Third Grade Information

Fourth Grade Information

Bridget Blatz

E-Mail: bridget.blatz@

Welcome to fourth grade! I am really excited about this year. I am looking forward to getting to know each one of your children. Your child’s academic and spiritual growth will be an awesome thing to see throughout this year.

In order for us to have an effective year, it will be necessary for us to work as a team. Keeping that in mind, there are a couple of ways to stay informed about your child’s classroom. The B.E.E. binders will allow you to stay informed of upcoming events, tests, quizzes, and homework assignments. In this binder you will also find a place to send notes to me. The class website () will also be a great resource for you. This website is updated weekly and will keep you informed about what your child’s homework is and any upcoming events.

About Me:

In 1984, Christ became my personal Savior. From this point, I have been actively involved in my church, and I have been a Sunday School coordinator, youth leader, and director of a small community center. In 2003, I started taking trips to Puerto Limpira, Honduras to work with an orphanage that was damaged in Hurricane Mitch. It is my desire to make that trip again in the near future.

My husband and I have one little boy, Landon who just made one year old in June. We also have two fur babies, Gracie and Leroy. We currently live in Slidell, but hope to buy a house this year.

I began my teaching career in a preschool classroom while I worked on my undergraduate degree. In 2004, I began my journey as an elementary teacher at First Baptist Christian School. During the 2007-2008 school year, I taught the moderate special education class at Florida Avenue. I graduated with my master’s degree in regular and special education in the summer of 2007. Eleven years ago, I returned to First Baptist and am excited about all that God has done in my life since then.

Questions/Concerns: If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to e-mail me or write a note in your child’s B.E.E. (Bring Everything Everyday) binder and I will get back to you as soon as possible. You may send me e-mail directly using the address found at the beginning of this letter. If your concern cannot be addressed through writing, feel free to leave a message in the school office (643-3725), and I will return the call as soon as possible. I will try to respond within 24 hours during the normal school week.

Books: Math, Science, Social Studies, and Literature books all need to be covered by Monday, August 12, 2019. Please only use brown paper to cover the books. This is the best way to protect the book. Also, no tape should touch the books. If you need help covering the books, please see me and I would be more than happy to help you. If a cover tears or is damaged, it must be replaced. If a student doesn’t have their book properly covered they will receive a recess detention every day until it is. Also, please do not use the stretchy covers as per the office because they tend to damage the binding on the books.

Conduct: Your child’s conduct grade will be posted on headmaster by Tuesday of each week. Every day they have the opportunity to earn 20 points towards their weekly conduct grade. If a student is written up the conduct grade for the day is automatically dropped to a zero.

5- Each day the student’s numbers are placed in a bucket. If they do not move them and stay in the bucket they will receive full credit for the day.

4-If a student moves to 4 on the behavior chart, it will result in a lower conduct grade.

3- If a student moves to 3 on the behavior chart, they will receive a behavior journal to be signed, a recess detention, and a lower conduct grade.

2- If a student moves to 2 on the behavior chart, they will receive either an after school detention or community service (within the school) and a lower conduct grade.

1- If a student moves to 1, they will receive a write-up and a lower conduct grade.

0- If a student move to 0, they will be sent to the office, receive a write-up, and a lower conduct grade.

Math: In math this year, we will use the Purposeful Design curriculum. The students will participate in a variety of activities in order to learn the concepts taught. Our units will cover place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, geometry, fractions, decimals, and measurement. The study guides for math tests will be found at the end of each chapter. The answers should be written and correct in your child’s notebook before the test. We do go over the correct answers prior to the test.

Science: In science this year we will use the Purposeful Design curriculum. The students will participate in a variety of activities including, but not limited to, labs and science learning stations. The students will complete units in life science, physical science, earth science, and the human body: wellness. The study guides for science will be found at the end of each chapter in the workbook. Information for quizzes will be found in your child’s notebook. We will work on and complete these at least two days prior to the test. These should not be written on before they are completed in class. Also, please check your child’s binder for any additional items to study.

S.S.: In social studies this year, we will study the regions throughout the United States. The students will learn about the geography, people, culture, and history of these areas. The tests for this curriculum require that the students be able to apply the information that they have learned not to just memorize it. In addition to tests and quizzes the students will complete in class projects and assignments. The study guides for social studies tests can be found on the class website. The students will have information for quizzes in their notebooks. It is your child’s responsibility to fill in the answers that are missing on the study guide. It should be in their own words to show understanding of the concept.

Spelling: We will use the purposeful design book for spelling this year. Word lists can be found on the class website or in the student’s spelling book.

Bible: This year in Bible we will use the Purposeful Design curriculum. This curriculum is designed to help the students learn about who Christ is, to grow as Christians, and to witness to others. The study guides can be found on the class website.

Literature: In Literature we will use the Purposeful Design textbook. This book is broken into different units. Within each unit, the students learn different literary concepts such as plot, characters, and theme. The test will generally contain vocabulary and compression questions. Check the website for specifics. The vocabulary for each story that contains vocabulary can be found in the student’s literature notebook. There is not a way to study for the comprehension section of the test except to reread the story for the week.

Language: This year in language we will use the Abeka curriculum. This curriculum is designed to teach the students the eight parts of speech. Each test is cumulative and will contain information that has already been tested in prior units. At the end of each unit there is a guide to help review for the test, but you will need to review all concepts in the unit to be fully prepared.

Homework: Homework will be assigned every week and a schedule can be found on the website (which will be updated weekly). Your child is expected to have their homework completed and in their B.E.E. binder by Friday morning. I will not take late homework, unless your child has been out or an emergency occurs. “I forgot” will not be accepted as an excuse for not having their homework. Homework cannot be turned in early if the student knows that they will be absent unless it is an office excused absence. It will need to be turned in upon return to school. All work must be shown and in the student’s handwriting in order to get credit for homework.

Any worksheets that may be a part of a homework assignment will be placed by your child in the homework section of your child’s B.E.E. binder.

Graded Papers: Grades will be posted on headmaster by Tuesday each week. Every week, I will send home graded papers in the graded papers section of your child’s B.E.E. binder. All papers should be signed and sent back by the following Tuesday. Any student without signed papers will receive a recess detention (this will not lower conduct). If you have any questions or concerns about a particular paper, please place the paper back in the folder with a note attached and I will check into the problem. I can not change a grade without seeing the paper.

Snacks: The students will have an opportunity to eat a snack in the morning and in the afternoon as long as my classroom stays clean and free of snack trash on the floor. They may have snacks that are not high in sugar. They may not have candy or anything that is messy or requires a spoon to eat. Students are allowed to drink water throughout the day as long as it is in a clear, see through, closed container.

Birthday Parties: If you would like to bring in a treat for your child’s birthday, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can plan for it. I can not always fit it in if I don’t know about it in advance. If you choose to have a birthday party for your child off of campus and want to send invitations out to the class, there must be an invitation for each child. We will not send out invitations if there is not one for every child.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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