Laptop Outage Ideas

Neopuc’s Laptop Outage Ideas

* Note to me

** Ideas I really like

*** My favorite ideas

1) “A Simple Walk in the Woods”

Friends ignore an eerie feeling as they walk through the woods and wind up in a place humans were not supposed to visit. As a result, the local deer goddess handles them in any way she sees fit.

2) “Getting in on the Action”

A shy young fox shrinks himself and manages to get in on the action between gay muscle-bound wolf and cougar, just as he always wanted. He could never approach them earlier because of how shy he was. The fox is invincible.

3) “First Encounter”

A lone human explorer is stranded on a new world when a giant wolfess accidentally crushes his craft. They eventually form a relationship. Human tech allows him to survive.

**4) “Things Get Worse”

Twin snow leopards attack a city. They have paws the size of cars. People think things can’t get worse until their master shows up. Their master is a tiger who has a cock larger than the snow leopards.

5) “The Pack”

An experiment on a pack of wolves goes wrong and they end up super sized. It is also mating season and the males need to discover who is in charge.

**6) “Master and Slave”

A human acquires a submissive lion anthro as a slave, but he shrinks himself along with the people responsible for making him so submissive. Then the human tries to get the lion to be much more dominant. The lion does so and shares the secret of shrinking people with other anthros.

7) “Mischief”

A mischievous god turns an average male fox and female snake into gorgeous macros over the course of time. Their paws are the size of cities and they enjoy their size.

8) “They Awaken”

A multiple POV story. Two dragons, a female blue and male red, awaken on a large heavily populated island. They are very hungry and view humans as just another food source.

9) “Every Dog”

A husky, German shepherd, collie, and Labrador arrive in a city. They are anthros and fully clothed (all females) and it is an all human city. The anthros are normal sized at first, but quickly grow and go on a “playful” rampage.

**10) “Wanton Destruction”

A black wolf like creature with patches of scales, feathered wings, ram like horns, and fangs that protrude out of its upper jaw attacks a city for seemingly no reason. The story follows one man around until it seems like he dies. He wakes up with a black dog by his side that is the demon dog. It lets the man live because he likes his scent and travels around with him. The dog is the one in charge and rampages whenever he feels like it.

11) “Just Have Some Fun”

A horse and husky are coated in a strange substance during a truck accident. A few weeks later, even though cleaned off, they start to grow. They stop considering others their equals at a certain size and just have fun being macros.

12) “Better Left Buried”

A T. rex and croc are unearthed on opposite sides of the planet. The closer they get the more they grow until they finally meet and return to their normal sizes. Unfortunately, their mating destroys the planet.

13) “My Best Girls”

Cougar and snow leopard females let their lover know he can have both of them. They start to grow while having sex with him to give him a good show. Of course, they don’t pay attention to the damage caused around them as they grow.

14) “Don’t Go in the Attic”

A few friends break into the attic of an eccentric old man. They get sucked into an interdimensional gateway and wind up the pets/toys of a macro jaguar and husky.

15) “Size Does Matter”

An anthro tiger space merchant is shot down on an isolated planet by human pirates. The tiger is from a planet where everything can change sizes and he never suspected humans could not do the same. When he does find out the humans become nothing more than toys to the titanic feline.

16) “A Game between Couples”

An arctic fox and wolfess couple compete with a lion and snow leopard couple in a growth contest. They can only get larger while both of them are aroused. Of course, they end up overdoing it and wind up smothering the planet in their love.

17) “You Know You Want To”

An anthro rabbit with the ability to change his size as well as the size of others takes a liking to a work horse and turns him into an anthro. The rabbit then shrinks a town full of humans and tries to convince the horse he likes terrorizing humans.

18) “The Surprise Visit”

Some friends hear a knock on their door and are surprised to be greeted with an anthro vixen and white tiger. The anthros proceed to shrink the humans and kill them off. One escapes the house in the end only to find out the anthros have taken over the whole area, maybe the world. The paw of a water monitor crushes that human by surprise.

19) “Be Careful With Your Words”

The fictional anthro (a sort of demon feline with red fur) of a man that is constantly picked on springs to life and exacts revenge for him. She is a bit ditzy despite her evil appearance.

20) “The Explorer”

A macro otteress is sent to explore the Earth, but she thinks of humans as nothing more then clever bugs. Her language makes human languages seem crude and her tech protects her from human tech. This story switches between her POV and a human that falls in love/lust with her gorgeous figure and attempts to climb her fur to get her attention.

***21) “Gratitude of the Protected”

Macro wolves and other canines protect humans on this medieval world. The wolves like the humans and the humans love their giant protectors. The wolves try not to abuse their tiny charges and treat them as equals. One human approaches his best friend and giant wolf one day in order to show his gratitude. The story is from both POVs.

22) “A Unicorn’s Herd”

Someone tells the tale of a city under attack by 200-foot tall horses and their 600-foot tall unicorn leader.

23) “The New Couple”

A mysterious new couple (a skunk and raccoon) invite the neighborhood over for dinner and a party. After the couple shrinks everyone it is only the two of them that have dinner and a party.

**24) “Accidents do Happen”

A dragon and feline accidentally shrink their human friend. They are friendly, but absent minded. Fortunately the human is invulnerable. He kind of likes them to be clumsy and enjoys the sex. He refuses to be un-shrunk.

25) “A Gift for Master”

A man becomes stranded on a deserted island with his pure bred huskies (mates, not siblings). The huskies become anthros and start to grow over time, but they still love their tiny master. They grow until they are both the size of the island.

26) “You Should Be Bigger”

Lightly built fox and rabbit keep growing each other during sex because they want the other to be larger. They use props while they can, but eventually outgrow the planet, then the galaxy, and finally the universe. The fox doesn’t even notice cum blasting the universe into the rabbit’s rear. Gay story.

**27) “The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth”

Formerly week furs start growing and wrecking up the place. Three part story. Part 1: A fox grows in a small town and has his way with the inhabitants. The fox stays slender, but goes from looking weak to graceful. Part 2: A rabbit grows in a city and people discover attacking him only makes him larger. Part 3: Years later, someone talks about what it is like living in the new world while being attacked by a dragon, wolf, and tiger.

**28) “The Unseen”

People start seeing dragon’s attacking a city, but most others don’t notice them. These dragons are male and female blue dragons. They are beautiful and speak in a gentle musical language that can mesmerize most that hear it. The main character is immune and the dragons decide to keep him as a slave.

29) “Beware of Dog”

A large group of trouble makers go cow tipping only to get shrunk by the dog that can also become an anthro.

30) “Care Free Love”

A horse and roo start growing during sex without realizing the damage they are causing. The world is utterly destroyed by the titanic lovers. It turns out they are gods and that is not the fist time it has happened.

**31) “Making the Best of Things”

A human finds himself shrunk on a couch with his slumbering wolf friend. Unable to wake his friend the human pleasures the wolf and is eventually cock vored.

***32) “Sex Slaves”

A mixed group of humans goes to bid on a dragon, raptor, gryphon, and wolf sex slaves. It turns out it is a trap that the anthros use to obtain their own shrunken slaves.

33) “Debts”

A man finds a male anthro black tiger that is injured and nurses it back to health. The anthro was injured by magic and is still being pursued by those wishing to wipe anthros out. They try to kill the man for sheltering an anthro, but the tiger grows to a monstrous size and saves the man. The powerfully built creature accidentally scares off the man, but easily catches him and informs the man that he is his servant for saving his life. The two eventually become lovers.

***34) “A Wonderful Exile”

Two young anthro lions are booted out of their pride as is requiring by tradition. Years pass and they grow into strong members of their species, but they do not look forward to being exiled once more when they grow old. While ranging far from lion lands they discover a primitive, and small city, that they are able to dominate. They decide to stay in exile with their tiny subjects until the day they die.

35) “Fun Times”

Seven people are shrunken by a horse (Hard vore, soft vore, anal vore, anal crush, cock vore, cock crush, hoof crush). It turns out the horse is a magical being and is just letting them live out their dreams. He resurrects them all in the end to let them all do it again as many times as they wish.

36) “The Ranch”

A rabbit participates in an experiment that causes her to shrink anyone within 10 feet of her when she orgasms. She is not aware of this at first and the story follows the misadventures of her first victim. When she does find out she does not help, but instead starts collecting men and keeping them in a fish bowl. It is not too bad for the men since the sex is great.

**37) “Tremendous Happenings”

After a planet explodes and bombards another planet many of the people on that world grow to tremendous sizes. After a few months they cease to see the value of the tinies and start to have they way with them.

*38) Note to self: Try to do some fan stories someday.

**39) “A Day of Change”

All the predators on Earth become anthros and start growing. They start eating their way through the rest of the creatures on the planet, including humans.

40) “The Twins”

Tigers are under attack and nearing destruction until a pair of twin blue tigers (not related, just born at the same moment to different parents) appear. They have the power of growth and quickly change things for their kind while having fun doing it.

41) “Dominance”

One size-changer decides to start growing, and soon many others follow. It quickly turns into a growth contest to the detriment of the planet. First to last is on a separate tournament sheet.

***42) “A New Situation”

Humans land on a new world with their servant/slaves. They are four armed four foot tall “dragons” that are not well respected by the colonist humans (Most dragons are treated better, but these people are just jerks that left the rest of humanity behind to pursue their own misguided ways). The world is Earth-like except all the animals are only one to three inches tall. The humans start to shrink to the size of the other animals while the dragons grow to ten times their regular size.

43) “No Need to Stop”

A panther female wants to go out for a night on the town. A man accidentally hits her with a growth ray and she sees no reason to stop her fun simply because she grows. She likes being large and keeps the man from shrinking her while making him her boyfriend.

***44) “Boys and Their Toys”

A seemingly young fox and rabbit pass through a town. They are actually powerful entities and decide to keep the town. They shrink it and keep it in their basement to have fun with whenever they want. This is told from the perspective of one of the town’s inhabitants.

**45) “Security”

12 people try to break into a home unaware of its security. They wind up shrunk and at the mercy of the three large inhabitants of the house. Two are unaware of the shrunken people, but one is. The three large inhabitants are a herm tiger (the aware one), a gecko, and a horse. Cock vore, anal vore, hard vore, soft vore, hoof crush, paw crush, butt crush, boob crush, cock sex toy, paw slave, pussy sex toy, and belly button crush.

46) “Dawn”

This is a sexless story about a dragon attack on Earth. It starts out with just one and it is killed in the end, but many more start to emerge. Possible series with “Day” and “Sunset” following.

47) “Tallest”

A fox girl has been using a growth gun on herself since she was little. She is a genius. She likes being the tallest person around. Her best friend finds out and gets a hold of the gun. Her snow leopard friend goes over board and so does the fox. Destruction soon follows.

48) “Words Have Power”

A guy reads strange words in a book and ends up summoning a demon feline/rabbit. The herm demon shrinks and eventually kills everyone at a party except for the one that summoned hir. Shi keeps him as a pet in gratitude for freeing hir.

49) “Private Property”

A group of friends trespass on a private party and end up getting transported to a world where titanic anthros are enjoying their time on the beach. The anthros are a dragon, tiger, wolf, and horse. This is an unaware story.

50) “Sometimes Wishes Come True”

A man finds himself suddenly shrunken in a strange house and soon discovers he is in the home of a lioness whose heart he had broken. He suffers death after death because of her and her new raccoon boyfriend. He eventually learns that she wished he would suffer a million and the universe granted it.

51) “Satisfaction”

While returning from recovering a powerful artifact a brown dragon decides to have his boy pleasure him at an inn. The dragon starts to grow and the already enthusiastic boy (19, but very pretty in an almost girlish way) becomes even more so as he grows. The dragon flattens or devours anyone who interrupts.

**52) “True Monsters”

A husky, snow leopard, bunny, and fox appear in a city and go on a rampage. They are nude and everybody thinks they are just animals at first. But, once they start pleasuring themselves with the city’s inhabitants and laughing while taunting everyone they realize they are dealing with true monsters.

**53) “The Next Big Thing”

A rat gets teleported to a world where he is an invincible titan and has fun with the micro population. Then the next titan arrives and he finds himself shrinking down to size.

**54) “Strange Happenings”

9 in 10 people on the planet shrink and some friends must survive in the presence of their un-shrunken dragon friend who is hungry and horny. This is a multiple POV story.

55) “I Was Bored”

Someone observes as an arctic fox destroys a city. He survives and is later confronted by the giant fox and they have a little conversation.

56) “The Blessed Forest”

A man on the run from raiders flees into a forest where evil may not enter. He hears the screams of the raiders and then runs into a macro tiger and dragon. The two allow him to become their third lover and they have a lot of fun together.

57) “Dark Justice”

A number of people abuse their horses while on a nature hike in the jungle until one of the horses eats a strange flower that turns it anthro and lets him grow as he kills of the humans.

58) “Gardening”

A vixen with bat like wings (a goddess) shows up and wipes out a city because she doesn’t like how it looks in that area. She is not mean about it and even apologizes a bit even while she crushes people. This is a clean story.

**59) “Don’t Annoy the Giants”

Everyone in a town shrinks except for a rabbit/tiger and a bat. At first the two twenty somethings try to help the townspeople, but the people are too demanding and the rabbit/tiger crushes one person in a fit of rage. The two realize the power that they have and have their way with the town.

60) “Rampage”

A more serious look at a rampage story. Include women and children in this one. The macro is a minotaur.

61) “Being Assertive”

A snow leopard accidentally gets a hold of a shrink ray and accidentally shrinks her abusive husband while pretending to shoot him with the toy gun. After a while she starts to be more assertive in the relationship.

62) “Abducted”

A micro dragon and raptor alien shrink and abduct a bus full of tourists. The aliens then proceed to perform experiments on the people that makes them more difficult to kill and much more fun to play with. Relatively clean story.

63) “My Girls”

A young wolf is talked into giving his girlfriend and her companion, a vixen and panther, the power to shrink things. They then proceed to shrink the entire town and have some fun. The wolf gets to ride around in the vixen’s cleavage.

64) “Going Out For a Jog”

A husky and wolf go out for a jog and are exposed to a chemical cloud that causes them to grow without them realizing it. They grow while taking a nap. When they wake they continue their jog through the city. They end the jog with a little morning sex.

**65) “Eat Your Vitamins”

An arctic fox volunteers for a medical experiment that is supposed to improve his looks. He remains lightly built, but gets muscular. He is a shy guy. Then some vitamins he takes causes him to start growing. At one point he stops being shy and enjoys his new power.

66) “Pest Control”

On a world where horses are smart, but don’t let humans know, they hire a macro horse to wipe out a medieval city to make room for more grassland.

**67) “Colonization”

A male white tiger and female orange tiger alien (four eyes and feathered wings) colonize a world recently settled by humans. They are xenophobic and make the much smaller humans realize that they are the superior beings that can do whatever they want and that it is forbidden for animals to act like anything except animals.

**68) “Bound Dragon”

Human/fur mixed world where some are larger and some smaller than humans. Dragons are twice the size of humans while cats are half the size of humans. An angry evil cat shrinks and captures the friends of a dragon and drugs the dragon. The cat then restrains the dragon and uses his friends to forcefully pleasure and feed him. One friend might survive, but the dragon manages to escape, shrink the cat, and step on him (or something like that).

**69) “A Bad Raid”

Humans try to obtain the food from the home of a Razael (Black furred with red stripes. All beautiful. Four armed and legged giant canine that took over the Earth 4,000 years ago.). The Razael love canines and enhanced their size and keep them as pets. The humans have a bad time with the pets and the Razael.

70) “Restricted Love”

Macro jackal and wolf are in love with micro fox and tiger. The macros and micros do not get along on this world and when their relationship is discovered things do not go well. At least two die.

71) “Through the Door”

Two bats wander into a secret door in their basement and find themselves on a world of micros. Of course, the two lovers decide to have fun.

**72) “Everything You Hear”

A human encounters a macro lion, dragon, husky, and horse. He is so frightened that he nearly gets himself killed trying to escape. The macros save him and he finds out that what he heard about macros isn’t true. They are technologically advanced and can protect him when they invite him to join in on their orgy.

73) “Midnight Terror”

Towns and cities start disappearing at midnight in the middle of every month. One person tells about what happened as his town is attacked by a giant panther in a place where the only light comes from the human habitations.

74) “Love for All”

An athletic, but short, tiger with a healthy sexual appetite and a love for destruction whishes he was bigger. His wish is granted as he grows so large he extinguishes the sun with his cum. This is a happy rampage.

***75) “One Eventful Day”

A sequel to “Cat and Mouse” that takes place 100 years later. The Laline’s nails have turned red. It starts out as a normal day as they go out for a picnic. But, when the human wanders off while she takes a nap he has a run in with some mice and has to flee. The day is still primarily about the human and the Laline though.

76) “Thief in the Night”

A macro raccoon terrorizes a neighborhood in the middle of the night. Only those that have seen the raccoon can hear it.

77) “Alpha”

A man recounts the tale of a black male wolf attacking his town. The wolf spares the man so he can let everyone else know the world has a new alpha.

78) “Helping Hand”

A muscular lion helps bulk up a scrawny tiger. Later they both start to grow to extraordinary heights and become lovers.

**79) “The Curse”

A few young men find out that the cougar girl he likes is cursed. Whenever she shows interest in men they shrink and die horribly due to her. It was placed on her by a spurned lover. Unaware story.

80) “Pushing Your Luck”

A group of micros peeps on macros one time too many. The macros find out and find suitable ways to punish the micros.

81) “Beast of Burden”

On a world where horses are sentient and macros, but still beasts of burden, a group of people are trapped beneath the balls of one horse as he sits down for a nap. They survive and find out they like the experience. The help pleasure the horse eventually.

**82) “Coincidence”

A man (without his knowledge) prepares a meal that shrinks humans and turns dogs and cats into sentient macros. It also gives humans incredible regenerative abilities. The man feeds his dog and cat what he eats. The pets are unaware of the shrunken human and kill him numerous times before figuring things out.

***83) “King and Queen”

An evil lioness and T. rex show up at a huge party and shrink everyone. They also make the people durable enough to survive their cruelty for a short time. The people are different sizes for different things (i.e. Tie a person to each toe as well as the foot and walk on them).

***84) “The Collector”

A fem boy fox with the power to shrink people does so to any people he likes and thinks are cute. The fox keeps them as toys and pets. He is not cruel though and thinks that escape attempts are merely games. The fox loves all of his little toys and never breaks any of them.

85) “Mixed Up”

A female deer becomes intelligent and a macro, but it takes her a while to learn that she no longer has to be afraid of anything. When she does she makes a young farmer a very happy man.

**86) “Dark Future”

A man travels to the future hoping for a better world. What he finds is a world dominated by macros that think of humans as nothing more than slaves, food, or sex toys. The man makes it back in time, just in time for the macro invasion.

87) “Be Careful What You Say”

A lion, tiger, wolf, and dragon are secretly macros living among micros. They get tired of hearing their ancestors talked about and decide to put the micros in their place.

88) “Appeasing the Deity”

A few young people are sent to appease their panther deity. They think they are going to die, but wind up his sex slaves instead. His cum is the reason why their land flourishes despite the lack of rain.

89) “Devoted”

Someone tries to get a snow leopard to cheat on her fox husband. She plays along at first, but then she shrinks him and the new micro ends up as a toy for the couple.

**90) “Slave Becomes the Master”

A tall genetically engineered anthro wolf is the slave to an abusive human. The wolf takes the punishment at first. Then he starts to grow and his master becomes trapped in his sheath. The wolf finds the experience extremely pleasant, but accidentally kills his master while pawing himself off. The wolf then realizes he is the master of humanity.

91) “Tormentors”

A bunny boi gets locked in what he thought was an old bomb shelter by childhood tormentors. He manages to get out, but not before getting exposed to a strange beam of light. While asleep the bunny grows into a 500-foot tall macro. Once he figures out that he is a giant he becomes the tormentor.

92) “Deception”

Micros are deceived into believing they have gone unnoticed by the lioness and horse that they live with. They suffer very unfortunate fates.

**93) “Not the Way We Intended”

Some friends make themselves invisible around their dragoness friend while camping, but they end up shrinking and losing their voices. She does not notice them coming to unfortunate ends due to her.

94) “I Need One of Those”

A snow leopard/dragon hybrid receives a mysterious pendant in the mail that causes him to grow. The story is told by a neighbor that observes him and wishes for one.

**95) “A Breath of Fresh Air”

A micro jackal and wolf crash land on a world populated by primitive humans. Humans were thought to be extinct. The air on the world makes the micros grow. At first they are hunted by the humans, but they soon do the hunting.

***96) “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie”

A human tries to wake his dog friend. When he does the dog shrinks and shrinks the human along with him by accident. The dog quickly un-shrinks but the human remains ball sized and stuck under the dog’s balls. All attempts to wake the dog only arouse him and the human gets used for sleep sex. After that the dog shrinks and un-shrinks one more time. The human gets cock vored.

97) “Stay Out of My Way”

A macro lioness finds her home infested with micros, but she could care less. They are okay if they stay out of her way, but a lot of them can’t and end up getting killed.

98) “My Bad Day Becomes Your Bad Day”

A dragon having a bad day starts to grow and makes his bad day everyone else’s bad day.

99) “Biggest Girl in Town”

A micro alien grows infatuated with a muscle bound wolfess. Even though he is too small to be noticed by her he grants her wish of being the biggest girl in town, mush to everyone else’s regret.

100) “Lake Monster”

A herm otter goes on a swim in a lake and finds a mysterious tunnel. When shi swims through that tunnel shi finds that shi is now the fabled lake monster and has hir way with a nearby city.

101) “Follow the Rules”

Some friends disobey the house rules of a herm ferret and activate a machine that is supposed to make them invincible. The problem is that it shrinks them as well and the process is irreversible. To make things worse, the ferret really does not like to have hir rules disobeyed and punishes everyone involved.

102) “The Chosen”

Twin male and female micro dragons are merged using magic and the resulting macro herm dragon gets revenge on a local human village that had been tormenting them. The dragon eventually comes to be worshiped as a god and the humans learn to behave.

103) “Protection”

After offending the local diety one too many times it packs up and leaves. It is not long before a hellhound moves in to fill the gap. The local people find the hellhound to be much less likable.

104) “Rematch”

A sequel to the growth competition story. Someone changes reality for a rematch.

105) “Exactly as it Seems”

A popular lion shrinks his submissive friends and convinces them that they want to be his pets.

106) “The Cabin”

A man visiting a cabin befriends a local fox while he is out there. One day there is a bad storm and the man lets the fox in for shelter for the night. When he wakes up the next day he is shrunken and the fox is a smoking hot vixen. She is going to eat him at first, but she recognizes his taste and scent. The two soon become lovers. The cabin grants secret desires.

107) “The Pack and the Loner”

A pack of muscle wolves attack a city and have their fun for a while until a mega fox (wolves are cock sized to him) arrives and has his way with them. The fox completes the destruction of the city while barely noticing.

108) “Careful Calculations”

Arrogant teens mess with the settings on a sensitive teleportation device and teleport themselves to a world of macros. They are invincible and end up the pets of a lesbian husky and bat.

109) “Breaking and Entering”

Someone tries to break into a home and activates the security system, a teleportation device that transports him to a world of macros. The man is given to a macro wolf and can only be released if the wolf says so.

110) “Lazy Afternoon”

A macro tiger suddenly appears asleep, resting against a building, in the city. People gather around to see the sight, but soon the tiger wakes up and goes on a lazy but sexy rampage.

111) “Stallions”

A couple of stallions try to prove who is the better male to their masters and grow to huge proportions to prove it. They overdue it and drown a city in their cum.

112) “Earn It”

On a world dominated by macros a man is captured by a lioness and tigress along with others. They only intend to keep one person and that is the person that brings them the most pleasure. That person gets to be a pet that the macros will dote on for the rest of its life.

**113) “Pests”

People ignore rumors about approaching giant lizards, dismissing lizards as nothing more than pests. Then the day comes when a lizard finally arrives. It easily overpowers the local defenses and has its way with the town. The lizard considers the people nothing more than pests.

114) “Best Product Around”

The Earth is conquered by macro wolves. It turns out that humans are tastier and healthier than any other food product and they are also the ultimate aphrodisiac. This story is about a man who somehow befriends a wolfess.

115) “Gifts”

An arctic fox and snow leopard gather a town on their mega sized fingers and exchange them as gifts to each other. Then they shrink down to a more manageable size to have fun with their gifts.

116) “Mispronounced”

A mispronounced spell leaves a few people shrunken and in a dangerous situation. The macros in the story do not realize that the micros are there. The macros are a raccoon and bunny.

117) “Enough is Enough”

A short cat is tired of being called short. He gains the ability to shrink people and does just that. Some he has fun with himself and others he uses his unaware wolf boyfriend to take care of.

***118) “Respect My Pet”

Someone is displeased when people mistreat his pet anthro tiger. He shrinks those people and lets the tiger do what he wants with them.

**119) “Traps”

A group of macros try to trap a micro fox and coyote. Then they get caught in the trap and are shrunk by the micros. Only one manages to escape the wrath of the micros and that one gets stepped on by a friend that told him to leave the micros alone in the beginning.

120) “Finding Satisfaction”

A snow leopardess tries to find something to satisfy her tastes. No one does however. Then one day she comes in contact with a strange material that allows her to grow. It takes the entire planet and moons (three, all populated) to satisfy her hunger, both normal and sexual.

121) “My Little Pets”

A group of women find themselves in the possession of a macro wolf. He disposes of them one by one as he finds himself dissatisfied with them. It is not until one of the women realizes he wants enthusiastic little pets that he starts sparing them.

122) “The Pride”

A pride of lions is given an experimental growth hormone. Of course, they grow into macros and they like doing just a few things. Eating, having sex, and crushing littles (with both their paws and private parts). Humanity is in trouble.

**123) “Wish Upon a Star”

A submissive person makes a wish on a star. All the doms on the planet start growing while the littles gain the power of regeneration. Only the doms and subs really like this.

124) “Wandering Rune”

Friends wandering in a forest are surprised by the appearance of a rune on the ground. They step on it and are teleported to an alternate Earth populated by macros. They get involved in an orgy with a fox, wolf, dragon, snow leopard, and tiger. A few choose to remain with the macros.

***125) “A New Man”

A man is bitten by a seemingly rabid raccoon. A doctor’s checkup and a few needles later appear to cure the man. Then he starts to change a few weeks later. He starts to look like an anthro raccoon, gaining muscle mass, and growing. The anthro identifies less and less with humans and eventually starts to prey on them.

**126) “Social Experiment”

A group of people send shrink rays out to people with different personalities to see how they would use shrink rays. Someone figures out that they are a part of the experiment, but can’t do anything because of getting shrunken. Anthology story.

***127) “A New Perspective”

A human on a normal world wakes up to find himself an anthro jaguar. He is of course surprised, but kind of enjoys the powerful body. Then he finds out how the tiny humans on his new world are mistreated. He is in for an even bigger surprise when he finds his new little sister about to eat the human version of himself. The main character is the only one that can understand humans, but they can’t understand him (his vocal cords aren’t built for human speech). He also finds out that he tastes delicious.

128) “Dealing With It”

Machines arrive on a fur/human world and alter it to fit much larger inhabitants. Things get bad for the people when the macros arrive. The macros know only how to indulge themselves and treat the micros very poorly.

129) “Stranded”

A space traveler gets stranded on a world of dangerous giant animals. He gets in a lot of trouble and is eventually saved by a macro vixen. She thinks he is cute and tries to convince him to stay with her even if her world is primitive. Of course, he eventually decides to stay.

**130) “Showing Off”

A fox boi does not like others flaunting their manhood in front of him. He starts to grow and displays his fox meat for all to see. The fox stuffs people, objects, and the moon down it as he grows. He does not decide to return to his normal size until after he drapes his cock over the planet.

**131) “Taking the Dog for a Walk”

A macro dragon takes his mega dog for a walk through a micro city. The dog is overly enthusiastic in the city. He keeps licking up and stepping on the inhabitants as well as drowning them in his cum. They try to convince the dragon to take his dog and leave.

**132) “Rodents”

Mega sized rodents appear on a world. The smallest of them (mice) like picking on humans while the largest (rabbits) consider them icky things whose cities are always getting underpaw.

133) “Invasive Lifeform”

A mega tiger accidentally leaves macro squirrels behind on Earth. The squirrels multiply uncontrollably and begin to consume all the resources on Earth. Life on Earth is saved when mega tigers return to wipe out the squirrels.

**134) “An Interesting Turn of Events”

A researcher turns all of his horses into macros, but he made himself invincible. That’s a good thing since the horses often forget to look out for things smaller than them. While talking with a horse while sitting in his lap mating season begins and the researcher is stuck in the middle of it.

135) “Mix Up”

A herm coyote bumps into someone and gets hir aspirin mixed up with his. It turns out that his aspirin where actually growth pills. Shi and hir friend, a herm reptile, take the pills. They have dom personalities and they keep taking pills.

136) “Were You Entertained”

On a world where cats are anthros (but still small and pets) a man takes in a stray cat. The cat loves the human and sees him on the internet looking at macro stuff. The cat helps him live out his dreams using local criminals and shrinking them. In the end the man likes it and decides to spend every weekend shrunken.

**137) “Macro in Training”

A vixen is trained in the art of rampaging by a wolfess. It turns out the people in the city willingly participate in the rampages since they can regenerate. The vixen finds this an odd thing and it takes a little getting used to for her.

**138) “Perspective”

This story is told from the perspective of a mega macro female arctic fox and a human. The mega macros took over the world thousands of years ago and the surviving humans view the macros as gods. They think it is a good thing to sacrifice themselves to the megas. The fox feels guilty about what the megas have done to humans and tries to spark up a more meaningful relationship with a human she has had since childhood. The human does not understand why his mistress hates him and won’t let him sacrifice to her. All of her humans think that because she defends them from her friends.

139) “Dream Vacation”

Someone shrinks himself down and then sneaks down the cock of his horse friend. He waits until the horse has relations with his tiger girlfriend and hopes to get cumshot down her throat. He ends up dribbling down her chin, but manages to get into her breakfast.

140) “Spell Book”

A bored malicious young dragon inherits a spell book that lets him summon micros to have fun with. In the end he discovers a new spell that lets him go to the micro world and control his own size. This is a clean, if cruel, story.

141) “Mind the Signs”

Someone feeds a bull something they shouldn’t at a petting zoo. It causes the bull to grow into a huge macro that ends up destroying an entire city before returning to normal.

**142) “The Enchanted Meadow”

A few men stumble upon a horse goddess in a meadow. The more time they spend around her the more devoted to her they get, as well as shrinking. It gets to the point that they willingly let her eat them and use them as toys. When they get too small to be of use she just steps on them and finds more humans. She completely forgets about a human in her breast fur and he shrinks forever in her fur.

**143) “Secret Club”

One friend takes his other friends to a secret club. Before they can get in they take a pill that gives them regenerative abilities within the club. It turns out to be a club that exists between dimensions and macros attend. The night turns out to be fun for everyone.

144) “Unstoppable”

A herm dragon/fox/rabbit shows up in a town and befriends a local man. He is surprised by hir enthusiasm about life and finding out about things. Shi turns out to be a god and starts to grow. The planet is eventually destroyed but the man shi met is spared and allowed to live on one of the worlds that she wears.

145) “Why Him”

Strange lights one night cause a short panther to grow 10-feet in height while everyone else shrinks to less than an inch in height. The panther makes everyone around him his slaves/food once he realizes they are shrunk and not gone.

146) “Absorption”

A white wolf and a snow leopard find they have the power to absorb the height of other people. Of course, they abuse this power.

147) “Pumping Up”

Frustrated with his inability to get any larger, a body builder dragon goes to his friend for help. His friend tries, but ends up with different results. The dragon becomes a macro, but both of them are fine with that.

**148) “Falling off the Wagon”

A reformed macro size shifting husky gets a boyfriend that she doesn’t know can force her to change her size. He does so and convinces her to go on one more rampage. She loves it and eventually eats her boyfriend too.

149) “Overlord”

A man is brought before his macro black wolfess overlord and she fakes eating him. She is not as terrifying as he thought and she keeps all of her sacrifices as lovers.

150) “Small Town”

A lion’s car breaks down in a town. An experiment gone wrong has left everything within 10 miles of the town shrinking, but no one noticed until the lion arrived. He is slightly taller than everyone else. This story is meant to be a little more humorous in nature.

151) “Guardian Spirit”

A playful fox spirit arrives at a man’s house and shrinks him. The fox does not kill the man, but all the people who caused him problems in life meet unfortunate ends. In return, the man becomes the pet of the spirit while at home while his enemies continue to disappear.

**152) “Dimensional Trap”

A town comes under attack by a macro tiger. When someone tries to get out of the town he ends up in another town also under attack by a macro. There are four macro’s and towns altogether. The macros are a tiger, rabbit, wolf, and horse. All four towns eventually merge and the macros have an orgy with the survivors.

153) “Game of Deception”

A macro jackal terrorizes a city. Then a friendly mega shows up to play with his macro friend. The mega leopard is too big to see the littles and does not know what buildings or vehicles are. The macro tricks the mega into destroying a city or two.

154) “Young Love”

A tiger and wolf god show up on a world in celebration of their joining. There joining is more than symbolic though. Their powers merge and expand, making them even more powerful. They break the planet in two and feed it to each other in the end.

**155) “Revenge Can Feel Good”

A lion finds his human lover cheating on him at an orgy of other humans. For some reason the humans shrink and the lion has his revenge. He kills everyone but his cheating lover, whom he keeps as a sex slave. The human gets tied to his cock.

156) “Trickster”

While out camping one friend reveals that he is an anthro fox to the others. He also shrinks them and starts to hunt them down one by one. Then he goes off to find new “friends” to go on a camping trip with.

**157) “Returning the Favor”

A macro panther that lives alone, accept for a few micros in the wall, is down on his luck and very depressed. Most macros kill micros, but this macro is friendly. The micros try to cheer up the macro in a way only micros can.

**158) “Experiment Interrupted”

A teleportation experiment goes a little wrong, leaving its subjects shrunken in the home of a raccoon and snow leopard. It could have been reversed but the experiment was shut down. The macros are unaware of the littles.

**159) “The End”

Colossal macros, a bunny and wolf, appear on a world and have their way on it before quickly outgrowing it, the galaxy, and the universe. Everything is brought to an end within the macros. They consider universes common things and don’t mind destroying some.

160) “Souvenirs”

A macro dragon and tiger stop by a world of micros to collect some souvenirs. They could care less about what harm they might cause to the littles.

161) “Discarded”

A boyfriend shrinks for his horse girlfriend and is vored. She flushes him in the end to conceal that she is into those things.

162) “Peep Show”

A lioness catches some men trying to install cameras in a women’s locker room. She shrinks them and locks them in the room. When the other women arrive they get quite a show.

***163) “The Wrong Fox”

Someone tries to rape a fox, but when he does he starts to shrink. Having sex with this fox gradually shrinks people if the fox wants it to be that way. He usually only does it for friends, but he likes to do it to rapists as well. The fox keeps shrinking them until they become a part of his seed. Then he impregnates a female with them to do better their second time around.

164) “Growth Implant”

A man plants a growth chip into his husky lover, but waits until he is on vacation before he grows the dog. The horny husky then relieves his sexual frustration on the planet.

165) “Restricted Area”

People camp in the restricted area of a forest to get away from the crowd. They end up getting shrunken and having to deal with large wildlife. Then they are discovered by the anthros experimenting in the area and become their test subjects.

166) “Ignoring Advice”

A fur ignores advice to not stay overnight in a small town. The people are so friendly he decides to stay. They are so friendly because it means the herm macro tiger will not attack the town the day it receives a visitor. That visitor becomes stuck in the town the next day and must endure the macro attack.

***167) “Selected by a Dragon”

A dragon with the ability to transform from quad to anthro gets around to selecting a rider. He sexes up the smaller rider, but the rider must pass the digestion test. If the rider can survive being eaten he is the true rider of the dragon. Dragons are like royalty.

**168) “Dream Girl”

A man’s dream girl, a wolfess, comes to life. She also grows into a macro just like he dreamed and goes on a rampage. He tries to stop her, but she thinks he is playing and just stuffs him in her breasts.

169) “Taboo”

Someone kills a fox in his village even though it is forbidden. The next day a macro fox destroys the village and everyone in it except one man. The person who killed the fox is kept around for torture purposes.

170) “Forgetful”

Someone slips a shrinking potion into the drink of his friend. He mixes up the drinks and winds up shrinking instead. The friend goes unnoticed by the snow leopard for a while, but eventually is noticed while in a sandwich. After explaining the situation the snow leopard eats him as punishment.

**171) “Up Close Research”

People travel back in time to study dinosaurs but wind up in an alternate history where raptors are intelligent and they shrink. They are soon captured and enslaved by a primitive raptor.

**172) “A Little Snack”

A man wakes up in a strange room one day. It is not long before a vixen walks in for sex and a meal. The man resists to the amusement of the vixen. In the end he finds out it was all an act and the vixen thought he was just acting too. Micros are paid for their services and the vixen pays well.

173) “This is Different”

A panther shrinks a group of people and expects to terrorize them only to discover that they love being shrunken. It’s weird, but still pleasurable for the panther.

174) “Wild Animal”

A wolf and fox (non-anthro) wander into an experiment and merge into an anthro. They are friendly until they grow.

175) “Abduction”

A man finds the world frozen in time in the middle of the night. He tries to find out what happened and is abducted by an alien macro dragon and tiger. The aliens abduct smaller creatures from primitive worlds for their cruel pleasure.

***176) “Encounter at the Lake”

A micro human sees a macro wolfess bathing in a lake. This story takes place in medieval times. Humans are in retreat, afraid they will be enslaved or wiped out by the macro wolves. This man finds the wolfess beautiful and often observes her bathing. One day she invites him out of hiding and shows him that wolves really are not that bad after all.

177) “Nano to Micro”

A nano civilization enlarges itself to the size of micros in hopes that the macros will notice them and stop stepping on them. A macro rex and roo do notice, but they aren’t so nice.

**178) “Omnipotent”

A snow leopard goddess summons creatures to her realm without realizing it, she does not realize she is a god since she is the only one. It takes her a while to notice the lesser beings around her. She is nice enough, but does not realize her power.

**179) “Fear of Man”

All of the deer on the planet become anthro macros. The only thing saving humanity is the deer fear of man. One young buck decides to explore a city one day and finds nothing to fear.

180) “Intervention”

The “best friend” of a kind, but naïve, wolf is constantly using him. The friend tries to steal the wolf’s lioness girlfriend and fails. He then tries to make it look like the lioness did cheat, but he starts to shrink. He then ends up stuck between the giant lovers. The friend is destined to be used for the pleasure of his friend from then on. Unnoticed story.

181) “Forbidden Fruit”

Friends break into the land of three mysterious sisters and eat from their fruit tree. They shrink and are captured by the owners, three now macro otters. One sister is sort of nice and keeps a couple as pets, one does not care and accidentally kills a few, the other is cruel.

**182) “Expiration Date”

A dragon in human form is finally free to grow into a macro and go on a rampage after the dragons’ treaty with the gods finally expires. The dragon does let his boyfriend live though.

183) “Curiosity Pleasured the Cat”

Anthology feline themed story. 1) Town teleported onto a macro world where terrorized by lioness. 2) Experiment gives anthro panther ability to shrink people. 3)Experiment turns snow leopard into macro. 4) Experiment to stop snow leopard with tiger winds up in destruction of Earth.

184) “New Reality”

A man alters reality. His former pet husky is a macro and his wife in the new reality. They have interesting times together.

***185) “1000 Years of Darkness”

A young villager ignores warnings about removing a gem from its resting place. Nobody was supposed to be able to remove it anyway. Removing the gem summons a cruel dragon. The villager is spared when the dragon figures out the human summoned him. The dragon can speak, just not human. It takes the human to summon more dragons, but a hero shows up and temporarily paralyzes the dragon. The hero tries to get the villager to summon good dragons, but he is scared of the evil one’s wrath and summons more evil ones.

186) “Dimensional Rift’

An experiment opens interdimensional rifts that allow macros to come through. Some are friendly, some not.

187) “Enough for Everyone”

A group in love with a lion tries to get him to choose between them. He shrinks them and picks everyone. The lion is more than enough for everyone.

188) “Eclipse”

A solar eclipse creates a strange field around a city. Soon a macro tiger shows up and levels the place. One person on top of a skyscraper survives after getting stuck between the tiger’s toes. People think he is insane after the eclipse is over even though only a paw shaped crater is left of the city.

189) “Shopkeeper”

A micro hits on a macro bat shopkeeper. His efforts eventually pay off and he finds out the quiet bat has a wilder side.

190) “Partners”

On this world macro dragons are paired with micro partners. These partners are often orphan’s whose only family is the dragon. Sometimes the relationship gets pretty intimate. That goes especially for women and male dragons. Many men do not like the overdeveloped war like women.

**191) “Deer Crossing”

On a world of macro deer a man is driving along the road and comes to a deer crossing. There is an accident with one deer that results in female deer vore. The lead character gets in an accident with a buck later. The deer are immune to bullets, only knives and swords can hurt them, but they are so big it doesn’t really matter. The deer can talk but most people do not know that. Main character only finds out after getting vored.

**192) “Sleep Talker”

A man gets something that lets him make three wishes without him knowing. In his sleep he wishes for his husky to be intelligent, an anthro, and could control everything’s size. After the husky thinks she fails to please her master in other ways she has fun playing with everything’s size.

192) “Delivery”

Someone gets a miniature lion in the mail that quickly grows into an anthro and a full sized lion. When he invites his friends over to see it the lion shrinks them and pleasures himself with them. The lion also reveals he can talk. In the end the lion regenerates them all. A letter arrives later asking how the human liked the free sample and whether he would like to purchase lion.

193) “Bring Back Nothing”

While traveling to a parallel world, someone brings back what he thought was a large jewel and turns out to be a dragon egg. It is an extremely aggressive creature as it begins to grow. That does not change until he reaches his full growth, but an entire city had been destroyed by then. The dragon is repentant but it is the fault of another for breaking the rules.

194) “Alternatives”

Someone tries to talk a macro wolf that loves tormenting things into thinking that micros can be useful to him. The wolf is torn at first, but decides he can have things both ways.

195) “Energy Source”

A macro raccoon steals the size of an arrogant mega tiger. The tiger used to be the largest one around. The raccoon makes the tiger as small as a micro and only lets him get slightly taller than a normal for sexual favors. The raccoon has to keep the tiger alive for his size.

196) “You Messed with the Wrong Person”

A man fleeing the police runs into a strange home and harms the owner. The anthro panther from a different dimension takes offense. It is not long before the man winds up as the panther’s slowly shrinking sex slave.

197) “Love at First Sight”

Size shifting fox and coyote meet while rampaging in a city. They forget to control their powers while making love and overdue things.

198) “Paradise for Who”

Some people find the entrance to paradise and enter it. They just did not know it was not paradise for human. It is for macro horses that know everything in their world is for their pleasure.

199) “Mistaken Identity”

A man gets a cat that one of his friends tells him looks like a panther. When some people break into his house mistaking him for someone else they all end up shrunk and at the mercy of the panther. The panther pretends to be indifferent to his master, like a normal cat, but he does really love him.

200) “Bad Day at the Office”

A lion with size shifting abilities gets angry at having a bad day at the office. After finding out he has to stay at work even longer so his boss could sex the lion goes on a rampage. That rampage happens to be all a size changing wolf can take too. He goes after the lion and could careless about everyone else.

**201) “Fated Night”

A serious rampage story told from multiple POVs during an attack by a macro dragon, fox, and tiger. Some die and some survive.

202) “Training”

A wolfess goes out exploring her new territory and discovers that her people are macros when she finds a town of littles. She eventually abducts the entire town and trains them to serve her. All those who don’t are killed. She does give some slack to the first person she met.

203) “We’re Not Barbarians”

A macro red fox captures a little but says she won’t harm him. She lets him have a little fun with her at first, then she starts to use him as a sex toy. She makes it so he won’t die because killing micros is uncivilized. Things get worse for the micro when the arctic fox boyfriend arrives.

**204) “Screw Up”

Someone tries to stop the rampage of a 50-foot tall macro snow leopard by shrinking him down. It backfires and makes the macro 50,000-feet tall. The macro thinks the micro did it on purpose because someone could not screw up that badly. He spares the micro and makes friends.

205) “Surviving Any Way I Can”

When a macro raccoon is about to step on someone slowly during a rampage he massages the raccoon’s toe. The raccoon likes it and spares the little. He then keeps the little and brings him back to his own home. The little is surprised to discover that the macros have their own advanced civilization, but with a smaller population. The raccoon’s vixen girlfriend also likes the little after having him for a little while. Soon all the macros start keeping littles for slaves.

206) “The Right Size”

A mega dragoness tries to rampage on a world, but she keeps showing up too large to have much fun. She destroys a world with her nipple once, she crushes cities under a toe next, she mistakes cities for foot sized patches of gray the next as well as macros for littles, and then she gets frustrated. She goes off to cry on a new world and she is a lot smaller, but still a macro. Someone finds her and tries to comfort her. She really likes him and becomes his girlfriend. She is overprotective.

207) “Cold Blooded Mercenary”

A band of thieves moves into an area. They have a brutal reputation that precedes them. The villagers make a deal with a dragon to handle the bandits. They give him all their gold and promise 10 generations of servitude to him. The dragon also gets the forest.

208) “Good Choice”

Spies try to steal the plans for a secret experiment that they know little about. A scientist walks in on them and they chase him back to the experimental subject’s area. That subject happens to be a macro guard dog that responds well to commands. The scientist has the dog handle the unwanted intruders.

**209) “Enhanced Effects”

An experimental new drug that is supposed to increase a person’s intelligence and height is tested on a tiger and wolf. It is not meant to be used on animals, but it has to go through animal testing before human testing. The drug has a radical effect on the wolf and tiger, making them anthros as well as far more intelligent and far larger than humans. The animals break out and have their way with humanity.

210) “Lights in the Attic”

There are strange lights in the attic of a house. The owner has not been seen since the lights appeared. Some friends wander into the house and get pulled into a parallel world of macro furries. They discover the crushed remains of a human shortly before having to dodge giant paws and hooves. They are discovered by a wolf tiger hybrid that has always wanted paw slaves.

***211) “Remnants of a Bygone Time”

A snakeman wizard of the time before man awakens and is disgusted to find that his world is gone and is now populated by the little vermin know as man. He partially resurrects his people through humanity, but leaves himself the most powerful. He considers humanity nothing more than a slave race and begins subjugating them. An enemy sorcerer, a dragon, awakens at the end of the story. Their war begins anew. Possible series.

212) “Getting Bigger”

A very generously endowed wolfess gets rid of another female she dislikes as she starts to grow larger. She is a lover of men and gives them one last moment of pleasure before crushing them.

213) “Betrayal”

A dragoness with the power to absorb the powers of others keeps voreing her size shifting friends so she can be the largest dragon ever.

**214) “Attempt at Revenge”

A group of friends swallow what they think are growth pills to get revenge on a panther. It is too bad the panther tricked them into swallowing shrinking pills. They wind up his slaves.

**215) “Reptile Rulers”

Various macro reptiles start appearing all over the planet and laying claim to it. Some are kind, some not. People try to resist, but they find all they can do is choose which reptile they want to lord over them, and that only for a short time.

216) “Odd Summoning”

A human finds himself summoned by a macro husky, fox, and wolf with a human fetish. The spell also locked onto three people with a furry fetish, so it is fun for everyone involved.

217) “Lightning Orb”

A snow leopard is struck by lightning shortly after finding a strange orb. He wakes up on a world where he grows every time he falls asleep.

218) “Mystic Dinner”

The enemies of a gryphon’s friend soon find themselves a part of his meal.

**219) “The Collection”

A snow leopard with an odd ankle bracelet starts to grow one day. People cannot make out what the pretty jewels on his bracelet are until he gets but so large. They are worlds he has destroyed over the millennia and their world is next.

220) “Exposed Plans”

A man murders his wives for the insurance money so he and his girlfriend can live the good life. One of the wives, a husky, finds out and shrinks both of them. The two are turned into rubber like sex toys and they can still fill the pain. Husky marries tiger for fun.

221) “Infestation”

Scientists lose control of an experiment and transport all the occupants of a city into the home of a lioness. The true problem is that they look like ants compared to the lioness and she tries to take care of the bug infestation.

222) “A Vixen Scorned”

An arctic fox keeps getting dumped due to her short stature. She is generously endowed, but still small. One day she finds a way to grow and exacts her revenge on the world. She gets large enough to crush buildings between her boobs.

***223) “Servitude”

On a world where anthros are created as slaves (humans are illegal to create as slaves) a man purchases two tigers that are mates. They are submissive and will do whatever their master says. That behavior was beat into them. The man shrinks himself down and has the tigers do things he’s always dreamed about. He also lets them use the device whenever they want afterward.

224) “Do Not Eat”

Someone tempts a wolfess and lioness with “do not eat” cookies. They cause the two to grow when they eat them. It was originally meant to be funny when they grew out of the house and their breasts grew a couple of sizes. Things turn out differently when that someone finds out they dreamed of being well endowed giantesses.

225) “Chance Encounters”

A mega cougar (cities are the size of a grain of sand to him) wanders around worlds in search of another like him, unaware of the civilizations he tramples underpaw. He finally encounters a female rabbit and the two make love out of instinct alone. It is horrifying and beautiful for the people there. The megas continue to visit that world as a celebration of that meeting.

226) “Persuasive Speakers”

On a world where dragon’s rule some villagers try to convince a dragon he would be better off if they did exist, dragons normally don’t care. They do everything from cleaning the dragon, sharpening his claws, feeding him, giving him wine, but nothing works. The have to physically please him.

227) “Envy”

A horse is not happy to be replaced as the favorite horse by his master. He turns into an anthro, starts to grow, and goes after his master. The human learns his lesson before things return to normal as if nothing had happened.

**228) “Their World”

Word arrives that animals are turning into anthros and they are steadily growing over the years. At first it is just a curiosity, but the animals soon encroach on human civilization. Humanity tries to stop them, but finds they are increasingly helpless to do so. Soon humanity has to survive on a world that is no longer theirs.

229) “Second Line”

Humanity is under assault by macro t. rexes and raptors. If the humans can stop them in space they can win, but on the surface they are unstoppable. This story is about humans who try to form a line of defense against the lusty reptiles and fail as their world is conquered.

230) “Too Much”

Friends shrink themselves around their fox friend as a joke to try and scare him but they shrink too much. The fox can’t see them. All the friends suffer unfortunate ends.

**231) “Getting More”

Someone shrinks himself so he can eat more cake. Unfortunately, his girlfriend, a mink, walks in and accidentally eats him. The man is invulnerable and survives the experience. He tries to get his girlfriend to un-shrink him, but she likes having a tiny boyfriend.

**232) “Part of the Equation”

A mare is concerned about her much smaller husky boyfriend (size accurate). He is tired of being so small compared to others, but he likes having such a large girlfriend. That is when the mare reveals she can change her size just by breathing and she can change his size by breathing into him. They both go macro and she lets him have some fun with a city. He does not forget about her though.

233) “Abnormal Results”

An experiment on a rat turns it into an anthro. He also has the ability to shrink things in the blink of an eye. Some unfortunate people find this out about the cruel rat He is not bitter about being experimented on since he benefited. He offers to let the one that experimented on him live as a pet. His children are also gifted.

**234) “New Neighbors”

A mega bat awakens after 500 years to discover new creatures have settled on her world. She discovers they taste delicious, but keeps them in her third stomach until she can determine whether they are poisonous. She is later contacted by them and she finds out they are intelligent. She lets them pass through her second stomach unharmed. She does that every time she eats humans while hunting.

235) “Integration”

Macros move into a neighborhood and most of the neighborhood is too terrified to meet the giant couple, a jaguar and lion. One person eventually goes over to greet them but ends up between the jaguar’s toes on her way back to her house. He frees himself, but gets stuck in their home and almost swallowed by the lion. The macros are embarrassed by everything and apologize. They even let the little have some fun with them, something that is only a dream for many micros.

236) “Three Strikes”

This takes place on a world where police dogs and horses are macro anthros. The first crime gets you used as a sex toy, the second gets you vored by a horse (hurts, but survivable), the third gets you vored by a dog (fatal). They are also free to step on anyone they want before catching them.

**237) “Trojan Horse”

Unlike the real one this is an actual horse. He is the champion of his army and used to ending stalemates. He was only supposed to be a rumor, but he is occasionally used to end wars that have gone on far too long and to show those what happens to people that oppose his side.

238) “Disapproval”

A dragon (normal sized) shows up on Earth. He does not approve of tool use, not even otters using stones to break open clams. The dragon starts to grow when no one gives up their tools willingly. Then the dragon starts to dismantle civilization himself and to wipe out creatures too stupid to do otherwise.

239) “Uninvited Guests”

People try to crash a party and find themselves shrunken at the front door. They are then captured by someone that was actually invited, an anthro husky. It turns out the party is for anthro huskies and the tiny humans are used as snacks and entertainment.

240) “The Bigger They Are”

An arctic fox herm is infected with a strange disease. It causes hir to grow and become increasingly lusty and hungrier. Eventually she gives in to temptation and targets the smaller furs around hir. Shi has multiple populated worlds to have fun with in her solar system. The fox eventually becomes a god and hir hunger and lust vanish. Shi keeps the last surviving world as a pendant around hir neck.

241) “Being Polite”

A man is out sailing with his friends when his boat sinks. His friends disappear and he is stranded on an island. He finds out his boat was sunk by a sea dragon. She did not eat him because she was full. Since they were in her territory she thinks it is only polite they provide her with a meal. The man has until she gets hungry again to convince her not to eat him.

242) “Ambush”

Hunters become the hunted on an expedition. They find their vehicles wrecked and they are stranded in the wilderness with two hungry and lusty male lions.

**243) “My Place in the World”

A size shifting vixen with the instinct to rampage tries to suppress it. She believes her gift to be a curse. Then a village she is staying in is attacked by bandits. The vixen defends it and has fun doing it. She becomes a hero and soon travels the world helping.

244) “Power Up”

Gay dragon and lion that are antisocial gain the ability to grow by absorbing power. Any power sufficient enough will do. Things don’t go well for the rest of civilization.

245) “More Than we Bargained For”

Some people seek a legendary horse and they find her. The problem is she is a macro that resents attempts at capture by anyone but her destined rider. She kills all but one man, her rider.

**246) “Read all the Instructions”

Macros try to make themselves larger with a spell, but skipped over the part about not using it during the day. They wind up shrinking themselves and teleporting into the home of a wolfess. She never notices the former macros turned micros and accidentally kills them all. Since she ate a couple she gets their size the next day, plus the enhancement from the spell, making her a mega macro.

***247) “All at Once”

People get trapped on the testing grounds of an experiment gone wrong, supposedly. They were actually researching a way to combat eight eyed wolf like creatures that get larger with every one killed. Contact with their seed impregnates other creatures with a litter of wolves. The people call in a nuclear strike and make the one outside of the blast zone super sized.

**248) “Pool Party”

People have a party at a house with a pool. Suddenly, what looks like little islands and a croc the size of the islands appears in the pool. Everyone at the party shrinks down onto the islands and are preyed on by cetaceans. They are also used in the croc’s drinks. Two people are grown to half foot sized by the croc and one is kept as a slave, the other is turned into a meal.

**249) “Appreciate What You Have”

A man neglects his tiger pleasure slave. The tiger gets desperate and tries to use a spell to get his attention. At first the spell does not work, but it shrinks the master without him noticing. The master gets stuck in every crevice of the tiger’s body without him noticing over the course of a vacation.

***250) “Without Limits”

Dragons are required to wear limiters when traveling off their world to control their growth. A silver and gold dragon are too powerful for the limiters to work. They meet while rampaging on the same world and destroy each others limiters. That’s when things really get out of hand.

251) “A Little Game of Catch”

People are teleported into a dimension of size-changing cheetahs for a little game of catch. The game seems lethal for the littles involved. In the end one little survives and witnesses the others get resurrected. The cheetahs congratulate the survivor, offer to let him play again, and give him the cheetah with the lowest score as a prize.

252) “Seven Days”

A husky shrinks a man and gives him seven lives to survive seven days. If he falls asleep or dies he ends up a different size somewhere else in the house. If he survives he gets any wish he wants. He is the first to survive and wishes to play the game again whenever he wants with infinite lives. The husky likes him.

253) “We Love Guests”

Thieves break into the house of a dragon and wolf. The two are still home and they love it when people try to break into their home. They shrink the thieves, just a little at first. The thieves are used as sex toys and are given invincible bodies that can still feel pain. It is not until they loose their minds that they let the thieves die.

254) “Compatibility”

Someone encounters a tiger/dragon in the woods and is scared to death of the seven foot tall monster. The creature chases him down, but only showers him with love and affection. It turns out they are compatible with each other and form a mental link. The stronger the link, the more the creature grows.

**255) “Place in the World”

In a land recently conquered by macro nagas, a man is captured and enslaved by one. The nagas eat anyone whenever they feel like it and ignore their pleas for mercy. It is not that the nagas are mean, they are just predators and they act like it. They actually like humans, but they cannot help but eat them. The naga tries to explain this to his new human and how it is just everyone’s place in the world.

256) “Inheritance”

A man inherits an extremely large mare from his relative. It is his first time taking care of the horse, but she seems to like him. While riding the horse one day she starts to grow and become an anthro. She gets smarter, but she is still kind of ditzy. It takes her a while to notice her shrunken master, but she has some fun with him when she does.

***257) “Isolated”

This story takes place in a fantasy setting. A group of reptile men have taken over a kingdom at the invite of the local population. The previous rulers were corrupt and the reptiles are much more popular. A group of holdouts tries to ambush an officer within the ranks of the reptiles. What they don’t know is that the officers, which are larger and stronger than normal, have the ability to shrink people as well. The officer keeps the holdouts to do with as he pleases. They can’t escape because they would be stuck in a giant world filled with people that don’t like them. The officer also has a harem that he must make sure is properly pleasured.

258) “Destined for Greater Things”

An arrogant and cruel tiger and lion walk through a strange fog one day and wind up on a parallel world where they are macros in a land of primitives. Of course, the two take the place over and turn the populace into their obedient slaves.

259) “Roadkill”

A deranged couple repeatedly run over an anthro raccoon. They think he is dead, but he shows up later at their cabin in the woods. He then turns them into micros and put them through various torments as payback. The raccoon keeps resurrecting them to stretch things out.

***260) “Dragon Master”

A human with the ability to control dragons tracks down one that is killer. The dragon thinks the human wants him dead and tries to avoid him. This dragon is not a macro yet, but he is still a little over eight feet tall at the shoulder (He’s a quadruped). The dragon is surprised to find out that not only does the human not want him dead, he wants to make the dragon an unstoppable macro dragon. His new human friend makes it so that he can go on a rampage like he has always wanted to.

**261) “Protecting a Friend”

This story is about a husky that is owned by a geeky guy that is easily taken advantage of by others. The dog is his protection though. Whenever she finds out about those taking advantage of her master she waits until he is away before she takes care of them. She originally only stayed with the human so she could handle jerks that he was sure to attract and people would not miss when they were gone. Being a dog, she eventually became attached to her master and takes extra pleasure in taking care of his enemies.

262) “Bad Men”

A group of cruel macro girls get shrunken by a panther and wolf (black furred as well). The two are not only getting revenge for the deaths of friends and family, they also have rapist personalities. They like the idea of rapping and devouring the former macros as well as becoming heroes for doing it.

**263) “Repaying My Debts”

After getting lost in a strange arctic land, a man nearly freezes to death. He is nearly crushed by a huge snow leopard that just barely notices the half dead man and brings him back to his lair. The man refuses to leave until he can pay the snow leopard back for saving his life, but the tiny man is of little use to snow leopard. The snow leopard is kind and lets the human stay with him for as long as he likes. Of course, there is one thing the man discovers that the snow leopard likes. Felines are sensual creatures after all.

***264) “Favors”

A dragoness starts abducting some smaller furs from a town. At first it seems like they are in for a good time, but the dragoness starts killing them off after getting some pleasure from them while forcing the others to continue pleasuring her. After she kills them all off her boyfriend shows up. It turns out all the people she killed were bad people from his town and she was killing them off as a favor to him. He shows his gratitude to her in a way he knows she will like. This boyfriend can survive pleasing her and getting vored by her.

**265) “The Wrong Person”

A group of rowdy bandits angers the wrong lion in a tavern. The lion later tracks them down and reveals that he is a size changer, becoming a macro in their isolated hideout. His sidekick, a fox, is also a size changer, but still noticeably smaller than the lion. The fox is also much shyer, but still enjoys being a macro. It is the lion that keeps things rolling and subjects the bandits to a number of humiliating and often deadly things at his hands and the fox’s too.

266) “Mean Streak”

A stallion and mare are somehow given the ability to turn into anthros whenever they want. The stallion is nice, but the mare has a mean streak. She has the ability the shrink everything except the stallion. What she likes to do is shrink people and have the stallion kill them without his knowledge. The stallion finds out in the end, but is too nice to stay mad at the mare and just makes sure to watch out for shrunken people in the future.

267) “Reluctant Villain”

A macro rabbit pays a visit to a city. Most macros take a great deal of joy in terrorizing micros, but this macro only does so reluctantly. It is almost instinct for the macros to terrorize micros. Even thought the rabbit does not want to she finds that her instincts are impossible to ignore. Tormenting micros does bring her pleasure and it makes her sick that it does.

***268) “The Enchantment”

Humanity has been enslaved by a race of 10-foot tall panther people on this fantasy world. One person finds himself sold to an especially big (12-feet tall) powerful male panther that happens to be a sorcerer. The sorcerer places an enchantment on the human that causes him to shrink whenever he thinks bad thoughts about his new master. As he shrinks he goes from being a slave, to a sex toy, and eventually a meal. The panther has other slaves and continues to get more slaves. When this human learns to love his master within the panther’s belly he is spared digestion and turned into a favorite little pet.

269) “Immune”

Travelers wind up in a strange town where the people insist that they stay overnight. They are actually a group of killers that abducted a young wolf and fox couple. What they don’t know is that some people who stay in the town shrink and some don’t. It turns out the couple is immune and the townsfolk let them have their way with their former kidnappers.

**270) “Dragon’s Resurrection”

A kind gold dragon is slain by a group of overzealous knights. It would not have been possible for them to slay the dragon if he had seriously fought back. What they don’t know is that when the gold dragon is killed an even more powerful black dragon is resurrected in the gold’s place. The black dragon is not so kind and destroys the town where the knights are from, eating, stomping, and pleasuring himself with anyone he wants to. They need to slay the black to bring the gold back, but that is not likely to happen. Whenever a dragon is slain a more powerful one is born.

***271) “Alien Foods”

An alien reptile visits his human friend on Earth one day. He has to bring his own food with him as suggested by interstellar travel agencies. His human friend experiments with his food while he is asleep. The food causes the human to shrink, but instead of freaking out, the human tries to have sex with the reptile in his sleep. The reptile is hung like a horse and the human has fun until the reptile wakes up. He thinks the human is a strange bug and decided to experiment with Earth foods by eating his friend. It turns out that eating humans causes him to grow a foot.

272) “1000”

A disease causes everyone on the planet to shrink accept for 1000 people. These people do not notice anything at first, but they soon learn that they are the new rulers of the planet. Some abuse their newfound power.

***273) “Communication is Key”

A group of researches is performing a series of experiments on a lion. They make him smart for a lion and anthropomorphic. The lion gets to be so friendly that they think they can let him free on their compound. That’s when the miscommunication starts. One person has pity on the poorly hung lion and makes it so his cock is three times the size of a normal person’s. Then someone else decides to increase his strength levels. The two modifications were done without knowledge of the other and causes the lion to get horny and grow.

**274) “Surprise Visit”

Friends decide to pay their macro vixen friend a visit on a day she said they should not visit. They find out that she is in heat and can’t help but use them as sex toys. It is terrifying until they find out that they aren’t going to die. The vixen is embarrassed for her behavior, but the guys let her know they’re willing to help her out with her urges whenever she is in heat again.

***275) “Persistence”

A dragon (quadruped) that has dedicated himself to protecting humans keeps getting run off by those he chooses to protect. He could kill them, but he chooses not to and just leaves. It is getting to the point where he is willing to give up when he comes across a village under attack. He has second thoughts about helping the village, but he does in the end. Not only do the villagers not run him off, they see to make sure he is a very happy dragon.

276) “The Rule of Four”

While camping a friend shows his other friends a strange stone. He planed to use it as a distraction to strand an unpopular new lioness in the woods. They pretended to be nice to her to get her to come with them. It turns out that whenever four people touch the stone at once it shrinks them. When the friends shrink the lioness accidentally starts killing them off. She hears about the plans from the final survivor and lets him remain as her shrunken slave.

277) “Accidents Happen”

A horse scientist accidentally eats one of her own samples and starts to grow. She does not make it outside and destroys the building she is in with her growth. The horse tries not to cause any trouble, but accidents just keep happening. It is also awkward that her clothes do not grow with her and her bust size increases.

278) “For the Viewers”

Some people wake up in a huge house one day and have to survive the home’s macro tiger and jackal’s attention. The people notice odd things about the behavior of the two, but do not figure out what is going on until much later. They are actually a part of a porno video the tiger and jackal are shooting.

**279) “A Good Gamble”

A man encounters an escaped snow leopard in the woods and is a little scared of it, but gives it his food and a good petting when it gets close. After that the snow leopard keeps appearing around his home and the man forms a nice relationship with it. One day people pursuing the snow leopard show up and the man reluctantly informs them about where it is. After that people try to break into his house and the man is forced into his bedroom where he finds the snow leopard waiting for him. The snow leopard then reveals that he was a part of a very illegal experiment and can shift into an anthro form. He can also control the size of others and decides to defend what he considers his new mate. The snow leopard also handles his pursuers in a similar fashion.

280) “Unexpected Occurrence”

Some micros break into the home of a hot macro wolf to sneak a peak at her, but are surprised when a few of her friends show up as well. They go unnoticed by the macros and suffer painful ends, but some of them do get good shows.

281) “Taking the Lead”

A muscular fox and a tiger boi happen to be a couple and a pair of size changers. The tiger is too shy to change his size in a city, but the fox convinces him to do it in the end. He also decides to share his lover with the city while doing him. The fox gets the city to drown in a torrent of tiger cum.

282) “Once in a While”

A dragoness grows tired of living among other creatures and decides to reveal her true size and power to the inhabitants of one unfortunate city. She is a very sensual dragon and does what she does more for how it feels than to be especially mean.

283) “Little Discovery”

A lion stumbles onto a lost city of micros. He keeps the discovery to himself and occasionally comes back to terrorize the micros. It’s something he’s always dreamed of doing.

**284) “Know the Local Lore”

A group of mercenaries/bandits moves into a new area, not knowing it is the territory of a macro gryphon. Since they entered it without making the proper offering they are all killed of by the mythical creature. Everyone else enjoys the protection of the giant hybrid.

285) “Taken Down a Notch”

A panther girl hooks up with an overbearing jerk of a lion and shrinks him. She uses him as a sex toy and a slave for a while. Then she hooks up with a shy fox that she likes and uses the shrunken lion as a sex toy between them without the fox ever noticing.

**286) “The Once and Future King”

Someone tries to clone a T. rex but ends up creating a macro anthro t. rex instead. It then decides to assert his dominance over humanity. After finding that humans can’t satisfy his other needs he forces his creators to make him a mate.

287) “Making Big Friends”

While exploring a strange cave in the woods a man stumbles onto a new world that he can’t escape from. On that world he encounters a macro wolfess and has to avoid getting killed by her until she eventually notices him. They cannot speak the same language, but they eventually befriend each other and become lovers as time goes on.

288) “Something to Show You”

A dragon shows his raccoon friend that he has the power to change sizes during sex. He makes himself a little too large for the raccoon at first, then he makes them both too large for the city, and the continent as well.

***289) “Snake Trap”

A bunch of people get invited to a cabin in the woods for a party. No one knows who sent out the invitations until the morning after the party. They all wake up in a shrunken cabin with a naga waiting to toy with them.

290) “Day of Destruction”

One day a bunch of furs grow to mega macro sizes without noticing. They end up crushing civilization beneath their paws without noticing what they are doing.

291) “Spectacular Fool”

A magician with a lot of power, but not a lot of intelligence accidentally turns his tiger into a destructive macro. The tiger never liked the magician and devours him for his power. With the forces of magic at his command, he goes on a rampage and does whatever he wants to.

***292) “Shadow Manor”

A few furs stay in a manor where strange things supposedly occur. The manor keeps shrinking them one by one. Whenever one shrunken fur is killed off another fur shrinks. This keeps on going until there is only one fur left. This story remains unaware for a while.

293) “Closed Doors”

A group of scientists figure out how to break down the barriers between dimensions, not thinking that someone put them up for a reason. A huge dragon ends up coming to Earth and has some fun with his new toys. The dragon is not particularly evil, he is just cruel like a child.

294) “Captive Audience”

A group of furs are taken prisoner by a rabbit. He proceeds to shrink everyone except for a lioness, who he binds up. The rabbit then begins to feed the shrunken furs to the lioness and pleasure her with them. In the end, she likes it and even gives the rabbit a blow job with micros to help out.

295) “The New Fad”

A new fad catches on and it somehow ends up shrinking everyone who participated in it. That is just fine with one wolf who decides to get a little revenge on those that decided to tease him for not participating in the fad.

296) “Breaking in a New Toy”

A snow leopard buys the Earth to use as her new sex toy. The unsuspecting human population is in for a big surprise when they find out this has happened.

**297) “In the Middle of Things”

A komodo dragon goes from top predator to macro terror over the course of time after an experiment gone wrong. The komodo likes his new power and keeps one of the people that transformed him as a pet. This person always liked the komodo and is happy to watch his beloved reptile become the ruler of the Earth. The story is from the pet’s perspective.

**298) “Strange Days on the Farm”

A man finds that his prized stallion grows into a macro titan one day. The horse won’t let him leave because he insists that his master still carry out his duties, such as brushing his fur. It turns out the man can survive getting killed by the horse, which is a good thing considering that the horse is a bit carless around the tiny human.

299) “Creature of Magic”

People encounter a micro tiger like creature in while camping. It has eight eyes, a split tail, and four arms. The people think the creature is a curiosity until it shrinks them and proves how cruel it is. Escaping does them no good since they would still have to survive as nanos in the woods.

***300) “Rise of the Leviathan”

Huge water dragon (Leviathan) starts appearing in coastal cities. The creature has its way with whatever happens to live within a few miles of the water. People that chose to live within those areas learn he is the new ruler of that domain.

301) “Science can be Fun”

A vixen scientist experiments on and shrinks various furs. She tries to make it so that they can survive her treatment of them at their reduced sizes. It normally only makes it so things are much more painful and prolonged for them. Eventually, she succeeds and then has some fun with her boyfriend, which was why she was doing this to begin with.

**302) “Good Luck Charm”

A man winds up on a world of macro nagas and is nearly eaten by one before being discovered. The nagas are actually pretty friendly and they get even friendlier when he seems to bring them luck. Humans are actual good luck charms on this world.

303) “That Should Even Things Up”

A female panther wants to get stronger than the others in her gym without using steroids. This is a difficult thing to do since she is so short and people have always teased her about it. Then she steals her boyfriend’s growth drug and becomes a macro. She has her revenge before her boyfriend shows up. The panther expects him to be mad, but he likes his new macro girlfriend.

**304) “When Things Come Together”

This is the story of a size shifting dragon. He can only get a little big, but he also swallows a growth pill given to him by a friend, gets hit with a growth ray, and has a growth spell cast on him. The dragon gets insanely huge and destruction follows since the dragon likes being a macro.

**305) “Breakthrough”

After years of being forced to suffer through macro attacks someone finally figures out how to harm the macros. The military goes into action and defeats macros on a rampage for the first time. All macros only have the intelligence of animals, but they can be friendly if raised from a young age.

***306) “Pick and Choose”

A bored and very hungry macro nine-tailed fox goes on a rampage. He is a picky eater and careless with his steps. This macro has the unusual trait that he can be talked into not eating people. He does walk on all fours, but he does have thumbs and can walk on two legs if he wants to.

307) “I’ll take This One”

A group of sentient anthro horses is attacked. They are also size shifters and consider driving off attackers more of a chore than a threat, all accept one. He likes dealing with attackers and using them as his toys, but he keeps it a secret since he thinks the other horses would think him weird.

308) “One Eventful Night”

While out on a nature hike a group of people gets shrunk by an anthro bat (normal sized for a bat). The people are from the modern world, but the bat is dressed in a more wild fashion. She likes tormenting littles, but she takes a liking to one and makes him her lover.

309) “The Only Male They Need”

A macro wolf abducts a bunch of people of the highway during rush hour and takes them back to his place. The men serve as a food source and nice crushable toys. The women are added to his harem. He has strong pheromones that can mesmerize women and make them his willing slaves.

***310) “Willing Sacrifices”

Two furs offer themselves to a macro dragoness as sacrifices to save their village. The dragoness is impressed with them and decides to give them a little pleasure before eventually devouring them.

**311) “Fleeting Whims”

A macro snow leopard pays a visit to a city. He pays no more attention to the people in it than they would to bugs, all accept one person that thinks the snow leopard looks perfect. When the snow leopard spots him on the roof of a building the snow leopard lays his paw out in front of him and lets him step in. The feline takes the person back to his home and keeps him as a pleasure slave for a while. Then one day the leopard decides to eat him on a whim. Getting digested does not hurt and the person is grateful to be absorbed by his master. The leopard cannot talk.

312) “Tricksters”

A group of foxes trick a group of humans into drinking a shrinking formula. The foxes then proceed to have their fun with the humans.

***313) “The Reason Why”

A group of warriors walk into a town ruled by lizard men and wonder why the people are so subservient to the lizards. Each of them disrespects one of the lizards at one point and finds out the reason for that. The lizards can shrink people and anyone that does not show the proper respect to them is already dead.

314) “Pick Your Fights”

Some unwise people decide to pick a fight with a lion and tiger. They are already big guys and the other people want to make a name for themselves by beating them up. It should have been an unfair fight due to numbers, but the lion and tiger are size shifters. None of those people survive the “fight.” The law does not interfere with size shifters, mostly because they can’t do anything about them with become smears beneath their paws.

***315) “Make You Big”

A brilliant scientist takes in a tiny mutant reptile (kind of dinosaur/Godzilla like). These reptiles are normally treated like dirt, but this scientist happens to like reptiles (he’s almost worshipful of them). He then begins the process of turning the reptile into an unstoppable macro. The reptile is friendly to the scientist, but no one else.

**316) “Fringe Benefits”

A young human enters a joint macro/micro city for the first time. He is actually the one that found out how to make materials that could support the weight of macros. The human had always been fascinated with macros, but has always been to shy to approach them. After nearly getting stepped on by macros, one of them (a female cougar) recognizes the human and offers to take him home and cook a meal as an apology and to get to know him. Macros and micros don’t normally get along to well and macros are mostly uneducated. The cougar is proud that she actually can read.

**317) “All of It”

A cruel dictator is abducted by a young dragon that feeds off of negative emotions. They cause him to grow. The dragon is just fine with turning the dictator into his own personal sex slave. He starts out at five feet in height and ends up so large that humans are only a quarter the size of his toes. In the end he cock vores the human when he can no longer get any more power from him.

318) “Don’t Taunt the Animals”

A group of troublemakers taunt the animals in a zoo and are surprised to receive a visit later that night from an anthro lion capable of shrinking people. Things don’t turn out well for that group.

319) “Anniversary”

Some furs swipe an experimental shrink ray and try to shrink a dragon with it. What they don’t know is that the dragon invented the shrink ray and has a device that reflects the beam back at whoever used the ray. The dragon then presents the shrunken furs to his vixen wife for use in their anniversary celebration.

320) “Likely Candidates”

A macro wolfess and snow leopardess go through a city looking for the right males to help them satisfy their needs. They are not mean and avoid killing anyone, they are just looking for some males to have fun with back at their home.

321) “Control”

After getting transported to a strange and primitive world some humans encounter a lioness that they discover can control their size. She shares her new slaves with her friends (other anthro African animals). They are all cruel females, but the lioness does keep a few as her worshipers. She likes the idea of being a goddess.

**322) “At the Mercy of a Titan”

A group of micros start wandering around a strange forest that turns out to be the fur of a mega husky that is visiting their world. They don’t find this out until they are accidentally inhaled by him. Their attempts to escape the mega go unnoticed and they are eventually swallowed and digested without the mega ever knowing they were there.

***323) “Bad Deals”

A water monitor lizard steals a magical orb for somebody, but they double cross him and try to kill him for it rather than pay him. He somehow ends up swallowing the orb and turning into a macro. The lizard then proceeds to go on a rampage because he isn’t such a nice guy himself.

324) “Mating Gift”

Two panthers seek to find a good gift for a female they are competing for. One of them eventually comes across a village of micro humans. The panthers are around 90-feet tall. That male presents the previously unknown humans to the female and wins. The humans get used as food, sex toys, and one even ends up as a pet to the female.

**325) “Half Breeds”

A dragon/fox and a dragon/tiger are confronted by those that don’t like the mixing of species. They soon discover that the half dragons now have the power to shrink people instead of breathing fire. Those people are then used for the enjoyment of the halfbreeds.

326) “Same Results”

An evil genius tried to use a growth formula on himself, but ends up using it on a female horse instead. She does not like the growth at first, especially since she gets assaulted by a confused military. Eventually, she discovers that she has a darker side that enjoys the power and she lets that side take over.

***327) “The Power of Will”

This story takes place in a fantasy setting. The pet dog of a man in a forest wants to please her master, but cannot in her present form. She unearths a mysterious necklace one day and it is powered by her will. The dog’s strong will turns her into a macro anthro dog deity whose paws could crush a castle with ease and even dragons bow down to. Even with all that power, she still has a special place in her heart for her human and makes his life a happy one.

**328) “Surviving”

In a world ruled by macros, littles are forced to live in cities or they will be killed on sight. This story follows one of those littles as he tries to survive in a city where macros can do whatever they want whenever they want with littles.

***329) “Past Mistakes”

Non sexual bad ass dragon style story. This is the story about the last dragon on Earth. He thought that dragons should go to war with humans while they were still numerous, but most disagreed. Dragon slayers eventually killed most of the race. This dragon knew he could not take on humanity with the few dragons that agreed with him. They did come up with a plan however. They sealed him away with a few eggs and found out how to drastically enhance his powers. The dragon wakes to find himself all alone in the world. He makes sure the eggs are protected before going off to try and exterminate as many humans as he can on his own. When the eggs hatch he is sure that dragons will be able to wipe humanity out for good since they will be as powerful (and as huge) as him.

330) “Growing Concern”

In this story the growth of a macro fox and panther are covered on the news with growing concern over time. It is slow growth and takes months to happen. The pair are invulnerable and after a certain time they stop viewing their fellow furs as significant beings. They end up growing so large that they destroy the planet while having their fun.

331) “Alley Cat”

An alley cat gets hit with a mutagenic ray that turns it into a giant anthro. It is not quite invincible, but it does know how to fight. The cat loves having all the nice edible humans around. The idea of being able to gorge himself makes him a little drool a lot.

**332) “The Chosen People”

After screwing around with a strange device a group of friends gets teleported to an alternate world where raptors rule. These friends view the beliefs of the raptors as silly and ridiculous (the raptors say their God made them the rulers of the world and all other creatures were supposed to bow down to them). When they fail to show the raptors the proper respect they start to shrink and end up as slaves and sex toys to the raptors as punishment.

**333) “Making the Rounds”

A lion sorcerer often travels around the city shrinking murders, thieves, and rapists. He normally keeps them as meals and sex slaves. But, after saving a high class prostitute one night she finds out about what he is doing with the criminals that just seem to disappear to everyone else. She wants revenge on the rapists and offers to give him a free job and assists him with his fun with the tiny criminals.

***334) “You Will Be Mine”

After stumbling into a world of giants, a man somehow manages to save a macro anthro cougar from death. The cougar falls in love with the man and follows him back to his own world when he leaves. He does not think a relationship can work out between them, but she proves that no normal woman can ever be all the female that she is. The human eventually agrees to go back with her and be his mate. While on Earth she causes a bit of a commotion and a lot of damage, but no one really gets hurt.

**335) “Evolving Relationship”

On a world full of macro anthros, a man is nearly crushed by a macro deer that hates humans, like most anthros do. This human is saved when a macro wolf kills the deer for a meal though. The man is also captured, but the wolf decides not to eat him too and starts using him as bait for bigger kills. From there the relationship starts to evolve with the two eventually becoming lovers.

336) “Field Rabbits”

On a world where macro carnivorous rabbits rule, a group of people accidentally stumble upon a group of field rabbits. The friends try to remain hidden, but they are discovered when one of them is accidentally stepped on. Soon the rabbits start having their fun with the tiny humans.

**337) “Changing World”

A man notices the world changing while no one else seems to notice. Dogs are slowly turning into anthros and growing each day. The entire history of the planet seems to change each day to go along with the changes in the dogs. Soon, dogs rule the planet and humans are their pets. The man finds out how to undo the changes, but he decides not to. He rather likes being the pet/sex toy of his macro husky.

338) “A Pleasant Dilemma”

A normal gryphon fur wakes up on a primitive world as a macro god and has to get used to the idea of performing his daily tasks, such as providing his people with life enhancing cum and keeping the evil goddesses distracted so that they won’t eat his followers.

339) “True Power”

A macro tiger likes terrorizing littles, but a mega dragon does not take too kindly to her activities. The dragon keeps stopping the tiger before things can get too far, but one day the tiger finds out how to grow into a mega herself, one even larger than the dragon. She goes to confront the dragon one day and she soon discovers that the dragon is at his smallest size. He can get much, much larger when he wants to. The tiger is still no threat to him.

***340) “Opening Up”

A slightly nerdy human has been friends with a lion macro since they were kids. The lion was one of the cool kids, but he always treated his human friend well. Now that they are grown up they are very close friends. One day the human opens up about being gay for the lion, much to the lion’s relief since he was gay for the human too. A new stage in their lives opens up.

341) “Model Town”

An arctic fox with the ability to shrink things shrinks the entire neighborhood he moves into. He keeps all the houses in his own house (he likes collecting neighbors). The fox only keeps a few alive, the ones he really likes.

**342) “Angelic Demon”

A black winged and horned canine like macro creature descends on a city. She is quite beautiful and always has a pleasant expression on her face, but she proceeds to tear the city apart and kill everyone there. One person might survive by getting stuck in between her toes without her noticing, but that is only a maybe. He would become her pet if he did though.

***343) “A Friendly Visit”

This story stars Kil’aman. He happens to get away from his keepers for a while and visits a city. The naïve dragon starts growing in the city for some reason and has some of his type of fun with the inhabitants. This time the story is told from the littles perspective.

**344) “Unapologetic”

A macro arctic fox stumbles upon a world of littles and has some fun with them. He constantly taunts the littles with his physical superiority. The fox is arrogant and cruel, but nobody can really do anything about it.

345) “Sorting Themselves Out”

A weird cult kidnaps a tiger woman and grows her into a macro. They keep her chained up and use her to pleasure themselves. Things tend to work themselves out sometimes though. This tiger escapes and gets her revenge.

**346) “When the Sign Says Don’t Enter…”

Don’t enter. Some friends get drunk and trespass on a military testing ground. They get caught up in an experiment that sucks them into an alternate world of macro furs. The tiny humans go unnoticed by the titans and they all suffer terrible ends except one. One person even gets teleported directly into a macro’s belly. The person that survives finds a way home, but accidentally brings one of the macros back to Earth with him, at an even larger size. Multiple POV story with painful endings.

347) “A Good Job”

A man gets hired on at as a farmhand on a world where macros exist. It’s tough work, but he finds out how fun it can be to wind down after a hard days work with the macro horse and dog.

***348) “Forgot Something”

A micro human shares a room with a macro lion and wolf (both big muscle bound guys). The human has to head somewhere to do something, but he forgets something back at his home. He heads back without the wolf or lion noticing. When he gets back they are making out. He sticks around for a closer look and the lion has to go get something in another room real quick. The human goes in for a closer look at the wolf pawing himself off and does not notice the lion returning. He ends up getting stuck between the lion’s toes, but gets free with the assistance of the lions tail later. Then he manages to get between the too lovers and eventually gets cum shot into the wolf’s mouth before finally getting noticed. The macros apologize for not noticing him, but the human wants to do it again.

349) “Of Sky and Air”

A sea dragon and a sky dragon meet for the first time. They fall in love with one another and make love, much to the distress of the littles that the dragons no longer pay attention to now that they are more concerned with each other.

350) “Where Winter Rules”

People enter a land where man does not rule. It is an arctic area, but there are reports of a vast treasure here. There is a treasure, but it and everything in that land belong to a massive arctic fox, snow leopard, and white tiger. The moment those people enter the lands of those giants; they became their property as well.

351) “We Should Have Messed With Nature”

A monster movie spoof where all the giants are loving (and slightly horny) anthros. Some people begin to wonder why they did not mess with nature sooner.

352) “Too Trusting”

Humanity is contacted by an advanced anthro alien civilization. These aliens teach humans how to construct devices capable of putting out unlimited energy. What humans don’t know is that the devices also shrink the entire Earth and the effect is permanent. Earth then gets turned into an adult themed micro playland for the anthros.

353) “Eve of Destruction”

The macro is the good guy in the story for once. A size shifting wolf/dragon must defend his world from an evil horde of invading aliens and their giant mechs. He has a few other powers, but he does not like using them because he worries about losing control and going on a rampage. In the end, he manages to keep control of himself and drive off the aliens. He does do a bit of property damage and has to help fix it though.

354) “Size Changing Conflict”

One person gets a hold of a shrinking ray while his friend gets hold of a growth ray. They both go around town trying to shrink and grow other furs before the other can have his way. Of course, things get a little out of hand. Some people enjoy the experience more than others.

**355) “Fluid Reality”

This story takes place on a world where furs randomly change size without warning. They can range anywhere from one inch to 18,000-feet tall. Anyone over 80-feet tall loses their minds and become rampaging monsters. This story follows a husky fur as she goes through the various size ranges. The story is written in first person.

356) “Old Gods, New Times”

A group of people find a portal that leads them to the realm of the ancient Egyptian gods. It turns out that they don’t really consider themselves gods, they are just immortal and have powerful magic. They were never really responsible for any of the bad that occurred, but they did occasionally help out. These creatures are actually happy that humans no longer worship them because worshipers were boring. They want to be able to have more “fun” with these new humans in their realm. They are a very “friendly” group of macros. It also turns out that they have grown a little over time.

357) “The Wrong Hands”

A scientist fleeing with an experimental growth formula leaves it in the hands of some beach goers just before being captured. The beach goers think it is a weird joke and they all drink what was left to them as a joke. They turn into invincible titans and do more harm to the world than the ones the scientist had been fleeing ever intended to do. The beach goers are horny evil bastards that like to have their way with the world.

358) “Monster Maker”

Someone starts drawing pictures of huge monsters destroying his city one day. He finds it disturbing since he does not like the subject matter and he has never been able to draw more than a stick figure before. One day the monsters (a male tiger, a dragoness, a female husky, and a male horse) show up and really start destroying his city. They let him live so he can create some more friends for them to play with.

359) “Surprise Party”

A bunch of people go to a surprise party they are invited to and wonder who they are trying to surprise until they find out it is a party for those that can shrink others. It certainly is a surprise for those that end up shrunken. The micros then wind up as part of the meal and as nice crunchy little playthings. (Maybe a clean story.)

360) “Reasons to Fear”

A group of primitive humans lives in fear of cougars. We find out why that is when a macro female cougar invades their village and kidnaps a bunch of them for food and pleasure. This is a multiple POV story chronicling their ends.

361) “Following their Instincts”

An explosion at a lab exposes a bunch of wolves to something that causes them to grow into gigantic anthros. They are still not intelligent creatures, but they are predators that need to eat and reproduce. And at their size they need a lot to eat and their mating habits can be quite dangerous.

**362) “True King”

A weak lion stumbles upon something that helps his muscles grow and then the rest of his body. He was not treated very well in the city he came from. After a little rampage he lets the rest of the populace live as his little slaves. He is not that mean to them after the first rampage, he just likes them to make sure he stays happy. That’s in everyone’s best interest.

363) “Big Mistake”

A few people get intoxicated and accidentally offend a herm dragon anthro in a medieval town. The dragon shrinks them and starts killing them off in different ways. One person does anything he can to make up for the offense and the dragon eventually lets him get away with just giving hir a lifetime of servitude.

364) “The Abducted”

A large number of disappearances are recorded in the news, but no one knows what is happening. The main character of this story finds out when he is approached by two strangers in strange looking robes (they are an anthro panther and fox) that trick him into looking at their “scale model” town. He winds up shrunken in it and when there are enough people the anthros show up in it as macros and go on a rampage. Everything in the town works and gets repaired once the anthros are finished and they just go to get more people when the town’s population drops to a certain point.

***365) “Leave Things Be”

This is an anthology style story. A human slave on a world dominated by anthros has the power to change reality somewhat. He does not have much control over the power and things keep going wrong. When he dies he has a short time to alter reality once more, but otherwise it takes time to change things again. The first time the human tries to change things he ends up shrinking humans down to the size of ants and he ends up getting stepped on by his former arctic fox/snow leopard master. Next, he ends up making anthros huge macros and he ends up getting eaten. Finally, he ends up making the anthros size shifting gods and his master can now stop his abilities from working. His master decides to punish him for trying to change things so that anthros were the slaves. The human is not in for a fun time, especially since he can’t permanently die.

***366) “Claimed by Dragons”

Another anthology story about people that eventually wind up as the possessions of dragons. The first story is about an explorer investigating sightings of a dragon when his ship is attacked by a hostile invading nation. What the explorer did not know was that his ship was being tracked by a feral sea dragon and it was not happy to see the explorers ship attacked before he decided what to do with it. The dragon crushes the enemy fleet with ease, sinking most of it and devouring the rest. The explorer is unaware of that since he is unconscious, but the dragon saves him and decides to keep him. It is tough for the explorer to accept at first, but the dragon has all the power in the relationship and he makes the rules in the end. In the second story it takes place on a world where creatures of magic do exist. Anthro dragons often make a living as mercenaries (They are about 2.5 times the size of humans). The dragons possess powerful magic and magic resistance. Their spells do not have as much effect on each other or other creatures of magic as they do on humans, but they don’t let humans know this (Their healing magic can practically resurrect humans). One day a human follows two dragon mercs (an older one and a younger one) after they turn in a bounty. The human is attracted to dragons and has always followed the older dragon around. That dragon has known about this for a while and planed on offering the human the chance to be his pet in a couple more years, but when his camp is invaded by human bandits he and the younger dragon shrink all them and either crush or eat them (the younger dragon likes his humans cooked). The younger dragon also shrinks the young human and plans to kill him, but the older dragon stops him and offers the human the chance to be their pet. At first both the human and the younger dragon are reluctant, but the older dragon shows them both how beneficial the relationship can be. In the third story there will be a more futuristic setting. Humanity has spread across the stars, but they soon encounter something they never really expected to, real dragons whose technology far exceeds their own. These dragons begin to swiftly conqueror the humans and enslave all their worlds. Most dragons consider humans little more than animals and think nothing of stomping them out of existence or devouring them. This story follows one human as his world is conquered by the dragons and he eventually winds up in the possession of one of the soldiers, a soldier that happens to be a princess. She thinks that humans are kind of cute and keeps him as a pleasure slave and occasional snack. Their tech is advanced enough to resurrect humans.

***367) “An Eventful Day in Shrinking and Growing”

This story covers a number of shrinking and growing scenarios that are loosely tied together. The shrinking stories come first. In the first story a male rabbit shrinks by accident and is vored by a female deer without her knowledge. The next story follows a jerk bear that is shrunken on purpose by a tigress and is eventually tortured and used as a sex toy by the tigress. In the following story a female horse shrinks on purpose and purposefully gets herself killed in an act of sex with a wolf without his knowledge. The final shrinking story is about a human that purposefully shrinks down to have some fun with an alligator he met. It was supposed to be a temporary thing, but the alligator decides to vore him after he has his way with the human, very much against the human’s will.

The growth stories follow all the characters that killed the micros in the previous story. Each of the characters grows within a few days of killing the micros. The deer does not like growing and being a macro, especially since she has no clothes. In the next story the tigress is a completely different character. She has a goddess complex and loves being a macro. Those who do not bow down to her suffer painful ends. The wolf was under heavy sedation when he became a macro and does not notice the destruction that he causes. In the final story we follow the alligator who knew he would become a macro. He is not as bad as the tigress and can be friendly to those he is likes. All other people need to watch out though.

***368) “A Fortunate Confrontation”

This story takes place on a world where humans exist alongside anthro canine like creatures. The canines are normally treated like second class citizens despite their large size (9-11 feet tall) and thick muscular (not bodybuilder) build. These canines come in all colors and are very good at detecting the scents of others and figuring out their intentions by them. This story follows one man as he tries to work up the courage to approach a large blue glasses wearing canine that works in a library he goes to. She has noticed his affection for a while, but she is a bit gruff with humans due to her kinds treatment and she has misinterpreted the shy humans fear and attraction for something else then his nervousness at approaching a beautiful female. After she corners him one day he eventually gets out that he likes her and it starts up a relationship that eventually works up to sex. That is when the human finds out that having sex with a canine causes humans to shrink to about three or four inches in height for about two hours. The canine is ashamed for not telling him this, but they both find out that he likes this. Later, she also invites a shy violet canine to join in on their fun. She also wanted to have sex with a human, but had been too shy to ask. The human then finds out that having sex with two canines leaves him in his shrunken state for two days, but he does not mind since the large beautiful canines dote on him the entire time.

***369) “Time of Ascension”

This story follows a human and his brown furred fox friend on a tribal level world. Every thousand years macro furs supposedly appear on this world and place it under their merciless rule. What the human does not realize is that his friend is destined to be one of those macro furs. The macros minds change along with their size and the fox no longer views the humans quite like a friend anymore, but more as a pet or an amusing toy. That is why the fox spares the life of the human instead of killing him like he does most others. The human comes to accept this in the end, viewing his former friend more like a god that he is lucky to serve.

***370) “Just another Day on the Job”

In this story the day in the life of a stable hand is followed. The problem for him is that all the horses on his world are macros, but humans like him have spells cast on him to keep him from dying. That allows him to get stepped on and used as a sex toy (by both genders) without any harm coming to him. It also turns out that the dominant stallion has developed a taste for humans. All the stable hands in the barn are slaves and have to do what their master says and their master spoils his prized stallion and lets him eat all the stable hands whenever he asks.

**371)”Listen to Your Dragon”

A young dragon rider disobeys his dragon when she tells him to leave her alone for one day during the dragon mating season. He ends up as her sex toy and she eventually swallows him. She does not digest him, but he does learn to obey his dragon after a trip through her digestive system.

***372) “The Way it Will Be”

On this world dragons do not realize how powerful they really are. They still consider most humans to be vermin. A new exception does change that for some humans. Recently some humans have started to form mental links with dragons, which makes the dragons smarter (and considerably larger since they only start out at about 20-feet in height) and gives the human the life span of a dragon. This story is about a dragon and his human as they join a military campaign. The dragon actually cares deeply for his human and just wants to make sure he makes life good for his human. He considers the other humans in his army vermin, but they are his vermin and he looks out for them. Another smaller female dragon eventually shows up and gets as large as the male when she also joins with a human. At first she still thinks of all humans as vermin, but she eventually comes to care about her human too and joins with the male dragon who has decided to turn their humans into kings and have the rest of humanity bow down to dragons as god-kings. The dragons get so large that humans are only the size of their toes and that makes them very hard to kill for the medieval humans. The male dragon is bronze with a silver mane and the female is red with a black mane.

***373) “To Be Together”

A guy goes on a camping trip with his deer girlfriend. The deer is about to break up with him because he is shorter than her and she likes her boyfriends to be taller. When he lets her know that he is willing to do anything to be with her she reconsiders and they go on a camping trip together. While on the trip the deer shrinks the human with something in his food. It takes a while to go into effect and does not happen until she is swimming in the river. The human goes to her for help without realizing she is the one that shrunk him and winds up as an accidental sex toy before she finds out he has shrunken. Once she does find out she lets him know that she is not willing to let him be her boyfriend, but that she is willing to keep him as a sex toy. He accepts since it means they can still be together.

**374) “Playtime for the Big Cats”

On a world where a cities are often attacked by a macro lion, tiger, jaguar, and snow leopard there is little the micros can do about it. The macros normally have their deadly fun and leave, but one micro gets stuffed down the pants of the snow leopard one day and carried off to become the sex toy of the macros. Only a spell on the macros home keeps him from getting killed as the macros are quite careless. He eventually comes to like them and view them as god-like figures.

***375) “Natural Immunity”

A group of explorers run across a new world, a world where all the creatures on it have shrinking powers. The creatures have a strong immunity to the power, but the explorers have none and end up at the mercy of the animals and natives of that world.

***376) “Open Window”

After leaving the window open someone tosses a mysterious object through it. A couple of rabbits and their owner happen to touch it at the same time. The human ends up shrinking while the rabbits grow into 10-foot tall anthros. From that point on any humans touched by the rabbits become toe sized and the rabbits keep them as pets. Since the humans are invulnerable the rabbits can do whatever they want with them without worrying about killing them. The rabbits like collecting new little human pets.

**377) “The Artifact”

A dragon, a horse, and human salvagers find a mysterious alien artifact. The human is warned against touching the artifact, but he does so anyways and he winds up being only half an inch tall and invisible. While trying to get the attention of his larger friends all sorts of things keep happening to him, like getting stepped on, sat on, used as a sex toy, and eventually getting eaten.

***378) “The Mad Scientist”

A mad scientist performs numerous experiments on his pet panther. First he makes it intelligent and gives him the gift of speech. Then he makes it a 14-foot tall anthro, a very horny anthro that loves the scientist and also has a thirst for destruction. The scientist helps the panther with his thirst for destruction by making him an 800-foot tall indestructible monster. That is when the panther lets the scientist ride along as he goes on a rampage through a nearby city.

***379) “Some Traditions are Meant to be Broken”

A villager from a poor village is tired of making sacrifices to a goddess that does not seem to help him out. While alone in her temple with his pet husky that he adopted a few years ago he breaks a statue to her. His husky then transforms into a rather voluptuous 12-foot tall goddess, the one whose statue he just broke. It turns out he did a good thing since the statue was binding her true power. She never wanted any sacrifices (she’s not a fruit and vegetable type of goddess) and she had actually been imprisoned in the form of a regular dog by demons. The goddess then reveals that she will make sure the villages crops improve as long as the villagers make sure her sexual appetites are satisfies. She is also a size changer and likes for numerous village males to please her all at once.

***380) “Skill Level”

On a world of magic, a young ringtail couple that are extremely powerful magic users perform an experiment that transports them to another world where no one can use magic. This is strange for them since on their world one’s ability to use magic determined their social status. The inability of the people on this world to use magic makes them seem hardly like people at all. There is nothing the ringtails can do about it at first since they are only half the size of the people on this world. That quickly changes as the ringtails absorb all the magic on this world, which causes their bodies to grow. As they grow the ringtail show little regard for the people of this world, which is bad for those people since the ringtails get large enough to crush cities under their paws.

**381) “Ruled by Power”

On this world power rules. The humans on this world do not believe that furs exist until their village is raided by macro furs. Every last person is abducted by the furs or crushed/devoured if they resist. This story follows a man that is abducted by a cruel tiger that takes a liking to him for some strange reason. The man is the only one that the tiger lets survive since he can easily find more humans elsewhere.

**382) “Accidents Happen”

Some friends accidentally shrink themselves in the house of their dragon friend while trying to throw him a surprise birthday party. The dragon does not know they are there and they all suffer rather unfortunate ends.

***383) “Odd Relationships”

On this world humans and macro furs exist along side each other. They have not always gotten along very well and they have only recently stopped attacking each other. This story follows a man that accidentally wound up dating a macro white panther and a black wolf. The two large females were just doing it as a kind of joke at first and the man played along out of fear, but they all came to love each other eventually. Still, the man thinks that the females think of him as nothing more than a toy. The macros try to change his opinion and let him know they really care for him and that he is not just a toy.

***384) “The Harem Dragon”

A man has a dragon female that is in charge of his harem. She is already large (about nine feet tall), but she has magic that can shrink people. The man likes to be shrunken and toyed with by the dragon and she likes him as well. That is why she makes sure that her magic keeps him from getting harmed. Others that trespass into her harem are not so lucky. She shrinks those people and either crushes them or gives them as playthings to the other women in the harem. Sometimes she does make sure they are protected for as long as the others want to keep them as toys. The man does not mind that since he spoils the women in his harem.

***385) “A Matter of Dominance”

On a world where anthros are four-foot tall servants an accident occurs. A chemical beaker full of a test liquid explodes onto a brilliant researcher which caused him to slowly shrink over night. The anthros are only submissive to people taller than them, but once the researcher becomes smaller than them they seek to establish their dominance over him. At first they just make him their servant, but as he continues to shrink they start to view him more like a possession. After a few nights of being stored in the male ringtail’s sheath and the female cougar’s pussy the powerful musk begins to affect the human’s mind and he starts to view the two anthros as gods, becoming hopelessly devout to them. He then does whatever they say, like creating a growth potion for them so that they can assert their dominance over the rest of the world.

***386) “Malfunction”

A secret government experiment accidentally teleports an entire town into an alternate dimension. It is a weird place where nothing seems to exist at first, but as the townspeople venture outside of the town more and more seems to get added to the world. There is something else strange too. All the animals that were in the town seemed to have disappeared. It takes a couple of days for them to show back up, but when they do they show up as huge intelligent anthros, some friendly and some not. The government manages to teleport the town back eventually, but by that point most of the people had evacuated the town and only a few people returned. The others are stuck on that world where humans are on the bottom of the social order.

**387) “Little Bondage”

In this story things happen a little differently. A submissive macro fox has some captured micros bind her up and pretend they are in charge. It is an erotic thing for her that she keeps secret. Once they are all done the fox turns on the micros and gobbles them all up. She does not want to take the risk of her secret escaping and they make for a nice after sex snack. The vixen does apologize to them, though, since they were pretty good at what they did.

**388) “Getting What You Wish For”

A body builder tiger is already recognized as the world’s strongest fur, but he still wants more. He eventually gets it too, from a wish granting magical being. The tiger starts growing one day and loses control of himself as he grows into a titan. He gets so large that entire cities are crushed beneath his toes. The being shows up again to make try and make the tiger see how things had gone wrong and that the tiger should have been happy the way he was. The tiger disagrees and makes the being keep making him more powerful like he wished for. After that the tiger eventually outgrows the entire universe.

***389) “Same Old Thing”

This story is from the perspective of a macro dragon. She does not care much for humans and considers them intruders upon her territory. Everything she does to drive them off without actually killing all of them does not seem to work. She crushes them, destroys their homes, devours them, and even uses them as sex toys in front of others, but nothing seems to work. All they do is keep sending nights to try and slay her and she just kills them every time. This story just follows her through a day and tells about how exasperated she is with most humans. There are a few she likes, which she keeps as pets/slaves and she often talks with them about how tired she is of the other humans. They of course agree with everything she says and treat her like a goddess. Human weapons can hurt her, but just enough to annoy her.

**400) “Playthings of the Gods”

In this world there are multiple macro gods that are miles tall. The inhabitants of this world only survive because the gods chose to resurrect them after death and these people die a lot. This story is from the point of view of one of these people.

**401) “Acceptance”

Someone who hates furs on his world is happy that they are only one-foot tall and subject to the whims of humans. Then he wakes up and the world has changed one day. Humans are now the small ones. They are only about as tall as an anthros ankles. He becomes dependent on anthros to do even simple things. Just walking outside can be dangerous without a fur for a protector. It bothers him even more that the furs actually don’t abuse their position of power and treat humans rather well. On this world he has a macro rabbit for a girlfriend that is confused and hurt by his bad behavior. Eventually the human learns to accept his new existence and tries to make things right with the rabbit.

***402) “It’s Better to Get Along”

This story follows a human that is a slave, but is in charge of other macro females that also happen to be slaves to an even larger macro. Most of the slaves don’t treat each other well, but this human is smart and tries to get along with his macros. That way, unfortunate accidents don’t ever happen to him. It also makes things easier on them on the human when the master, a dragon so large he has balls the size of the other macros, wants to use the humans as sex toys. He also gets to have fun as a sex toy with his females. On this world furs are regular sized macros and dragons are the masters.

***403) “Vanguard”

Scientists find strange DNA samples in a meteor impact. Those that find it feel compelled to try and create the creatures from the samples and do so even though it should not be within their means to do so. It turns out that the samples are dragons, both quad and bipedal. This is the means by which the dragons spread from world to world. The dragons are very smart and not very tolerant of other intelligent creatures. They grow very quickly and begin decimating the human population on the planet. There are two dragons at first and they enjoy acting as exterminators on their own for a while, but they soon start creating more dragons at the end of a rampage. This story follows one of the scientists responsible for the creation of the dragons. The dragons let him live out of a perverse sense of humor and prefer to just toy around with him, which is how he survives numerous close encounters. This is a violent, but clean rampage story.

**404) “Tiger’s Game”

In this story humans have come in contact with anthro tigers that are from a much more advanced civilization. The tigers seem friendly at first, but one group of friends discover that these tigers are still predators that just enjoy toying with their prey when one of those tigers shrinks them down to size.

***405) “Hunters”

A macro female panther captures a male human on a primitive world. This is the panther’s first time seeing a human and vice versa. At first she wonders whether or not she should eat him, but this is the first time she has encountered another intelligent creature, so she spares him for a while. They eventually start to bond and become lovers. This story is from both points of view.

***406) “Fantasy”

This story takes a look at a world where dragons really are ancient smart creatures like in fantasies. The big exception here is that the dragons have kept humans from developing a civilization of their own. They are bugs in a world dominated by a more advanced dragon society. The dragons still are only at the typical level of a fantasy civilization, but since humans have never been able to put together a society that has not been crushed (literally) by the dragons that is still very advanced. Since the dragons keep growing as they get older and they are immortal the only threat to dragons are other dragons. There are five really old ones that can crush mountains beneath their feet that humans live in absolute terror of. Just the sound of those dragons approaching can reduce some people to gibbering animals. Still, it tends to be worse to get the attention of the smaller dragons since they like to have fun with what they consider silly little hairless apes.

***407) “Rambunctious”

A tinkerer invents an interdimensional gateway. He had a few more experiments to run but his two rambunctious dogs cause him to activate it prematurely. The dogs are both males, a Doberman Pinscher and a Border Collie. They are a bit energetic and the tinkerer does not have the time to exercise them like he should, so they have plenty of leftover energy. All three are teleported to a new world where the dogs are intelligent macro anthros and the human is invulnerable. The dogs enjoy “playing” with their tiny master. They really do love him and they love showing it. But, after they tire him out they go have some more fun in a nearby primitive city where the people are not nearly as invulnerable. The dogs won’t stop even when the human eventually catches up with them and tries to get them to stop, but he does enjoy the show more than he wants them to know. They can tell he does by his scent, but they don’t tell him that. The dogs enjoy their new status as rulers of this world and make sure that their beloved human has plenty of fun too.


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