Biographical Narrative Business Letter Format

Biographical Narrative Business Letter Format

Letter of Recommendation

This is your example and template for the body paragraphs that you will include in a Business Letter for a Biographical Narrative. You will write your own letter. Look at the sample business letter you received last week. Be sure to include all required information – not just the information that is included here.


The employees at ______________ (fill in the blank) are all ______________ (pick an adjective.) Whenever I go into your __________________, (name the type of business – i.e. store, car dealership, restaurant, movie theater, etc.) the employees ___________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________. (list what they do)

________________ (list your friend’s first and last name) is also ___________________ (use a synonym for the adjective as listed above.) She/he _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________





________________________________(list what your friend does, that shows how he/she would be a good match)


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (state that your friend would be a good fit for the company.)


The employees at ______________ (fill in the blank) are also______________ (pick a 2nd adjective.) I have noticed that the people who currently work at your __________________ (name the type of business – i.e. store, car dealership, restaurant, movie theater, etc.) are_____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________. (list what they do)

________________ (list your friend’s first name only ) is also __________________ (use a synonym for the adjective as listed above.) She/he is _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________





________________________________(list what your friend does, that shows how he/she would be a good match)


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (restate that state that your friend would be a good fit for the company.)


______________ ‘s (fill in the blank) employees are also______________ (pick a 3d adjective.) It is evident that the staff members at your __________________ (name the type of business – i.e. store, car dealership, restaurant, movie theater, etc.) are ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________. (list what they do)

________________ (list your friend’s first name) is also ________________ (use a synonym for the adjective as listed above.) ________________ (friend’s name) _____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________





________________________________(list what your friend does, that shows how he/she would be a good match)


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (restate that state that your friend would be a good fit for the company.)


I know that you want to continue the successful business that you currently run. By hiring _________________________________ (list the friend’s first and last name) you will be hiring a person who will gladly help your customers, maintain a professional attitude and be a responsible employee. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at _______________________________________________ (email address) and/or ________________________________ (phone number.)

Chris Robinson

1886 Pepper Tree Lane

Murrieta, California 92652

23 September 2008

Mrs. Rebecca Jones

9925 Diamond Street

Murrieta, California 92653

Dear Mrs. Jones:

The employees at Starbucks are all friendly. Whenever I go into your coffee shop, the employees all greet me with a big smile and a cheery, “Hello!” Joe Smith is an amiable person too. He volunteers to tutor students who are struggling in math. Joe does this during his lunch time. He believes it is important to help others. Joe will be a courteous employee who will welcome and assist all of your customers.

The employees at Starbucks are also intelligent. I have noticed that the people who currently work at your store are all able to correctly count change. They are also skilled at remembering the various drink combinations. Joe is smart. He is in the National Honor Society and has a 3.7 grade point average at Vista Murrieta High School. Joe is quick to respond to a stressful situation. In addition, he is able to remain calm under pressure. Since Starbucks can be quite busy, it will be beneficial for you to hire an intelligent and calm employee.

Starbucks’ employees are also responsible. It is evident that the staff members at your location are able to manage a large amount of customers at one time. Joe is a reliable person. Joe Smith gets to school and arrives to all of his meeting on time. This shows that he is skilled at time-management and understands the importance of being on time. Because Joe is a dependable person, you will be able to count on him.

I know that you want to continue the successful business that you currently run. By hiring Joe Smith, you will be hiring a person who will gladly help your customers, maintain a professional attitude and be a responsible employee. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at crobinson@ and/or 951-699-1114.

Sincerely yours,

Chris Robinson


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