Welcome message from our new principal

Watching it grow

“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8:22

Many of you planted a garden this past spring. During the summer you watered, weeded and tended to the crops that were sown. You saw the seeds spring forth new life, and grow into mature plants. Have you enjoyed the harvest? Sharing tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini is often a ‘seasonal farmer’s’ fall past time.

If you venture down our hallways this week outside Mrs. Kelly’s first grade classroom you will see a giant beautiful flower. On the flower it says ‘God’s beautiful garden.’ The flower was created by using the children’s hand prints. Yes, God’s garden is made from his wonderful creation. What a blessing it is to be in a school and watch the seeds that have been sown bloom with the Spirit’s power into the rich harvest that the Lord provides. Thank you, for allowing the staff at Trinity to be a part of tending your precious seedlings. “For the Lord your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete.” Deuteronomy 16:15b

School News

School information to help you stay up-to-date

The Kingsman is going green

Beginning next Friday, September 16, the Kingsman will be sent via email from your child’s homeroom teacher. It is also available on Trinity’s website: . Choose “School”, and then click “The Kingsman” link. If you do not have email access or would prefer a weekly hard copy, please contact the office to be put on a distribution list.

Back to School Night – Tuesday, September 13

Back to school night for Preschool -8th grade will be next Tuesday 6:30-8:00pm starting all together in the gym. There will be an informative presentations on digital citizenship and spirit sticks. Then parents can visit their child’s classrooms. There will be two sessions for classroom visits to accommodate families with multiple children in our school.

2015-2016 Yearbooks still available

If you missed out on ordering or purchasing a yearbook from last school year you are in luck. There are still some 2015-16 yearbooks available in the school office for $12.00. Stop in today to get yours!

September Chapel Offering

This month’s chapel offerings are going to support the Maynard family’s mission to Romania. The Maynard family will be moving to Romania’s capital city, Bucharest, in July of 2017. They will then begin serving at Bucharest Christian Academy ministering to missionary kids, expatriates and students from the local Romanian community. To find our more information about this mission and the Maynard’s journey go to .

Pick up and drop off procedures

Young 5s – grade 8 will continue with the same process as last year, with both drop off and pick up on Pearl Street. Mrs. Bird will greet the students at Pearl Street starting at 7:45am. At 8:00am those doors will be locked, so if you arrive late, you must use the Court Street doors and come into the school office to receive a tardy slip to enter class. All other outside doors (Welcome Center doors, Church doors, Pearl Street doors) will remain locked during the school day for the safety of all children. Before and after school, traditional preschool and ECC students should use the back parking lot and utilize the awning doors to walk their child(ren) into their classrooms. Traditional Preschool students will be walked out to the back parking lot at the class’ designated pick-up time. For dismissal at 3:10pm families will be picked up at the following locations based on what grade the youngest sibling is in. Pick up for Young 5’s-1st grade will be at the Pearl Street Doors (where drop off occurs). Pick up for 2nd -4th grade will be in the staff parking lot across the street from the Pearl Street pick-up. Pick up for 5th-8th grade will be along Court Street.

Hot Lunch Accounts

Just a reminder that in order to be good stewards in regards to Trinity’s hot lunch program we will be sending a fast direct notification when a family’s account falls below a positive $10.00. When a family’s account becomes negative they will receive an additional fast direct notification and a paper statement will be sent home with your child(ren). Our policy is that all accounts must remain in the positive. If your families account is negative, child(ren) will not be served hot lunch. If they do not bring a cold lunch from home a phone call will be made for you to bring your child(ren) a lunch. In the event you cannot be reached a simple sandwich will be provided to the student.

Welcome Our New Teacher

Please welcome Mrs. Laurie Mantei to our school staff. Mrs. Mantei is our fourth grade teacher. She is highly qualified and has excellent recommendations and credentials.

CEF Stamp Sale Begin Next Week

We will have Church Extension Fund stamps for sale every Thursday before school in the first-floor hallway from 7:30am-8:00am beginning next week. Come start a new account or add to your existing account to save for your child’s future. Don’t forget that you could win a stamp with the weekly drawing! For more information about the program contact the school office at (269)983-3056.

Christian Education Sunday

Sunday, September 18 our entire faculty and student body will be involved with the 10:30am service at Trinity Lutheran Church. We will be commissioning the staff. During the service a school family will be baptized. Refreshments will be available in the gym after the 10:30am service. This is an opportunity to celebrate the Christian education we provide and acknowledge the teachers and staff.

The Book Fair is Coming September 19-23

Our fall book fair will be housed in room 104 on the first floor of the school. Look for more information soon on how you can help volunteer and further our students’ excitement and love of reading. Check out our updated Scholastic book fair website at .

Needed: Student Sponsor

A Trinity student is in need of a sponsor for the Washington D.C. class trip. Please contact the principal, Mrs. Terry Bird, if you can help make this trip happen.

Feeling “Social”

Connect with Trinity via social media on Facebook. Search for “Trinity Lutheran School St. Joseph” and “TRINITY LUTHERAN SCHOOL". Posts will include reminders for upcoming events, information regarding closings and pictures of our students learning and having fun!

ecc connection

Early Childhood information to help you stay up-to-date

Welcome back to school! It is hard to believe that school has begun already. Where did summer go? Trinity ECC wants to welcome all of our families whether you are returning or brand new! We are excited to have you here and we are looking forward to a GREAT school year with you and your children. We are in full swing here in the ECC and we have lots of fun planned in all our classrooms. Teachers will be sending home calendars for the month, be sure to ask them if you don’t get one. Here are some things to note for the month of September:

• MOM2MOM sale will be on September 10th. If you would like a table, they are $15. If you own a business (Thirty-one, Mary Kay, etc.) and want to sell the cost is $50. On the day of the sale from 9-1pm admission is just $1. We hope to fill our gym with tables so please call the ECC office to reserve your table today!!

• September 13th at 6:30pm is Back to School Night for students in Preschool, Young 5’s and K-8. We will all meet in the gym for an opening and then go to our various classrooms and sessions from there.

• September 18th is Christian Education Sunday. Adventurers, Explorers, Traditional Preschool 3 and 4 and Young 5 students have been asked to sing two songs that morning at our 10:30am worship service. Young 5’s will meet in their room, Preschool classes will meet in the cafeteria at 10:15am. Teachers will be there waiting for their classes. ALL families are invited to attend so the kids can sing together, even if you aren’t members of Trinity we would love to have you visit.

• We have lots of new staff this fall. Please help me welcome, Mrs. Becky Liebich, Traditional Preschool teacher, Mrs. Deb Boughner, Explorers teacher and Mrs. Sandra Brown the Young 5 classroom. We are blessed to have such wonderful new staff members.

• Scholastic Book Fair will be September 19-23 in room 104 on the first floor. Please stop in and shop for some great books.


Athletic events for the week of September 12

Make note of the game dates and locations so you can come support our teams!

Tuesday, September 13

5:15pm 4-6 Soccer vs. Lake Michigan Catholic @Grace Lutheran

Thursday, September 15

4:15pm 4-6 Soccer vs. St. Paul’s Stevensville @ Grace Lutheran


Opportunities to raise money for Trinity and its students

Port-a-Pit Chicken Dinner Fundraiser

Come hungry on Sunday, September 25 to support our 7th/8th grade class fundraiser. Chicken dinners will be sold for $9.00 each at the Ministry Center’s Lighthouse Café from 11:30am-12:45pm. Drive-up service will be available. All proceeds benefit the 7th/8th Grade 2016-17 Class Trip. Thank you for your support.

Box Tops News

Thank you to those who have been colleting Box Tops for Education. Do you know that so far Trinity has raised $326.10 with the Box Tops that were turned into the office over the summer and during the first week of school? Let’s reach our goal of $1,500.00 for the 2016-2017 school year! Keep on clipping! Thank you for supporting you school in a very easy way!

Roger’s Foodland receipts

Start saving your Roger’s register receipts dated September 1, 2016. The program will run through February 24, 2017. You may turn your receipts into the school or ECC offices or to the collection container in the Welcome Center.



Worship information and upcoming church activities

Sundays 8:00 a.m. Worship Service

9:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service

9:15 a.m. Bible Study and Salvation Station

10:30 a.m. Worship Service


Cannot Wait!!!

Faith, Fellowship and Food!

Begins Wednesday, September 14th at 6:30pm

There is something for everyone: Adult studies, 5th-8th grade public school confirmation, K.F.C. (Kids for Christ) for 5-12 year olds. Childcare will be provided for children under 5.

Find us on Facebook! Search for “Trinity Lutheran School St. Joseph” and “TRINITY LUTHERAN SCHOOL"



Inside this issue

|Devotion |1 |

|School News |1-2 |

|ECC Connection | 3 |

|Athletics |3 |

|Fundraising |4 |

|Lunch Menu |4 |

|Calendar |4 |

|Church News |5 |

The Kingsman Newsletter

Newsletter purpose

The Kingsman newsletter is a school publication printed weekly for parents, students, faculty and friends of Trinity Lutheran School. The newsletter serves as a communication vehicle for the school. Weekly editions are emailed to school families, and are available in the school and church offices, or at . The article submission deadline is noon each Thursday, or noon on the next-to-last day of the school week.

Contact the Kingsman newsletter



Terry Bird

269-983-3056, ext. 101


Office Manager

Jessica Maynard

269-983-3056, ext. 100


Trinity Lutheran School

The mission of Trinity Lutheran Church, School, and Early Childhood Center is to reach the world for Christ, making disciples by proclaiming the Gospel in Word and Sacrament through worship, Christian education, community outreach and contagious sharing of the faith in word and deed.




LUNCH MENU: Week of September 14

Milk provided with each hot lunch order

Mon: Cheese pizza, baby carrots, peaches, cookie

Tues: Rainbow rotini, marinara sauce, green beans, pineapple, cheese filled breadstick

Wed: Shrimp poppers, oven fries, peas, pears

Thurs: Taco salad, black beans, pineapple, fruit slushee

Fri: Hamburger on whole grain bun, broccoli w/ ranch dip, baked chips, applesauce, cookie

Check the lunch menu any time at the school’s website:


Sept. 10 Mom2Mom sale (gym) 9:00-1:00pm

Sept. 13 Back to School Night 6:30-8:00pm

Sept. 18 Christian Education Sunday

All Preschool-Grade 8 sing at 10:30 service

Sept. 19-23 Scholastic Book Fair (Room 104)

Sept. 25 Port-a-Pit Chicken Dinner Fundraiser 11:30am-12:45pm (Lighthouse Café)

Sept. 28 See You at the Pole 7:30am (Ministry Center Flagpole)

Oct. 3 Board of Education 6:30pm (Ministry Center)

Oct. 6-7 School Pictures


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrew 13:8

September 9, 2016

Trinity Lutheran Church, School & ECC ( 613 Court Street, St. Joseph, MI 49085 ( 269-983-3056


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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