Mrs. Loux's English Class | The Class of 2015

AP Literature Poetry UnitLiterary Time Periods and Selected Poems Renaissance (1500-1670)“When my love swears that she is made of truth” William Shakespeare“To His Coy Mistress” Andrew Marvell“The Flea” John Donne“The Sun Rising” John Donne“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” William ShakespeareRomanticism (1798-1870)“A Noiseless Patient Spider” Walt Whitman“The Chimney Sweeper” William Blake“When I have Fears that I May Cease to Be” John Keats“Frost at Midnight” Samuel Taylor Coleridge“Ozymandias” Percy ShelleyTranscendentalism (1830-1860)“I Am a Parcel of Vain Strivings Tied” Henry David Thoreau“Concord Hymn” Ralph Waldo Emerson“Success is counted sweetest” Emily DickinsonI Heard a Fly buss—when I died” Emily Dickinson“My Life has stood—a Loaded Gun” Emily DickinsonVictorian (1837-1901)“Ulysses” Alfred Lord Tennyson“Dover Beach” Mathew Arnold“Porphyria’s Lover” Robert Browning“Rememberance” Emily Bronte “The Darkling Thrush” Thomas HardyRealism (1820-1920)/ Harlem Rennaisance (1920’s)“An Autumn Sunset” Edith Wharton “My Papa’s Waltz” Theodore Roethke“Anthem for Doomed Youth” Wilfred Owen“Incident” Countee Cullen“The Negro Speaks of Rivers” Langston Hughes“America” Claude McKayModernism (1910-1965)“Mad Girl’s Love Song” Sylvia Plath“anyone lived in a pretty how town” e.e. cummings“The Widow’s Lament in Springtime” William Carlos Williams“One Art” Elizabeth Bishop“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” T.S. EliotLiterary Time Period and Poetry Explication LessonDirections:For this project, you and a partner are going to take on my role as the classroom teacher for one block period to lead the class in a mini-lesson on an assigned literary time period. You will then develop a lesson that leads the class through a close-reading/explication of either a singular poem or a selection of poems from that literary time period. Your lesson should be a coherent discussion that helps your classmates understand your literary time period and develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the individual work(s) of literature. The framework, structure, and format in which you teach is completely up to you. Your ultimate goal is to engage your peers in a critical close reading and analysis of the required text(s). A few things to remember when planning your lesson:First and foremost, identify what you want your peers to learn. You are the teacher(s); therefore you should be comfortable to not only discuss the literary time periods and poem(s), but also be able to analyze it from multiple perspectives and accurately answer questions.You should not speak for the entire block period. Limit your lecture of the literary time period to 10 minutes. You also want to get your peers engaged with the poem(s). The learning process should be a collaborative effort, where you remain as the facilitator. Remember that as teachers, you will also be expected to evaluate your lesson and assess your classmates’ learning! If you plan to give homework for them prior to class (or at the end of your seminar) you must make enough copies for everyone.If you need any technology or photocopies, requests must be made a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Requirements:Assign poem(s), reading and any additional homework the night beforeA typed lesson plan must be submitted the day of the lessonThe lesson must last the duration of a full block periodBoth partners must facilitate the lessonBoth partners must turn in a thorough close-reading/explication of any three poems from the above selectionBoth partners must develop a detailed rubric that I will use to assess the lesson (ie: Lesson format, class participation, explications, understanding of time period, etc.)This will count as a 100 point PROJECT grade. Poetry Analytical PaperOption #1: Select three poems from the same author. Close read each one and come up with an original thesis that discusses one or more of the following topics: the poet’s characteristic subjects, attitudes and themes; the kinds of life with which the poet characteristically deals; the poet’s preferred literary forms; the tones; the poet’s vision; etc. Write an essay exploring the selected topic(s) and how it reveals the overall meaning of the poems. Option #2: Select three poems from the same literary time period. Close read each one, come up with an original thesis and write an essay that discusses how the authors either conform or deject the norms of the time in which they were written; furthermore, what this reveals about the authors themselves. You may want to consider the audiences reaction to these poems during the time and whether or not the same reaction exists today.Option #3: Select three poems from any three authors. Close read each one and come up with an original thesis that explores one of the following topics: a common feature (subject matter, form, poetic devices); a similar thematic concern (love, war, art, adolescence, racial conflict, social injustice); or forms of literature (sonnets, dramatic monologues, etc.) Discuss the commonalities and how it enhances the overall meaning of the poems. Option #4: Select three poems from either the same author or three different ones. Develop your own idea for analysis and come up with an original thesis for an analytical essay. You must have your idea approved prior to writing.Please note: You are NOT required to use any external sources for this assignment; however if you choose to do outside research, it MUST be included on your works cited page.Poems/Topic Due: ____________________________Thesis Due: ____________________________Final Due Date:____________________________THIS PAPER COUNTS AS A 100-POINT ESSAY GRADE.RubricThesis Statement ________/10Thesis is detailed, original, and reflects the selected poemsThesis relates to and extends beyond the topicEasily identifiable, plausible, creative and insightfulContent and Use of Text ________/30Arguments are logical and insightfulDemonstrates understanding of the poems and poet(s) intentIncorporates pertinent examples and direct words/lines/phrases from all poemsCites textual support appropriately (in MLA format) to further enhance the argumentCoherently analyzes the text/quotations to support thesis and argumentOrganization of Ideas ________/30Clearly presents original thesisClear topic sentencesCoherent organization of arguments within the body and essay as a wholeText flows naturally from one idea to anotherTransitions evident in the beginning/end of each supporting paragraphConclusion that offers insight and greater understandingWriting Style________/20Demonstrates a strong command of the English languageConsistent tense used throughoutAvoids slang and conversational toneUses appropriate vocabularyVaried sentence structureAcademic Format________/10Proper MLA format for academic writing Proper MLA heading for academic writingDoes not exceed five pagesWorks cited page in MLA formatTOTAL ________/100**Please note: 1 point will be deducted from your final grade EACH TIME you:Use first person pronounsUse second person pronounsMisspell a word, the title of the poem, or the authorDo not use the correct punctuation or capitalizationUse contractions ................

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