Third Grade Lesson Plans - Anderson School District Five

| |Third Grade Lesson Plans |

| |Subject: Reading |

| |March 18 – March 22, 2013 |

| |RI.3.3 Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using |

| |language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect. |

| |RI.3.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area. |

| |RI.3.5 Use text features and search tools to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently. |

| |RI.3.7 Use information gained from illustrations and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text. |

| |RI.3.8 Describe the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text. |

| |RI.3.9 Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic. |

| |RF.3.3c Decode multisyllable words. |

| |RF.3.3a Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and derivational suffixes. |

| |RF.3.4a Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding. |

| |RL.3.2 Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is|

| |conveyed through key details in the text. |

| |L.3.4a Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase |

| |L.3.4d Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases. |

| |L.3.5b Identify real-life connections between words and their use. |

| |SL.3.4 Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an |

| |understandable pace. |

| |W.3.8 Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided|

| |categories. |

| |Essential Question: How are different animals’ lives alike and different? |

| |Skill: compare and contrast; Strategy: visualize |

| |Vocabulary: survival, migrate, plenty, frightening, accidents, solid, chilly, landscape, thunderous, dramatic |

| |Shared Reading |Guided Reading |Interactive & Read-Aloud |

|Monday |Story “The Journey: Stories of Migration” |GUIDED READING: SEE LEVEL TEXT |Indicators: |

| |Standards RF.3.3C, RF.3.4a, L.3.4a, L.3.5b, L.3.6, RI.3.4 |PLANS |3-1.1,3-1.2,31.3,3-1.4,3-1.5,3-1.6,3-1.9|

| |Procedures | |,3-1.10,3-2.1,,3-2.2,3-2.3,3-2.8,3-2.9,3|

| |The teacher will display the message by writing it on the board. See T100-101 |INDEPENDENT READING: |-3.1,3-3.2,3-3.4,3-3.5 |

| |(unit 5 lesson 22) for message. Read the message with students and discuss its |3R1.1, 3R1.2 | |

| |meaning. Talk about where the animals live, how they communicate, etc. | |Teacher will do a Read Aloud of choice. |

| |The teacher will read aloud “The Taste of Hope” (T102-103). Pause to explain |1. TSW read independently for | |

| |each highlighted vocabulary word and discuss the meanings of each word as it is |enjoyment and fluency |1. TTW read and question students. |

| |used in the article. |2. Record reading in reading |2. TSW participate in “Turn and Talk” |

| |The teacher will ask students the listening comprehension questions. |log |Focus Skills: |

| |The students will read and pronounce each word and take turns reading the words | |Make predictions; summarize main idea; |

| |in context using pages 200-201 in student books and T104-105 in teacher books. | |analyze character and setting; compare |

| |Students will use their dictionaries to write the definitions of each word in | |and contrast settings, characters, |

| |their ELA journals. | |events, and ideas in a variety of texts;|

| |Assessment Teacher observation, journal entries, discussion | |identify problem and solution. |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: TO student participation in |

| | | |turn and talk |

|Tuesday|Story “The Journey: Stories of Migration” |GUIDED READING: SEE LEVEL TEXT |Indicators: |

| |Standards RI.3.4, L.3.5b, L.3.6, RI.3.8, RI.3.3, RI.3.4, RI.3.5, RI.3.7, RI.3.10,|PLANS |3-1.1,3-1.2,31.3,3-1.4,3-1.5,3-1.6,3-1.9|

| |W.3.10, SL.3.1a, L.3.3a | |,3-1.10,3-2.1,,3-2.2,3-2.3,3-2.8,3-2.9,3|

| |Procedures |INDEPENDENT READING: |-3.1,3-3.2,3-3.4,3-3.5 |

| |The teacher will display the message by writing in on the board (T110) for |3R1.1, 3R1.2 | |

| |students to see, read aloud, and discuss. Remind students that a journey can be | |Teacher will do a Read Aloud of choice. |

| |across the country, across the city or around the corner. Tell students to |1. TSW read independently for | |

| |listen and ask questions if they need to clarify ideas. |enjoyment and fluency |1. TTW read and question students. |

| |Students will tell details of their travels to relate to the message. Volunteers|2. Record reading in reading |2. TSW participate in “Turn and Talk” |

| |can then underline words that have –ing and –ed to relate back to the Word Block |log |Focus Skills: |

| |lesson. | |Make predictions; summarize main idea; |

| |The teacher will build the student’s background knowledge using the vocabulary | |analyze character and setting; compare |

| |words. T112-113 has the words and some ideas for the teacher to use that will | |and contrast settings, characters, |

| |help the students understand the meaning of each word. | |events, and ideas in a variety of texts;|

| |Students will get with partners and take turns rereading “Migration.” They will | |identify problem and solution. |

| |pause at the highlighted words to explain the word as they read it. | | |

| |The teacher will introduce the main selection with students. Read aloud SB | |Assessment: TO student participation in |

| |204and discuss the genre of the story. | |turn and talk |

| |The teacher will read the selection, stopping to ask questions throughout as the | | |

| |students follow along. (SB 204- 220 and T116-126) | | |

| |Students will respond to the topics on page 221 in their ELA journals. | | |

| |The teacher will introduce compare and contrast/visualize T114-115. Students | | |

| |will write the words and definitions down in their journals. | | |

| |Students will complete workbook page 87 as an assessment of the skill. | | |

| |Assessment Teacher observation, discussion, journal entries, practice book page | | |

|Wednesd|Story “The Journey: Stories of Migration” | | |

|ay |Standards L.3.5b, RI.3.3, RI.3.4, RI.3.5, RI.3.7, RI.3.8, RI.3.10, W.3.10, |GUIDED READING: SEE LEVEL TEXT |Indicators: |

| |SL.3.1a, L.3.3a, RF.3.4a |PLANS |3-1.1,3-1.2,31.3,3-1.4,3-1.5,3-1.6,3-1.9|

| |Procedures | |,3-1.10,3-2.1,,3-2.2,3-2.3,3-2.8,3-2.9,3|

| |The teacher will display the message (T130) by writing it on the whiteboard for |INDEPENDENT READING: |-3.1,3-3.2,3-3.4,3-3.5 |

| |students to see, read aloud, and discuss. Have volunteers give words with –s, |3R1.1, 3R1.2 | |

| |-es, -ed, -ing and then identify the base words. | |Teacher will do a Read Aloud of choice. |

| |The teacher will ask students questions about the vocabulary words to check for |1. TSW read independently for | |

| |comprehension. Have them explain some of the meanings in their own words. |enjoyment and fluency |1. TTW read and question students. |

| |Students will reread the story with a partner and ask each other questions to |2. Record reading in reading |2. TSW participate in “Turn and Talk” |

| |make sure they understand what the story is about. |log |Focus Skills: |

| |The teacher will do a “Deepen Comprehension” lesson with students to talk about | |Make predictions; summarize main idea; |

| |comparing and contrasting. The teacher will explain that when authors write, | |analyze character and setting; compare |

| |they make decisions about how to organize information. Sometimes they make the | |and contrast settings, characters, |

| |decision to organize the info by showing similarities and differences between two| |events, and ideas in a variety of texts;|

| |or more things. Signal words such as like, unlike, and , but, too, also, both, | |identify problem and solution. |

| |although, however, in addition, or yet help readers recognize the compare and | | |

| |contrast organization. | |Assessment: TO student participation in |

| |Students will look at page 206 in their books and read the last paragraph. The | |turn and talk |

| |teacher will point out the author used signal words different and alike to show | | |

| |that she is comparing and contrasting. | | |

| |Teacher will use T135-135 to continue the lesson. Workbook page 92 can be used | | |

| |as an assessment at the end of the lesson. | | |

| |Assessment Teacher observation, discussion, journal entries, practice page | | |


|y & |Story “The Journey: Stories of Migration” |PLANS |3-1.1,3-1.2,31.3,3-1.4,3-1.5,3-1.6,3-1.9|

|Friday |Standards RL.3.2, RL.3.10, W.3.7, W.3.8, W.3.10, RL.3.2, RF.3.a, L.3.4b, L.3.4d | |,3-1.10,3-2.1,,3-2.2,3-2.3,3-2.8,3-2.9,3|

| |Procedures |INDEPENDENT READING: |-3.1,3-3.2,3-3.4,3-3.5 |

| |The teacher will display the message (T138) for students to see and read it aloud|3R1.1, 3R1.2 | |

| |for them to hear. | |Teacher will do a Read Aloud of choice. |

| |The teacher will have students tell about migrating animals they have seen and |1. TSW read independently for | |

| |remind students to listen quietly while others are speaking. |enjoyment and fluency |1. TTW read and question students. |

| |The teacher will ask students questions about the vocabulary words and have them |2. Record reading in reading |2. TSW participate in “Turn and Talk” |

| |choose which word best answers the question. |log |Focus Skills: |

| |The teacher will do a “Connect to Traditional Tales” lesson using “The | |Make predictions; summarize main idea; |

| |Grasshopper and the Ant” on T140-141. Explain to students the genre of fables | |analyze character and setting; compare |

| |and the parts that make it up. Remind them of the moral in a fable and tell them| |and contrast settings, characters, |

| |as they read to see if they can pick up on the lesson within the story. | |events, and ideas in a variety of texts;|

| |The students will do a “Text to Self” assignment with the help of the teacher. | |identify problem and solution. |

| |With students, brainstorm adjectives that they can use in their paragraphs. On | | |

| |the board, make a T-chart with words for the grasshopper on one side and the ant | |Assessment: TO student participation in |

| |on the other. Then students will use the yellow “Text to Self” box on page 225 | |turn and talk |

| |to finish the writing assignment. | | |

| |The teacher will do a vocabulary strategies lesson focusing on the prefixes in- | | |

| |and im-. See page T142-143 for ideas. | | |

| |The students will complete workbook page 95 as an assessment. | | |

| |Assessment Teacher observation, discussion, paragraphs, workbook page | | |

| |FRIDAY | | |

| |Story “The Journey: Stories of Migration” | | |

| |Standards SL.3.1a, SL.3.4, RI.3.9, W.3.7 | | |

| |Procedures | | |

| |Display the message (T146), read it and have students write a response in their | | |

| |journals. Volunteers can share their responses if time allows. | | |

| |The teacher will review the vocabulary words within the story and discuss their | | |

| |meanings. | | |

| |The students will complete the vocabulary and comprehension selection tests. | | |

| |The teacher will grade the assessments and reteach where needed. | | |

| |Assessment teacher observation, discussion, test | | |


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