Story Tech : adapted by Arthur Harkins

It’s (today’s date ten years hence, e.g. March 5, 2017). You have come to your old favorite pizza place in your home town for a planned reunion with a few of your friends from high school. Ten years ago you and these close friends you are about to meet again were having a serious discussion about your individual dreams or vision for your future. You agreed to meet at this location in ten years to check with each other on your progress toward realizing your dreams/vision. You are early and have time to reflect and write some notes to share with your friends who will be arriving soon. Reflect on your progress in your journey toward realizing your dreams/vision and on the positive steps you have taken toward your goal. Jot down some notes to share with your friends when they arrive:

First describe: (2 minutes)

• what you look like:

• what you are wearing:

• where you are living/working/etc:

• the way you are feeling:

Now, write about: (approx. 5 minutes, complete on back of w.s.)

• your progress toward realizing the dreams/vision you talked about ten years ago...what have you accomplished over the last 10 years?


Planning for Adult Life

Name _______________________

Your thoughts about your future are very important. Think about and answer each of the following:

1. What are your ideas about further schooling or training after high school? Write a brief comment next to those that pertain to you.

( College- ( Community College-

( Trade/Technical School-

( Armed Services-

( Special Studies-

( Paying for Schooling-

( Other-

* What needs to be done this year or next year to help you get closer to your schooling or training goals after high school?

2. What are your ideas about working or employment after high school?

( Part-Time ( Work with Job Coaches

( Full-Time ( Specialized Workshop

( Self-Employment ( Armed Services

( Other ________________________________________________

What kind of work would you like to do while in school/college?

What kind of work would you like to do after finishing all schooling?

* What needs to be done this year to help you get closer to your work or employment goals?

3. What are your ideas about being a part of your Community? Comment briefly on each of the following topics:

- Getting Around/Transportation:

- Banking/Finances:

- Voting:

- Free Time:

- Sports/Fitness/Health:

- Joining Groups/Organizations:

- Neighbors/Neighborhoods:

* What needs to be done this year to help you get closer to your Community Participation goals?

4. What are your ideas about adult living after high school?

- Friends/Relationships:

- Lodging:

- Getting Paid:

- Managing Money/Retirement:

- Day-to-Day Survival Skills:

- Medical Needs/Insurance:

* What needs to be done this year to help you get closer to your adult living goals?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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