Loudoun County Public Schools


Industrial Revolution/Big Business

Station Activities SOL USII.4 b, d

1. Invention Search: Take turns going on the 2 classroom computers and fill out the inventions activity sheet

Inventions of the 19th century/Inventions of the 20th century

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2. Why Important textbook Search: Take the Industrial Inventions organizer and search in your textbook for the answers to the questions.

3. Photo Analysis: Take the photo analysis sheet and look at 8-10 pictures filling in the People, Objects and Activities columns.


Inventions Activity SOL USII.4 b, d


1. Pick one of the inventions:

Light bulb Typewriter drip cup Frozen Foods “Birdseye”

Automobile steel plow skyscraper Wrigley Gum

Telephone combine harvester Heinz Ketchup

Bicycle radio oil drill Model T Ford

Air brake phonograph alkaline battery Assembly Line

Camera telegraph sewing machine Chain Stores

Barbed wire Pullman car elevator

x-ray machine motion pictures Levi jeans

airplane McCormick reaper gas mask

street car Bessemer furnace safety pin

refrigerated train car cash register elevated electric railroad

2. Look on the internet for the invention and answer these questions OR go to page 561-566 of the American Journey Text

Who invented it?

When was it invented?

Where was it invented?

Why did it get invented?

How did the invention change how people lived in America?

How does it work?

Do we still use this invention today? If so, How is the invention better today?


Photo Analysis Worksheet

|Observation |

|A. |   |Study each photograph for 2 minutes. Form an overall impression of the photograph and then examine individual items. |

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|B. |  |Use the chart below to list objects in the photograph. Draw a Picture |

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|Step 2. Inference |

|  |  |Based on what you have observed above, list three things you might infer/discover from all the photographs. |

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Assembly Line: A line of factory workers and machines used to put together a product. Products move from one person to another, each with a specialized task.

Mass Production: Making large quantities of a product quickly and cheaply.


|Groups |Advantages |Disadvantages |

| | | |

|Factory |Produce more goods cheaply. |Less skilled workers needed = limited knowledge. |

|Owners |Less skilled workers needed = lower pay |Must be in total control of the assembly line. |

| |Any man could get a job in a factory assembly line. |Repetitive task would become tedious & boring. |

|Factory Workers |Specialized workers become very good at one thing which can |Specialization makes a worker very good at one thing which |

| |make you an “expert” at that task. |might make it hard to find work elsewhere. |

| |Workers are dependent on each other. |Now you are “just a worker” and become easy to replace. |

| | |No motivation. |

| | | |

|Consumer |More choices |Quality of products might go down. |

| |More affordable |No more unique, custom-made goods (craftsmen). |

| |More access to goods they might not be able to buy. | |

| | | |

Stations SOL USII.4 d

I. Captains of Industry Guide: p. 13

View the power point hand outs and fill in your Guide.

II. Captains of Industry Web Quest: p. 14-17

• Pick one Captain and complete the web quest

III. Impact of Industrialization:

• View the slides on the board

• Find the answers to the questions

• Write the question and your answer on page 18.

I. Captains of Industry Guide SOL USII.4 d

1. Captains of industry were the first people to ____________________________________________________

2. A big business has a _________________________, offers products at _________________________ because it has __________________________________________________

3. What is an example: _______________________________

4. Cornelius Vanderbilt ______________________________

How can I remember them??

5. John D. Rockefeller ______________________________

How can I remember them??

6. Andrew Carnegie __________________________________

How can I remember them??

7. J.P. Morgan _______________________________________

How can I remember them??


Essential Question: Who was Andrew Carnegie?


Your task is to go to the Internet link below and read the biography of Andrew Carnegie.

1. When you have visited and read the biography, complete the worksheet.

2. In the next stage of this Web Quest, each member of your team will be sharing your team’s response with a larger group of participants. Make sure your understanding and analysis will help this larger group understand the essential question better.

Visit this site:

1. Where was Carnegie from?


2. Was his family rich or poor? Explain. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What was Carnegie’s family like? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What jobs did Carnegie have before becoming wealthy?


U.S.II 4d

Captains of Industry Web quest U.S.II 4d

Essential Question: Who was J.P. Morgan?


Your task is to go to the Internet link below and read the biography of J.P. Morgan.

1. Once you have visited and read the biography complete the worksheet.

2. In the next stage of this Web quest, each member of your team will be sharing your team's response with a larger group of participants. Make sure your understanding and analysis will help this larger group understand the essential question better.

Visit this site:

1. What type of family did Morgan come from? Explain. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Describe Morgan’s education. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. How did Morgan start in business? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What industries was Morgan associated with? List and Describe. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Why did the House of Representatives investigate Morgan? What was the result? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Captains of Industry Web quest U.S.II 4d

Essential Question: Who was John D. Rockefeller?


Your task is to go to the Internet link below and read the biography of John D. Rockefeller.

1. Once you have visited and read the biography complete the worksheet.

2. In the next stage of this Web quest, each member of your team will be sharing your team's response with a larger group of participants. Make sure your understanding and analysis will help this larger group understand the essential question better.

Visit this site:

1. What was Rockefeller’s education level? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. How did Rockefeller get into the oil business? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What cutthroat business practices did Rockefeller use? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What was the Standard Oil Trust? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What did the government do to the Standard Oil Trust? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Captains of Industry Web quest U.S.II 4d

Essential Question: Who was Cornelius Vanderbilt?


Your task is to go to the Internet link below and read the biography of Cornelius Vanderbilt.

1. Once you have visited and read the biography complete the worksheet.

2. In the next stage of this Web quest, each member of your team will be sharing your team's response with a larger group of participants. Make sure your understanding and analysis will help this larger group understand the essential question better.

Visit this site:

1. How did Vanderbilt start in business? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What businesses did Vanderbilt originally invest in? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. How did Vanderbilt gain the upper hand in business? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. How old was Vanderbilt when he first started with railroads? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. How did he expand his railroad empire? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Captain’s Station #3 Write the questions and answers.

Impact of Industrialization:

• View the slides on the board

• Find the answers to the questions



What is the Invention?

In your own words explain how life changed for many Americans after the Civil War.

Many Americans moved from farms to cities for better opportunities and exciting activities.

Access to consumer goods provided rural Americans the ability to purchase items previously only available in cities. Mail order catalogues opened up the country as a national market for many different products.

Industrial development in cities made the day-to-day living of Americans easier and opened the door to more employment opportunities.

Mechanization replaced the need for human labor for many farm tasks with more efficient and effective machines, such as the reaper.

how mechanization, urban industrial development, the shift of population from rural to urban communities, and access to consumer goods transformed American life.

IV. Postwar changes in farm and city life SOL USII.4 d

Is about…

Created the Standard Oil Company of Ohio in 1870

Life After The Civil War

Previous Unit

Western Expansion

Next Unit

Urban Growth


1. What created the rise in big business?

2. What factors caused the growth of industry?

3. How did industrialization and the rise in Big Business influence life on American farms?


Rise of Big Business


|Carnegie, Andrew |consumer good |production |

|Ford, Henry |industrialization |prosperity |

|Rockefeller, John D |invention |reaper |

|advertising |labor |work force |

|agriculture |mail order | |

|Big Business |mechanization | |

|captain of industry |national market | |

is about

the reasons for growth of Big Business and its impact on rural America

II. Inventions

Contributing to


• Edison identifies mechanical uses for electricity

• Bell develops the telephone and improves


I. Reasons for the Rise of

Big Business

• National markets

• Advertising

• Lower production costs

• Access to raw materials

• Available work force

• Financial resources

III. Captains of Industry

• Oil (Rockefeller)

• Steel (Carnegie)

• Railroads (Vanderbilt)

• Automobile (Ford)

IV. Postwar changes in

farm and city life

• Mechanization on farms required less labor

• Industrial development in cities needed more labor

• Industrialization led to access of consumer goods, e.g., mail order

beginning with

leading to



SOL USII.4 b, d

Average Americans could afford automobiles

The oil, steel, and rubber industries prospered

National markets created

People, goods, and ideas were easily shared nationwide

Is about…


Teacher’s Copy

Inventions and factors that provided the support for the United States to move from an agricultural to an industrialized economy based nation. (Draw a picture for each)

I. Rise of Big Business SOL USII.4 b, d



Availability of work force


Access to raw materials and energy

Financial resources

Prosperity Factors


Lower production costs

National markets

Captains of Industry

• Rockefeller

• Carnegie

• Ford

• Vanderbilt


Assembly line

Henry Ford



Thomas Edison



Graham Bell

Teacher’s Copy

Revolutionized auto making by using an assembly line to make cars faster

Industrialization Inventions SOL USII.4 b, d

The Assembly Line p.564-566 Journey

342-343 History Alive

The Light bulb

p. 564 Journey

342-343 History Alive

The Bessemer Process

p.570 Journey

342-343 History Alive

Why is it important?

Who is associated with it?

What is the relationship between the parts and the whole?

What is the function of the part?

What would happen if the part were missing?

Part considered

Parts of the BB


The Whole Object

Big Business

Whole/Parts Lesson

Lesson Objective: What is needed to make Big Business/Industrialization Work?

Attachment D


Henry Ford - Automobile

Resources were accessible nationwide


Cornelius Vanderbilt - Railroads

III. Captains of Industry

Interested in refining not drilling oil; most oil was refined into kerosene

One of the first people accused of having a monopoly

Horizontal combination in business


John D. Rockefeller - Oil

Many uses of steel, e.g., bridges, nails, skyscrapers, pins

Vertical combination in business

Carnegie Steel Company produced most of the steel between 1870 and 1900

Bessemer process made steel cheaper and more available


Andrew Carnegie - Steel


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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