KidSlot The Ten Commandments Welcome


The Ten Commandments

Commandment # 3


? Welcome each child to the group for the evening

? Ask each child how their week is

? You may begin with an icebreaker if you choose. Examples:

o What is your favorite ice cream topping?

o How many of you can roll your tongue?

o Can anyone say the ABCs backwards?


? Read Exodus 20: 1 ¨C 17 aloud to the children.

? Today we will focus on the third of the 10 commandments.

? Have each child reread Exodus 20:7 (¡°You shall not misuse the name

of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who

misuses his name.¡±)

? What is the third commandment? (You shall not misuse the name of


? How do people misuse the name of God? (by saying ¡°Oh my God,¡±

swearing, using the word ¡°god¡± when they are not talking about God in


Introductory Activity:

Names are important to God.

In Isaiah 40:25-27 it reads:

¡°To whom will you compare me?

Or who is my equal?¡± says the Holy One.

Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens:

Who created all these?

He who brings out the starry host one by one

and calls forth each of them by name.

Because of his great power and mighty strength,

not one of them is missing.

Why do you complain, Jacob?

Why do you say, Israel,

¡°My way is hidden from the LORD;

my cause is disregarded by my God¡±?

Go back and reread verse 26¡­make sure the kids hear that God calls people

by their name.

Give each child a nametag (or piece of paper). Have them use markers and

crayons to decorate a nametag for themselves and put it on (if using paper,

just use tape to tape the paper onto the child¡¯s shirt).

Once they have it on, ask the children, is your name important to you?

Do you know that God knows each of your names?

Our names are important to us, and God¡¯s name is important to Him. That is

why He tells us in the 3rd commandment to not misuse His name.

How many of you have been called by the wrong name?

How does that feel? (bad)

How do you think God feels when we call Him by the wrong name? (sad)


We¡¯re going to learn about how important God¡¯s name is. Before you begin,

ask the children if they know how Moses helped the Israelites. (God called

Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt).

Get volunteers prior to reading the scripture:

? Moses¡ªone child to act what Moses did as you read

? Burning bush¡ªcan be a few children who kneel in a tight circle; when

they hear the word ¡°bush¡± they must wave their hands above their

heads to represent the flames

Read Exodus 3:1-6

Stop and ask:

? What might you do or say if you heard a voice speak from a bush?

? If you didn¡¯t know who/what it was, would you ask the voice?

Read Exodus 3:13-14

? What did God say to Moses? (I am who I am)

? What do you think ¡±I am who I am¡± means?

Explain that when Jesus spoke about himself, he often used the words, I AM,

to describe himself. These two words, I AM, was a declaration from Jesus

that he is God.

Do you know any names for God? (Friend, Savior, Jesus, Judge, Protector,

Alpha & Omega)


Let¡¯s look more closely at the name Alpha & Omega for God. What does it

mean? After listening for responses read Revelation 22:13.

The book of Revelation was originally written in Greek and in the Greek

alphabet it started with the letter Alpha and ends with the letter Omega.

This is just like our alphabet beginning with what letter? (A) and ending with

what letter? (Z)

Alpha & Omega tells us that Jesus was here before time began and he¡¯ll be

here until time ends¡­He is eternal, everlasting.

Creative Application: Relay

Divide the kids into two teams and designate an Alpha (beginning) line and

an Omega (finish) line. The two teams line up behind the Alpha line. Players

will race to the Omega line at the opposite end. Decide how they will make it

down and back (forwards, running, skipping, backwards, crab-walking,

hopping, on one foot, on their hands and feet, crawling, etc.) At go, the first

player will go down and back and come back to tag the next in line. The

team to have all players go once and sit down win. Play several rounds.

At the end, wrap up by asking what the name of God we learned about was?

(Alpha & Omega) What does this name mean? (God is the beginning and the

end, He never goes away and is eternal)

Is God¡¯s name important? (yes)

How do we know that? (the 3rd commandment tells us to not misuse it)

If there is time, see if any of the children can recite the first 3

commandments in order.


Lead children in a time of prayer asking God to help them to remember how

important His name is. Ask for understanding of what it means that God is

the Beginning and the End of all that we need in our lives. Be sensitive to

the leading of the Holy Spirit. Be sure to have children pray for any other

requests they may have as well as for their friends who do not yet know



You shall not

misuse the

name of the

Lord your


Exodus 20:7


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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