Classis Grand Rapids East

Classis Grand Rapids EastCommunity Engagement Team Grant Application for 2017Classis Grand Rapids East desires to nurture collaborative church-based partnerships that promote community engagement and are signs of kingdom renewal. We aim to develop and invest in community-based and transformational ministry. Classis Grand Rapids East has established a Community Engagement fund of $33,750 for 2017—which is considerably less than what has been available in recent years. (The Community Engagement team used to be called the Partnerships team).Annual grants from this fund are intended to nurture the initiation and/or development of collaborative partnerships. Grant applications are due by November 1. In past years, 8 to 10 grants were given each year and ranged from $3,000 to $5,000. Grant awards are announced by email near the end of January, and quarterly payments commence in May.The Community Engagement team supports initiatives that can transform our community. We’re interested in a wide range of proposals that do three things:Encourage and support diaconal/social justice projects of Christian Reformed churches in Classis Grand Rapids East.Develop and grow local collaborative partnerships, such as with other churches (and not just CRCs), schools, nonprofits, neighborhood and business associations.Strengthen our shared witness in economic, racial and social justice issues.GENERAL FUNDING CRITERIANote: Also see Classis Mission, Core Values and Ministry Priorities, attached.All grants from Classis Grand Rapids East (hereafter Classis) are to align with its values and priorities and help fulfill its mission.Classis grants are designed to support new ministry initiatives, training needs and other ministry opportunities. Classis grants are intended to help develop self-sustaining ministry through broader partnerships and support (rather than long-term funding by Classis). Classis grants require meaningful partnership and accountability with the appropriate ministry team of Classis and, ordinarily, with one or more member congregations. Grant amounts are finalized by recommendation of the ministry team, endorsement of the ministry plan team and approval of the executive team. Grant recipients are to report to and be reviewed by the appropriate ministry team at least annually.Actual payment of approved grants will be contingent on available funds. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT GRANT ELIGIBILITYEligible congregations belong to Classis Grand Rapids East and are committed to local community-based partnership. Eligible organizations work in the ministry area of Classis Grand Rapids East and plan to initiate or strengthen such partnerships, preferably with a congregation of Classis GRE.APPLICATION REQUIREMENTSA letter of endorsement from the board or council of the congregation or organization.A completed grant application form. (See below.)COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT GRANT APPLICATION FORMYour church/ organization name:Contact person:Contact person’s email:Contact phone:Project/Program name:Annual project cost:Amount of grant requested:Summarize your proposed partnership project in two or three concise sentences. Explain why you will do it, who you will collaborate or partner with (e.g. church, community organization, neighborhood), what you will do, the intended result and how your project engages the church. For example: Because we see___(the why)_______, we hope to partner with ___(the who)_______ in a project that___(the what)_______. We intend that our project will promote___(the result)_______and will ___(the how it engages)_______ in our church (or partner church or churches).Provide one or two brief paragraphs that expand on the needs or opportunities that this project will address and how your church and/or organization and community will be transformed as a result of this project. How will you integrate this project in your liturgy/worship service?Describe your strategic plan.Who are you intending to reach? (Define target group and geographical area.)How will you reach them? (Describe plans and programs.)How will you define success? (Set impacts, benchmarks and outcomes.)For example:Participant: An English as a Second Language (ESL) participant is someone who attends at least 80% of classes in a series that lasts six months.Impact: The ultimate goal or impact is that ESL students will read and write English at a 4th grade level so they can qualify for an entry-level job.Benchmarks: Track number of participants. Test students before and after a stated number of classes in a series.Outcomes: After X number of classes, Y number of participants met or exceeded a goal of scoring Z% on a 4th grade literacy test.Please attach your program budget and all revenue sources for this grant year.Email all application materials as Word document(s) by November 1to partnerships@.If we need more information or clarification, we will notify you. Thank you. (revised 09-18-2016) ................

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