NSPRA Sample Letter to Parents — Incident at School

NSPRA Sample Letter to Parents — Incident at School

Re: Anthrax Hoax


Dear Parents and Guardians:

This letter is to inform you of an incident that occurred on our campus today. I want to make sure you have accurate information and dispel any rumors you may have heard about the incident.

We received a suspicious piece of mail containing a powdery substance that law enforcement and medical officials have determined to be harmless (or describe what it is). After receiving the (letter or package), we immediately alerted the police and a hazardous material response team came to our school to investigate (or describe the series of events that took place). The following precautions were taken:

• The (letter or package) and immediate area were quarantined.

• Staff and students in adjacent rooms were evacuated to other parts of the building.

• All who came in contact with the suspicious substance washed their hands with soap and water.

• Based on consultation with law enforcement and public health officials, a decision was made that there was no need for further decontamination of persons or the office area due to the harmless nature of the substance.

• (Add additional precautions taken or change those listed to steps taken).

The health and safety of our students and staff is our top priority. Should we find that a deliberate hoax has been perpetrated against our school, we will ask law enforcement and the courts to prosecute anyone, adult or student, to the fullest extent possible under the law.

We ask your support in the following ways:

• Talk frequently with your children about what they are hearing and seeing on the news, at school or in the neighborhood.

• Discuss with them the seriousness of playing a prank, teasing or spreading rumors.

• Encourage them to report any suspicious activity to a trusted adult at school, or to you. You may call your school administration directly or call the district’s Silent Witness hotline at (your district’s number).

If you have any further questions, please feel free to call my office. Thank you for your support and assistance in keeping our campus safe for everyone.




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