ANEXA II - umfcd



regarding the fulfillment of the minimum standards necessary for the registration for the competition for filling the teaching position of ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR at U.M.F. “Carol Davila” Bucharest

The Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Pharmacy

I. Information about the candidate

Last Name:

First name:

II. Numerical data regarding the fulfillment of the minimum standards which are necessary and mandatory as provided by the Order of the MERYS no. 6129/20.12.2016

1. Articles published in ISI ranked journals as main author (MA)

|Criterion |Minimum standard |Fulfilled |

|Number of ISI articles published in extenso in ISI Thomson Reuters ranked journals as main |6 | |

|author | | |

The list of ISI ranked articles published as main author: authors, title, journal, year, volume, pages, impact factor for the fulfillment of the minimum standards.

|No. |Author |Title |

|Number of articles published in ISI ranked journals as co-author |3 | |

The list of ISI ranked articles published as co-author: authors, title, journal, year, volume, pages, impact factor for the fulfillment of the minimum standards.

|No. |Authors |Title |

|(ISI) Cumulative impact factor as main author |6 | |

The papers to be taken into account for the sum of the cumulative impact factor for the articles published as main author in ISI ranked journals

|No. |Authors |Title |

|Hirsch Index |4 | |

The papers to be taken into account for the Hirsch Index (according to Web of Science – Core Collection):

No. |Authors |Title |Journal |Year |Volume |Pages |Number of citations | |L1. |

| | | | | | | |L2. |

| | | | | | | |L3. |

| | | | | | | |L4. |

| | | | | | | |

Fulfilled criterion:

□ YES □ NO

I hereby confirm that the aforementioned data are true and refer to my own professional and scientific activity.

Date Candidate’s signature

_________ _____________________

Notes on the calculation method:

1. An ISI ranked journal is a journal for which Thomson Reuters calculates and publishes the impact factor in the “Journal Citation Reports”;

2. The main author(s) of a published work may be any of the following:

a. the main author

b. the corresponding author

c. other authors whose contribution is explicitly indicated in the published work as equal to the contribution of the main or corresponding author

d. the last author

3. Original articles and reviews shall be included in the analysis. In the case of the published works in journals with an impact factor higher than 3, other types of published works in extenso (not abstracts) may be taken into consideration.

4. The articles within the minimum necessary and mandatory standards must be published, and not issue in progress (certificates are not accepted).

5. The cumulative impact factor will be calculated for the articles in which the candidate is the main author (FCIAP), FCIAP = the sum of cumulative impact factors of the articles published by the author as the main author in ISI-ramked journals;

6. The Hirsch Index calculated by using ISI Web of Science, Core Collection, Thomson Reuters, shall be taken into consideration for the entire career of the candidate (“all the years”).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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