Economic Development Ministry Meeting

Economic Development Ministry Meeting

May 9, 2008

The meeting opened up at 7:10 pm with prayer by Pastor Gee.

EDM Continuing Vision and Purpose – Pastor Al Gee

At this meeting we will discuss some of the events that we've already completed. We are continuing to look at kingdom principals, which will be the engine for EDM. We are not just doing business like everyone else. Since we are called into a ministry and moving in that direction, we have to do things that are higher and better. We are fully expected to tap into resources by using kingdom principals. Everybody knows that the world's system is faulty. We are not coming to correct that, but to replace it

We need to keep before our eyes the fact that there is no limit! Jesus took two fish and five loaves of bread and fed thousands. Planting time is not as busy as reaping time. More people are required for reaping time, because there is more available. Everybody has a heart for sowing, but we're still learning how to reap. We still have room to receive from the windows of heaven opening. There is a way that we can move to a place where there is no lack among us. We want to get to that place where there is no lack in the congregation.

We are the people that God has designed to do this. We have majored in the spiritual and minored in the business area. When there were giants in the land, they needed to be conquered even though the land was promised. Giants (traditional thinking, poverty, lack, certain mindsets, etc.) have stopped us cold from conquering the land. The church has not prospered as it should have.

We are talking about divine favor - tapping into resources that are unlimited. In the business world, there is profit and loss, but not in the kingdom. How can there be a loss if you have the power to create with your words?

Pastor Gee informed us that he would be speaking on something next Saturday after the prayer (9:15-10a) that we needed to hear. There are certain things that are hidden to us, but every person who is tapped into the spirit of God has the capability to get it. These things are not hidden from us but hidden for us.

This is not just business as usual. Pastor Gee is expecting kingdom results from us. The Lord has blessed us with ALL spiritual blessing. We stepped up to the plate in prayer regarding the drought. So we can step up in any area. For too long, God has tried to get lessons to his people, but we have resisted it. If we can speak words and create things - things are going to come. We think it is materialism when things happen, but it is a manifestation of the word of God. We should not speak things that we don’t expect to come about. How can we take vows of poverty when words produce things?

Incompleted Items & Completed Objectives – Evangelist Beverly Murphy

Evangelist Murphy first stated that she thought of these administrative items – not as incomplete – but as opportunities of things to come.


□ Invite Planning Coordinators to become blog authors

Invitations already sent

Training needed

□ Initiate Google Talk for remote communication

Will require everyone to have a Google account and download the program

□ Explore adding appropriate RSS feeds, photo slideshows, and video to the blog

□ Revise calendar using a Web based function


□ Maintain the Business & Services Directory

Increase exposure – re-publicize in bulletin, make some copies as samples, have a (print) sign-up session after a church service (Ann Baker can input the data)

□ Revise and redesign EDM brochure


□ Design an additional logo that may be a part of a pin or some other kind of insignia that we could wear to our functions, etc.

Working Tools

□ Create an EDM membership database to easily search for specific skills of members, instructors, etc.

Business Networking Alliance – Brother Pete Windless

The planning group members have been assigned different areas to make the planning more organized and viable. We want to see this event become more powerful and attended by more people than in the past. Action Item: Due to the tight calendar and spacing issues, we will begin to investigate having our functions in other locations besides the church - maybe even outside during the summer. Action Item: We will also be partnering with WISE to develop training. Sisters Angela January and Tammie Carlton will be working with Sister Angela Burroughs. This event will focus on entrepreneurship as a lead-in to the classes, since so many businesses fail because they are not structured properly or financially feasible.

Save the date of June 20th for the next event. Tentatively, it will be held at Yancy's in Raleigh. The topic may be on legal aspects of business ownership. Other dates – July 18, August 15, September 19, October (not held due to seminar), November 21, and December 19.

W.I.S.E. – Sister Angela Burroughs

There will be a repeat class on May 20th to capture the video so the “Favor in Your Finances” series can be packed for distribution. “Entrepreneurship 101” classes will start in June. Action Item: One of the missing links in this class that will be addressed in the future is education, etc. for those who want to start nonprofits. Action Item: Collaboration with the Realestate Development Ministry (RDM) will take place to come up with some home ownership classes, possibly in July. Sister Angela is in contact with Brother Marcus Becton to get that together and determine the best set of resources for the class. Debt reduction software CDs are still available for sale in the bookstore. This package was introduced through the Favor in Your Finances series and the Financial Seminar.

Financial Seminar – Sister Jill Coleman

This was a culmination of efforts into one event. Jill thanked the seminar team for an awesome first event. We were a little disappointed with the turnout, but it was a total success regardless. Part of the problem may have been that we were competing with Friday night’s couples’ event and Sunday afternoon’s zone event. We put about $1800 in the pot for EDM after all expenses were paid. Evaluations were extremely positive.

Grants Team – Sister Cheri Crum

This group is transitioning from Coordinator Cheri Crum to Elder Elaine Matthews. It was decided that this group will not just be a grants team but a resource tool for the entire EDM. Sister Cheri is talking to Brother Marcus Becton about how we can help the RDM. Bridging the gap between functions is how we do outreach. We want to be able to educate staff, leadership, and the EDM team as to what we can offer and take some of the burdens off the church by having grant-supported staff.

Sister Santina Render conveyed to us that she visited a church an unemployment support group. With the RTP being so close to the church, she thought that maybe we might want to consider developing one at WOCC that would be like a network. The question was raised – should this be an item for the EDM or the Care group? Action item: Sister Render will write an outline proposal and give it to Pastor Gee.

In connection with this and with grants - we're talking about resources and referral. A job fair might be coming down the pike in October (part of the financial seminar), which could incorporate a resume clinic and interviewing skills.

We need everybody in our business directory so there will be a push for that.

Pastor Al has been making contacts with Community Connections - Black Wall Street and different church ministries that want to connect with us. We’re in a position that is like none other. Pastor Gee will be having more meetings to establish these connections and enhance what we do. We want to make sure we're intact in-house before we can be effective outside.

We are rolling out practical “right now” opportunities. William Thompson, CPA in Greensboro became a millionaire by doing network marketing with a twist. He has a 3-pronged attach to help you retire in 5 years. He guarantees it! Has a plan for purchasing property and also investment opportunities for mineral water (using a different process that reduces the minerals to a smaller size). He can provide experts in stocks but there is a membership fee and sign-up process.

The concern expressed by some of the EDM members was how we could relay this information since we can’t endorse it as a church or as a ministry? Should we turn this issue over to investments? According to Attorney Patrick Roberts, we would have to set up an independent means to get the word out. If we're perceived as promoting what anyone is doing, and it fails - we could be opened up to liability.

Action Item: We want to take advantage of holidays and seasons and any opportunities that we can promote during these times. For example, maybe on Mother’s Day someone can take pictures of mothers and their families and get compensated for that. Brother Anthony Holt offered an idea of a business incubator where we create jobs for our youth. We just need to be aware of what we can do and keep all ideas in mind.

Pastor Gee encouraged us to keep all ideas in mind that God has given us. We will need them!

The meeting closed with prayer at 8:25 pm by Pastor Gee.

Recorded by Evangelist Beverly Murphy


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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