Thank you for helping out by subbing for me today

If you’re not sure what to do when you’re asked to cover in an inclusion room, here are some basic guidelines:

Be sure to arrive on time to class to help out the co-teachers by monitoring student behaviors, helping students who are struggling with something in class or be an extra hand for any activities they are doing.

When the content teacher is leading a class lesson/discussion -


If students are behaving well or offering really great input help out by reinforcing with a yep, thumbs up, smile, whatever you like to keep them engaged in positive participation. Quiet kids who whisper the answer or don’t get heard that often really love it when a co-teacher catches them at times that they think they’re going unnoticed.

If students are misbehaving, you can help by:

1. Quietly standing near them, (many students will get quieter just because an adult moves closer).

2. Redirect them to their task, a reminder of what they should be doing can go a long ways.

3. Asking them quietly to step into the hallway, then discussing and correcting their behavior in private so other students aren’t disrupted.

If a student is having trouble with the assignment, encourage them to:

1. Explain what they’re struggling with and help them out, (if you know the answer).

2. Encourage them to raise their hand for help.

3. If they’re embarrassed to ask for help, raise your hand and ask the question for them.

Other things that can help are taking care of the small stuff that interrupts learning – signing bathroom passes, catching them up if they missed information, helping out the student who is waving their hand frantically and you KNOW it has nothing to do with what’s going on in class….etc…. anything that keeps the class running smoothly.

If the content teacher is circulating, helping individual and groups of students, then you should be circulating as well.


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