Short Story Creative Writing Assignment

Short Story Creative Writing Assignment

Select One Choice to Develop from a Draft to a Formal Graded Assignment

Letter to Annabel/Jimmy from “A Retrieved Reformation”: Write a letter in the voice of Annabel Adams or Jimmy Valentine. In your letter, explain your position to your fiancé. If you are Jimmy, you may either ask for Annabel’s forgiveness and understanding or you may ask her to forget you completely and relieve her of her obligation to marry you. If you are Annabel, you may choose to explain why you forgive Jimmy and why you choose to stay with him, or you may write a letter that states that he is out of your life forever. It must be set up in a friendly letter format, be at least one page long (1 ½ or double-spaced). Stay in present tense and write convincingly.

“Gift of the Magi” updated: For your writing assignment, rewrite the story with the setting and characters in present day. Keep the basic storyline format: The couple should remain struggling financially and be newly married and in love. The rest of the revamped tale can differ in terms of place, year, names of characters, items bought for one another, etc. The wonderful ironic twist in the gift-giving must remain, but you can adapt it for a modern audience in any creative way you wish. Be consistent with your tense choice. In terms of length, aim to modify the story so that it does not exceed two typed pages.

Letter to Virginia O’Hanlon: Young Virginia wrote a simple letter and innocent inquiry questioning the existence of Santa Claus to the editor of the New York Sun in December 1897. Your assignment now is to put yourself in the editor’s shoes. How are you going to explain the “truth” about Santa Claus to little eight-year-old Virginia? It may help to try to think back to the time when you were eight-years-old. Try to remember what you believed in, but more importantly, why you were able to believe in things then that you did not necessarily see. Think hard—is it possible to tell Virginia the truth without lying? You are to write or type your editorial response (1 ½ or double-spaced). Address it directly to Virginia and consider carefully how you will word the “truth” to this child, knowing that thousands of other New York Sun readers will also be reading your response. Stay in present tense. A one page response is the minimum.

“The Lady or the Tiger” new ending or poem: Write a new ending for the short story using either narrative prose or poetry. Keeping with the style, narration, and voice of the author, continue the story so that the ending is clearly understood. Pick up the tale when the young man just begins to open the right-sided door. Describe in detail what awaits him. Be sure to include the princess’s reaction to the scene as it is revealed. Try to conclude with a catchy final sentence or with an ironic twist. A one page conclusion is the minimum or a minimum of 12 verses if in poem form.

Directions: Look over your creative writing drafts on the various assignments associated with the short stories read thus far in class. Select the draft you like the most and/or believe to be a strong example of your creative writing skill. Continue to work further on your draft through editing and revision. Your submitted work will be graded as a formal writing assignment (Type 5). Be sure to follow the grading rubric below.

Grading Rubric


1. The content is typed in a legible font equivalent to TNR 12.

Spacing is 1 ½ or double spaced. (exception: Poem is single spaced)

2. The minimum requirement for length is achieved.

One page minimum for letters or story ending; poem is minimum of 12 verses (lines)

3. The correct format (setup) has been used for letters, essay, or poem Subtotal Points = /20


1. The style and voice is consistent with the original author’s narration

2. Originality is stressed while maintaining a believable premise

(no outlandish storylines no matter how “creative”)

3. Strong vocabulary is utilized (may be taken from vocabulary lists)

4. The main objective as described in each option selection has been achieved Subtotal Points = /50

Grammar and Mechanics:

1. Stay consistent with your chosen point of view.

2. Stay consistent with tense (keep in present or past).

3. Proofread for any spelling errors.

4. Edit fragments or choppy sentences.

5. Use creative transitions (no overused expressions) Subtotal Points = /30

Due date: Monday, January 11, 2010 Total Points = /100


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