Unit: Nature & Perspectives

|Unit: Nature & Perspectives |Unit: Population & Migration |Unit: Population & Migration |

|Geographer: Carl Sauer |Geographer: Ernst Ravenstein |Geographer: Thomas Malthus |

|Country/date: |Country/date: |Country/date: |

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|Contribution(s): |Contribution(s): |Contribution(s): |

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|Sketch of Model: n/a |Sketch of Model: |Sketch of Model: |

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|Unit: Population & Migration |Unit: Political |Unit: Political |

|Geographer: Wilber Zelinsky Country/date: |Geographer: Halford Mackinder |Geographer: Friedrich Ratzel |

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|Contribution(s): | | |

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|Sketch of Model: |Page Reference: |Page Reference: |

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|Unit: Political |Unit: Political |Unit: Economic & Development |

|Geographer: Alfred T. Mahan |Geographer: Nicholas Spykman |Geographer: Friedrich Ratzel |

|Country/date: |Country/date: |Country/date: |

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|Contribution(s): |Contribution(s): |Contribution(s): |

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|Page Reference: |Page Reference: |Page Reference: |

|Sketch of Model: |Sketch of Model: |Sketch of Model: |

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|Unit: Economic & Development |Unit: Economic & Development |Unit: Economic & Development |

|Geographer: Walter Rostow |Geographer: Immanuel Wallerstein |Geographer: Alfred Weber |

|Country/date: |Country/date: |Country/date: |

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|Contribution(s): |Contribution(s): |Contribution(s): |

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|Page Reference: |Page Reference: |Page Reference: |

|Sketch of Model: |Sketch of Model: |Sketch of Model: |

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|Unit: Agriculture and Rural Land Use |Unit: Agriculture and Rural Land Use |Unit: Agriculture and Rural Land Use |

|Geographer: Von Thunen |Geographer: Norman Borlaug |Geographer: Ester Boserup |

|Country/date: |Country/date: |Country/date: |

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|Contribution(s): |Contribution(s): |Contribution(s): |

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|Page Reference: |Page Reference: |Page Reference: |

|Sketch of Model: |Sketch of Model: |Sketch of Model: |

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|Unit: Cities and Urban Land Use |Unit: Cities and Urban Land Use |Unit: Cities and Urban Land Use |

|Geographer: Ernst Burgess |Geographer: Harris & Ullman |Geographer: Walter Christaller |

|Country/date: |Country/date: |Country/date: |

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|Contribution(s): |Contribution(s): |Contribution(s): |

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|Page Reference: |Page Reference: |Page Reference: |

|Sketch of Model: |Sketch of Model: |Sketch of Model: |

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|Unit: Cities and Urban Land Use |Unit: Cultural Geography |Unit: Cities and Urban Land Use |

|Geographer: Homer Hoyt |Geographer: Colin Renfrew |Geographer: deBlij |

|Country/date: |Country/date: |Country/date: |

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|Contribution(s): |Contribution(s): |Contribution(s): |

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|Page Reference: |Page Reference: |Page Reference: |

|Sketch of Model: |Sketch of Model: |Sketch of Model: |

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|Unit: Cities and Urban Land Use |Unit: Cities and Urban Land Use |Unit: |

|Geographer: Griffin-Ford |Geographer: McGee |Geographer: |

|Country/date: |Country/date: |Country/date: |

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|Contribution(s): |Contribution(s): |Contribution(s): |

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|Page Reference: |Page Reference: |Page Reference: |

|Sketch of Model: |Sketch of Model: |Sketch of Model: |

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