Living vs. Non-living Lesson Plan

|List the objectives that support State Standards and |Instructional Strategies (used to|Technology |Learning Activities |Assessments |

|Benchmarks |accomplish the objectives) |(used to accomplish the |(inc. instructional strategies and |(Include at least one authentic |

| | |objectives) |technology so that learners can |assessment) |

| | | |accomplish objectives) |*Match assessments with learning|

| | | | |objectives |

|Ohio Academic Content |Learning Objective(s) | | | | |

|Standards | | | | | |

|Subject:  |Students will be presented with |Present information on living and|Smart Board |Initiating Activity: Introduction to |Correct use of Power point |

|Science |my power point presentation and |non-living organisms and objects |Microsoft Power Point |understand the living organism vs. non |presentations. |

| |information on the difference |from the Power Point | |living object concept. |3 living and non-living objects |

|Grade: 2 |between living and non-living |presentation. | |Guided Learning: The students will all |and organisms on their power |

| |organisms and objects. I will |Do the living-vs-non living | |participate in the living vs. non living |point presentations with |

|Benchmark: |also give them instructions on |organism and object quiz as a | |quiz on the smart board. |pictures. |

|Benchmark: Discover that |making power point presentations.|class on the Smart Board. | |Culminating Performance: | |

|there are living things, |They will be expected to create a|Present the students with | |The students will be expected to complete| |

|non-living things and |small power point presentation |information on how to use and | |a short power point presentation with at | |

|pretend things, and |with 3 living and 3 non-living |make power point presentations. | |least 3 living and 3 non living organisms| |

|describe the basic needs of|organisms and objects as their | | |and objects. | |

|living things (organisms). |learning assessment. | | | | |

Initiating Activity: I will be using my own Power Point presentation to present the information on Living vs. Non-living organisms and objects to the students.

Guided Learning: The students will participate in a class quiz by using the Smart Board. The students will also be given a chance to use Power point after I walk them through the parts of it they will be using.

Culminating Performance: Students will be expected to create a short power point presentation including 3 living organisms and 3 non-living organisms with pictures of each of them.


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