Never before in the History of Mankind there has been so much information available and accessible to so many people. In the libraries and bookstores we currently find a multitude of books, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets covering every aspect of life, even the most intimate details. And if that were not enough now we have Internet which provides much more precise and more immediate information only a few clicks away.  Yes, just by typing a few key words we can find information on any imaginable subject.

In view of all of this we might conclude that we live in an enlightened age, a period of great prosperity, lasting peace, healthy relationships among humans. Is it really so?  On the contrary we live in an agitated era, we live in the most critical and disastrous period of human history. For the first time in history  man is destroying this planet, his only home.. Broken families, political unrest everywhere, economy on the brink of crisis, governments and banks in bankruptcy. All information available no matter how  colossal and monumental is not helping most people to deal with small and big problems of life. Why?

There is one simple reason. All this information comes from an imperfect source. Human wisdom is inevitably subject to error and constant revision. All their theories about how humans should conduct themselves are contradictory and controversial. For that reason it is  much better to go to the original source of wisdom that created human beings in the first place with the purpose of achieving true happiness.

It should be very obvious that the Creator of man, who knows to perfection each one of the molecules of our body, knows much more than any other creature about  the best way to conduct our lives and what it is that produces the best benefit and the greatest happiness for all of us.

Let’s illustrate this point. If you receive as a  gift a complex electronic device, surely you would  make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Or would you venture to operate it according to your own criteria, your own instincts? Or would you seek help from someone who is not even familiar with the instruction manual? That would be absurd, wouldn’t it?. You wouldn’t risk to ruin this expensive equipment? If we are so careful with a machine how much more should we take care of our own body and pay careful attention to the instruction manual that Jehovah, our Creator, has given us in his undeserved kindness. Yes, if we are to achieve the maximum performance of this wonderful creation we should examine the book of books, the Holy Bible.

Let's see how  Divine wisdom has proved to be far superior than any other wisdom provided by this world.


It has becoming more and more common in this world to be subject to the abuses of inconsiderate and selfish people. The Bible accurately predicted that at this particular time of history people would manifest serious and annoying personality flaws. Let’s read about them in 2 Timothy 3:1-3

1 But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness,

It is very difficult to live in a world where a large number of people displayed these negative traits. How can we tackle this nerve-racking problem of our time? According to the wisdom of this world, we must treat others the same as they treat us, if they push us, we have to push if they insult us we have to do the same. Do not be trampled by others – is the advice of the world-  we must pay in kind. Has this thinking resulted in better world, with more peaceful relations? On the contrary as a result of this kind of thinking we witness everywhere in the world a vicious cycle that generates more resentment, fights, conflicts and even violence. What does the divine wisdom have to say about the same problem? According to the divine wisdom we need to do the contrary and take an active part in promoting peaceful relations with all people, to the extent that is possible. Our Lord Jesus emphasized it very well:

12 “All things, therefore, that YOU want men to do to YOU, YOU also must likewise do to them; this, in fact, is what the Law and the Prophets mean.

Applying this principle means treating others respectfully, fairly, and honestly, showing genuine concern for their welfare.. Do you think it is easy or difficult to follow this advice? It could be easier for some and harder for others. But it's worthwhile; it is the advice of the Creator that will produce the greatest benefit for us. We need not to resort to an extensive research to realize that promoting peace will gives us peace of mind and help us enjoy good relations with those around us.

Jesus gave another excellent advice on how to pursue peace.  

23 “If, then, you are bringing your gift to the altar and you there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away; first make your peace with your brother, and then, when you have come back, offer up your gift.

In other words do everything humanly possible to maintain peace even with people who have the incredible ability to irritate or exasperate us. An advice that may seem difficult to follow, but it produces the most amazing results.


Happiness has become quite an elusive goal. The formula offered by this world for happiness has become very insidious, penetrating the framework of our mind, very hard to take it way. The world has been very effective in instill in us the conviction that if we want to achieve happiness . 1) You need to have a lot of money. 2) Your house must be full of material possessions, the more you have the happier you will be . 3) of course, you need a college degree, otherwise you wouldn’t feel fully realized.4) you need a prestigious job that people in the world can admire. This is the recipe for happiness according to the world. However, in spite of the many years that many people have worked hard to achieve those goals, they finally admit that they feel extremely unhappy. What happened? Again they didn’t consult or follow the directions of the manufacturer's manual.

ILLUSTRATION:  For some devices to work well you have to enter certain pre-established codes. If you try to enter other codes what is going to happen? As a result you will get a distorted image and of course a miserable life. Was there something wrong with the apparatus? No way, the device was in excellent conditions, the root of the problem was you, you introduce the wrong set of codes. Try again, introduce the right code and you will get a pristine, astonishingly clear image.

The same happen with our goals and purpose in life, If you strive hard with the sole purpose of being something in this world,  getting riches, fame, prestige, recognition, you are entering the wrong codes and eventually you will feel miserable. You have to follow the direct advice found in the bible in direct opposition to the wisdom of this world. Acts 20:35

There is more happiness in giving than in receiving

Happiness doesn’t come by accumulating money, possessions, titles, etc. to receive, receive, more, more and more. Here it says that if we want to be genuinely happy we have to do the opposite, giving, sharing, being generous. But someone will say, I don’t have much to share. I am a person of little means. Well, have you heard the saying: Time is Gold. That is true. Nothing is more valuable than your time. When we share the most valuable thing you have your time and energy and resources to the benefit of others, family, relatives, friends, neighbors, rest assured that it will produce the most profound and incomparable happiness. Think about what it means for someone who has lost a loved one in death to feel your presence in those painful moments. Think about what it means for a sick brother to hear your words of encouragement and reassurance. Think about what it means for an elder brother who is depressed that you visit him and reaffirm your Christian love. The effect of your presence and your words are so powerful that not only comfort the afflicted, but that will make you the happiest person on Earth.

Not only you will rejoice the heart of our partner but also we have the privilege and blessing to rejoice Jehovah’s heart. As noted Hebrews 13:16

16 In addition, do not forget to do good and to share things with others, for such sacrifices are very pleasing to God.


We live in a period of profound economic crisis. As expected that causes us great anxiety and uncertainty. How can we cope with the difficult economic times in which we live. According to the wisdom of this world the only way to survive through this crises is to work harder and harder, even if it means sacrificing the time you devote to your family or the time you devotes to serving your God, even if it means sacrificing your own health.

The wisdom of this world wants us to believe that only by acquiring money we can enjoy economic security. What is the result of such thinking? The Bible pointed out much earlier.

9 However, those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is root of all sorts of injurious things, and reaching out for this love, some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves with many pains

Once again we don’t need extensive reports to confirm the veracity of these words. It is something we read, listen to  and even watch in the news almost everyday. As has been pointed out by the bible, the rich and famous are stabbed with many pains. In this case also we find a contrast between Jehovah’s wisdom and the wisdom of this world. The Bible urges us to keep your eye simple. To cultivate contentment, to be content with what you have. As clearly expressed the apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 6:7,8

7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can not take anything. 8 Therefore, since sustenance and covering, we're happy with these things.

What does it mean to happy with the necessary things?  Being with the necessary means to live within our means. When we follow this inspired advice, we avoid to incur in large debts that may cause restlessness and instability. Satisfied with what we have allows us to focus on the most  important things, like enjoying a secure family life, spend time with friends, cultivating a good relationship with God, serving him whole-heartedly, acquiring the knowledge that leads to eternal life.


In this world we live in there are many things that cause anxiety and concern. There are many things that can rob our sleep at night. Is there something that disturbing you now? Something that doesn’t allow you to keep your focus? Could be problems in the family, health problems, problems at work, even anxieties about your service to Jehovah?. How can we address the concerns that may be stealing our joy? Again there is an abundance of self-help manuals in bookstores and online, but  why do we have to resort to imperfect sources of wisdom when we have within our reach God's perfect wisdom. The  Bible specifically  tells us about the way we need to cope with the anxieties and concerns of life. Read together please. Philippians 4:6,7

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God: 7 And the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by Christ Jesus.

It's interesting to notice how this bible principle is phrased. Do not worry about anything. Do not worry about anything at all, but in everything, absolutely everything let your petitions, request, made known to God, and with what result? 100% efficiency. The peace of God that excels all thought will guard. It doesn’t say might guard but will guard your hearts and your mental faculties through Jesus Christ.

Prayer enables us to find the best solution for any problem we face in life. Having trouble at work? Pray to Jehovah! Did classmates mock your Christian beliefs? Pray to Jehovah! Do not know what treatment to choose for a debilitating disease?  Pray to Jehovah! Do you want to expand your Christian service? Pray to Jehovah!

He has given his promise in  his word that he will answer each one of the prayers that we make in such a way that is in the best interest for us. That security gives us peace, tranquility, knowing with certainty that Jehovah really care for us that he has everything under control and he deserves our trust.


But along with the prayers we also must act in harmony with what we ask in prayer. Praying to Jehovah gives us the responsibility to find out what his word tells about the subject, what is the guidance he has given to the problem that concern us.

For example, if health problems overwhelm us, there are two principles that may apply to your particular situation. Proverbs 14:15,30

15 Anyone who is inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps.

30 A calm heart is the life of the flesh body, but jealousy is rottenness to the bones.

Or maybe You are  afraid of not being able to provide for your loved ones? Then meditate on the following principles Matthew 6:31,32

31 So never be anxious and say, 'What shall we eat?' Or 'What shall we drink?', Or 'what do we get? ". 32 For these are all things towards which the nations are eagerly pursuing. For your heavenly Father knows you need all these things.

25 A young man was I, too am old;

and yet I have not seen anyone just stopped entirely,

or their offspring looking for bread.

Do you feel that your marriage is in trouble, that the difficulties with your spouse are getting worse? Then read together Ephesians and strive to apply its counsel.

28 In this way husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself, 29 for no man ever hated his own flesh; but he feeds and cherishes it, as the Christ also does the congregation,

Worldwide as Jehovah's Witnesses, we are determined to put into practice the biblical principles in our lives and as a result we enjoyed indescribable blessings, a stable and happy family life, a satisfying and fulfilling purpose in life, we are part of a beautiful world brotherhood with whom we share a genuine and generous love, and we have the perspective of living forever in perfect health on a paradise on earth.

Wouldn’t you like to receive these blessings too? Then make it your resolve to apply biblical principles in your life. Experience for yourself the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. and as you see the wonderful results in your life it will increase your love and devotion to our Heavenly Father who  in His great love and undeserved kindness has provided biblical principles for our eternal happiness.


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