered this correctly.

Question 37

Robert Flemming Jr. invented this musical instrument?

a. Piano

b. Drum

c. Trumpet

d. Guitar

You answered this correctly.

Question 38

Bicycle Frames came into use since it was invented by?

a. T. Elkins

b. Issac R. Johnson

c. Paul E Williams

d. Michael Jordan

You answered this correctly.

Question 39

The great invention of the Helicopter was done by this black man. Who was he?

a. Paul E Williams

b. Henry Sampson

c. Joseph N. Jackson

d. Longston Hughes

The correct answer is: a

Question 40

The Cellular Phone which tremedously improved communication, was invented by?

a. Isaac Newton

b. Jim Johnston

c. Sammy Sosa

d. Henry Sampson

The correct answer is: d

Question 41

B.F. Jackson created the?

a. Gas Burner

b. Ice Cream

c. Bicycle Frame

d. Computer

The correct answer is: a

Question 42

James S. Adams invented?

a. Muffler

b. Aeroplane Propelling

c. Jets

d. Spoons

The correct answer is: b

Question 43

The toilet (commode) was invented by

a. T. Elkins

b. B.F. Jackson

c. James Adams

d. WM. Harwell

The correct answer is: a

Question 44

Augustus Jackson invented this great food product?

a. Bread

b. Ice cream

c. Cakes

d. Milk

You answered this correctly.

Question 45

J. Gregory invented the?

a. motor

b. steering wheel

c. bulbs

d. car seat

The correct answer is: a

Question 46

The Fire Escape Ladder was invented by?

a. J.Gregory

b. Henry Sampson

c. J.B. Winters

d. Jay Norman

You answered this correctly.

Question 47

The cattle roping apparatus was created by?

a. Darryl Thomas

b. Griffin Jones

c. J.Winters

d. Sara E. Goode

The correct answer is: a

Question 48

Choose the popular school or office equipment that was invented by J.L. Love

a. Table

b. computer

c. Pen

d. Pencil Sharpener

You answered this correctly.

Question 49

C.B. Brook invented the?

a. The tractor

b. broom

c. street sweeper

d. stove

The correct answer is: c

Question 50

Who was well known for her hair products invention

a. Madam C.J. Walker

b. Marry Blackman

c. Jilly James

d. Harriet Tudman

You answered this correctly.

Question 51

The Portable X-Ray Machine was created by

a. Frederick Jones

b. Granville Woods

c. James Jones

d. Jimmy

The correct answer is: a

Question 52

The Egg Beater was invented by

a. W. Johnson

b. W.H. Sammons

c. J.H.White

d. Steve Johns

The correct answer is: a

Question 53

Caps for Bottles and Jars were invented by

a. Stokely Carmichael

b. Andrew Long

c. Wilbert Johnson

d. A.E. Long and A.A. Jones

The correct answer is: d

Question 54

Choose the object that was invented by W.H. Sammons:

a. Hot Comb

b. Shampoo

c. Hair Clip

d. Soap

The correct answer is: a

Your Ranking

If you did well, congratulations! You have a good grasp of Black Inventors History. If not, don't worry just go to the Black Inventors Page and review the many Black Inventors. This test was designed mainly to share and expose many of the good things Black People have done. You can always Retake it. Here is how you scored:

Question 1

Who first introduced the concept of One God?

a. Moses

b. Roman Catholics

c. Akhenaten

d. The Pope.

You answered this correctly.

Question 2

Where was the art of writing invented?

a. Europe

b. America

c. China

d. Africa-Kemet(Ancient Egypt)

You answered this correctly.

Question 3

Who is the true father of Medicine?

a. Imhotep

b. Hypocrates

c. Newton

d. Sacrotes

You answered this correctly.

Question 4

The first calender known to man was found in Africa. In that calender how many days are in 12 months?

a. 365 days

b. 200 days

c. 400 days

d. 360 days

The correct answer is: d

Question 5

Africans in Ancient Kemet, now known as Egypt first invented paper. What is the name of the material that this paper was made from?

a. Papyrus

b. Wood

c. Stone

d. Cotton

You answered this correctly.

Question 6

Which of the following is true?

a. The first known organized civilizations appeared in Africa in about 10 000 BC

b. The Ancient Greeks were the first civilizations

c. Africans did not contribute to world civilization

d. China is the origin of man.

You answered this correctly.

Question 7

Which best describes Africa?

a. A backward place.

b. A continent that is poor in natural resources.

c. A place that only has exotic wild animals but no significant human achievements.

d. The original home of humanity, the cradle of civilization and intellect.

You answered this correctly.

Question 8

Africans were the first known miners. Three metals that they mined were?

a. Uranium, Aluminum and Platinum

b. Silicon, Picth and Bauxite

c. Gold, Tin and Copper

d. None of the above

You answered this correctly.

Question 9

Where in Africa were the world's first known Universities established?

a. South Africa

b. Kenya

c. Congo

d. Timbuktu

You answered this correctly.

Question 10

Around what dates were the world's first Universities introduced

a. 2-6 AD.

b. 1880-1890.

c. 1200-1300

d. 6-8 AD.

You answered this correctly.

Question 11

Who created the concept of Art and Literature, Philosophy and Spiritual Sytems?

a. Greeks

b. Africans

c. Chinese

d. Mayans

You answered this correctly.

Question 12

Where were the first domestication of animals done?

a. Asia.

b. South America.

c. Africa.

d. Arabia.

You answered this correctly.

Question 13

Africans created Math and Engineering. Is this a true statement?

a. Impossible. This is a sick joke.

b. The Chinese did it.

c. The Greeks did it.

d. Yes, it is evident in the building of the pyramids.

You answered this correctly.

Question 14

Is it true to say Africans were the inventors of gun powder?

a. Yes.

b. No the Greeks invented it.

c. No the Vikings invented it.

d. No the Chinese invented.

You answered this correctly.

Question 15

The first people to use stones in building structures were?

a. Americans.

b. Africans.

c. Europeans.

d. Australians.

You answered this correctly.

Question 16

Who invented Blood Banks and established them around the World?

a. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

b. Marcus Garvey

c. Dr. Charles Drew

d. Newton

You answered this correctly.

Question 17

What is the name of the black man that invented the Mechanical Seed Planter?

a. Andrew Beard.

b. Michael Jordon.

c. Henry Blair.

d. Tony martin.

You answered this correctly.

Question 18

Norbett Rillieux invented the:

a. Sugar Refining System.

b. Boats.

c. Computers.

d. Refrigerators.

You answered this correctly.

Question 19

He invented the Mechanical Corn Harvester. Who is he?

a. John Daily

b. Andrew Beard

c. Manley

d. Henry Blair

The correct answer is: d

Question 20

Which Black Person invented the Elevator?

a. Michael Jackson

b. Alexander Miles

c. Granville Woods

d. Henry Blair

The correct answer is: b

Question 21

What did J.S. Smith invent?

a. Parachute

b. Lawn Sprinkler

c. Cars

d. Lawn Mower

You answered this correctly.

Question 22

This household machinery was invented in 1892 by G.T. Sampson:?

a. Computer

b. Clothes Dryer

c. Table

d. Microwave

The correct answer is: b

Question 23

Who invented the Fountain Pen in 1890?

a. G.T. Sampson

b. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

c. W.B. Purvis

d. Chinese

The correct answer is: c

Question 24

Garret A. Morgan is credited for inventing the?

a. Gun

b. Gas Mask (Saved Many Lives During WWI)

c. Harpoon

d. Poison Gas

You answered this correctly.

Question 25

Garret A. Morgan was a genius for also inventing the

a. Automatic Traffic Signal

b. Sailing Boat

c. Light Bulb

d. Sprinkler

The correct answer is: a

Question 26

Who Invented the Toggle Harpoon which revolutionized the Whaling Industry?

a. Lewis Temple

b. Colin Jones

c. Sammuel Jim

d. Steve Smith

You answered this correctly.

Question 27

John Burr is a Black man who invented the

a. Lawn Mower

b. Fork

c. Cutlass

d. Lawn Spinkler

You answered this correctly.

Question 28

The automatic gear shift revolutionized the way we drive. Who invented it?

a. W. Lovette.

b. Richard Spikes

c. James Cameron.

d. Jim Burger.

The correct answer is: b

Question 29

The Small Pox Inoculation was brought from Africa by who?

a. Mandela

b. Clayton

c. Jan Kelly

d. Onesimus

You answered this correctly.

Question 30

Who performed the first open heart surgery?

a. Andrew Beard

b. Daniel Steel

c. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

d. Dr. Charles Drew

You answered this correctly.

Question 31

In what year did L.S. Burridge And N.R. Marsham invent the typewriter?

a. 1885

b. 1880

c. 1990

d. 1500

The correct answer is: a

Question 32

The Automatic Shoe Making Machine was invented in 1883 by?

a. G.W. Kelley

b. Onesimus

c. Jan Matzelinger

d. Lovette

You answered this correctly.

Question 33

Alice Parker is credited for inventing the?

a. The Trolley

b. Heating Furnace

c. Engine

d. Gear Shift

You answered this correctly.

Question 34

The Air Condition invention was done by ?

a. Joseph Gammel

b. Frederick Jones

c. Semore Wilson

d. Richard Spikes

The correct answer is: b

Question 35

The Refrigerator was invented by?

a. William Barry

b. John Standard

c. Lloyd P. Ray

d. Jones Spikes

The correct answer is: b

Question 36

The Light Bulb Filament was invented by?

a. Phillip Downing

b. Barry Sanders

c. Lewis Howard Latimer

d. Lloyd P. Ray

You answered this correctly.

Question 37

Robert Flemming Jr. invented this musical instrument?

a. Piano

b. Drum

c. Trumpet

d. Guitar

You answered this correctly.

Question 38

Bicycle Frames came into use since it was invented by?

a. T. Elkins

b. Issac R. Johnson

c. Paul E Williams

d. Michael Jordan

You answered this correctly.

Question 39

The great invention of the Helicopter was done by this black man. Who was he?

a. Paul E Williams

b. Henry Sampson

c. Joseph N. Jackson

d. Longston Hughes

The correct answer is: a

Question 40

The Cellular Phone which tremedously improved communication, was invented by?

a. Isaac Newton

b. Jim Johnston

c. Sammy Sosa

d. Henry Sampson

The correct answer is: d

Question 41

B.F. Jackson created the?

a. Gas Burner

b. Ice Cream

c. Bicycle Frame

d. Computer

The correct answer is: a

Question 42

James S. Adams invented?

a. Muffler

b. Aeroplane Propelling

c. Jets

d. Spoons

The correct answer is: b

Question 43

The toilet (commode) was invented by

a. T. Elkins

b. B.F. Jackson

c. James Adams

d. WM. Harwell

The correct answer is: a

Question 44

Augustus Jackson invented this great food product?

a. Bread

b. Ice cream

c. Cakes

d. Milk

You answered this correctly.

Question 45

J. Gregory invented the?

a. motor

b. steering wheel

c. bulbs

d. car seat

The correct answer is: a

Question 46

The Fire Escape Ladder was invented by?

a. J.Gregory

b. Henry Sampson

c. J.B. Winters

d. Jay Norman

You answered this correctly.

Question 47

The cattle roping apparatus was created by?

a. Darryl Thomas

b. Griffin Jones

c. J.Winters

d. Sara E. Goode

The correct answer is: a

Question 48

Choose the popular school or office equipment that was invented by J.L. Love

a. Table

b. computer

c. Pen

d. Pencil Sharpener

You answered this correctly.

Question 49

C.B. Brook invented the?

a. The tractor

b. broom

c. street sweeper

d. stove

The correct answer is: c

Question 50

Who was well known for her hair products invention

a. Madam C.J. Walker

b. Marry Blackman

c. Jilly James

d. Harriet Tudman

You answered this correctly.

Question 51

The Portable X-Ray Machine was created by

a. Frederick Jones

b. Granville Woods

c. James Jones

d. Jimmy

The correct answer is: a

Question 52

The Egg Beater was invented by

a. W. Johnson

b. W.H. Sammons

c. J.H.White

d. Steve Johns

The correct answer is: a

Question 53

Caps for Bottles and Jars were invented by

a. Stokely Carmichael

b. Andrew Long

c. Wilbert Johnson

d. A.E. Long and A.A. Jones

The correct answer is: d

Question 54

Choose the object that was invented by W.H. Sammons:

a. Hot Comb

b. Shampoo

c. Hair Clip

d. Soap

The correct answer is: a

Your Ranking

If you did well, congratulations! You have a good grasp of Black Inventors History. If not, don't worry just go to the Black Inventors Page and review the many Black Inventors. This test was designed mainly to share and expose many of the good things Black People have done. You can always Retake it. Here is how you scored:

Question 1

Who first introduced the concept of One God?

a. Moses

b. Roman Catholics

c. Akhenaten

d. The Pope.

You answered this correctlyRanking: You are good but you could be better.

Here is how you scored:

Question 1

Who first introduced the concept of One God?

a. Moses

b. Roman Catholics

c. Akhenaten

d. The Pope.

You answered this correctly.

Question 2

Where was the art of writing invented?

a. Europe

b. America

c. China

d. Africa-Kemet(Ancient Egypt)

You answered this correctly.

Question 3

Who is the true father of Medicine?

a. Imhotep

b. Hypocrates

c. Newton

d. Sacrotes

You answered this correctly.

Question 4

The first calender known to man was found in Africa. In that calender how many days are in 12 months?

a. 365 days

b. 200 days

c. 400 days

d. 360 days

The correct answer is: d

Question 5

Africans in Ancient Kemet, now known as Egypt first invented paper. What is the name of the material that this paper was made from?

a. Papyrus

b. Wood

c. Stone

d. Cotton

You answered this correctly.

Question 6

Which of the following is true?

a. The first known organized civilizations appeared in Africa in about 10 000 BC

b. The Ancient Greeks were the first civilizations

c. Africans did not contribute to world civilization

d. China is the origin of man.

You answered this correctly.

Question 7

Which best describes Africa?

a. A backward place.

b. A continent that is poor in natural resources.

c. A place that only has exotic wild animals but no significant human achievements.

d. The original home of humanity, the cradle of civilization and intellect.

You answered this correctly.

Question 8

Africans were the first known miners. Three metals that they mined were?

a. Uranium, Aluminum and Platinum

b. Silicon, Picth and Bauxite

c. Gold, Tin and Copper

d. None of the above

You answered this correctly.

Question 9

Where in Africa were the world's first known Universities established?

a. South Africa

b. Kenya

c. Congo

d. Timbuktu

You answered this correctly.

Question 10

Around what dates were the world's first Universities introduced

a. 2-6 AD.

b. 1880-1890.

c. 1200-1300

d. 6-8 AD.

You answered this correctly.

Question 11

Who created the concept of Art and Literature, Philosophy and Spiritual Sytems?

a. Greeks

b. Africans

c. Chinese

d. Mayans

You answered this correctly.

Question 12

Where were the first domestication of animals done?

a. Asia.

b. South America.

c. Africa.

d. Arabia.

You answered this correctly.

Question 13

Africans created Math and Engineering. Is this a true statement?

a. Impossible. This is a sick joke.

b. The Chinese did it.

c. The Greeks did it.

d. Yes, it is evident in the building of the pyramids.

You answered this correctly.

Question 14

Is it true to say Africans were the inventors of gun powder?

a. Yes.

b. No the Greeks invented it.

c. No the Vikings invented it.

d. No the Chinese invented.

You answered this correctly.

Question 15

The first people to use stones in building structures were?

a. Americans.

b. Africans.

c. Europeans.

d. Australians.

You answered this correctly.

Question 16

Who invented Blood Banks and established them around the World?

a. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

b. Marcus Garvey

c. Dr. Charles Drew

d. Newton

You answered this correctly.

Question 17

What is the name of the black man that invented the Mechanical Seed Planter?

a. Andrew Beard.

b. Michael Jordon.

c. Henry Blair.

d. Tony martin.

You answered this correctly.

Question 18

Norbett Rillieux invented the:

a. Sugar Refining System.

b. Boats.

c. Computers.

d. Refrigerators.

You answered this correctly.

Question 19

He invented the Mechanical Corn Harvester. Who is he?

a. John Daily

b. Andrew Beard

c. Manley

d. Henry Blair

The correct answer is: d

Question 20

Which Black Person invented the Elevator?

a. Michael Jackson

b. Alexander Miles

c. Granville Woods

d. Henry Blair

The correct answer is: b

Question 21

What did J.S. Smith invent?

a. Parachute

b. Lawn Sprinkler

c. Cars

d. Lawn Mower

You answered this correctly.

Question 22

This household machinery was invented in 1892 by G.T. Sampson:?

a. Computer

b. Clothes Dryer

c. Table

d. Microwave

The correct answer is: b

Question 23

Who invented the Fountain Pen in 1890?

a. G.T. Sampson

b. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

c. W.B. Purvis

d. Chinese

The correct answer is: c

Question 24

Garret A. Morgan is credited for inventing the?

a. Gun

b. Gas Mask (Saved Many Lives During WWI)

c. Harpoon

d. Poison Gas

You answered this correctly.

Question 25

Garret A. Morgan was a genius for also inventing the

a. Automatic Traffic Signal

b. Sailing Boat

c. Light Bulb

d. Sprinkler

The correct answer is: a

Question 26

Who Invented the Toggle Harpoon which revolutionized the Whaling Industry?

a. Lewis Temple

b. Colin Jones

c. Sammuel Jim

d. Steve Smith

You answered this correctly.

Question 27

John Burr is a Black man who invented the

a. Lawn Mower

b. Fork

c. Cutlass

d. Lawn Spinkler

You answered this correctly.

Question 28

The automatic gear shift revolutionized the way we drive. Who invented it?

a. W. Lovette.

b. Richard Spikes

c. James Cameron.

d. Jim Burger.

The correct answer is: b

Question 29

The Small Pox Inoculation was brought from Africa by who?

a. Mandela

b. Clayton

c. Jan Kelly

d. Onesimus

You answered this correctly.

Question 30

Who performed the first open heart surgery?

a. Andrew Beard

b. Daniel Steel

c. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

d. Dr. Charles Drew

You answered this correctly.

Question 31

In what year did L.S. Burridge And N.R. Marsham invent the typewriter?

a. 1885

b. 1880

c. 1990

d. 1500

The correct answer is: a

Question 32

The Automatic Shoe Making Machine was invented in 1883 by?

a. G.W. Kelley

b. Onesimus

c. Jan Matzelinger

d. Lovette

You answered this correctly.

Question 33

Alice Parker is credited for inventing the?

a. The Trolley

b. Heating Furnace

c. Engine

d. Gear Shift

You answered this correctly.

Question 34

The Air Condition invention was done by ?

a. Joseph Gammel

b. Frederick Jones

c. Semore Wilson

d. Richard Spikes

The correct answer is: b

Question 35

The Refrigerator was invented by?

a. William Barry

b. John Standard

c. Lloyd P. Ray

d. Jones Spikes

The correct answer is: b

Question 36

The Light Bulb Filament was invented by?

a. Phillip Downing

b. Barry Sanders

c. Lewis Howard Latimer

d. Lloyd P. Ray

You answered this correctly.

Question 37

Robert Flemming Jr. invented this musical instrument?

a. Piano

b. Drum

c. Trumpet

d. Guitar

You answered this correctly.

Question 38

Bicycle Frames came into use since it was invented by?

a. T. Elkins

b. Issac R. Johnson

c. Paul E Williams

d. Michael Jordan

You answered this correctly.

Question 39

The great invention of the Helicopter was done by this black man. Who was he?

a. Paul E Williams

b. Henry Sampson

c. Joseph N. Jackson

d. Longston Hughes

The correct answer is: a

Question 40

The Cellular Phone which tremedously improved communication, was invented by?

a. Isaac Newton

b. Jim Johnston

c. Sammy Sosa

d. Henry Sampson

The correct answer is: d

Question 41

B.F. Jackson created the?

a. Gas Burner

b. Ice Cream

c. Bicycle Frame

d. Computer

The correct answer is: a

Question 42

James S. Adams invented?

a. Muffler

b. Aeroplane Propelling

c. Jets

d. Spoons

The correct answer is: b

Question 43

The toilet (commode) was invented by

a. T. Elkins

b. B.F. Jackson

c. James Adams

d. WM. Harwell

The correct answer is: a

Question 44

Augustus Jackson invented this great food product?

a. Bread

b. Ice cream

c. Cakes

d. Milk

You answered this correctly.

Question 45

J. Gregory invented the?

a. motor

b. steering wheel

c. bulbs

d. car seat

The correct answer is: a

Question 46

The Fire Escape Ladder was invented by?

a. J.Gregory

b. Henry Sampson

c. J.B. Winters

d. Jay Norman

You answered this correctly.

Question 47

The cattle roping apparatus was created by?

a. Darryl Thomas

b. Griffin Jones

c. J.Winters

d. Sara E. Goode

The correct answer is: a

Question 48

Choose the popular school or office equipment that was invented by J.L. Love

a. Table

b. computer

c. Pen

d. Pencil Sharpener

You answered this correctly.

Question 49

C.B. Brook invented the?

a. The tractor

b. broom

c. street sweeper

d. stove

The correct answer is: c

Question 50

Who was well known for her hair products invention

a. Madam C.J. Walker

b. Marry Blackman

c. Jilly James

d. Harriet Tudman

You answered this correctly.

Question 51

The Portable X-Ray Machine was created by

a. Frederick Jones

b. Granville Woods

c. James Jones

d. Jimmy

The correct answer is: a

Question 52

The Egg Beater was invented by

a. W. Johnson

b. W.H. Sammons

c. J.H.White

d. Steve Johns

The correct answer is: a

Question 53

Caps for Bottles and Jars were invented by

a. Stokely Carmichael

b. Andrew Long

c. Wilbert Johnson

d. A.E. Long and A.A. Jones

The correct answer is: d

Question 54

Choose the object that was invented by W.H. Sammons:

a. Hot Comb

b. Shampoo

c. Hair Clip

d. Soap

The correct answer is: a

Your Ranking

If you did well, congratulations! You have a good grasp of Black Inventors History. If not, don't worry just go to the Black Inventors Page and review the many Black Inventors. This test was designed mainly to share and expose many of the good things Black People have done. You can always Retake it. Ranking: You are good but you could be better.

Here is how you scored:

Question 1

Who first introduced the concept of One God?

a. Moses

b. Roman Catholics

c. Akhenaten

d. The Pope.

You answered this correctly.

Question 2

Where was the art of writing invented?

a. Europe

b. America

c. China

d. Africa-Kemet(Ancient Egypt)

You answered this correctly.

Question 3

Who is the true father of Medicine?

a. Imhotep

b. Hypocrates

c. Newton

d. Sacrotes

You answered this correctly.

Question 4

The first calender known to man was found in Africa. In that calender how many days are in 12 months?

a. 365 days

b. 200 days

c. 400 days

d. 360 days

The correct answer is: d

Question 5

Africans in Ancient Kemet, now known as Egypt first invented paper. What is the name of the material that this paper was made from?

a. Papyrus

b. Wood

c. Stone

d. Cotton

You answered this correctly.

Question 6

Which of the following is true?

a. The first known organized civilizations appeared in Africa in about 10 000 BC

b. The Ancient Greeks were the first civilizations

c. Africans did not contribute to world civilization

d. China is the origin of man.

You answered this correctly.

Question 7

Which best describes Africa?

a. A backward place.

b. A continent that is poor in natural resources.

c. A place that only has exotic wild animals but no significant human achievements.

d. The original home of humanity, the cradle of civilization and intellect.

You answered this correctly.

Question 8

Africans were the first known miners. Three metals that they mined were?

a. Uranium, Aluminum and Platinum

b. Silicon, Picth and Bauxite

c. Gold, Tin and Copper

d. None of the above

You answered this correctly.

Question 9

Where in Africa were the world's first known Universities established?

a. South Africa

b. Kenya

c. Congo

d. Timbuktu

You answered this correctly.

Question 10

Around what dates were the world's first Universities introduced

a. 2-6 AD.

b. 1880-1890.

c. 1200-1300

d. 6-8 AD.

You answered this correctly.

Question 11

Who created the concept of Art and Literature, Philosophy and Spiritual Sytems?

a. Greeks

b. Africans

c. Chinese

d. Mayans

You answered this correctly.

Question 12

Where were the first domestication of animals done?

a. Asia.

b. South America.

c. Africa.

d. Arabia.

You answered this correctly.

Question 13

Africans created Math and Engineering. Is this a true statement?

a. Impossible. This is a sick joke.

b. The Chinese did it.

c. The Greeks did it.

d. Yes, it is evident in the building of the pyramids.

You answered this correctly.

Question 14

Is it true to say Africans were the inventors of gun powder?

a. Yes.

b. No the Greeks invented it.

c. No the Vikings invented it.

d. No the Chinese invented.

You answered this correctly.

Question 15

The first people to use stones in building structures were?

a. Americans.

b. Africans.

c. Europeans.

d. Australians.

You answered this correctly.

Question 16

Who invented Blood Banks and established them around the World?

a. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

b. Marcus Garvey

c. Dr. Charles Drew

d. Newton

You answered this correctly.

Question 17

What is the name of the black man that invented the Mechanical Seed Planter?

a. Andrew Beard.

b. Michael Jordon.

c. Henry Blair.

d. Tony martin.

You answered this correctly.

Question 18

Norbett Rillieux invented the:

a. Sugar Refining System.

b. Boats.

c. Computers.

d. Refrigerators.

You answered this correctly.

Question 19

He invented the Mechanical Corn Harvester. Who is he?

a. John Daily

b. Andrew Beard

c. Manley

d. Henry Blair

The correct answer is: d

Question 20

Which Black Person invented the Elevator?

a. Michael Jackson

b. Alexander Miles

c. Granville Woods

d. Henry Blair

The correct answer is: b

Question 21

What did J.S. Smith invent?

a. Parachute

b. Lawn Sprinkler

c. Cars

d. Lawn Mower

You answered this correctly.

Question 22

This household machinery was invented in 1892 by G.T. Sampson:?

a. Computer

b. Clothes Dryer

c. Table

d. Microwave

The correct answer is: b

Question 23

Who invented the Fountain Pen in 1890?

a. G.T. Sampson

b. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

c. W.B. Purvis

d. Chinese

The correct answer is: c

Question 24

Garret A. Morgan is credited for inventing the?

a. Gun

b. Gas Mask (Saved Many Lives During WWI)

c. Harpoon

d. Poison Gas

You answered this correctly.

Question 25

Garret A. Morgan was a genius for also inventing the

a. Automatic Traffic Signal

b. Sailing Boat

c. Light Bulb

d. Sprinkler

The correct answer is: a

Question 26

Who Invented the Toggle Harpoon which revolutionized the Whaling Industry?

a. Lewis Temple

b. Colin Jones

c. Sammuel Jim

d. Steve Smith

You answered this correctly.

Question 27

John Burr is a Black man who invented the

a. Lawn Mower

b. Fork

c. Cutlass

d. Lawn Spinkler

You answered this correctly.

Question 28

The automatic gear shift revolutionized the way we drive. Who invented it?

a. W. Lovette.

b. Richard Spikes

c. James Cameron.

d. Jim Burger.

The correct answer is: b

Question 29

The Small Pox Inoculation was brought from Africa by who?

a. Mandela

b. Clayton

c. Jan Kelly

d. Onesimus

You answered this correctly.

Question 30

Who performed the first open heart surgery?

a. Andrew Beard

b. Daniel Steel

c. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

d. Dr. Charles Drew

You answered this correctly.

Question 31

In what year did L.S. Burridge And N.R. Marsham invent the typewriter?

a. 1885

b. 1880

c. 1990

d. 1500

The correct answer is: a

Question 32

The Automatic Shoe Making Machine was invented in 1883 by?

a. G.W. Kelley

b. Onesimus

c. Jan Matzelinger

d. Lovette

You answered this correctly.

Question 33

Alice Parker is credited for inventing the?

a. The Trolley

b. Heating Furnace

c. Engine

d. Gear Shift

You answered this correctly.

Question 34

The Air Condition invention was done by ?

a. Joseph Gammel

b. Frederick Jones

c. Semore Wilson

d. Richard Spikes

The correct answer is: b

Question 35

The Refrigerator was invented by?

a. William Barry

b. John Standard

c. Lloyd P. Ray

d. Jones Spikes

The correct answer is: b

Question 36

The Light Bulb Filament was invented by?

a. Phillip Downing

b. Barry Sanders

c. Lewis Howard Latimer

d. Lloyd P. Ray

You answered this correctly.

Question 37

Robert Flemming Jr. invented this musical instrument?

a. Piano

b. Drum

c. Trumpet

d. Guitar

You answered this correctly.

Question 38

Bicycle Frames came into use since it was invented by?

a. T. Elkins

b. Issac R. Johnson

c. Paul E Williams

d. Michael Jordan

You answered this correctly.

Question 39

The great invention of the Helicopter was done by this black man. Who was he?

a. Paul E Williams

b. Henry Sampson

c. Joseph N. Jackson

d. Longston Hughes

The correct answer is: a

Question 40

The Cellular Phone which tremedously improved communication, was invented by?

a. Isaac Newton

b. Jim Johnston

c. Sammy Sosa

d. Henry Sampson

The correct answer is: d

Question 41

B.F. Jackson created the?

a. Gas Burner

b. Ice Cream

c. Bicycle Frame

d. Computer

The correct answer is: a

Question 42

James S. Adams invented?

a. Muffler

b. Aeroplane Propelling

c. Jets

d. Spoons

The correct answer is: b

Question 43

The toilet (commode) was invented by

a. T. Elkins

b. B.F. Jackson

c. James Adams

d. WM. Harwell

The correct answer is: a

Question 44

Augustus Jackson invented this great food product?

a. Bread

b. Ice cream

c. Cakes

d. Milk

You answered this correctly.

Question 45

J. Gregory invented the?

a. motor

b. steering wheel

c. bulbs

d. car seat

The correct answer is: a

Question 46

The Fire Escape Ladder was invented by?

a. J.Gregory

b. Henry Sampson

c. J.B. Winters

d. Jay Norman

You answered this correctly.

Question 47

The cattle roping apparatus was created by?

a. Darryl Thomas

b. Griffin Jones

c. J.Winters

d. Sara E. Goode

The correct answer is: a

Question 48

Choose the popular school or office equipment that was invented by J.L. Love

a. Table

b. computer

c. Pen

d. Pencil Sharpener

You answered this correctly.

Question 49

C.B. Brook invented the?

a. The tractor

b. broom

c. street sweeper

d. stove

The correct answer is: c

Question 50

Who was well known for her hair products invention

a. Madam C.J. Walker

b. Marry Blackman

c. Jilly James

d. Harriet Tudman

You answered this correctly.

Question 51

The Portable X-Ray Machine was created by

a. Frederick Jones

b. Granville Woods

c. James Jones

d. Jimmy

The correct answer is: a

Question 52

The Egg Beater was invented by

a. W. Johnson

b. W.H. Sammons

c. J.H.White

d. Steve Johns

The correct answer is: a

Question 53

Caps for Bottles and Jars were invented by

a. Stokely Carmichael

b. Andrew Long

c. Wilbert Johnson

d. A.E. Long and A.A. Jones

The correct answer is: d

Question 54

Choose the object that was invented by W.H. Sammons:

a. Hot Comb

b. Shampoo

c. Hair Clip

d. Soap

The correct answer is: a

Your Ranking

If you did well, congratulations! You have a good grasp of Black Inventors History. If not, don't worry just go to the Black Inventors Page and review the many Black Inventors. This test was designed mainly to share and expose many of the good things Black People have done. You can always Retake it. Bottom of Form

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