Colorado State University

Quarantine LifeJesus Jack Nichol III am anxious, and it soothes me to express myself here. It is like whispering to oneself and listening at the same time. —Mina Murray in her journal in Dracula, by Bram Stoker Throughout this pandemic we have all been in quarantine, only allowed to go out for essential things. This pandemic has made people find new ways to stay busy. As a college student I have found that writing a little bit about my days here and there allows me to focus on myself and my family to make sure we are all okay. This necessarily hasn’t been the easiest thing for me as I am a student athlete and I am on the Cross Country and Track & Field teams. Our season was cancelled, but I have now had more time to make sure I get my daily runs done. I also found myself getting more school work done and keeping up with all assignments. Being a student athlete doesn’t leave much room for sleep as when I’m school I have practice and school; now I can catch up on a lot of needed rest. During this Coronavirus Pandemic I have written many things and I know what I’ve written includes the thoughts of many of us throughout this pandemic. Stay at Home Student During this time of social distancing I am trying my best to stay connected by using a lot of social media and texting. Social distancing is being together but apart, we are all separated to limit the amount to in person contact. My family and I are practicing social distancing by staying home and limiting ourselves to the times we have to go out. We make sure it is absolutely necessary when we need to leave, such as getting food or groceries. My dad and I have also started fixing and painting the inside of our home. The greatest challenge so far has been just being home all day with just my dad- I need a break from him sometimes. On the bright side, I now spend more time with my dog, Maxie, I have more time to sleep in, and go on my daily runs. I also have time to play on my Playstation. I am staying connected by social media and texting all my loved ones to make sure everyone is okay and not going crazy. It’s getting easier as of now because I am getting used to it, but at the same time I feel like I’m going crazy just being home all day. All to MyselfA typically-crowded place I dream of having to myself is the freeway and all the streets. I would want those places to myself because traffic is always a problem here in Los Angeles. If I had those places to myself I would drive fast and get to my destinations a lot quicker. I would also not be in such a rush all the time, traffic can be annoying because it can cause me to be late. On roads where I would be alone I would be more calm and make it to my destinations on time. There would be no road rage, no red lights, no police, and no people. I would be living my best life if no one was on the streets and freeways. Sports in All Seriousness This pandemic has caused all sports to stop indefinitely; I was never really a basketball or baseball type of person, but YouTube has really kept me busy with watching a lot of Track & Field videos. During these times I’m usually getting ready for Track finals, but due to these unfortunate times my season ended early. My father and I usually attend several USC basketball games together and now we can’t attend any of those games. I usually don’t care for them, but now that they’re not here I find myself missing them. I also miss being able to compete, the thrill, the nerves, and he adrenaline that comes from competing which is indescribable;I simply just miss it. Not competing has caused me to feel off beat. I feel that I need to be running and keeping myself busy. The abrupt ending of all sports, and sporting events, has made this all surreal. I didn’t realize how much those USC basketball games meant until I wasn’t able to go. I didn’t realize how much I loved running and competing until my season came to a complete stop. We all miss it, but it is what it is, hopefully we can all go back to normal soon. You really don’t realize what you have until it's gone. Why Lie? The Coronavirus has caused mayhem everywhere, and on top of that there are several false articles circulating the web. An article I saw claimed that packages from overseas could carry the virus. I found this article on the Hopkins Medicine report myths and doing several modifications to my car, therefore, I’m ordering parts for my car that are coming from afar. It was believable because I had recently seen how long the bacteria or virus could last on plastic surfaces. I continued to do research and I found that by the time packages arrive to me they have gone through several conditions and temperatures throughout the delivery process. It created a bit of panic for me because I have been constantly online shopping. I have also seen plenty of other people ordering things from everywhere and I believe that can cause a lot of panic around online shopping. To halt the spread of false information several social media platforms such as, “ Facebook, Google and Twitter said they were removing misinformation about the coronavirus as fast as they could find it, and were working with the World Health Organization and other government organizations to ensure that people got accurate information.” That's a leap in the right direction because there are a lot of people that get their information from social media. LIFE AS WE KNOW IT? Spreading Like WildfireLife as we know it. There is so much, but so little going on at the same time. We look out and see a virus that’s taking over the outside world, but in our homes, our rooms we feel nothing. I feel bored and I keep busy by talking to friends and hanging out with my dog. This first image of a woman sitting in her home with her dog by her side, the screen on, and the outside being full of Coronavirus reminds me of my current life because I feel inside our homes we are calm and collected but outside there is a whole virus taking over our country. In this current day, I feel that we are all slowly getting irritated and annoyed with being inside, I mean I am. In hopes of this going away as soon as possible I try to stay home and make sure I do everything to keep myself and my family safe. Everyone who is going out on a daily basis is not only putting themselves at danger, but everyone in their homes and everyone around them. In our homes we can be safe and keep everyone safe but out in the world it is crazy and this is spreading like wildfire. Laughing is the Best Way to Go Laughter is the best medicine during difficult times. In these Coronvirus times, I have discovered that being home all day and not really interacting with people is really boring. Therefore, I have now found lots of humor on social media platforms. I have conceded to social media a lot more lately and I have found that laughing is helping me cope being at home all day. To me laughing is a way to be genuinely happy for just that moment. We are all going through this and coping in our own ways but I think we all deserve a little laugh here and there. Jokes about the coronavirus are funny to me, and I feel that we can all use a joke or two. Yes, we know it’s serious, but we can’t live our lives being scared and serious all the time; happiness is a big part of our lives. These virus jokes do provide a sense of forgetting the seriousness of it, but trust me turn on any news channel and they’ll surely remind us of the seriousness of this. HAIKUThe Virus There is a virusWe sit inside all day longThis is very scaryMy RoomI stay in my roomWatching Netflix all day longI love my bedroomThe NeighborMy neighbor is meanMy neighbor is my best friendHe laughs at my jokes ................

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