Summer Solutions to Boredom

Summer Solutions to Boredom

Don’t ever say you are bored this summer with this list of things to do!

Fill someone’s bucket – do something kind for someone else! Try to fill at least one

bucket each day.

Buy a crossword puzzle, soduko or activity book and do one a day

Create a fantasy story

Create a game, a scavenger hunt

Draw, finger paint, color

Form a club – find a place to meet, find members, make the rules, have fun

Get some kids together and play dodge ball, kick ball, wiffle ball

Give a friend a call and see what they are doing

Go through multiplication flashcards so you are ready for 4th grade

Go to the library

Learn how to cook

Learn how to do magic

Learn how to knit

Make a treasure chest out of a shoebox to keep your treasures in

Make a comic strip

Make a costume out of recycled items or things around the house

Make a digital slide show with family photos

Make cookies, ice pops, fudge, trial mix

Make friendship bracelets

Make some healthy snacks and pack them in snack baggies

Plant a garden, a flower, a vegetable

Put on a play, magic show or singing performance for the neighborhood

Raise money for a charity

READ a book or start a series

Research a place you would like to visit

Research a topic of interest

Research and perform a science experiment

Review the Presidents or states so you know them

Start a collection

Start a kid business (lemonade stand, dog walking, cleaning)

Surprise your parents and clean up something around the house

Write a letter to someone – you can write to me! (782 Old State Rd., Berwyn, PA


Write a play and get some neighborhood friends to perform it

Write in a journal


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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