St - Mrs. Burzynski

St. Thomas the Apostle School

Grade Three

2012 – 2013

Mrs. Burzynski


Grading Scale: Third grade uses the school grading scale. This will be the first year for

Letter grades on report cards and percentage grades on assignments.

A 100 – 93

B 92 – 86

C 85 – 75

D 74 – 70

F 69 – 0


The Assignment Notebook is an excellent organizational and parent/teacher communication tool. We have spent a lot of time learning how to use it. All assignments are written on the class assignment chart. Unfinished class work may not be on the class assignment chart but is expected to be completed by the next day. It is the students’ responsibility to record, complete and return this work.

Occasionally you will see a “Correct and Return” stamp on your child’s

paper. I often but not always allow students to correct and return their

papers to me for extra points. If the paper is not corrected and returned the original grade remains as is. Please check Teacher Ease regularly to look for missing assignments or correct and return opportunities.

I always encourage the students to answer homework questions in

complete sentences

All homework should be turned in with the student’s name and number on

the upper left hand side and the date on the right. A title should be given

to each hand written assignment example, Math page 12 – 13.

Weekly graded assignments will be sent home in the Friday Folder. Please make sure the folder is signed and returned by Monday.

Should your child be absent, you can check the school website for assignments. You need to go to and click on the faculty tab, then third grade. Scroll down to my name and click on it. This will bring you to my web page that has homework postings as well as newsletters and spelling lists.

St. Thomas the Apostle School

Grade Three

2012 – 2013

Mrs. Burzynski


Reading/Spelling: Scott Foresman and Modern Curriculum Press Phonics series

There will be a variety of opportunities for children to experience reading. Children will experience a variety of different genres through our reading series, teacher read aloud, shared reading and independent reading. Students will practice reading strategies and comprehension skills to become more effective, independent readers. Spelling words are generated from our reading series. Pre-tests are given

every Thursday. Students who get 100% on their pre-test (including

challenge words) do not have to take the final test on Friday. Tests are

marked wrong for misspelling as well as incorrect capitalization and letter

formation, e.g. n instead of m.

English: Harcourt series

We will study grammar and the function how words work in sentences. This will help students become better writers. Third grade students will learn to write persuasive, descriptive and informational essays which are well organized, focused and detailed.

Social Studies: McGraw-Hill series

Third grade focuses on the study of different kinds of communities including types of occupations, forms of transportation, community service as well as government, culture and geography.

Religion: Loyola Press

This series revolves around scripture, which along with catholic doctrine is integrated into every lesson. Students are helped to develop a clearer deeper faith in their study of God as revealed in creation, through the chosen people and life teachings of Jesus Christ.

Science: Scott Foresman

We start the year learning about Life Science and the study of plants, spiders, insects, fish life cycles and habitats. Our second unit is Physical Science. In this unit the student learns about matter and the physical and chemical changers matter undergoes. They will also learn about gravity, magnetism, simple machines, forms of energy and how sound travels.

Math: Scott Foresman

We review all previously taught concepts and expand on them in third grade: place value, money, addition, subtraction (of larger numbers), time, data and graphs as well as geometry and fractions. The two main new concepts taught this year will be division and multiplication. Memorization of the multiplication facts will be important for the students if they are going to be successful in mastering the concepts of division.

St. Thomas the Apostle School

Grade Three

2012 – 2013

Mrs. Burzynski


3B Class Rules, Discipline and Homework Policy:

1. Raise your hand to speak

2. Pay attention and be respectfully quiet

3. Be respectful at all times

4. Be ready for class

Problem solving strategies:

1. Students are required to fill in their assignment notebook daily and ask a parent to review and sign it nightly. Students earn daily stamps/stickers for positive behavior. Look for them nightly, in the assignment notebook.

2. If a student has had less than desirable behavior, does not have their assignment notebook filled in, signed and homework completed, a notation may be made in their assignment notebook and no stamp or sticker will be given for that day.

In order to motivate the students to strive for success, they will earn a weekly no homework pass for following the above rules daily and earning their daily assignment notebook stamp. In addition, the students can work together to earn a whole class reward .This is accomplished through model behavior as a whole class. When good behavior is observed by the teacher or a supervising adult, a paper clip will be added to a paperclip chain. Once we earn our goal of 50 paperclips we will celebrate with an extra recess, popcorn & movie party or another fun activity.

Specials Schedule

Monday: 1:00-1:45 Technology

Tuesday: 8:30-9:00 Mass, 12:45-1:30 Gym

Wednesday: 8:55-9:25 Spanish, 12:00-12:45 Gym

Thursday: 10:00-10:30 Music

Friday: 1:15-2:00 Art


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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