May 2011 NL - Clover Sites

May 2011

Volume 28 Issue 5


a newsletter of First Presbyterian Church in Anchorage, Alaska




From our Associate


Pastor Karlin



May Calendar


Memorial Day Weekend, Sunday, May 29 to

Labor Day Weekend, Sunday, September 4, First Presbyterian will have TWO worship services.

PW Corner


Questions &


Answers / Birthdays

10:00 a.m. Worship Service 6:00 p.m. Worship Service

Introducing the Rev. Ken Eimer

Congregational Meeting

Sunday, May 8, 2011

On behalf of the session, it is my pleasure to announce that the

After the 11 a.m. Service Fellowship Hall

Rev. Kenneth Eimer will begin June 1 as the Interim Pastor here at the First Presbyterian Church. Ken is currently finishing his eighth stint as an interim, this time at Colesville Presbyterian Church in Silver Spring, MD.

Ken did not grow up in the church, but was drawn into Christian For the sole purpose of activity as a Jr. Higher through his musical interests. As time electing members to serve progressed, his participation was not just because of music, but because

on the Audit Committee of his acceptance of Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

and the Deacons Board.

Ken has never lived in Alaska, so this will likely be a bit of an

adventure for him. He loves the church, of course, but is also a lover of

Audit Committee

dogs and brings his dog North with him. He not only comes with great

Kathy Brown, Class of 2012 experience as an interim pastor, but also with training in conflict

Ted Snider, Class of 2014 mediation for congregations, and with experience on the Crisis Team of

National Capital Presbytery.

Deacons Board

Please watch for further announcements regarding plans for

Charlotte Gill, Class of 2014 welcoming First Presbyterian Church's new Interim Pastor.

Ken Johnson, Class of 2014 In Christ's service,

Communion is Sunday, May 1.

Rev. Dr. Curt Karns Session Moderator

Volume 28 Issue 5

First Press

From our Associate Pastor Karlin Bilcher

Page 2

A grieving mother meets with her Pastor. She just buried her son who was tragically killed in a car accident. The Pastor asks the mother if she has ever felt her son's presence or if her son has ever visited her in a dream since the time of his passing. The mother begins to weep bitterly. She explains to the pastor through her tears that if her son ever showed up in one of her dreams she would never want wake up, she would cling to him and never let him go.

What must the events of Easter been like for the mother of Jesus? Matthew and John's gospels place Mary on Golgotha standing with Mary Magdalene and "the disciple whom Jesus loved." She watches the torture and brutal death of her firstborn Son. From my catholic high school days, I recall a piece of artwork called Pieta' (The Pity) which, while not recorded in the gospel accounts, depicts Mary cradling the lifeless body of her son; clinging to him, never wanting to let him go! But let go she must, as it was the day before the Sabbath and to honor Jewish law, burial preparations needed to be made. So Mary lets go.

The Scripture is a bit unclear as to who first encounters the resurrected Jesus. Mark does not include any post resurrection occurrences. In John's gospel Mary Magdalene gets prime billing while Luke says that Mary Magdalene and "some other women" show up at the tomb but encounter angels not Jesus. Matthew depicts Mary Magdalene at the tomb with "the other Mary" and they have an encounter with the resurrected Lord. As an aside, if you were writing this narrative, which Mary would you make central and which Mary would you call "the other one"? As funny as it is to think about the Mother of Jesus as the other Mary, scholars agree that this woman in Matthew's gospel is the mother of Jesus.

Upon encountering her now living son, Mary must have wanted desperately to cling to her first born. "My son, I thought I lost you but you are back, don't ever leave me again." Can you even begin to imagine the emotional spectrum experienced by Mary in these moments? Alas, Mary must let go yet again. Jesus, ever focused on His mission and the will of his Heavenly Father, tells the pair of Marys "Go and tell my brothers to meet me in Galilee." However freaked out she must have been, Mary lets go again and follows the directions of her once dead - now alive first born son.

Easter Sunday is just another Sunday without Good Friday. Not that there is anything wanting or inferior about an "ordinary" Sunday, as each and every Sunday the people of God gather to proclaim the reality of the resurrection inside the walls of the church building in order to be more faithful witnesses outside the walls of the church. Among other things, Good Friday makes real, provides context, brings home and provides a framework for the Easter events. For starters, Good Friday helps the church to let go of the Easter bunny and the cultural sentimentality of the "holiday". Easter is a season of letting go of "Churchy-anity." Dr. Darrell Guder writes, "Congregations are to remain open to being challenged, to looking hard at their deeply ingrained attitudes and expectations. The faithful church asks - How does God's Word call, shape, transform, and send me . . . and us into the world? Coupled with this openness is the awareness, that biblical formation must mean change, and often conversion. Christian communities may discover that their discipling will require repentance and that their way of being church will have to change." Dr. Guder is describing a church willing to let go of the Jesus that they believe they have contained in a pleasing well-defined box.

For the power and authority of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to be made real in the world, Mary was forced to let go, in very literal ways. So must we. If Mary had clung to Jesus and never let him go, preventing him from ascending to the right hand of the Father where would that leave the believers? Unleashing the power of the gospel in our lives and in our church often times means letting go of our assumptions and our expectations so Jesus can do his work. A prayer that I've learned from my brothers and sisters struggling through addiction is helpful here: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference." Come Lord Jesus, come.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Pastor Karlin

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First Press

Volume 28 Issue 5

I thank the leadership and the

congregation for the love and the

opportunities lavished on my wife

Ruth and I. As we move to our new

ministry in Delta Junction, Ruth and

I will miss First Presbyterian very

much. With all the tumult you are

experiencing, please remember to

love each other. With Jesus'

teaching and actions as model, who

is more a neighbor than the others

in the pews on Sunday morning?

Hello First Presbyterian Church of Anchorage! My name is

Who is more of a brother than the

Josh Braman and I am currently in the homestretch of

one who shares your ministry?

my sophomore year at Eastern University in Saint Davids

Pennsylvania (25 minutes from Philadelphia). Currently I am Your brother in service, 21 years old, however I will be celebrating my 22nd birthday in Robert D. Graham CLP

the great city of Anchorage. After graduating high school in

2007 I began to work at various boat yards for 3 years. Being

from Cape Cod Massachusetts, I have had the opportunity to

not only work on boats as a mechanic, but also sail quite a bit.

It was during this time after high school that I became

interested in youth ministry. I was a volunteer adult leader for

many years at my home church in Brewster, Massachusetts,

before deciding to enter into college in order to pursue a

degree in Youth Ministry and Biblical Studies. This pursuit of a

degree in Youth Ministry is what brings me to FPC Anchorage.

I absolutely love working with youth especially those who I

have not met before. Within my ministry experience, I have

been blessed to go on various mission trips, conferences, and

retreats. Along with ministry, some of my other favorite things

to do are camping, hiking, tennis, swing dancing, and rooting

for any Boston sports team (Here We Go Red Sox!) Anyways,

I am looking forward to working with the youth and members of

FPC Anchorage in ministry journeys within the great state of


Volume 28 Issue 5

First Press

Page 4


Saturday / Sunday

1 Communion Sunday After Each Service, PW Bake Sale, FH 8:15 a.m. Traditional Worship 8:30 a.m. Praise Band Practice, FH 9:40 a.m. Contemporary Worship 11 a.m. Traditional Worship 6?8 p.m. Combined Youth Group



2 9:30 a.m. AMS Planning Meeting, Library 6:30?8:30 p.m. ESL, Room 12

3 1 p.m. Librarian Available 5:30 p.m. Youth Team Meeting, Library


8 12 noon Congregational Meeting, FH 8:15 a.m. Traditional Worship 8:30 a.m. Praise Band Practice, FH 9:40 a.m. Contemporary Worship 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 6?8 p.m. Combined Youth Group

9 6:30?8:30 p.m. ESL, Room 12

10 1 p.m. Librarian Available 5:30 p.m. Mission Committee, Library


15 8:15 a.m. Traditional Worship 8:30 a.m. Praise Band Practice, FH 9:40 a.m. Contemporary Worship 11 a.m. Traditional Worship 6?8 p.m. Combined Youth Group

16 4 P.M. NEWSLETTER INFORMATION DEADLINE 6 p.m. Ladies' Night Out, Rice Bowl 6:30?8:30 p.m. ESL, Room 12

17 1 p.m. Librarian Available

21 9 a.m. Men's Breakfast, Room 8

22 8:15 a.m. Traditional Worship 8:30 a.m. Praise Band Practice, FH 9:40 a.m. Contemporary Worship 11 a.m. Traditional Worship 6?8 p.m. Combined Youth Group

23 1?3 p.m. Lillie Berry Circle, Library 6:30?8:30 p.m. ESL, Room 12


29 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 8:30 a.m. Praise Band Practice, FH 6:00 p.m. Worship Service


24 10:30 a.m. Margaret Walkup Circle, L 1 p.m. Librarian Available

31 1 p.m. Librarian Available


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First Press

Volume 28 Issue 5



4 9:30 a.m. Book Club, Library 12 NOON BULLETIN INFORMATION DEADLINE 5:30 p.m. Worship Committee, Library 6:30?8:30 p.m. ESL, Room 12 7 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal, CR 7 p.m. Primary Choir Practice, S

5 10 a.m. Anchorage Pioneers' Home Service 5:30 p.m. Trustee Meeting, Library 7 p.m. Praise Band Practice, Sanctuary


6 7:30 p.m. Anchorage Rescue Mission Service




9:30 a.m. Book Club, Library

9:30 a.m. PW Board Meeting, Library


6:30?8:30 p.m. ESL, Room 12

5:30 p.m. Session Meeting, FH

7 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal, CR

7 p.m. Praise Band Practice, Sanctuary

7 p.m. Primary Choir Practice, S




12 NOON BULLETIN INFORMATION DEADLINE 5 p.m. Mem & Outreach Committee, L

6:30?8:30 p.m. ESL, Room 12

6 p.m. Stitching Fellowship, FH

7 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal, CR

7 p.m. Praise Band Practice, Sanctuary

7 p.m. Primary Choir Practice, S




12 noon PW Barbeque, Patio

12 noon A-Men, Denny's

12 NOON BULLETIN INFORMATION DEADLINE 5:30 p.m. Deacon Meeting, Library

6:30?8:30 p.m. ESL, Room 12

7 p.m. Praise Band Practice, Sanctuary

6?8 p.m. Youth Group Barbeque, Patio

7 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal, CR

7 p.m. Primary Choir Practice, S


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