NHS & NJHS Selection Procedures

Things You Need to Know about the

National Honor Society



1) Members must participate for a minimum of two (2) years to graduate with honors. Application donation for a lifetime membership is $20.00. (Scholarships for applications are available, please meet with Mrs. Heath)

2) Lifetime membership

a) Unless dismissed for unsatisfactory GPA, compliance, attendance, or behavior

b) Students may resign, but resignation is permanent


1) Students must keep a 3.5 Academic GPA

a) If you drop below a 3.5, you will have one term to bring up your GPA or you will be dismissed from NHS permanently


1) All meetings are mandatory

a) NHS Meets once a month, please pay close attention to the NHS calendar.

b) All meetings will start promptly at 11:30… BE ON TIME!! Attendance with be taken at every meeting.

c) If you miss more than 2 meetings you will be placed on probation, after you miss the 3 you will be dismissed from NHS permanently


1) A one time application donation of $20.00 (Scholarships are available; please meet with Mrs. Heath to inquire).

2) The club will hold at least two (2) fundraisers each semester.

a) The fees and fundraising monies will be used to benefit the community and our society (which may include scholarships, NHS events, regalia, and supplies).

b) Students will be accountable and responsible for any and all monies and NHS property in their care (which may include unsold product, NHS funds, supplies, etc.).


1) Each member must be inducted in order to become an official member of the National Honor Society.

a) NHS Induction Ceremony will be held on September 15, 2015, in the Heritage H.S. Theatre at 7:00 p.m.

b) Professional attire is strongly recommended for this significant ceremony.


1) Every NHS member must complete a minimum of ten (10) individual community service hours per semester.

a) You may not use these as you senior service requirement.

b) You may not get double credit at anytime for these hours, or get paid for your time.

c) You may add an additional ten (10) hours to an existing or on-going project.

d) You must keep and maintain a signed time card. Your timecard must be signed by your service supervisor.

e) You must write a “Summary Report” about your experience, what you learned, and how it benefits the community. Please include evidence of your experience in your report.

f) Seniors, you must submit your last “Summary Report” no later than April 08, 2016.


1) We will also have ongoing tutoring in the after school tutoring program.

2) We will discuss opportunities and ideas for community service requirements.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the National Honor Society, please go to the Heritage High School webpage and print your application.

• Under the “Activities” tab, you will find the NHS page. Download and print the “Candidate Form.”

• Complete the application, and submit your forms and donation to Mrs. Heath in D109. PLEASE READ THE APPLICATION DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY!

• COMPLETE applications are due September 01, 2015.

*If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Heath via email heatht@ or in room D109


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