Am gonna have them write a informative essay each weekend ...

Monday: February 12, 2018

PROJECT REQUIREMENTS: Your project is due at the beginning of class on Wednesday, February 21, 2018. NO late projects will be accepted. This project is worth 60 points and counts towards a large portion of your 3rd quarter final grade. Unfortunately, you will be given some time inside of class to work on this project but you are still responsible for completing the project within the given one and a half week time frame on your own.

1) Project/Essay requirements – Using what you’ve learned from Chapter 7 [Environmental Impacts] and considering that you live in Palm Beach County, FL, create a brochure that answers the following:

a) People and the Environment – How do the citizens of your neighborhood take care of the land? What are two long-standing initiatives that Palm Beach County has maintained to promote positive environmental impacts?

b) Impacts on Land – Identify and describe one specific area in your neighborhood that is protected from waste and pollution.

c) Impacts on Water – What are some ways that you and your family try to restrict the water intake of your household? Be specific (ex. Turning off the faucet while you are brushing your teeth, reusing laundry water to water plants, composting, etc.).

d) Impacts on the Atmosphere – If you could, what are two things that you would do or change to improve the atmospheric quality of life on Earth (ex. Require everyone to drive hybrid cars, restrict sprinkler use, etc.).

2) Graphical representation – At least one part of your project must have either a graph or picture that depicts and supports what you are saying. For example, you may include a bar graph of how much your family’s water consumption has decreased monthly or maybe you have a picture of what an area in your neighborhood used to look like before it was improved.

3) Details:

a) Give your brochure a title that makes it inviting and informative.

b) Cite the sources and resources used to collect your information (Last Name, First Name. Title. City: Publisher, Year, etc) if applicable.

c) This should be typed. If you do not have access to a printer or computer, you need a signed note from your parent or guardian saying that you have to hand-write your project because you do not have a printer and/or could not go to the library.

d) Extra points will be awarded for creativity and originality. You can use glitter, paper cut-outs, stickers, poster boards, etc. to complete your project.

4) Group requirements

Groups are optional. If you choose to work in a group:

a) No more than two group members. Ideally, you should live in the same neighborhood.

b) All four components of the project must be completed.

c) Standard 8 ½ X 11 sized paper.

5) The project must be in your own words- no plagiarism (plagiarism is copying or pasting the authors words from the internet or books instead of using your own words). Any student who plagiarizes will receive an automatic zero for their project grade.

6) Franklin Academy – BB component: using the data that we collected from the unused milk cartons in the cafeteria and the amount of litter collected from the field, write a half page reflection on how the findings made you feel about food waste and littering. Include the data from the experiment in chart and graph form.

Project Grading Rubric Sheet

GROUP MEMBERS: _____________________________ _____________________________

Class Period: ________

Due date: 2/21/18 (max of 60 points)

|A. Identified and described neighborhood and county initiatives that |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |Extra Pts. |

|promote positive environmental impact. | | |

|B. Defended how and why the neighborhood area is protected from waste |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | |

|and pollution. | | |

|C. Illustrated how water intake and usage was decreased within the |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | |

|household. | | |

|D. Provided at least two valid ways to change and improve the |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | |

|atmospheric quality of life on Earth. | | |

|E. Graphical representation supports written claims. |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | |

| |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | |

|F. Franklin Reflection - is included with charts, graphs, and written | |Extra pts. |

|portion. |Total Points: ______ / 60 |______ |

Final Grade: _________ / 60 points


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