Label and Color the Anatomy of the knee

Bones and Joints - Label and Color the Anatomy of the skeleton. Label the structure on ALL the pictures that is might appear, not just one picture.Trunk Bones & JointsCervical SpineThoracic SpineLumbar SpineSacrumCoccyxTrue RibsFalse RibsFloating RibsPelvisScapulaSkull2508493666750047708225355600-296015397500How many bones make up the following groups?Cervical Spine________Thoracic Spine________Lumbar Spine________Sacrum________Coccyx________Vertebra Structures – Label and color the following structures. Label the structure on ALL the pictures that is might appear, not just one picture.Vertebra Structures – Label ALL PICTURESSpinous ProcessBody of the VertebraeVertebral foremenTransverse ProcessSuperior Vertebral NotchInferior Vertebral NotchLaminaSuperior Articular ProcessInferior Articular ProcessSuperior Facet on body [Fovea]Inferior Facet on body [Fovea]PedicleLine of FusionApexAnterior Sacral ForemenPosterior Sacral ForemenArticular surface of the 5th Lumbar VertebraSacral Canal4226668175260Thoracic Vertebra00Thoracic Vertebra0-635Cervical Vertebra00Cervical Vertebra03543300Lumbar Vertebra00Lumbar Vertebra48006003657600Sacrum00Sacrum57150004114165Posterior00Posterior41148004114800Anterior00Anterior4294093483340003778939406581000543803241065450044614021060450079037217413800Spine & Nerve Structure – Label and color the following. Label the structure on ALL the pictures that is might appear, not just one picture.35601887076800Vertebral DiscNerve RootSpinal CordTransverse ProcessPosterior Horn of the Spinal CordAnterior Horn of the Spinal CordBody of the Vertebrae ForemenSuperior Vertebral NotchInferior Vertebral NotchNucleus PulposusAnnulus FibrosusAnterior Longitudinal Ligament-2163051109220028744436712100Back & Spine Palpation Anatomy ActivityLocate the anatomical structures on yourself or a partner. Check of the box when complete and sign the bottom of the page. [Yes – I know there is an honor system with this assignment.]Kinetic Anatomy 2nd edition Textbook will help you find the anatomy. Chapter 7. pp. 119-155. Use Human. to find the structures listed below. Look at the structure from multiple angles. Human Back Link BonesSelf / Partner Human Back LinkCervical Vertebrae Thoracic VertebraeLumbar Vertebrae True RibsFalse RibsFloating RibsScapulaSternum ON YOURSELF ONLYAnterior Superior iliac Spine. ON YOURSELF ONLYIliac Crest of the Pelvis. ON YOURSELF ONLYPosterior Superior Iliac Spine. ON YOURSELF ONLYSpinous ProcessBody of the Vertebrae ForemenTransverse ProcessSuperior Articular NotchInferior Articular NotchFovea – Superior & Inferior Facet on bodySacral Canal Intervertebral Disc – Cervical Intervertebral Disc – ThoracicIntervertebral Disc – LumbarI certify that I found the above structures and did the required activity.Signed __________________________________________ date ________________Back & Spine Injury Crossword PuzzelFundamentals of Athletic Training 4th edition Chapter 13 “Spinal Injuries” pp. 141-153. Read the chapter and complete the crossword puzzel.22517644650400ACROSS2. Shunting forward of one vertebra on another.3. Lateral curvature of the spine.4. Excessing curvature of the thoracic spine7. Section of the spinal cord that contains 12 vertebrae8. Section of the spinal cord that contains 5 vertebraeDOWN1. Outer rings of the intervertebral disc. 5. Center of the intervertebral disc6. Injury to the brachial Plexus8. Section of the spinal cord that contains 7 vertebrae.BACK INJURY LINKS – EXTRA CREDIT LINK. – Review the Digital Anatomy link for learn more about the following injuries below.Ankylosing Spondylitis HYPERLINK "" Degenerative Disc Disease “Herniated Disc”Spondylolisthesis Spinal Stenosis ................

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