Lesson Plan - Weebly

Name: Ashlee Sikes Lesson Plan __________________________________

Cooperating teacher’s signature / date

Date: 4-20-12 (Before lesson is presented to class/students)

|Subject: Reading/Language Arts_____________ |Topic/Title: Writing with a Beginning, Middle and End |

|B. Grade level/age:_3rd Grade ________________ |Time Frame:____50 Minutes ____________________ |

|Grade Level Expectation(s)/ Course Level Expectation(s): (Must be written out.) |Materials: book; Beauty and the Beast, fairy tale books,|

|Writing: 2. Compose well-developed text. C. Compose text with a) a beginning, middle and end b) sentence |paper, fairy tale rubric, beginning, middle and end |

|variety (including imperative and exclamatory.) |worksheet |

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| |Sources: (include web sites) |

|Student learning objective/s: |Books: Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, The Prince and |

|Students will distinguish beginnings, middles and endings in familiar stories. |the Pauper, Snow White |

|Students will create a short story with a beginning, middle and end. |Websites: |

|Students will show sentence variety in their writing by using imperative and exclamatory sentences. |

|Students will organize and briefly summarize their short story into three parts; a beginning, middle and |/sequencing-worksheets/ |

|end. | |

|Students will design a relating illustration for each of the three parts. | |

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| |Depth of Knowledge (DOK): check |

| |1. recall ______ |

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| |2. skill/concept ___X__ |

| |3. strategic thinking ______ |

| |4. extended thinking __X___ |


|Opening: (assess prior knowledge, entice, hook, state purpose) |

|“How does every story begin? (wait for response) How does every story end? (wait for response) What takes place between the two? (wait for response) Every story has|

|a beginning, middle and end. What are ways to recognize a beginning, middle and end? (wait for response) There are certain word phrases that we find in reading that|

|tell us if it is the beginning, middle or end. Today we will discuss this topic in terms of fairy tales and learn how to determine the three parts within a story. |

|We will read the story Beauty and the Beast. As we read be thinking in your head what the beginning, middle and end of the story may be. Also pay attention of |

|sentence variety that makes the story more interesting.” [QI; 3.1] |

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|Explanation: (Please number components sequentially.) |

|Model/demonstrate content/skills |

|“Thinking of the story we just read, what do you think the beginning of the story is? (wait for response) What do you think is the middle? (wait for response) What |

|would the end of the story be? (wait for response) Remember when I told you that there are certain word phrases that we find in reading that help us determine the |

|beginning, middle and end? Key phrases to look for in the beginning of a story are; once upon a time, a long time ago, far far away, and so on. Key phrases for the |

|middle may include; the next day, after several months, years down the road, later, and so on. Key phrases for the end consist of; happily ever after, the end, even|

|to this day, this is my tale, and so on. Did you notice any of these phrases in the book we read? “(wait for response) What about the sentence variety, did this |

|book use any imperative or exclamatory sentences? (wait for response) An imperative sentence is a command, it provides direction. An example is; Dan, stand up now! |

|An exclamatory sentence expresses strong emotion and ends with an exclamation point. An example is; I love to read! Anytime you write you should practice using |

|sentence variety.” [QI; 3.2] |

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|Shared/interactive practice |

|“I brought a few other books that we will look at and determine the beginning, middle and end. When viewing these books keep in mind the common phrasing used for |

|each of the three parts. Be sure to notice the sentence varieties” [QI; 3.2] |

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|Independent practice/application |

|“You will be creating your own fairy tale stories! You may write about anything you want. You may want to include something about your personal experiences, family |

|or community; however in your stories you must include a beginning, middle and end. Also I want you to use variety in your sentences. This means to create sentences|

|such as imperative and exclamatory sentences. After you write your fairy tale story, you will organize and briefly summarize your story into the three parts of |

|beginning, middle and end. I will pass out a worksheet that is divided into these parts. I would like for you to illustrate the beginning, middle and end on this |

|worksheet as well.” [QI; 3.4] |

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|Evaluation: (Include one copy of each.) |

|By teacher (of objective) |

|The teacher will evaluate each student’s fairy tale story accordingly to the provided rubric. |

|Student self-evaluation of own learning |

|Students will evaluate their own learning by completing the beginning, middle and end worksheet with illustrations. |

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|Closing: ( review, transition) |

|“Who can tell me what we have learned today? (wait for response) Today we discussed the beginning, middle and end of a story and in particular we talked about fairy|

|tales. We learned common phrases that tell us if it is the beginning, middle or end of the story. You created your own fairy tale stories using sentence variety. |

|Also you organized your stories into the three parts of; beginning, middle and end and illustrated each part. Now everyone should be able to better recognize the |

|beginning, middle and end of a story. I look forward to reading your fairy tale stories.” |

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|Differentiated Instruction: (Use PARTICULAR acronym.) |

|Instruction- I will provide appropriate kinds and amounts of explicit instruction: Students who need more instruction on beginning, middle and end will be provided |

|with more examples from familiar books and I will assist students along with these examples. [QI; 3.3] |

|Utensils- I will provide visual and auditory aids: Students will be exposed to books that will serve as a visual aid in determining beginning, middle and end within|

|text. I will read aloud to students a book that demonstrates common beginning, middle and end phrases. I will read aloud additional books if needed. [QI; 3.3] |

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|Lesson Reflection: (Complete on a separate page. See scoring guide for details.) |

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Reading and Language Arts Ashlee Sikes

Field Lesson Plan Reflection 4-26-12

Dr. Sarah Russback

Lesson Reflection

I taught a reading/language arts lesson plan on writing with a beginning, middle and end. I developed this lesson based on a third grade level. To begin our lesson I discussed with the class their thoughts of how a story starts and ends. Next we talked about the three main parts of all stories a beginning, middle and end. I posed questions of the common phrases that mark the beginning, middle and end. I discussed with the class a few of the most common phrases that are found at the beginning, middle and end of a story. Next we read together a book and the students were asked to pay attention to the beginning, middle and end of our story.

The students caught on to this subject well. After we read our story, most everyone was able to distinguish the phrases that told them the beginning, middle and end. Next we took a close look at some other fairy tales that had different beginnings, middles and endings. I then told the class that they would be creating their own stories and that they would have to use the proper phrasing for their beginning, middle and end. They were to write their stories based on a provided rubric. The students did a wonderful job; all their stories were fun filled and creative. Then the students were asked to divide their stories into the three categories of beginning, middle and end and to provide an illustration of each part. This was interesting to see their interpretations.

I feel that this lesson went well and that the students retrieved a good portion of the information. I feel that the weakness of the lesson was the limited time. This lesson was prepared for a fifty minute period and due to the day of presenting I was limited to about thirty minutes. However I believe that these students provided great work, even in the situation of less time to work on their assignments. In the future I would provide the recommended time and I would provide more examples of common phrases.

I incorporated goal three of the MoStep Standards in this lesson. Goal three states; “The student will understand how learners differ in their approaches to learning and create instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners.” The objective of 3.1 reads; “The student will identify prior experience, learning styles, strengths and needs of learners.” This objective is met in this lesson based on the students answering questions relating to the beginning, middle and end of a story. To answer my questions the students had to use their prior knowledge of the subject. This allowed them to gather the information in their own learning style.

The objective of 3.2 states; “The student will design and implement individualized strategies of instruction based on prior experience, learning styles, strengths and needs of the learners.” This objective is met in this lesson because I had the students describe to me the difference in imperative and exclamatory sentences. The students were to give examples of these types of sentences; therefore they were using prior experience. Also the students had to practice finding beginning, middle and end phrases in other fairy tale books. The students had to use their individual strategies and experiences to find the common phrases that we discussed in our lesson.

The objective 3.3 reads; “The student will determine when and how to access specialized services to meet individual students needs.” This objective is met based on the particulars that I used for this lesson. I provided extended instruction for those students who were in need. I also provided several examples and visuals to support my learning objectives. I had many different fairy tale books for the students to look through.

The objective 3.4 states; “The student will connect instruction to students’ prior experiences and family, culture, and community.” This objective is met by allowing students to write their fairy tale stories on anything that they want. I told them to include personal experiences, family and community details that would help spice their stories a little. This allows the students to connect instruction to their person lives. As a whole I feel that the students had a great time in participating in this lesson.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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