To Kill a Mockingbird - Westerville City School District


To Kill a Mockingbird

Part One Quiz

Chapters 1-11

MATCHING – for each of the following characters, write the letter of the best description next to the name on the line provided.

_____1. Scout A. Poor, but proud

_____2. Burris Ewell B. Jean Louise Finch

_____3. Miss Maudie C. Breaks morphine addiction

_____4. Boo Radley D. Hostile, dirty and ignorant

_____5. Walter Cunningham E. Fair and caring cook

_____6. Jem F. Wise, understanding friend to the Finch family

_____7. Miss Caroline G. Scary guy down the street

_____8. Aunt Alexandra H. Jeremy Atticus Finch

_____9. Calpurnia J. Scout’s teacher

_____10. Mrs. Dubose K. Stern and traditional in her beliefs

MULTIPLE CHOICE – For each statement, write the best answer on the line provided.

_____11. To Kill a Mockingbird was set during

A. 1970’s

B. World War II

C. Civil Rights Movement

D. Great Depression

_____12. To Kill a Mockingbird was released and became popular during

A. 1970’s

B. World War II

C. Civil Rights Movement

D. Great Depression

_____13. To Kill a Mockingbird mainly takes place in

A. Meridian, Mississippi

B. Maycomb, Alabama

C. Scottsboro, Arkansas

D. Finch’s Landing

_____14. A major goal the children share during summers is to

A. See as many movies as is humanly possible

B. Make Boo Radley come out

C. Collect the secret tree gifts

D. Win at strip poker

_____15. Scout gets in trouble her first day of school because

A. She reads and writes

B. She corrects the teacher’s social mistake

C. She makes fun of Walter Cunningham

D. All of the above

_____16. Scout is lectured by Calpurnia because of

A. Her criticism of a houseguest’s eating habits

B. Her constant arguing with her brother

C. Her emotional outburst during breakfast

D. All of the above

_____17. The student who has “cooties” and calls the teacher a slut is

A. Scout

B. Dill

C. Burris

D. Walter

_____18. In the knothole, the children find

A. Some old pennies

B. Some carved soap dolls

C. A broken pocket watch

D. All of the above

_____19. This person fills the knothole with cement

A. Arthur Radley

B. Nathan Radley

C. Calpurnia

D. Atticus

_____20. When Scout, Dill and Jem attempt to look into the back window of the Radley house one night

A. A gunshot is fired at Scout

B. Jem loses his pants

C. Jem breaks the porch step

D. None of the above

_____21. Tim Johnson is

A. The defendant in a rape trial

B. A rabid dog

C. A client of Atticus’

D. Atticus’ brother

_____22. It is a sin to kill a mockingbird because

A. They are sacred birds

B. They cannot be eaten

C. They only make beautiful songs

D. All of the above

_____23. Jem is punished because he ruins Mrs. Dubose’s

A. Camellias

B. Rose bushes

C. Tulips

D. All of the above

_____24. Jem’s key punishment is

A. To read to Mrs. Dubose daily

B. To replant Mrs. Dubose’s flowers

C. To clean Mrs. Dubose’s house

D. All of the above

_____25. Some of the mysterious encounters the children have with Boo include

A. Sewn and folded pants

B. A blanket

C. A tire

D. All of the above

QUOTES – Explain WHAT EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUOTES mean and WHY THEY ARE SIGNIFICANT TO THE STORY, this means that each quote should have TWO parts to it!!! The name of the person speaking the quote is in parentheses.

26-30. “It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do. Mrs. Dubose won, all ninety-eight pounds of her.” (Atticus)



31-35. “I hope and pray I can get Jem and Scout through it without bitterness, and most of all, without catching Maycomb’s usual disease.” (Atticus)



36-40. “Walter Cunningham was sitting there lying his head off. He didn’t forget his lunch, he didn’t have any…The Cunninghams never took anything they can’t pay back.” (Scout)



41-45. “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” (Atticus)



46-50. “Inside the house lived a malevolent phantom. People said he existed, but Jem and I had never seen him. People said he went out at night when the moon was down, and peeped in windows. When people’s azaleas froze in a cold snap, it was because he had breathed on them. Any stealthy small crimes committed in Maycomb were his work.” (Scout)




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