Central Bucks School District

Overview:??Students have the option of doing a?Beachbody Kids workout or complete a workout on the Sworkit app. Students can also practice their frisbee throw or do an off-screen workout. If students are interested, they can do all the activities.?Estimated Time:?20-25?minutes?Explanation:???We have been talking about heart rate, maximum heart rate and target heart rate in PE class over the past few weeks. Students should check their heart rate before, during and after exercise. For a cardiovascular workout, heart rate during exercise should be between 60-85% of their maximum heart (220 minus their age).Any activity they choose should increase your rate. Activities are different intensities so some will increase your heart rate more than others.?We did a frisbee unit last year and some of you participated in after-school ultimate frisbee in the fall. Watch the video below to see a review of the frisbee throw. Three quick things to know:?Choose?one?of the?options under tasks.??If you choose option 2, download the “Sworkit” App?from your app store.??Follow the “Sworkit?Tutorial?Worksheet”?below.?On the Sworkit Kids app, you can choose your workout to focus on one of three areas of physical fitness- strength, agility or flexibility and balance. Sworkit Kids also offers warm-up and cooldown sessions. ??The activity log is optional.? If you choose to participate, fill out the activity log after each workout. Be sure to include your pulse before and after exercise. Think about which activity increased your heart rate the most.?Tasks:?Select one of the following Beachbody Kids Workouts. Feel free to do this with family or friends.? the Sworkit?app (Android or Apple OS)?to complete a?20-minute personalized workout.After you select one of the pre-made workouts, you set your workout time to 20 minutes.?ORIf you have a frisbee and it’s nice out, go outside to practice your frisbee throw. (if the video is a little unclear, click on settings on the bottom right of the screen, click on quality and then click on 1080) or ORIf you don’t have a frisbee or it’s not nice out, try this:Choose 2 colors.?Method of communication (optional):?After you complete the activity,?complete the activity log below and hand it in to Mrs. Engart when we return to school. You can also email me at rengart@ on your scheduled PE day to let me know which activity(s) you did or you can send me a picture performing your physical activity (optional).??Date?Exercise(s)/Activity(s) Chosen?Pulse before exercisePulse after exerciseExample:?March 16??Frisbee Throw????????? ................

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