Thought for the Day - EE Schenck Co.

Thought for the Day

by Robin Kingsley of Bird Brain Designs In Stitches fabric collection by Robin Kingsley for Maywood Studio

Express your "Thought for the Day" from the 16 whimsical Robin-ism Thought Patches. Make as many as you like to suit your moods, then hang from the button on the mini patchwork quilt -

all displayed on a handy quilt stand. Have some fun creating all the Robin-ism Thought Patches and enjoy beginning each day with something new!

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY by Robin Kingsley of Bird Brain Designs using her fabric collection for Maywood Studio, In Stitches

SUPPLIES (8) Red 5" x 5" Charms

MAS8119-R3 MAS8617-R MAS8619-ER MAS8618-R MAS8615-ER MAS8610-R MAS8614-R MAS8613-RE

CHARM SQUARE (5" x 5") CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS Use one red 5" x 5" charm for quilt center RED C

Cut 6 red charms into: (2) 1 ?" x 2" for RED A

From each of four charms (matching RED A corner fabrics, see fig. 1) Cut (1) 1 ?" x 1 ?" for RED B

From remaining charm Cut (4) 3 ?" x 2" rectangles for hangers

(1) Robin-ism Square* MAS8611-ER

Cut into (1) 4 ?" x 4 ?" square for Thought Patch D

(1) Charm, Natural/Red dot MAS119-ER

For Robin-ism Thought Patch Backing E Cut into (1) 4 ?" x 4 ?" square

1 Ball of #8 Perle Cotton "Robin Red" (Presencia #1915) or 1 Skein Cotton Floss

#4 Crewel Needle for Embroidery

1 Button (1/2" diameter)

7" x 7" piece of thin batting

7" x 7" backing piece (or piece together from left over Charm Squares)

2" x 45" piece for double fold binding 6" x 9" Ackfeld metal quilt stand

*You can make up to 16 different Robin-ism Thought Patches from the panel. One 5" WOF row will yeild 8 Robin-ism squares, two rows at 10" will give you all 16.

In Stitches Collection by Robin Kingsley of Bird Brain Designs for Maywood Studio

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match A & B

1. Sew 4 RED A rectangles together,

fabrics at

matching the ends of the strips to fabrics corners


used for RED B squares in step 2 (see fig. 1).

Press seams open. Make 2.


2. Sew together 2 RED A rectangles. Sew

RED B squares at ends. Press seams open.

Make 2.


3. Sew RED A/B strips to the sides of C center Charm Square.

4. Sew RED A strips along top and bottom


of quilt top. Press seams open.

fig. 1






5. With Robin Red Perle Cotton, embroider



decorative Fly Stitches over border seams.

6. Stitch ?" button in center of top border.





7. For hangers: Fold one 2" x 3 ?" rectangle

lengthwise, right sides together and sew

along long edge. Turn right side out, press


seam. Make 2.


8. Cut a 7" x 7" piece thin batting and backing fabric. Layer with wrong sides together and baste together.

9. Fold Hangers in half widthwise and align raw edges along top of back of mini quilt.

10. Finish with a 2" double fold binding. Fold Hangers up and tack in place to display on metal stand.

11. Create Robin-ism Thought Patch: Robin-ism Thought Patch D (4 ?" x 4 ?").

12. Cut matching thin batting and Scattered Dots E backing fabric. Layer with wrong sides together and baste together.

13. Sew around 4 sides leaving an opening at the bottom to turn right side out. Turn, trim corners and press seam edges.

Fly Stitch

14. Hand stitch opening and add ribbon or cording at top to hang on the button. Enjoy!

Thought for the Day ? Bird Brain Designs 2015

In Stitches Collection by Robin Kingsley of Bird Brain Designs for Maywood Studio

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