50 things to Do in my Life .com

50 Things To Do In My Life!

*The purpose of this assignment is to continue with the general principles and processes of goal-setting that we’ve been working on so far in the course.

*This is an individual assignment in which you will identify fifty things you want to do/see/accomplish before you die. Put another way, you are choosing things you want to do and sharing why they’re important to you!

*The assignment is meant to be as realistic and plausible as possible. Please note that all fifty things must be: legal, morally acceptable, and reflective of a well-balanced life.

*The first step in your assignment will be to come up with a master list! Make no mistake – this will be challenging! You must ask yourself, “What is important to me?”


1. A bold, colourful title page.

• Assignment title

• Name, course, teacher, date

• Use images (hand-drawn or traced) that relate to your list.

2. A list of fifty things that organized according to the following criteria:

• Individual number for each thing

• There should be at list FIVE to SIX categories such as “Places to Go,” “Things to Learn” “Crazy Things to Do”…get CREATIVE with your categories! One of your categories can be “Other” or “Miscellaneous” if certain things just don’t seem to fit anywhere!

• Your things are grouped correctly within the categories you have chosen. The categories should be fairly even.

• The categories should be in title format, bolded and underlined so that they are easy to see.

• A concluding paragraph reflecting on what you learned about yourself working on this project

3. Each point must have a paragraph description describing what it is and why it is important to you. The description should:

• Be between three and five sentences in length

• Contain proper spelling, grammar, and start with an indent.

• Underneath each point you must identify whether it is a short term, medium term, or long term goal.

Evaluation Criteria

1. Presentation: (20 Marks)

• Bold and colourful title page

• Numbered pages

• In a report folder

• Divided into sections

• Consistent spacing and format

2. Content: (80 marks)

• Variety of Goals

• Balanced Goals

• Properly categorized goals

• Goals that correctly identified as short, medium and long term

• Thoughtful and reflective of your character and aspirations

• Shows maturity and commitment to personal growth

TOTAL: __________



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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