Third Grade - Tri-Village High School

|Third Grade |Grade Level State Indicators Covered: |

|September Unit Plan |Apply the meanings of synonyms and antonyms. |

|Language Arts/Reading | |

| |Determine the meanings and pronunciations of unknown words using glossaries, |

| |dictionaries, etc. |

| | |

| |Establish a purpose for reading. |

| | |

| |Use end punctuation marks correctly. |

| | |

| |Use correct capitalization. |

| | |

| |Read and comprehend third grade literature. |

| | |

| |Use/write language related to sequence. |

|Content/Concepts: | |

|Synonyms/Antonyms | |

|Purpose for reading | |

|Theme | |

|Dictionary Use | |

|ABC Order | |

|Comprehension | |

|Summarize | |

|Sequence | |

|Capitalization | |

|Punctuation | |

|Genre | |

| | |

| |Critical Questions: |

| |1. Can I use capitalization and punctuation correctly? |

| |2. Can I summarize a story in the correct sequence? |

| |3. Can I identify my purpose for reading a selection? |

| |4. Can I distinguish between synonyms and antonyms? |

| |5. Can I put words in ABC order? Can I use a |

| |dictionary to help me if I have trouble? |

|Skills: | |

|Punctuate | |

|Read | |

|Summarize | |

|Sequence | |

|Write | |

|Spell | |

|Stories read in class from reading book: The Lost and Found and Mulan |

|We will also use various short passages to review skills taught in class. |

|Assessments |

|Diagnostic – class discussion, reviewing |

|Formative – classroom work, class activities, homework |

|Summative – written assessments, SCAs |


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