The Gardener

The Gardener

Skim & Scan

Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 284 |Realistic means this story could or could not really happen? |Could |

|2. 286 |How is the story written? |As a letter |

|3. 286, 4-5 |Write four words that tell how long Lydia will stay with Uncle Jim. |Until things get better |

|4. 286, 10 |Touch the plural noun. Write the singular form of the noun. |Story |

|5. 287, 3 |Touch the word station. Divide the word into syllables using hyphens. |Sta-tion |

| 6. 287 |What does Lydia know a lot about? |Gardening |

|7. 287, 9-10 |Who else has the name Lydia Grace? |Grandma |

|8. 288 |Where is Lydia Grace? |On the train |

|9. 288, 8 |Touch the contraction. Write the two words that make up the contraction. |Have not |

|10. 288, 14-15 |Write four words that tell what the train is doing. |Rocking me to sleep |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 289 |Who is this letter written to? |Mama, Papa, Grandma |

|2. 289, 4-5 |Where is Lydia Grace going to plant seeds when spring comes? |Window boxes |

|3. 289, 7-8 |Write word between the commas. |Grandma |

|4. 290, 3-4 |Write a synonym for book of items. |Catalogues |

|5. 290, 5 |Write the word that is a homonym. |Bulbs |

|6. 290, 7-8 |Write the word that has two vowels together but have their own sound as in idea. |Poem |

|7. 290, 11-12 |Write three words that tell where Grandpa put the poem. |His shirt pocket |

|8. 291, 3-4 |When did Grandma send the bulbs? |Christmas |

|9. 291, 7 |Touch the contraction. Write to two words that make up the contraction. |She would |

|10. 292 |Where is Lydia Grace getting the good dirt? |Vacant lot |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 293, 1st paragraph |What phrase does Lydia Grace’s grandmother say? |April showers bring May flowers |

|2. 293, last |Write three words that tell what Lydia Grace is planning on for Uncle Jim. |A big smile |

|3. 294 |What was in the dirt in the envelope? |Baby plants |

|4. 294, 8 |Write the word that has the same “ou” sound as in shout. |About |

|5. 295, 1st paragraph |What three plants were grown in the window boxes? |Radishes, onion, lettuce |

|6. 295, 9-10 |What did the customers start calling Lydia Grace? |The gardener |

|7. 296 |What is the holiday? |Independence Day |

|8. 296, 2nd paragraph |What time did the store close? |Noon |

|9. 298, 10-11 |What is the cake worth? |One thousand smiles |

|10. 298, 16 |Touch the contraction. Write the two words that make up the contraction. |I have |

Pushing Up the Sky

Skim & Scan

Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 308 |What is the genre? |A play |

|2. 310, 2 |What area does the Snohomish people live? |The Northwest |

|3. 310, 5 |Write the two verbs that tell what the Snohomish people did. |Fished, gathered |

|4. 310, 8-9 |Write the three words that tell what the totem poles recorded. |History and stories |

|5. 311, 2 |What characters had non-speaking roles. |Animals and birds |

| 6. 311, 11 |Write the compound word. |Redwoods |

|7. 311 |How many paragraphs are on this page? |Six |

|8. 312, 5 |Write the word that has the same vowel sound as dirt. |Earth |

|9. 312, 9 |Write the verb. Is the verb past, present, or future tense? |Bumping, past tense |

|10. 312 |Who said, “I just hit my head on the sky again.” |Tall Man |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 314 |What is the setting? |The same village |

|2. 314, 5 |Write the adjective that tells how many. |Seven |

|3. 314, 7 |Write the linking verb. |Is |

|4. 314, 10 |Write the proper noun. |Creator |

|5. 315, 1 |Write four words that tell where the people keep going. |Up into the sky |

|6. 315, 4-5 |Where are the children playing? |In the sky |

|7. 316, 1 |Write the pronoun. |We |

|8. 316 |What does the Third Chief say? |The sky is heavy. |

|9. 316, 14-15 |What are the birds always doing? |Hitting their wing on it |

|10. 316,16-17 |What are they going to make? |poles |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 317, 2-3 |Who is not gathered together? |Seventh Chief |

|2. 317 |Whose idea was it to push up the sky? |Seventh Chief |

|3. 317, 14 |Write the word that has the same consonant blend as ship. |Pushing |

|4. 317 |Write three words that tell what must they do to make the plan work? |Must push together |

|5. 318, 1-2 |Write the adjective that describes people. |Our |

|6. 318, last |Write three words that tell when they push together. |At the signal |

|7. 319 |What is the signal word? |YAH-HOO! |

|8. 319, 6 |Write the word that has a three letter blend. |Able |

|9. 319, 10 |Write the word that has a long “I” sound. |High |

|10. 319, 16-17 |Write two words that tell when. |That night |

Night Letters

Skim & Scan

Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 336, 1 |What time of day is it? |night |

|2. 336, 1-3 |Write the plural noun, |Dishes |

|3. 336, 4-5 |Write the adjectives. |Raspberry red |

|4. 338 |Write all three compound words. |Notepad, backpack, backyard |

|5. 339, 3 |Touch the word children. Write the word in the singular form. |child |

| 6. 339, 8-9 |Write the verbs. |Copy, put, walk |

|7. 340, 1 |Write the compound word. Divide the word into syllables. |Hawk-moth |

|8. 340, 4 |Write three words that tell what the hawkmoth does. |Sip sweet nectar |

|9. 341, 1 |Touch the word fireflies. Write the word in the singular form. |Firefly |

|10. 341, 2 |Write the word that has a long “e” sound. |read |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 342, 1 |Write three words that tells what the fireflies switch on. |Their flashing lights |

|2. 342, 2 |Write the compound word. |Without |

|3. 342, 2 |Write the word that has the same ending sound as stretch. |Watch |

|4. 343, |What format is this page written? |Friendly letter |

|5. 343, 2 |Write the action verb. |play |

|6. 343, 5-6 |Write the three verbs. |Copy, put, walk |

|7. 344, 1 |Write the pronoun. |I |

|8. 344, 3 |Write the adjective. |Scratchy |

|9. 344, |Is the tree really talking? |No |

|10. 344, last |Touch the word balancing. Write the base word. |balance |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 346, 1 |Write the pronoun. |They |

|2. 346, 1 |Write the homonym (words that sound alike but have diff. spelling and meanings). |tell |

|3. 346, 2nd par. |Touch the word faraway. How many syllables are in the word faraway? |three |

|4. 346, 5-6 |Write two adjectives that describe the song the harmonica played. |Slow and sleepy |

|5. 346, 7 |Write a synonym for the word tramp. |March, walk, crunch |

| 6. 347, |Write the three compound words. |Blackberry, backpack |

|7. 347, |What did Lily do after she put her pad into her backpack? |Walk on |

|8. 349, 2 |Write three words that tells what Lily promised the sycamore tree. |Climb you tomorrow |

|9. 349, 2 |Touch the word I’ll. Write the two words that make up the contraction. |I will |

|10. 349, 3 |Touch the word day. Make the word plural. |days |

A Symphony of Whales

Skim & Scan

Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 358 |Is this story real of fake? |Fake |

|2. 360, 1 |Touch the word earliest. Write the base word. |Early |

|3. 360, 2-3 |Write two adjectives that describe the winters. |Long dark |

|4. 360 |Whose voice was Glashka hearing? |Narna the while |

|5. 361, 4-5 |Write four words that tell what the seals give the villagers? |Meat and warm furs |

| 6. 361, 6-7 |What did they do to keep the fish for the hard times to come? |Salted it |

|7. 361, 9-10 |Write four words that tell what the people got from Narna. |Food, waterproof skins, and oil |

|8. 362, 1 |Write the compound word. |Dogsled |

|9. 362, 5 |Write the word with a suffix. |Darkness |

|10. 362, 7 |Write three words that describe the morning. |Clear and cold |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 363, 3 |Write three words that tell where. |Across the ice |

|2. 363, 8 |Write a word that means sensitive. |Keen |

|3. 363, last par. |Write the exclamation sentence. |“We’ll get help!” |

|4. 364, 1 |Write the possessive word. |Glashka’s |

|5. 364, 7 |Write the proper noun. |Russian |

|6. 365, 2 |Write the word that means not loud and clear. |Faint |

|7. 365, |Write one word that tells who came to the whales. |Everyone |

|8. 366, 1 |Touch the word chipping. Write the base word. |Chip |

|9. 366, |Why did the whales get weaker? |From hunger |

|10. 366, 8 |Write the word with a suffix. |barely |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 367, 1-2 |Write the four words that tell where Glashka ran. |Path to the water |

|2. 367, 5 |Find the words let us. Make a contraction with these words. |Let’s |

|3. 367, 13 |Touch the word radioed. Write the base word. |Radio |

|4. 368, 8 |Write the word that means to feel that there is no hope. |Despair |

|5. 368, par 5 |What else did Glashka hear in her dream? |Music |

|6. 371 |What music did the ship play first? |Rock and roll |

|7. 371 |What music did the ship play last? |Classical |

|8. 372, 1 |What did the whales start to do? |Sing |

|9. 372, 9-10 |Write three verbs that tell what they people did. |Laughed, cried, hugged |

|10. 372, last par |Touch the word disappearing. Write the base word. Without prefix and suffix |appear |


Skim & Scan

Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 384 |Does expository nonfiction have facts or opinions? |Facts |

|2. 386, 1-2 |Write the two words that mean to shake. |Trembles and quivers |

|3. 386, 5 |Write five words that tell what lava is. |Fiery blobs of melted rocks |

|4. 387, 2-3 |How heavy may the rocks from a volcano get? |Heavier than elephants |

|5. 387 |Do all volcanoes explode? |No |

| 6. 388 |How many layers does the earth have? |four |

|7. 388 |What is the mantle made up of? |Gooey melted rock |

|8. 389, 2 |What is the core mostly made of? |Iron |

|9. 389 |What keeps the iron from melting? |Pressure |

|10. 389, 8-9 |Write the adverb that is describing moving. |slowly |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 390, 2-3 |What happens to the rocks when the force is so great? |Bend or even break |

|2. 390, |This is the spot where the mantle grows hotter and form volcanoes? |Where two plates meet |

|3. 390, |What does the magma do when it cools off again? |Sinks |

|4. 391, |Where has many of the world’s greatest eruptions happened? |Around the Pacific Ocean |

|5. 391 |What cities were buried under ash, mud, and lava? |Pompeii and Herculaneum |

|6. 392, 1-3 |What do volcanoes do between eruptions? |Sleep |

|7. 392 |What do the layers of lava and ash create? |A tall mountain |

|8. 392 |What helps scientists know that they volcano may be getting ready to erupt? |Earthquakes |

|9. 393, 2 |Write the word with a suffix. Write the word it is describing. |Suddenly - awaken |

|10. 393, 5 |Write the word that means guess. |Predict |


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