Columbus Indiana Area Emmaus Community, Inc. July 2006

Letter to the Community:

Set the Children Free This Summer!

It's summer, so to me that means it's time for camp!  This will be the fifth summer that I have served at Camp Courage, a church camp for 4th – 6th graders.  I like to help organize it, but I also manage to cook a few meals for everyone (I like to feed people!)  This year camp will be during the week of the 4th of July.  The theme of the Bible

lessons will be "There is Freedom in Christ" – how appropriate for the holiday!  The camp's theme verse is:

  "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then,

and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

Galatians 5:1

Believe it or not, children and youth in our community need to be ministered to with this verse.  So many are born with yokes of slavery in the form of poverty, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, broken families, and inadequate health care.  Daily we read in the newspaper about adults who are in trouble or have problems,

and if those adults have children, the children probably have problems, too.  These children are very needy, especially for hearing the Good News about Jesus and how He loves them and will set them free.

God has given many of you a heart for children.  As you grow in service and leadership in your churches and the community, consider the needs of the children and youth.  From infants to high school teens, these youngsters need Jesus.   At your church see how you can serve in vacation Bible school, Sunday school, kid's church, camp or a

youth group.  Ask to serve on a Chrysalis team.  Set God's children free!



Bev Earley, Community Lay Director

“with God all things are possible” Matthew 19:26 b




When: July 23, 2006 Time: 2:00pm to 6:00pm


Columbus IN 47201

Admission: Positive Attitude.

Why: To have fun, meet other Christians, make new friends

Who: Youth of all ages and their families.

Concessions: Hot Dogs & Drinks.

Bring your lawn chair for an afternoon of family fun!

Holy Communion will be served.

For further information please call or email:

Seymour area :

Joseph.Howell@ or 522-5454.

In Columbus email:

flywithchrist@ or



Chrysalis is a three day experience for high school sophomores, junior and seniors (ages 15-18) that provides an opportunity for spiritual growth and renewal through Christian fellowship. Chrysalis equips and challenges Christian youth to deepen their relationship with Christ and inspires participants to live their faith in their home, church, school and community.


Name___________________________________________ Name for name tag_______________________


Phone(____)____________________ Email (print clearly)________________________________________

Date of Birth____________Age_______M___F___Grade(as of Chrysalis date)________________________


Church and Denomination__________________________________________________________________

I am involved in the following organizations_____________________________________________________

Has Chrysalis been explained to you? _____ State briefly why you wish to be involved in Chrysalis and what

expectations you have______________________________________________________________________

Do you have any special needs for the weekend? (Health or physical handicaps, medications, special diet) ________________________________________________________________________________________

Preferred Chrysalis date_______ Candidate Signature_________________________ Date______________


Insurance Co._____________________________________ID#,Group#______________________________


I, the undersigned parent or guardian of the above candidate, understand the nature and purpose of the Chrysalis

weekend. I hereby give my permission for his/her participation in the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects

of his/her Chrysalis weekend. I give my permission for the staff to transport him/her for activities off-site or for

medical purposes. In the event of an emergency the Chrysalis staff has my permission to secure the services

of qualified medical personnel to provide the care necessary for his/her well-being.

Signature of parent or guardian ______________________________________________________________


Applications must be completed in full and submitted with deposit or will be rejected.

Enclose a non-refundable deposit of $20.00 (balance due at check-in) or submit the entire amount of $70.00

Make checks payable to Columbus Indiana Chrysalis Community. This is an application form. Submitting

does not guarantee your acceptance. You may be placed on a waiting list, as a limited number of spaces are

available. You will be notified of your acceptance with the date and location of your weekend.

Mail application to:

Diane Elmerick, Registrar 8230 W. Old Nashville Rd. Columbus, IN 47201 Phone: (812) 342-8421

Return this form (completed on this side) to your sponsor

SPONSOR: MAKE SURE CANDIDATE IS ELIGIBLE FOR FLIGHT (age requirements, emotional/spiritual level, completion of application/deposit) PRIOR TO SUBMITTING APP.

It is very important that the sponsor(s) make sure ALL the information requested is completed or application will be rejected. MUST have signature of Pastor or Youth Minister. Youth group leaders are not eligible. Candidates must be sophomore-seniors(or college freshman), ages 15-18/19.

Sponsoring a candidate is both a joy and a responsibility. There are things you must do for your candidate before, during, and after the Chrysalis. Chrysalis is designed to provide Christian youth a deeper understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. It is NOT structured to solve deep-seated personal problems. It is not designed with the intent of salvation.

All candidates must be sponsored by a person 18 or older who has attended a Chrysalis or Emmaus weekend. May have a younger youth as a co-sponsor.

ADULT SPONSOR____________________________________________Phone(_____)_____________________

Email_________________________________________ Church_______________________________________


When and where did you attend Chrysalis or Emmaus?____________________________________________ ___

How long have you known the candidate and in what capacity?__________________________________________

Please tell us about them so that the Chrysalis may be even more meaningful


YOUTH SPONSOR (if applicable)_____________________________Phone(_____)________________________


Address_______________________________________ Church_______________________________________

Relationship to candidate_________________Have you helped sponsor before?____________________________

Your Chrysalis Flight#__________Year__________Where_____________________________________________


Youth group leader signature is not sufficient.

This information will be kept in strict confidence and will enable us to place the candidate in a group where they will benefit the most.

Candidates Name_____________________________________________________________________________

Pastor’s Name___________________________________Church_______________________________________

Please circle the appropriate comments:

Maturity: Low Average Mature Very Mature

Psychological adjustment: Poor Average Mature Excellent

Relationship with peers: Quiet Talkative Domineering

Shy Well-liked

Please make any additional comments that you believe will be helpful or should be brought to the attention of the

Spiritual Director______________________________________________________________________________


PASTOR OR YOUTH MINISTER SIGNATURE_____________________________Date______

For Registrar’s Use:

Date Received___________Flight #________Deposit_________Balance Due_________ResponseDate________

Are You Board . . . . . . Material?

The search has begun for five new people to serve on both the Emmaus and also the Chrysalis Community's Board of Directors for the years 2007-2009. You can help us by nominating someone to serve! Please remember that the person must have:

• completed an Emmaus Walk

• agree to serve on the Board (talk it over with them)

• agree to take a job assignment on the Board

Having your name submitted for nomination does not guarantee a position on the board.  A balance of members representing our community's denominations and both genders must be taken into consideration, among other factors.

A few notes of interest: This is a working Board. All members do work. All members are expected to attend the monthly Board meetings and to support the Community by attending monthly Gatherings and also by participating in Reunion/accountability Groups. Clergy can serve on the Board. You can nominate yourself.

Finally, this may be the answer to your biggest question: there is snack agape served at Board meetings. I just thought you should know.

Please submit your nomination in your favorite form of communication: face-to-face

conversation, phone call, email, or letter.  Include the nominee's:

       • name

       • phone number

    • walk experience

       • church membership

Submit Emmaus nominations to Robin Everhart, ( reverhart@).


Chrysalis nominations go to Diana Boyer ( Diana.Boyer@). Please start sending in nominations now. 

The election is in November. Thank you!

Columbus Indiana Area Emmaus Community, Inc. Home Page:

Emmaus Information Page (for community members):


User name: columbusemmaus password: 4thday

July Gathering

Friday, July 21, 2006 at 7pm

First Lutheran Church, 3600 25th St., Columbus

J—Z bring snacks and drinks

Childcare provided

Chrysalis Hoot

Sunday, July 23, 2006 2—6 pm

Mill Race Park

Columbus, IN 47201

August Gathering

Friday, August 18, 2006 at 7pm

Chrysalis Team Dedication

Cornerstone Community Church, 1088 Sarasota Dr., Seymour

A—I bring snacks and drinks

Childcare provided



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