
Complete Dictionary by: jinkx


a and

a you/yours

aak dragon

1. a similar stone that represents the soul of a city; to be without a Home Stone is to lack citizenship.

2. A stone, often circular and flat, that is sacred to each dwelling, and is to be defended ferociously by even the meanest peasant;

1. a tree with very strong yellow wood, used for making bows;

2. a very potent dry white or red wine, made from the fruit of the Ka-la-na tree.

A, a and, or, as well as (separate but equal idea: a ball and a bat)

A, a or, and, as well as (separate but equal idea -see also Don)

Ab practical, proper

Ach heavy

Afel apple

Afsi (to) read (a book, tea leaves, auras, etc.)

Ah-il (noun): a unit of measure, the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, c. 18"; analogous to the Earth cubit; 10 ah-il equal one ah-ral.

Ahn (noun): the Gorean hour, of which there are 20 in a Gorean day; it consists of 40 ehn (minutes)

ah-ral (noun): a unit of measure equaling 10 ah-il, or approx. 180"

Ahleen, Ahleena beautiful

Ahn hour [Gorean, individual hour is not so important to the Kassar, who usually only concern themselves with the time concepts of day and night; early, late, or middle]

Ahsuhani (to) wait, delay, pause, not yet

Ahtudan Kneel

Ak, Aka youth, child (not a baby)

Akaam, Aka'am sister

Akab brother

Akadoo sword-brother

Akas clan (see also: tribe)

Akee children

Akicita I am

Akihoka Skillful

Al light of weight

Al-ka (noun) first letter of the Gorean alpha- bet; corresponds to the Earth letter 'A'

All Comrades (noun) a warrior society of the Kaiila tribe of Red Savages; aka the Fighting Hearts

Alt, Alta river, stream

Am time

Amabis proper time, prompt, on time

Amasi (to) mean, show similarity to, to intend

Amasis likeness, similarity, same as (opp:Bap)

Amomona Baby/Doll used in reference to a slave

Amumba consideration, factor, thing to be reckoned with

Amumbi (to) be considered, amount to, be reckoned with

An, an little(portion), small amt., some, [SEE:Gal(a):short /KompAl]

And (a)brother sworn, a blood brother

And blood brother, a brother sworn (Anda would be a blood-sister)

AnPeem cool, a little cold

Ap, Apa thick or wide

Apaq, Apaqa mount, mountain, large breast

Apaqee mountains, mountain range, set of large breasts

Apaqwis giant, gigantic, unnaturally large, mountainous

ApLaka cream (thick milk)

Applause (noun): as on Earth, a sign of approval; on Gor, however, it is at times also performed by striking the right hand or fist against the left shoulder. Or upon occasion a spear struck upon the warrior’s shield.

Aqaleen stew (Awq Caleen)

Ar (noun) a letter of the Gorean alphabet; cap. the name of an important Gorean city-state

Arani (noun) a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai

Ar durable, metal

Arachee warriors

Arah Ju club, stick, wooden weapon ('wooden pummeler')

Arah pommel of a sword, hammer, fist

Arahch (a)warrior

Arahka fight, a duel

Arahki (to) fight

Aram money (gold)

Aretai (noun) a major tribe of the Tahari; their vassal tribes are the Arani, Luraz, Raviri, Tajuks, Tashid, Ti, and Zevar; their war-cry is 'Aretai Victorious!"

Arg, Arga silver

Aria (adjective): of Ar

Arm, Arma army

Armored gatch (noun): a marsupial mammal, which inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi

arquana skies

Assassins, Caste of (noun): the caste of those who kill for pay; exists only in Ar; their caste color is black.

As, Asa early

ashe an

avan`shea mistress

Avani (to be) excited, emotional

Aveen great, omniscient, all powerful, etc.(very exciting)

Avi (to be) nervous, tense

Avulab (a) vendetta, extreme offense [Avula(offense) + Laba(oath)]

Avulabi (to make) vendetta, (to) take extreme offense

Avuli (to) irritate, offend, cause anger

Awksa spice, spicy (probably related to Awk, food)

Awq, Awka food, edible (probably comes from Awksa:spicey)

Aws axle

Aydi (to) wear

Ayduk clothe, material

Aygula fear

Ayguli (to) fear

Ayl, Ayla island

Azj, Azja fall of year, autumn


Ba HabaKa'an Not ever (never) [No-forever]

Ba no, bad, not

Baf thing, item, idea

Bahd fork

Bakahs (noun) a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Kavars

Bal(a) air, wind

Baldur smoke (dark air)

Baluk pass, open way (through the mountains)

Bam, Bama sign, symbol

Bami (to) write

bana (noun): jewelry, of precious metals and stones, worn by free persons

bara (command; lit. 'belly'?): at this command, a slavegirl will lie on her stomach, face down and turned to the left, with her wrists crossed behind her back, legs straight with her ankles crossed, ready for binding.

Barbarian (noun): a native of the planet Earth; usually used in a derogatory sense in reference to slavegirls from that planet.

ba-ta (noun): second letter of the Gorean alphabet; corresponds to the Earth letter 'B'

Bazi plague (noun): a deadly, rapidly- spreading disease with no known cure; its symptoms include pustules which appear all over the body, and a yellowing of the whites of the eyes.

Bazi tea (noun): an herbal beverage served hot & heavily sugared; traditionally drunk 3 tiny cups at a time, in rapid succession.

Banma tradition, rules of order

BanRa, WanRa leader, he who makes rules, main man

Bap, Bapa but, except for, unless ('opposition' idea)

Bar, Bara apart, different, separate

Bar, Bara cliff, plateau, headland, land apart from the rest

Bar, Bara different, separate, apart

Bar, Bara plateau, headland, cliff, high place

Basq, Basqa basket

Bat, Bata, Seeyok boat, ship, [The word 'ship' is used in Gorean]

Baun(a), Ban(a) white, fair (as in complexion)

Baun, Bauna fair, white

Bay, Baya mouth

Bayeemi (to) eat wolfishly, pig out

Baymi (to) eat normally, take into the mouth

Bazj back, backward, both in motion and in time

Bazjam past (Bazj:backward + Am:time)

Beef/beef (the only word I know in English and Kassar, both)

Beeji (to) chew, bite

Beeyan fur

bena woman

bina (noun, lit. 'slave beads'): slave jewelry, usually consisting of plain metals, colored string, wooden or cheap glass beads; sometimes used as a slave name

binding fiber (noun): stout twine made of strips of leather or of a fiber like hemp; a piece long enough to circle a slavegirl's waist 2-3 times is often used as a belt for her slave tunic.

binding strap (noun): a strap 3/4" wide and 18" long commonly used for binding the wrists and/or ankles of prisoners and slaves

bint (noun): small carnivorous freshwater fish which inhabits the rivers of the rainforests inland of Schendi; a large school of bints can strip a carcass in minutes; similar to the piranha of Earth

black wine (noun): coffee; traditionally served with white and yellow sugars and powdered bosk milk.

Bi (to) use

Biqma female sex-organ (derogatory ie.'cunt')

Birvi (to) show ability, promise, appear useful

Bisq, Bisqa biscuit

Blah humid

Blotanhunka War party leader

Blue-Sky Riders (noun) a warrior society of the Fleer tribe of Red Savages

bondage knot (noun): a knot tied by a slavegirl in her hair on the right side of her face; it is a silent plea to her master that she be raped.

bond-maid (noun): the term for a slavegirl used in Torvaldsland.

bond-maid gruel (noun): see slave porridge

bosk (noun): a huge, shambling animal, with a thick, humped neck and long, shaggy hair. It has a wide head and tiny red eyes, a temper to match that of a sleen, and two long, wicked horns that reach out from its head and suddenly curve forward to terminate in fearful points some of these horns, measured from tip to tip, exceed the length of two spears. Book 4 pg. 4

brak bush (noun): a shrub whose leaves have a purgative effect when chewed; traditionally, branches of it are nailed to house doors during the Waiting Hand to discourage the entry of bad luck into the house for the New Year

brand (noun): a mark burned into the flesh of animals and slaves to mark them as property; specific brands include the kef (common kajira brand), Dina, Palm, mark of Treve, mark of Port Kar, mark of the Tahari, mark of Torvaldsland (a girl whose belly lies under the sword), Tuchuk brand of the 4 bosk horns punishment brand (noun): small 1/4" brands th brand, penalty at mark a convicted liar, thief, traitor, etc.

Bo bow, something bent

Bod(a) old (wo)man

Bofuk, Bofuka fate

Bogul, Bogula captive, prisoner

Bol, (Boli) pin, fastener (to pin, (to) fasten)

Bon, Bona cap, bonnet

Bont, Bonta mercy

Bonti (to) show mercy, allow [Bonti Parabis:to let live]

Bordani (to) need to drink, (to be) thirsty

Bori (to) need

Borisi (to be) needed, be necessary, necessitate

Bosh, Bosha hat

Boshar helm, helmet (metal hat)

Bosk ox-like bovine, very similar to the Auric

Boski (to) drive

Botna available

Brahka broccoli

Braks, Braksa well, okay, fine, healthy [Di Braks="I'm fine"]

brand, penalty (noun) small 1/4" brands that mark a convicted liar, thief, traitor, etc.

brand, thief's (noun): tiny 1/4", 3-pronged brand worn on the cheek of those of the Caste of Thieves.

branding rack (noun): a device to which a new slavegirl is chained for branding; her hands are chained above her head, but the rest of her body is free to move, except for whichever thigh is to be branded, this being held motionless in a large vise.

bracelets position: In this position the slave stands gracefully before her Master, with her hips slightly turned to one side, her back and shoulders erect, her wrists crossed behind her back and her head turned to the left, in anticipation of having slave bracelets attached to her wrists.

breeding wine (noun): a sweet beverage which counteracts the effects of slave wine, making a slavegirl fertile; also called second wine.

Builders, Caste of (noun): the caste which includes architects, draftsmen, stonemasons, etc.; the Builders are one of the five High Castes included in the government of Gor; their caste color is brown.

Brat mantle, cape, cloak, coat

Brat, Brata cape, cloak, coat, mantle

Bratach, Bartacha banner, flag

Breg, Brega a break, a crack, a split

Bregi (to) break, (to) rupture

Brog, Broga shoe [Brogee: shoes]

Bun, Buna bunny, rabbit

Bund, Bunda spring of water, well

Buqri (to) tire, work hard, wear out


Camerius (noun): the third month of the Gorean calendar (in Ar and some other cities)

camisk (noun): simple, poncho-like slave garment, about 18" wide

camisk, Turian (noun): a style of camisk worn by slaves in the city-state of Turia; it consists of a piece of cloth shaped like an inverted 'T' with a beveled crossbar; it fastens behind the neck & falls before the wearer's body; the crossbar then passes between her legs & is then brought forward snugly at the hips; it is held in place by a single cord that binds it at the back of the neck, behind the back, & in front at the waist.

Camsu Sand

Canhanpisasa Candy

Canhanpitiktica Cakes of sugar

Canhpi Tomahawk

canjellne (verb): challenge

Canka Fire Steel

Canwapegiwi Autumn Equinox/ The moon when the wind shakes off the leaves

Canwapegiwi Moon in which the leaves become brown

Canwapekasnawi Moon when the wind shakes off the leaves

capture scent (noun): chloroform

carpet plant (noun): a plant of the rainforest area inland of Schendi, having tendrils that are sometimes used as a source of drinking water.

Casmu Band (noun): a sub-group of the Yellow-Kaiila Riders

chain luck (noun): the attempt to capture a slavegirl without having a particular target in mind.

chalwar (noun): baggy pants of diaphanous silk, worn by slavegirls of the Tahari; similar to the harem trousers of Earth.

chatka (noun): the strip of black leather, some 6 inches by 5 feet long, worn like a breech- clout over the curla by the slavegirls of the Wagon Peoples.

chaq cock

Chaq cock (slang term for male sex organ)

Chaqwaks worm, snake, (derog)male part, [also Chaq :c--k]

Char (noun) a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Kavars

Cities of Dust (noun): the Gorean land of the dead, or underworld.

Coin Girl (noun): a slavegirl who, with a coinbox and triangular flat bell chained around her neck, is sent out in the streets of a city to earn money from masters in return for her sexual use.

coffle (noun): a method of chaining a line of slaves together for trekking; common methods are to link the slaves by the left ankle, left wrist, or throat; also, the line of slaves itself

collar (noun): any of several iron or steel devices that fit around the neck of a slave; in Torvaldsland, they are of iron, hinged, and fastened with a rivet

collar, dance (noun): a collar to which light-weight (but effective) chain has been attached in order to set off the dancer; a common type consists of a large oval of chain roughly 3 yd. in circumference, to which wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs are attached; once the two sides of the oval have been attached to a ring on the collar, the chain gives about 36" of play for each hand, and 18" play for each foot; much used in the Tahari

collar, lock (noun): a hinged collar easily removed by the use of a key; usually of flat stock, c. 1-1/2" to 2" high; usually worn by trained slaves; the lock has one pin for each of the letters in the word 'kajira'

collar, plate (noun: collar of flat stock which is hammered about a slave's neck; usually worn by untrained slaves.

collar, Turian (noun): a slave collar of cylindrical stock, rather than the normal flat stock of northern lock collars; fits more loosely that a lock collar, enabling it to turn around the wearer's neck.

Collaring Feast (noun): a private feast for a young tarnsman and his family and friends; held to celebrate the capture of his first slavegirl; during it, the girl formally submits to him as his slave, then proceeds to serve him at the Feast and afterwards in his quarters.

Companionship Price (noun): the gift, in money or goods, given by a man to the father of the woman he wishes to take in Free Companionship.

con (conj.): from

contasta (adv.; lit. 'from the founding of'): means of determining chronology; equivalent to the Earth term AD (Anno Domini)

Council of Captains (noun): the governing body of the city of Port Kar.

curla (noun): the red waist cord worn slave- girls of the Wagon Peoples; supports the chatka.

Cur-lon Fiber (noun): fiber spun by the Swamp Spiders (Spider People) and used in the textile mills of Ar.

Curulean (noun): the most prestigious slave auction house in the city of Ar.

czehar (noun): musical instrument consisting of a flat, oblong box, having 8 strings which are played with a horn pick; similar to a Japanese kioto.

Chatka loin-strap. a piece of leather which passes between the legs and held in place front & back by a Kris (belt) or Curla (cord)

Chi (to) try, attempt

Chis, Chisa joke

Curla cord, typically red or black cord tied around a slave's waist

Cuwignaka White woman's dress


Da enough, right amount

da(conj.): here

Dagi (to) knead (dough)

Dalun awake

Daluni (to) awaken

dan`le beats

dar (adj.): holy; priest

Dar-Kosis (noun; lit. 'holy disease'): Holy disease , or Sacred Affliction, is a virulent wasting disease of Gor. Those afflicted with it may not enter into normal society. They wander the countryside in shroud-like yellow rags, beating a wooden clapping device to warn men from there path: some of them volunteer to be placed in Darkosis pits where they are fed and given drink and are isolated. The disease is extremely contagious and the law regards those who contract it as legally dead. Book 5 pg. 266.

Dani (to) drink

Darek could be, might, could have been

Dava, Davee visitor/friend (Pakis/strangers do not enter camp)

Daver(ee) door(s), cover(s), lip(s), gate

Davi (to be) friendly [show ten... ie.empty hands]

Davis, Davisa open

Davisi (to) open

Davu friend, close friend

de not

degradation stripe (noun): a 2"-wide band shaved into the hair of men captured by Talunas, or panther girls; it runs from the forehead to the nape of the neck

Degalb respect, honor

Degalbi (to) honor, respect, show respect

dela welcomes

Denk, Denka worst, very bad

Denkisti (to be) evil, the most bad. (and through some strangeness of translation, Denk also seems to refer to technology or equipment. The meaning comes through as: "Technology is bad"

Dent, Denta tooth [Dentee : teeth]

Di (to be) enough, (to be) the right amount

di with

Dik, Dika eye

Diki (to) watch, (to) see, (to) look

Diki, [Dikiki] (to) look, (to) see, (to) watch [Do you see(it).Can you see]

dina (noun): a small, short-stemmed flower indigenous to hillsides; sometimes called the 'slave flower', it is often used as a design for slave brands; sometimes used as a slave name.

display slave (noun): a slavegirl whose primary purpose is for the display of her beauty to reflect the affluence of her master; often chained in coffle with other display slaves behind the palanquin or other transport of her Master.

dock eel (noun): a black freshwater fish, 4' long & weighing 8-10 lbs.; carnivorous; they inhabit the shallow waters around the dock and wharves of river ports.

Double Knowledge (noun): the two forms of knowledge provided on Gor; the simpler knowledge is taught to the lower castes, the more esoteric knowledge is taught to the higher castes.

Disma sickness, illness [Kari Dismu:I'm ill (dismal?)]

Dismal sickly, (with little muscle)

Dol, Dola hill (rolling), knoll, a rise

Don, Dona and, with, also, plus, (combination idea: coffee and (with) cream)

Doo sword

Dool silence, quiet, (sword sound)

Dooshi (to) kill

Dooshu sword strike, kill

Doovi (to) chop, dice, cut up small

Drab, Draba straight, arrow-like

Draf(a) maybe, possibly

Drafi (to be) possible, maybe

Drafichi (to) believe on faith (not actually proven)

Drak truth (There is rarely a female version of this word used)

Drakeemi (to) admit, tell truth

Drakeki (to) wish to learn

Draki (to) learn, understand

Drakvani (to) remember

Drav field

drena open

Dukma wish, desire, hope

Dukmi (to) desire, (to) hope, (to) wish [DukmiBraksa:I wish you well]

Dumri (to) apologize, (to) bow to superior judgement/ability

Dur black; as in Kafka Dur: Black Wine (coffee)

Dur, (Durma) dark, (night)

Durma night

Dust Legs (noun) a tribe of Red Savages, which inhabits the Barrens; so called because they were the last tribe to domesticate kaiila

Dwor, Dwora collar

Dwori (to) collar, (to) enslave

Dworti (to) own, claim to own (same verb)


e (or) Ea that, a, an, the, this (short 'e' sound)

e her -[also written: e Jira: this woman e Yara: this "free" woman]

e him -[also written: e Ra: this man. and note that 'e Rar' means 'this warrior']

Eca Good

Edin, Edina desert, plains

-ee suffix: pluralization form

Ee these, those, them (long 'e' sound)

Eem, Eema name

Ehn minute of time (a Gorean word, minutes are not so important in the great prairie, Land of the Wagon People)

Ehn(noun): the Gorean minute, of which there are 40 in an ahn (hour); it consists of 80 ihn (seconds)

en (adj.): first

energy bulb (noun): light bulb

En'Kara (noun; lit. 'first turning'): the first month of the Gorean calendar, that of the vernal equinox, which is the Gorean new year; roughly equivalent to the Earth calendar month of March.

En'Var (noun; lit. 'first resting'): the fourth month of the Gorean calendar, that of the summer solstice, roughly equivalent with the Earth calendar month of June.

eta (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet; corresponds to the Earth letter 'E' (?); apparently adapted from the Greek alphabet; sometimes used as a name for slavegirls.

Er, Era arrow

Eran iron


-fa suffix: part of (or related to)

face-strip(verb): to remove the veil(s) worn by a free woman; to do so usually means that she is to be enslaved.

Fad cut, wound

Fadach pole-arms, large weapons [lit.=heavy cut]

Fadan small blade, razor, small dagger [lit.=light cut]

Fadeech(a) weapon [Praks Fadeech =practice weapon]

Fadi (to) cut, wound, hurt

Fadu pussy, female body-part

Fafta idea, thought, concept

Fafti (to) think, consider

Fageena whip

Fageeni (to) whip, beat

Faginis woman (Jira - female or woman; Yara -free woman [derog.])

Fah in, inside(preposition), within, from(physical)

Fahfah grandmother(baby talk)

Fahgan discipline, rule, order

Fahgi (to) obey

Fahm between, in the middle of

Falara red-silk. complete or total woman. A non-virgin [see also:Glana]

Falarina woman who has been penetrated at least once by a male

Fam of, (thus), with, in(a manner), from(non-physical)

Fasal seed, nut, bean

Fasalee beans, seeds, nuts [a nut may be called tree-seed:JushFasal]

Fasi (to) sprout, shoot forth, grow

Fav, Fava knife

Fay fairy, small mythical beings (not strange sexual preference)

Fayfeen grandmother

Feem mud

fel`u complaint(s)

Feq flat

Feqra table, (flat surface)

Fer, Fera mistake, error

Fermi (to) believe from fact, (to) accept as proven

fieta annoy

Fighting Hearts (noun): see All Comrades

Fij, Fija button, fastener, closing device

Fiji (to) fix, repair, restore, make new, sharpen

fire-maker (noun): a small device consisting of a small reservoir of tharlarion oil, a wick, a thumb-activated, ratcheted steel wheel, and a splinter of flint; not unlike an old-fashioned cigarette lighter.

First Knowledge (noun): the education available to the lower castes, such as the Peasants; it is practical, if occasionally deliberately erroneous (i.e. it purports that Gor is a flat disk.

First Obeisance: In this position of Gorean slave obeisance, the slave kneels and sits upon her heels with her back and shoulders straight, her chest out, belly in, and her head up, though she averts her eyes to the floor. Her thighs are open, widely spread. The slave then bends forward and lowers her head to the floor, her arms outstretched, the palms of her hands pressed to the floor.

flahdah (noun): a tree of the Tahari having lanceolate leaves; the trunk leans, like that of a palm tree.

Flame Death (noun): a form of capital punishment imposed by the Priest-Kings and triggered from the Sardar; in it, the victim seems to spontaneously erupt in blue flames.

flaminium (noun): a largish scarlet flower having 5 petals.

fleer (noun): large, hook-billed bird which hunts at night.

Fleer (noun): a tribe of Red Savages, which inhabits the Barrens.

fleer, prairie (noun): yellow bird with long wings and a sharp bill; sometimes called the 'maize bird' or 'corn bird' from the belief that it is usually the first bird to find food.

Foot (noun); a unit of measurement equal to 10 horts, or 12 1/2 Earth inches

fora (noun): chain; pl. fori - chains

Fis, Fisa sharp

Flakma wedge, also slope

Flav, Flava mate, husband, wife

Fleen, Fleena sleet

Fon at, in, at,(a place), on something, to, toward, (like 'on-target')

Foraki (to) feel

Fori (to) ask, beg, [Fori Ma -when said by wench or slave, means "please"]

Fori Chains

Frame of Humiliation (noun): wooden frame to which the condemned person is tied before it is set adrift in the Vosk River, so that he may die of exposure and/or dehydration, if he is not eaten by tharlarion or other carnivorous reptiles.

Free Companion (noun): spouse; consort

Free Companionship (noun): the Gorean equivalent of marriage; must be renewed annually.

fori ma begging for release

fori please

fruit tindel (noun): a bird which inhabits the rainforests of the Schendi area.

Frak, Fraka so, thus, therefore

Fras, Frasa shower

froa chain

Frod birth

Frodkali (to) massage

Frodki (to be) born

FrodNash birthday

Fuk, Fuka deep

Fum, Fuma brown, earth tone, dirt

Fur, Fura bath

Furab, Furaba bathroom

Fusi (to) worry


ga go

Gaam, Ga'am place, location [Qwastiki Ga'am :Where?]

Gageen father

Gahache dull pain

Gahgah father (baby talk)

Gal, Gala short

gant, jungle(noun): a bird, related to the marsh gant, which inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi.

gant, marsh (noun): a long-legged marsh bird with a piping cry.

giani (noun): a large mammal of solitary habits which inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi.

gieron (noun): a drug, an allergen, which causes a yellowing of the whites of the eyes; in combination with sajel, it reproduces the symptoms of the Bazi plague.

gim, horned (noun): a small owl-like bird, c. 4 oz. in weight, which inhabits the forests of northern Gor.

gim, long (noun): an insectivorous bird which inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi.

gim, yellow (noun): a bird, related to the horned gim, which inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi.

gint (noun): a tiny (6") freshwater fish which inhabits the rivers of the rainforests inland of Schendi; it has bulbous eyes & flipper-like fins; is amphibious, having both lungs & gills; is capable of walking on its pectoral fins; often found in the company of tharlarion, feeding off the scraps of their kills.

gint, giant (noun): a large cousin of the gint found in western Gor, similar in appearance, but with a 4-spined dorsal fin; is also amphibious and capable of walking on its pectoral fins.

Gap, Gapa tall

Gar(u) son

Gazj, Gazja bread

Gazjis baker

Geem, Geema strap, ribbon

Ger tent, many rounded, curved poles, covered by felt (may be built on a wagon)

Gerka inner circle, inner sanctum (relates to Ger, a rounded hachka structure)

Giju grandfather

Gim bird, small (Gorean)

gir hesa bond friend

girl-yoke (noun): a narrow piece of wood c. 5' long with holes drilled in the middle and at each end; to secure a girl in this yoke, a thong is tied around one wrist, the end of the thong then being passed through the hole in one end of the yoke; the thong is then passed through the middle hole of the yoke, wrapped around the girl's neck 5 times, then passed back out through the same hole, after which it is passed through the hole at the other end of the yoke, so that her other wrist may be tied to the yoke; shorter (2 1/2' long) versions are sometimes used while the girl is serving her master's pleasure; used mostly among the Red Savages of the Barrens.

Gir, Giraax any heavy cleaving tool [Gorean word is 'ax']

Glana Virgin

Glass of the Builders (noun): telescope

Golden Beetle: an insect, roughly the size of a rhinoceros, which lives in the caverns below the Nest of the Priest-Kings in the Sardar Mountains; its prey is the Priest-Kings.

Gor (noun): Home Stone

goreanusage: The slave falls to the floor upon all fours, and keeps her head straight, her eyes looking forward, with her buttocks thrust upward and her thighs widely spread in preparation for the sexual use of the Master.

Glana white-silk, a virgin (not yet a woman) [see:Falara]

Gob, Goba beak, snout, mouth [There is a joke that a Goba is much bigger than a]

Goh, Goha meal

Gohameez (a)lunch, mid-day meal

Gohas, Gohasa breakfast, (early meal)

Gohavech(a) supper, evening meal, late meal

Gor, Gora home-stone (see entry for Gor in Kassar-English dict. part for longer explanation)

Gora, Gorma Earth, (the legendary home of Goreans)

Gorm sky

Gorma blue, sky color; Gorm usually refers to sky.

Gost, Gosta snake, serpent

Gosti (to) slither

Gotra useless

Gotri (to) destroy, make useless

Grava gravy, sauce

gres upon

gretuk fear

grub borer (noun): an insectivorous bird which inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi.

grunt (noun): a large, carnivorous, salt-water fish which inhabits Thassa; is often attracted by the blood of a wounded creature; similar to the shark of Earth.

grunt, blue (noun): a small, voracious, carnivorous freshwater fish, related to the Thassa grunt; like its larger cousin, it is attracted by blood.

Gur (noun): a thin, white honey-like liquid secreted in the Nest by a large, grey domesticated arthropod which feeds on Sim plants; when fermented in the social stomachs of somnolent Priest-Kings, it is ritually fed to the Mother of the Nest on the Feast of Tola.

Gur Carriers (noun): mutated Muls who can climb walls and who gather the fermented Gur for the Feast of Tola.

Grut, Gruta milk-product, sour boiled dried milk stored in leather bags for winter

Guan(a) swear word (similar Earth-word, guano, which means bat-droppings)

Guana Qwastiki what is this sh-t? What the sh-t is going on?

Gulpi (to) swallow, (to) suck down

Gur, Gura drum

Gwari (to) hunt


Hab(a) all(things) ever, every [HabaKa'an=always, forever]

Habi (to) unify, make all into one

Hach wheel

Hachi (to) roll

Hachka home, Wagon-House, large wagon, "mobile home"

Hafti (to) party, have fun

Hahnad year, one turning (of the seasons)

hair or leading position: In this position the slave stands, her feet flat on the floor, and bows gracefully at the waist, that her hair might fall forward for display, or to be shorn, seized, or used for any purpose that the Master desires.

hand (noun): the Gorean week, consisting of five (5) days

Harl ring (noun): a form of slave chain which consists of an ankle ring with a welded ring in back and a yard of in front; the chains terminates in a locking device which can be attached to another Harl ring, around a post, or to itself in order the secure the slave who wears it; named for its inventor.

har-ta! (command): faster!

Haj, Hajee leaf, leaves

Hak(a) alone, only, just, [short for HaKa'an]

HaKa'an alone, only, just

Hamfa stool, low chair (four-legged kind)

Hana flower

Hani (to be) ready

Harigga Bosk Wagon

haruspex (noun): soothsayer; omen-taker

herlit (noun): A Gorean eagle, having a wingspan of 6-8 feet; is carnivorous, and has yellow feathers tipped with black; also called 'Sun-Striker' or 'out-of-the-sun-it-strikes', from its habit of striking with the sun above and behind it; inhabits the Barrens.

Hersius (noun): the planet Jupiter; named for a legendary hero of Ar.

Havasi (to) bend, be flexible, springy

Hci Gash/scar

Hemaca Warrior

Hen, Hena section, part, piece

hesa blood

hesa friend (blood)

hinti (noun, plural): A small, flea-like insects; unlike fleas, they are not parasites.

hith (noun): A huge python-like snake.

homan (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet; derived from the Cretan alphabet.

Home Stone (noun):

Hig beard (normally no female version of this word for obvious reasons)

Hik, Hika low [opp. of Kot(a):high]

Ho Yes

Hohg more, another (one)

Hok argument

Hoki (to) argue, debate

Hokma war

Hokmari (to) ambush

Hokmaris an ambush

Holpi (to) help

Hon, Hona book [Can also be BamaKahd : Many writings -ie. book]

hook-billed gort (noun): a carnivorous hunting bird of the rainforests inland of Schendi; preys on ground urts.

hort (noun): a measure of distance equal to 1- 1/4 inches.

house veil (noun): the next-to-last veil worn by free women, esp. when in the company of men not of her own family; worn over the pride veil, and under the street veil upon leaving the house.

Hopa Pretty/attractive

Horti (to) measure

Hou Tal/Greetings

huda (noun): a unit of measure equaling 5 tefa

hurt (noun): a kangaroo-like animal whose wool is used for cloth.

Howo Come


I ask your favor (phrase) Gorean phrase equivalent to 'Please'

I wish you well (phrase) Gorean phrase of farewell

i’mota brother

ina (noun): The ninth letter of the Gorean alphabet.

Ieska One who speaks well/Interpreter

Ihanke Boundary

Ihn (noun): the Gorean second, of which there are 80 in an ehn (minute)

Ihn second of time [Gorean]-see 'Nacha'

Ijukami (to) share, commune with

Ijuki (to) like, prefer

Ik beyond, after

Ikafter beyond, passed

IkAwk garbage

Ikdi (to be) too much, the most; [beyond enough]

Ikdurgorm purple, (lit. beyond dark blue)

IkFasal fruit, general category

IkSeek beyond number, beyond counting (exceed?)

Ik-ugar great grandson

Ik-uqam great granddaughter

Il Durma last night

Il Nash yesterday

IlDoo iron, raw steel [before sword]

Inahan Redsilk

Inititates, Caste of (noun): the representatives of the Priest-Kings in Gorean society; the Initiates are one of the five High Castes, and are the religious branch of the government; their caste color is white, Initiates never eat meat or beans nor do they ever touch women (book 25 pg17)

Initiatory Whipping (noun): the beating, usually of about 10 strokes, which a slavegirl receives upon being brought into a new house-hold, to remind her that she is a slave and under discipline.

iron pens (noun): the subterranean retention facilities in a Slaver's house where slaves are kept for training and prior to sale.

-is, -isti suffix: formal word form, (very)non-friend

Isbu Little

Isbu Band (noun): a sub-group of the All Comrades.

Ish, Isha doctor

Ishan, Ishana chicken

It, Ita feather

Itancanka Master

Iv(a) also, even (but NOT as in a 'even' stitch; for that use Amasis)

Ivasis quite, very


ja my

ja’heas blood sister

jahesa island

jai may

jal this

jama mine

jan the

jan travel

jard (noun): a small, yellow-winged scavenger bird of the rainforest inland of Schendi.

jarl (noun): the title for a leader of warriors in Torvaldsland; also, the title by which all free men of Torvaldsland are addressed by slaves.

Jachi (to be) honored, paid homage to, worshiped

Jalen lightning

Jareem, Jareema brown, (old blood), rust

Jas, [Jasee] clothing (one piece), [clothing (plural)]

Jasaqi (to) make clothing

jashi thanks or thank you

Jasi (to) clothe (yourself or someone else), (to) wear clothing.

Jaw you, yours, of you (singular)

Jawee you (plural), etc.

Jeer tear, a drop of water (pl. jeeree)

jerag sister

jer’amij grin

jesku worth

jesuil beauty

jit monkey (noun): a simian mammal which inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi.

Jerq, Jerqa berry

Jimeleri (to) become wise, (to be) enlightened, (to be) chosen

Jingali (to) jingle, ring

Jira, Yara female, woman

Jomu wise one, village elder, [not necessarily a leader]

Ju wood

Jub(a) secret place, private thing, private place

Jubasi (to) protect privacy, (to) keep a place or thing secret

Jubi (to be) secret, private, secluded

jula glorious/glory

Jush, Jusha tree

Jushee trees, woods


Ka perfect

Ka'an, Kaan each, only (one, two, etc.)

Kab, Kaba head

Kahd many, several, multiple, much, a lot of something

kaiila (noun): large (20-22 hands), carnivorous mammal, with a long neck and silky fur; its eyes have 3 lids; is vivaparous, has incredible stamina, and can be domesticated for riding in spite of its vicious temper; in the Tahari, its long hair is used to braid rope; its milk is potable by humans.

Kaiila (noun): a tribe of Red Savages which inhabits the Barrens; their language is related to that of the Dust Legs.

kailiauk (noun): stocky ruminant, tawny with red and brown markings on haunches, having 3 horns; stands c. 20-25 hands at the shoulder.

Kailiauk (noun): a tribe of Red Savages which inhabits the Barrens; their language is a dialect of Kaiila.

Kaissa (noun; lit. 'the game'): a board game much favored on Gor; the board is marked with 100 squares, colored alternately red and yellow; there are 20 pieces per side, which represent Ubar and Ubara, Initiates, Riders of the High Tharlarion, Tarnsmen, Scribes, Builders, Spearmen or Spear Slaves, and the Home Stone; it is played much like chess, the object being to capture one's opponent's Home Stone; in Torvaldsland, the Ubar, Ubara, tarnsman, Initiate, and Scribes are replaced by the Jarl, Jarl's Woman, Ax, Rune-Priest, and Singer, respectively.

kajira (noun): slavegirl; pl. kajirae

kajirus (noun): male slave; pl. kajiri

Kajuralia (noun; lit. 'holiday of slaves'): a festival, similar to the Feast of Fools, is which slaves trade places with their masters and have much freedom to play tricks on free persons; celebrated in most cities on the last day of the 12th Passage Hand, but in Ar and some other cities on the last day of the 5th month, the day before the Love Feast.

Ka-la-na (noun):

Kaissa chess (Kaissa is sort of a Gorean chess)

Kajir(a) slave (may have been a Kassar observation of life: Ka + Jira)

Kajirae Slavegirls

Kajirus Slaveboy

Kajiri Slaveboys

Kakeem, Kakeema goddess, god

Kakeemee goddesses, gods

Kalana grape (actually a grape-like fruit, but close enough)

Kalb, Kalba dog

kal-da (noun): alcoholic beverage made of ka-la-na wine diluted with citrus juices and mixed with strong spices, and served hot.

kalika (noun): musical instrument having a long neck and hemispheric sound box, its 6 strings being plucked; similar to a banjo.

kalmak (noun): vest of black leather worn by the slavegirls of the Wagon Peoples.

kanda (noun) :plant: the roots of the kanda plant or shrub, which grows largely in the desert regions on Gor, are extremely toxic and are sometimes extracted to use on enemies. Surprisingly, the rolled leaves of this plant, which are relatively innocuous, are formed into strings and, chewed or sucked, are much favored by many Goreans, particularly in the southern hemisphere, where the leaf is more abundant. Book4 pg. 43.

kan-lara (noun): slave brand

Kaluva chair, throne [see also Soona : seat]

Kamp, (Kampee) word, (words, speech)

Kampi (to) tell, speak, say, make words, meaningful sounds

Kampi Ma Qwasi Drafichi that which (I speak 'that which' I believe)

Kan body

Kanalee body signs/energies, auras, brain waves

Kanda, Kandoo poison, drug [Kan:body +Doo:sword] / [Gorean word: Kanda] However, the common Kanda leaves have a pain-killing effect and are sometimes chewed to ease body aches. The big problem is it is habit-forming and slowly kills.

Kang, Kangabird [Kangee: birds] (By the way, the kangaroo is known to some Goreans, but is called a roo)

Kani (to) run, move fast

Kaniki (to) run-why? -how? [i.e. Can you run? Do you run? Are you running?]

Kan-lana Slave brand

kanta mind

kantharos Sometimes used to serve paga

kar love

kara turning

Kashani (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Kavars.

kaska (noun): a small hand drum.

Kavars (noun): a major tribe of the Tahari; their vassal tribes are the Ta'Kara, Bakahs, Char, and Kashani; their war-cry is 'Kavars Supreme!'

kara (noun): turning

KarlWahle (noun): four fluked baleen whale.

Kassars (noun): one of the 4 tribes of the Wagon Peoples; also called the Blood People; their standard is a scarlet bola.

Kataii (noun): one of the 4 tribes of the Wagon Peoples, whose members are Negroid; their standard is a yellow bow.

Kap, Kapa self (himself, herself)

Kapajaw yourself (can also be 'Kapu')

KapaMa myself (can also be 'Kapu')

Kapisti (to) allow, permit, give permission

Kar, Kara (to) be; existence (different from Parabu:life)

Kar, Kara existence (different from Parabu:life)]

Kareem paper

Kari (to) be, is, am, are, [Loo-Kari=was, were] [Too-Kari=will or may be]

Karp, Karpa wrist

Karpar(a) bracelet, wrist metal

Kat, Kata cat

Kavi (to) choke

Kaz, Kaza wind, moving of air

keamnoic walker

kean true

kef (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet, analogous with the Earth letter 'K'; the first letter of the Gorean words for male and female slaves, and hence often used as a brand.

Keeyosk(a) shop

Kefeer fermented milk

Kefi (to) ferment

keh’ra fly

kekana peasant

kennel (noun): a small, concrete room, usu. 3'x3'x4', having an iron grill for a door, in which a slavegirl may be confined at night.

kes (noun): a shrub whose salty, blue secondary roots are a main ingredient in sullage.

kest (noun): short tunic of black leather worn by the male slaves of the Wagon Peoples.

kettle-and-mat girl (noun): a slavegirl whose function is divided between household tasks and sexual servitude.

ki (adv.): no, not; also indicates a negative (ex. 'la ki kajira' - I am not a slavegirl)

Kenqwis tiny, unnaturally small or little

-ki, -iki suffix: making a verb a question

kimaco war

kirou open

Koda Friend

Kodakiciyapi Peace/Friendship

Kola Friend

kolar: "the Position of Female Submission." In this position the slave kneels at the Master's feet and leans her body back, sitting upon her heels, with her arms extended upward, crossed at the wrists, and her head beneath them lowered in supplication.

koora (noun): strip of red fabric worn as a headband by the slavegirls of the Wagon Peoples.

ko-ro-ba (noun): village market (obsolete); cap. a major city-state, often referred to as the 'Towers of the Morning'.

kort (noun): a rinded fruit of the Tahari; served sliced with melted cheese and nutmeg.

karthonas mugs noun: mugs used for takeout orders of blackwine.

kosis (noun): disease

Kur (noun; lit. 'beast'; pl. kurii; a corruption of their name for themselves): a large (8-9') furred, mammal having 4 legs, which can stand upright or on all fours; each paw has 6 multiply-jointed digits with retractable claws and an opposing thumb, so that it can grip; it has 2 rows of teeth; they are incredibly strong and ferocious, and are carnivorous, even to eating humans.

kurdah (noun): a small, light, semi-circular tent, c. 3' in diameter and 4' high, carried by a pack kaiila, in which women (slave or free) may ride; the frame is of tem-wood and is covered with layers of white rep-cloth; used mainly in the Tahari.

kurt (noun): the five-bladed slave whip.

Klang, Klanga bell, gong or chime

Klangi (to) ring as an alarm gong. To sound an alarm

Klav, Klava shoulder

Klavi (to) shoulder, (to) take up a burden, (to) support

Kloo ear

KoKa, Chaqa Chocolate, Cocoa (Chaqa is a new spelling. Some joke involved here. See: Chaq)

Komp, Kompa size of anything

KompAch large, big, (size-heavy)

KompAl small, little [small quan.-SEE:An(a), Gal(a)]

Koo totally, fully, completely, well (as in 'well done') tough

Koora hair-ribbon, red, used to hold back the hair of a slave-girl

Kot, Kota high

Kras pretty

Krasni (to) make pretty, beautify

Kref wall, barrier, hard, firm, solid

Krefis window, hole in wall

Krefli (to) hold back, at bay, solidify, make firm, halt

KrefNay waterfall

KrefPeem frozen, ice (LooPeemi:frozen)

Kris, Krisa belt [a Kris-knife is a belt-knife]

Kurii: in Torvaldsland the word means "Beasts" it is a gorean corruption of the name of such animals for themselves

Kuval leader, high one

Kwad(a), Pag(a) ale-like drink, local beer-equivalent

Kwafti (to) taste

Kwani (to) become, get, have done, (slang) Why don't you...

Kwar, Kwara kind, gentle

Kwarsht, Kwarshta real, original

Kworti (to) force submission, train (related to English quirt, a whip)


La A further word on the sentence, "La Kajira" In Gorean as well as Kassar, some words can be 'understood' or implied. When there is no verb, the most common implied verb is Kari (to be) and La points to an implied subject 'I'. Meaning "(I am a) slave

La prefix word optionally marking the SUBJECT of a sentence. - Such as 'Lengi La Kajira' Similar to Japanese suffix -WA'.

la(phrase; fem): I am; you are

Laashi, La'ashi (to) exit, leave

Lab, Laba oath, promise

Labi (to) promise, [not as strong as Zjumi]

lae and

lar (adj.): central

larl (noun): a large (7 ft. at shoulder) feline, tawny red or black in color, having a black mane; carnivorous; similar to a lion.

larma (noun): succulent fruit, rather like an apple; sometimes sliced and fried, and served with browned-honey sauce; offering a larma, real or imagined, by a slavegirl to her master is a silent plea for the girl to be raped.

Lar-Torvis (noun; lit. 'central fire'): the sun

Laf, Lafa left (side), (to) the left

Laht out, outside (preposition)

Laka milk

Laktin, Laktina way, mannerism, aspect, certain respect, custom

Lamasi (to) seal (fate)

Lan, Lana full

Lar Central

Larma fruit, citrus, sectioned like orange, but more smooth skinned.

Lash, Lasha music

lasha damn

last veil (noun): the innermost of the five veils worn by free women; it is worn under the veil of the citizeness, and is often very sheer.

Lasheen song

laybis bitch

leading position (noun; used as a command): posture of a slave girl, bending forward at the waist, with her head at a master's hip, so that he may grab her hair and guide her where he wishes her to go.

leech plant (noun): a hemovorous plant that fastens two hollow, fang-like thorns into its victim, through which it can suck the blood that nourishes it.

leg-spreader (noun): devices of various complexity designed to keep a slavegirl's legs spread while being used sexually by her master(s); sometimes used on male captives as an indication of humiliation; used mostly among the Red Savages of the Barrens.

Legs (noun): a tribe of Red Savages, which inhabits the Barrens; so called because they were the last tribe to domesticate kaiila.

lelt (noun): a small (5-7") blindfish with fernlike filaments at either side of the head which are its sensory organs; white, with long fins, it swims slowly, and is the main food of the salt shark; inhabits the brine pits such as those at Klima in the Tahari.

lesha (command; lit. 'leash'): at this command, the slavegirl turns so that her back is to her Master, with her hands behind her back, ready for binding, and with her head back and chin to the left, ready to have a leash snapped onto her collar. If however the slave is in a kneeling position when told to leasha she may simply rearrange herself as above remaining in nadu.

Let us drink wine a gorean expression meaning, “a fatalistic maxim in which the events of the morrow were cast into the laps of the Priest-Kings"

liana vine (noun): a rainforest plant which can be used as a source of drinking water.

Laybis female derogatory, bitch

Laybisti female derogatory, probably means 'dike'

Laybya girl

Laym bad

Lazj, Lazja chest, container, box (normally wood)

Leesh, Leesha position

Leeyan shirt, tunic

Leksi (to) enter

Lem jump

Lemi (to) jump

Leng, Lenga tongue

Lengi (to) lick, (to) tongue, (to) "suck"

Leshi (to) kneel

Lezj half

lina heart

lit, common (noun): a bird found in the rainforests of the Schendi area.

lit, crested (noun): a bird found in the rainforests of the Schendi area.

lo(phrase; masc.): I am; you are.

long ship(noun): a swift, maneuverable ship having 2 rudders, 1 removable lateen-rigged mast, and a keel-to-beam ratio of 8:1; often used in military actions; some are fitted as ram-ships.

Love Feast(noun): common name for the 5th Passage Hand, occurring in late summer, which time is the greatest period for the sale of slaves, esp. slavegirls.

love furs(noun): soft furs spread thickly on the floor at the foot of a master's sleeping couch, on which a slavegirl is most often raped.

Luck Girl(noun): a slavegirl who acts as mascot onboard ship; her use is usually reserved for the captain of the ship, but she may be shared with the crew, usually as a disciplinary measure.

Luraz(noun):a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai

Lod, Loda dirt

Lodka earth, dirt, land

Loo- prefix for verb: indicating past tense

Luchon dragon

Luk(Lukee) person(people)


M are

Ma, Mab me, I, mine, self, of me, to me

Mabee we, us

Mach, Macha city

Mahkeeng(u) man-friend, (familiarity wish, non-derog.), 'Master'

Mahl male-elder

Mahlajach champion, (lit. honored male-elder)

Mahmah Mama (baby talk)

Mak, Maka spoon

Mal, Mala eyebrow

Malaybis male derogatory, low one, weirdo

Malaybisti male derogatory, the lowest of men, queer, fag

Malcha boy

marking stick (noun) a writing implement rather like a pen

Marta cow

matok (noun): a Priest-King term, it refers to an inhabitant of the Nest which is in the Nest but not of the Nest.

mayam pleasure

Mazj, Mazja corn

me of

meh wish

meh wishes

meku bird

Merchants, Caste of (noun): the caste of those who deal in merchandise and trading; their caste colors are white and gold.

me’shan slave

misha captured

ma yes

mamba (noun): large, predatory river tharlarion which inhabits the rivers of the rainforests inland of Schendi; they have long, log-like bodies, with short, powerful legs & a long snout & tail; similar to Earth crocodiles.

Maza Metal

Mazasa Red Metal

Mazasapa Iron

Mees(a), Meesu(a) secret

Meesi (to) keep a secret, (to) know something private

Meez, Meeza middle, mid, center

Metaglana the state succeding virginity

Meyot honey

Mezj, Mezja month (lit. 'with hand' meaning 'counted days')

Miks, Miksa mixed, mixture

Miksi (to) mix

mindar (noun): a short-winged, yellow & red bird of the rainforests inland of Schendi; with its sharp bill, it digs in the bark of flower trees for larvae & bugs.

Mitakoda My friend

Mitakola My friend

Moolain village

Moova mother

Moratu muscle-familiarity wish; [Slang for ChaqaLengi]

Mort, Morta muscle

Mortach strong, strength (big muscle)

Mortachi (to) heave, lift, use strength on

Mortan weak, small muscle (see also Mortal)

Mu(a) almost, about, approximately

mul: a Priest-King term, it refers to human like life forms whose genetic make up has been altered by the Priest-King Scientists.

Murok shellfish


Na heart

Nach, Nacha heartbeat (1 second of time -used in games/competitions)

Nadi (to) turn, rotate, turn around, turn over, twist

Nadis rope

Nadisi (to) wrap

nadru all

ne for

needle tree (noun): a tree of the Thentis region, whose oil is used in perfumes.

nadu (command; lit. 'kneel): at this command, a slavegirl will kneel back on her heels, with her knees spread wide, back straight, belly in, hands on thighs with palms up, head up, eyes lowered; i.e.: to assume the position of a Pleasure Slave.

Nan, Nana to be part of, similarity, one of several; [Kari Ja Nana Kassara.]

Napacha noisy

Napajee sounds

Napi (to) hear

Nar Kenqwis sparks, stars, (tiny fire)

Nar, Nara fire [BTW: Naran is the Mongol word for sun]

NarGa'am camp, place of (our) fire [NarGa'am Pakisti : enemy camp]

Naristhe Sun (comp. fire)

Nash light, day [Gorean word is Tor]

Nasheem yellow

Naynay rain, urine, falling water

Nayni (to) pour (a liquid), rain, (to) take a piss, (to) make water

Nayni Gorm (to) rain ['the sky makes water']

Nazj front of something, forward, nose

Nazjam future (Nazj:forward + Am:time) [Ik Nazjam :far future]

Nazji (to) smell

Neem, Neema sexually warm, turned on, horny, aroused

Neen wet

neim her

nerak stupid/foolish

nesha that

neshuk please

Nest (noun) the colony and home of the Priest-Kings in the Sardar; the ruler of the Nest is the Mother, from whose eggs the Priest-Kings are hatched

Nest Feast Cycle

Tola—Anniversary of the Nuptial Flight

Tolam—the Feast of the Deposition of the First Egg

Tolama—Celebration of the Hatching of the First Egg

Nest Trust (noun) the Priest-King equivalent of 'friendship'

Ni (to be) warm, (to) make vital

ni clan

nidan greets

nu (noun) a letter of the Gorean alphabet; corresponds to the Earth letter 'N' (?); apparently adapted from the Greek alphabet

Nib, Niba needle

Nich, Nicha heat, warmth

Nichi (to) warm

Nichki (to) bake

Ninjin carrot

Nitoske White woman's dress

Nok, Noka hill

nykus (noun): victory; from the Greek nike.


obediance: The slave goes to the floor, laying upon her stomach, face down before the Master. She turns her head and places her cheek against his feet, kissing them lightly in a gesture of love and submission.

Odahla feast, big meal

oijih little

Olakota Peace

omnion (noun) a letter of the Gorean alphabet

Omen omen

OoTa (Tuchux for Food)

OoWa (Tuchux for Friend; Greetings)

Or Ten; Military Unit

Oralu (Oralus pl.) Thousand; Military Unit 4:175

Orlu (Orlus pl.) Hundred; Military Unit

Ord thumb

ost (noun): tiny snake, about 12" long, bright orange in color; its venom causes extremely painful death within seconds; the ost of the rainforests inland of Schendi are red with black stripes.

Ost, Osta snake, a poisonous type

ostrakon: a token showing citizenship for a particular city on Gor.

Osun, Osuna sigh [Osuni:to sigh]

Ozjav, Ozjava lake


Pag, Paga brew made from grain [Gorean]

paga (noun; abbr. of Pagar-Sa-Tarna, lit. 'pleasure of the life-daughter'): a grain-based, distilled hard liquor akin to whiskey; sometimes served warm.

paga attendant (noun): a male employee of a paga tavern, who supervises the serving of paga by slavegirls, and collects payment for the paga and the use of the slavegirls.

paga tavern (noun): an establishment where food and alcoholic beverages, esp. paga, are sold; in addition, the use of the serving slave is included in the price of the paga bought.

pagar (noun): pleasure

pagar kajira (noun): pleasure slave

Pagar-Sa-Tarna Pleasure of the Life Daughter

Pak(ee) other(s)

Paki (to) hate, dislike a lot

Pakis stranger (possible enemy)

Pakisti enemy

Pali (to) give

Palisti (to) give grudgingly, mete out harshly

Parabi (to) live

Parabis life in general

Parabu life-mine, yours, etc.

Paravaci (noun): one of the 4 tribes of the Wagon Peoples; also called the Rich People; their standard is a boskhead-shaped banner made of jewels strung on gold wire

parsit fish (noun): a silvery fish having brown stripes

Pas health, vitality (Kari Pasu-I'm fine)

pasang (noun): measure of distance equaling .7 miles

Pasang distance -a Gorean 'mile' (0.7 Earth miles)

Pasheen best, greatest

Pasi (to be) healthy

Passage Hand (noun): the 5-day period between Gorean months, which consist of 5 5-day weeks.

passion slave (noun): a slavegirl who has been bred, rather captured; specifically, one that has been bred for a particular trait, such as beauty or slave heat or the shape of her lips

Pavi (to) teach

Payn, Payna comb

Peasants, Caste of (noun): the basic caste of Gor; they refer to themselves as the 'Ox on Which the Home Stone Rests'

Peem cold [Qa'arnPeem:hail;KrefPeem:ice, frozen]

Peemi (to) freeze

Peer servant

Peeyun pain

Pek kiss

Pekchi (to) foreswear, earnestly renounce

Perd, Perda grey, dull, overcast (sky), bland(tasting)

Perdeechi (to) degrade, lower, shame, deface

Perdi (to) lose

pierced-ear girl (noun) a slavegirl whose ears have been pierced; as piercing a girl's ears is consider the ultimate degradation, it virtually guarantees that the girl will never be freed; the practice first became popular in Turia, but is gaining acceptance in the northern cities, esp. Ar

Physicians, Caste of (noun): the caste which practices the healing arts; the Physicians are one of the five High Castes which make up the Gorean government; their caste color is green.

Plagiarist One whose Homestone is made of tarn dung, who must lift Gorean research documents verbatim from others pages and then present them as if written by themselves. This formatted dictionary was created for the World of Gor Page, and if seen elsewhere in this format with these words has been plagiarized by those without honor.

plank collar (noun): a two-piece board hinged at one end and capable of being locked at the other, similar in operation to the stocks of 18th-century America and England; it has two or more semi-circular holes cut in each side so that it may fit around the necks of more than one slavegirl or captive free woman at one time.

Plast, Plasta plastic (Obviously a new word to the Kassar language)

Player (noun): a member of a caste-like society who plays Kaissa professionally; their caste colors are red and yellow. The members of this caste are highly regarded on Gor as is the game in general, too, they are given much leeway as are Musicians and poets it being considered bad taste to harm one of that caste.

Playj, Playja blanket, great kilt (what English word 'plaid' comes from)

Plazjak shawl, mantle

Pleasure Garden (noun): an area in which wealthy Gorean men keep their slavegirls; roughly akin to the harem of the Arab countries of Earth.

pleasure rack (noun): a device, ranging in complexity from a grid of ropes in a wooden frame to a moveable, adjustable frame with chains, for the display and sexual use of slavegirls and captive free women.

pleasure silk (noun): sheer, clingy form of silk worn only by slavegirls; wraps like a pareau, with a disrobing loop at the left shoulder.

Pleasure Slave (noun): a slavegirl whose main function is sexual servitude to her master; traditionally, she kneels with her knees spread wide, and her hands either resting on her thighs or, in some cities, crossed behind her, ready for binding.

Pok, Poka, Sezj sack, bag

Pool, Poola upset, emotionally irritated [but not Zjoos)

Pooli (to) upset, emotionally irritate

Poon, Poona food, "the meal"

Poost, Poosta gone, something missing, void, zero, nothing, nothingness

Port Kar (noun) :"Scourge of the gleaming Thassa" or "Tarn of the Sea" a vast disjointed mass of holdings, each a virtual fortress, almost piled upon one another, divided and crossed by hundreds of canals. On one side the vast delta, the other, the shallow Tamber Gulf. The only major city built with the labor of male slaves, it is a city ruled now by a council of captains, Samos a slaver and first captain. It, too, is the only city to recognize the caste of thieves.

Pride (noun): a military unit consisting of 100 Warriors

pot girl (noun): a slavegirl whose main function is cooking and other menial tasks; used disparagingly.

Prachki (to) make, build, (to father children)

Praksi (to) game [Praksi Sum(a)], practice [Praksi]

Pral male sex organ

Pride Military unit of 100 warriors

pride veil (noun): the third veil worn by free women; worn under the house veil and over the veil of the citizeness.

Priest-King (noun): the Earth translation of the Gorean term 'Sardar'

Prition (noun) title of a treatise on bondage written by Clearchus of Cos

Profalarina State preceding falarina

Pte Female Kailiauk


Q is(edible) oil, oily substance, cum

qa for

quala (noun): small, dun-colored, 3-toed mammal with a stiff, brushy mane of black hair; pl. qualae

Qa'arn, Ca'arn,Qaarn stone, rock

Qa'arnPeem hail (stone+cold)

Qal clean

Qal water (shortened version, contraction for Qaleeng]

Qaleeng(a) water (Also Caleeng)

Qaleengu admiration shared experience (Also-Caleengu)

Qaleeni (to) boil-(water+heat) [also Caleeni]

Qaleenichi alcohol

Qalma dove

Qalpri (to) wash, make clean

Qam(u) daughter

Qath, Qatha battle

Qathi (to) battle

Qlad, Qlada bank, shore, edge

Qolti (to) check, (to) inspect, (to) test, (to) investigate

Qop, Qopa plant (Qopee=plants)

Qoptar root, tuber, potato, carrot, radish, etc.

Quern A device used to grind flour

Qwas what, which, how many (as opp. to Qwasi, which is the conditional)

Qwas, Qwasi if, or, else, otherwise (at mid-sentence) *see also Kassar/English

Qwasi which, meaning upon condition that, or that which. Qwasi kari vareem.(If{upon condition that} it is red.)

Qwasti, Kwasti (to) happen, occur

Qwastiki even so-why? [I question... or I wonder...]


Ra man

Rabchi (to) do, make, do one's duty

Rabi (to) owe, have debt, ought to, should

Raht road, path

ram-berries (noun): small, succulent berries

ram-ship (noun): war galley, having up to 3 banks of oars as well as masts and sails; named for the battering rams on the prow.

Ran, Rana early in the day, morning

Rana, Asa morning

ranga patience

Rarii Warriors

rarius (noun; pl.rarii): warrior

rask ass/butt

rastar warrior

Raviri (noun) a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai

ravishment lamp (noun): a small tharlarion- oil lamp, found in the chamber of a master; its soft glow is sufficient to illuminate a slavegirl as she is raped.

Razj, Razja skin, leather, cured hide

Red Hunters (noun): the peoples who inhabit the Gorean arctic; in appearance and culture, they are similar to the Eskimos of Earth

Red Savages (noun): the peoples to inhabit the plain areas (Barrens) of Gor; in appearance and culture, they are similar to the American Indians of Earth

Ree men (plural)

Reeb, Reeba fish

Reeki (to) stink

Reemakasi (to) vote, decide jointly

Rek right side, to the right

rence (noun): a tufted, reed-like plant that grows in the marshes; used for making paper.

rence paper (noun): papyrus

rep (noun): a fiber plant similar to cotton

repcloth (noun): rough fabric woven from the fibers of the rep plant; analogous to cotton muslin.

reshaka starshine

river shark (noun): a narrow, black, vicious, carnivorous fish with a triangular dorsal fin, which inhabits the rivers of Gor.

Robes of Concealment (noun): the mode of dress favored by free women in some of the larger city-states (i.e. Ar, Ko-ro-ba, Turia, etc.); it consists of one or more hooded robes of heavy brocade, or other opaque fabric, plus up to five face veils.

Rof roof, surface, skin, outer covering, peel, husk (-ra as suffix)

Roh, Roha before

Rohvi (to) roam, wander

Rosa pink

round ship (noun): heavy cargo & passenger ships, having up to 3 banks of 10 oars to a side; not as swift or maneuverable as ram- ships, having a keel-to-beam ratio of 6:1; has 2 rudders, and 2 permanent, lateen-rigged masts; carries a crew of 20-25 free men, plus up to 200 oar-slaves.

Rus, Rusa eyelash


sa (noun): daughter

sa (noun): life

Sa close, near distance [missed me by THAT much!], [Close enough!] In Kassar, SaTarna would translate "close to the core of life"

Sa-eela (noun): one of the most sensual and erotic of slave dances; it consists of five distinct portions; belongs to the class of slave dance known as Lure Dances of the Love- Starved Slavegirl

Safora Slavegirls

Sahm, Sahma strange, incorrect, improper, unknown

Sahr, Sahra dinosaur, lizard, saurian [equiv. to the Gorean word -Tharlarian]

sajel (noun):a drug which causes harmless pustules to erupt on the body; in combination with gieron, it reproduces the symptoms of the Bazi plague

Sal, Sala leg

Salat, Salata salad

Salatka candy, sweets, deserts (I believe this derives from Slat: cane as in sugar cane)

Salerian Confederation (noun) an alliance of 4 cities - Ti, Port Olni, Lara, and Vonda - formed to rid the

Olni River of pirates & to protect inland shipping

san (adj.) one; fem. Sana

San (m) One

Sana (f) One

sa'ng (adj.) without

Sa`ng-Fori Without chains

salt shark (noun): a long-bodied (12' or more) carnivorous fish having gills situated under the jaw, several rows of triangular teeth, a sickle- like tail, and a sail-like dorsal fin; inhabits brine pits such as those of the Tahari.

San, Sanee foot, feet

Sanfa, Sanfee toe, toes

sa'ng-fori (noun; lit. 'without chains'): freedom

sani faith

sa-fora (noun; lit. 'chain-daughter'): slavegirl

Sapa Black

Sapa, (Sapee) boot, foot cover/(plural form) [See also: Brog]

Saqweesi (to) tempt, tease, etc.

sar (noun): king

Sardar (noun): priest-kings, large (c. 8 ft. tall) intelligent insects who are the true rulers of Gor; the mountain range where the Priest- Kings live

Sardar Fairs (noun): huge fairs held 4 times each year at the foot of the Sardar Mountains; they coincide with the equinoxes and solstices (En'Kara, En'Var, Se'Kara, & Se'Var); for the during of the Fair, the area is neutral territory: no one may be enslaved at the Fair (though slaves captured elsewhere may be sold), & no blood may be spilled; serves as a trading point for information and merchandise; every Gorean is required to visit the Fair at least once before the age of 25.

Sa-Tarna (noun; lit. 'Life-daughter’): grain, specifically wheat

Sa-Tassna (noun; lit. 'Life-mother’) meat; food in general

Sav knee

Savi (to) knee

Sayoolak fake, imitation

Schendi (noun): a port city just south of the equator, having a population of c. 1 million citizens; is the base of operations for the League of Black Slavers

Scribes, Caste of (noun): the caste concerned with history, accounting, record-keeping, etc.; one of the five High Castes which make up Gorean government; their caste color is blue

se (adj.) second

Second Knowledge (noun): the education available to the higher castes; it is more esoteric, and includes knowledge of Earth

second slave (phrase): referring to the serving of black wine, it indicates that the consumer prefers to drink it without sugar or milk; from the fact that the sugar and milk are placed in the cup by one slave before the beverage is poured into the cup by a second slave.

se’o’pe necessary

second obeisance: In this position of Gorean slave obeisance, the slave lowers herself onto her belly on the floor. She then inches forward, remaining low on her belly, and upon reaching the Master's feet, she licks and kisses them. Afterwards she takes the Master's foot and places it gently upon her head. She then lowers his foot again to the floor, and kiss it again. She then may inch backwards a bit, still on her belly, humbly.book21 pg. 411

second slave (phrase): referring to the serving of black wine, it indicates that the consumer prefers to drink it without sugar or milk; from the fact that the sugar and milk are placed in the cup by one slave before the beverage is poured into the cup by a second slave

second wine (noun): see breeding wine

Seek, Seeka number, quantity

Seeki (to) count, (to) number

Seeyok, Bat (a) ship, boat

Sek, Seka dry

Se'Kara (noun; lit. 'second turning'): the seventh month of the Gorean calendar, that of the autumnal equinox, roughly equivalent to the Earth calendar month of September.

Selt salt

Semya family

Sen, Sena thousand

seraka sun

sereem diamonds (noun): a transparent mineral which is precious because of its rarity; is red with flecks of white

sev bring

Se'Var (noun; lit. 'second resting'): the tenth month of the Gorean calendar, that of the winter solstice, roughly equivalent with the Earth calendar month of December

Sezj, Sezja, Pok, Pokabag sack

shak their

she are

she-urts (noun; short for 'she-urts of the wharves'): homeless free girls - runaways, vagabonds, orphans, etc. - who live near the canals in port cities, surviving by scavenging, begging, stealing, and sleeping with paga attendants; they sleep wherever they find space, and usually wear a brief tunic instead of Robes of Concealment

Shar, Shara towel

Shas, Shasa top

she’vo happiness

shesleen: Also known as "assuming the modality of the she-quadruped." In this position, the slave falls to her hands and knees, her head down on the floor, her hindquarters upthrust for viewing and/or her Master's pleasure. "Serving in the modality of the she-quadruped" is an instruction whereby the slave performs her regular duties upon hands and knees, without the benefit of the

use of her hands, or human speech. In this mode she may not rise to her feet and may use only her mouth and teeth to grasp and manipulate objects.

sheku everlasting

Selnar (noun): the third month of the Gorean calendar (in Ko-ro-ba and some other cities)

Shi (to) strike

Shim, Shima spirit

shimo mouth

shipping collar (noun): a loose, generic collar worn by slaves when being shipped as cargo.

shiva peace

shu (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet; derived from oriental calligraphy; represents the sh sound

Shon, Shona fox

Shukan death, dead, corpse, (struck-body)

Shuki (to) die

sidge (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet; derived from cuneiform

side-block girl (noun): a slavegirl sold for a fixed price from the side block of a slave auction house, instead of auctioned from the main block; used disparagingly

silk girl (noun): term used by those of Torvaldsland to denote a slavegirl from the southern cities; often used disparagingly

silk slave (noun): a male pleasure slave; usually in attendance on a free woman.

sim plant (noun): a rambling, tangled vine-like plant with huge, rolling leaves, raised in the pasture chambers of the Nest

sip root (noun): a bitter root whose extract is the active ingredient in slave wine

Sir, Sira cheese

sirik (noun): a arrangement of chains used to display a slavegirl rather than confine her; it consists of a collar, to which about five feet of chain is attached; part-way down the chain is a pair of manacles, and the chain terminates in a set of shackles.

Sis, Sisa by, because of, through, from cause

Skawqa cloud

Skod, Skodee bowl, bowls

Skovach pot, cooking or saucepan (Skod+Vachki)

Skow, Skowa dish, plate, something to eat from

SkowaFeq(a) plate, [Skow(a):dish, something to eat from /Feq(a):flat]

Slat, Slata pole, cane

slave bells (noun): tiny bells which give off a sensual shimmer of sound; threaded by the dozen on thongs or chains, they may be tied or locked around a girl's ankles or wrists, or attached to her collar; are worn or removed only at the whim of a master

slave belly; 1.(noun): the area of the abdomen around the navel; so called because only slavegirls expose their navels

2.(adj.): referring to the driving pain that a slave feels when she knows or believes she has been displeasing.

slave box (noun): 1) small, square (3x3') iron box, with a door having a viewing aperture of 7"x1/2" in the middle, and a pass-through of 12x2" at the base; a punishment device for slaves; 2) a small ventilated box, barely large enough to contain a slave, sometimes used in the transport & delivery of slaves after purchase.

slave bracelets (noun): manacles; there are 3 links between the wrist rings

slave cage (noun): a small cage, just big enough for a slavegirl to sit or curl up, in which she may be placed as cargo

slave dance (noun): any of the sensuous and lascivious dances performed by slavegirls to entertain their masters; designed to display the sexual heat of the performer, and invite her use by masters; dances include the Belt Dance, Chain Dance, Dance of the 6 Thongs, Sa-eela, Tile Dance (performed on red tiles), Tether Dance

slave goad (noun): an electrical device, much like a cattle prod, used for controlling and disciplining slaves.

slave heat (noun): the intense need and passion of a slavegirl

slave hobble (noun): a chain consisting of a wrist-ring and an ankle-ring joined by 7" of chain it is fastned on one ankle and the opposite wrist.

slave hood (noun): a leather hood, having no opening for eyes, mouth, or ears, which covers a slave's entire head; usually has a gag attachment.

slave lips (noun): the pursing of a slavegirl's lips as for kissing; often used as a command.

slave mat (noun): a course mat to which area a slavegirl may be ordered for discipline or rape; the girl may not leave the mat unless permitted by her master

slave oval (noun): a method of chain a slavegirl consisting of a hinged iron loop which locks around her waist, with two sliding wrist- rings and a welded ring in the middle of the back.

slave perfume (noun): perfumes designed to be worn by slavegirls; they are heavier and more sensual than those designed for free women

slave pole (noun): imaginary pole that 'transfixes' a dancing girl, by which she is 'held' during her dance

slave porridge (noun): a cold, unsweetened mixture of water and Sa-Tarna meal, on which slaves are fed; in Torvaldsland, it is called 'bond-maid gruel', and often mixed with pieces of chopped parsit fish.

slave rag (noun): see Ta-Teera

slave rape (noun): the sexual use of a slavegirl; it may be either tender or brutal, casual or deliberate.

slave ring (noun): a heavy iron ring, c. 1' in diameter, to which a slave may be secured for security, discipline, or any other reason; often found in floors, interior & exterior walls (either 1' or 3' above the ground), attached to the foot of a master's sleeping couch, etc.

slave steel (noun): generic term for collars, chains, siriks, etc. worn by slaves

slave strap (noun): heavy strap or belt which buckles behind the wearer's back; in front, there is a metal plate with a welded ring, through which passes the 4 hort (5") chain of a pair of slave bracelets; designed to keep the wearer's hand before his body

slave veil (noun): a small triangle of diaphanous yellow silk, worn across the bridge of the nose and covering the lower half of the face; it parodies the heavy veils worn by free women, as it conceals nothing and often arouses the lust of masters.

slave wagon (noun): a flat-bedded, barred wagon, like a large cage with a door in the rear, in which many slaves may be transported at one time, their ankles chained to a bar that runs down the center of the floor; tarpaulins are often used to cover the cage & hide the cargo; analogous to an old-fashioned Earth circus wagon

slave wine (noun): a black, bitter beverage that acts as a contraceptive; its effect is instantaneous and lasts for well over a month; can be counter-acted with a another, sweet-tasting beverage.

Slaver's Caress (noun): a method of touching, without warning, a slavegirl who is being sold in order to exhibit her slave heat for potential buyers; also known as the Whip Caress, as it is commonly done using a coiled whip

Slavers, Caste of (noun): the sub-caste of the Merchants, one who deals in human merchandise; their caste colors are blue and yellow

Slavers, League of Black (noun): a branch of the Caste of Slavers; they work out of Schendi and its environs

Slaver's Necklace (noun): fanciful term for a coffle of slavegirls

slee (noun): a rodent which inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi

sleen (noun): a ferocious feline, some 20 feet long, having 6 legs and 2 rows of teeth; there are four types: the prairie sleen, which is tawny; the forest sleen, which is black or brown; the aquatic sea sleen; and the white snow sleen; can be domesticated for herding and tracking

Sleen (noun): a tribe of Red Savages, which inhabits the Barrens

Sleen 1.six-legged furred, yet lizard-like night hunter on Gor,10'-12'long. 2. slang term for a back-stabbing individual

slime worm (noun): a long, slow, blind worm which inhabits the caverns below the Nest in the Sardar; scavenges the remains of the Golden Beetles kills

sorp (noun): a shellfish, common esp. in the Vosk river, similar to an oyster; like an oyster, it manufactures pearls.

Somodis stupid, ignorant, 'low one'

Sona happy

Sookar sugar

Sool below, down

Soom, Sooma west [Gorean word is 'Klim']

Soon, Soona seat [Soon usually means floor], floor [Soona usually means seat]

Sooni (to) sit, sit down, (to) camp

Soonis camp, encampment, place where the wagons are sitting

Sreem green, sea color

Stabilization Serums (noun): a series of medical injections, which, among other things, retards the aging process; an invention of the Priest-Kings, approved by them for use by humans; administered in 4 injections

stimulation cage (noun): an ornate, fairly roomy cage, furnished comfortably with fabrics of all kinds, furs, cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, etc. in which a naked slavegirl in training may be housed; its purpose is to awaken her senses, esp. the tactile senses, to everything in the world around her, so that she may be more pleasing to masters; in addition, it is just too short for her to stand upright, so that her head is always inclined in a gesture of submission

Stone (noun): a unit of measurement equal to 4 Earth pounds

Stones (noun): a guessing game in which one player must guess whether the number of stones held in the fist of the second player is odd or even

Street of Brands (noun) the city or area in a given city where slavers conduct their business

Street of Coins (noun) the street or area in a given city where banking and other financial transactions take place

street veil (noun): the outermost veil worn by free women; worn over the house veil when leaving the house.

Su, (Sum) yes, (good)

submission mat (noun): a scarlet mat, used in Tharna, on which a free woman, naked and bound with yellow cords, must submit as slave to her master, first hearing him recite a ritual poem, then yielding physically

sul 1.(noun): starchy, golden-brown, vine-borne fruit; principal ingredient in sullage

2. (noun): a tuberous vegetable similar to the potato; often served sliced and fried.

Sug, Suga immediately

Suk, Suka old, ancient

sul paga (noun): alcoholic beverage made from suls; akin to vodka

sula (command; lit. 'back'): at this command, a slavegirl will lie on her back, her hands at her sides, palms up, and with her legs spread wide, ready for her Masters use.

sullage (noun): a soup made principally from suls, tur-pah, and kes, along with whatever else may be handy.

Sum good, (affirmative)

Sumi (to) do good

Sumichi (to) excel, surpass all others, strive for greatness

Sumli (to) love

Sun Lances (noun): a warrior society of the Sleen tribe of Red Savages

Swamp Spiders (noun): man-sized arachnids which inhabit the swampland near the city of Ar; they can communicate in human speech via the mechanical translators they wear around their abdomens; they spin Cur-lon Fiber, which is used in the textile mills of Ar

Suv, Suva color, paint, dye, ink [Things which come in different colors]

Suvi (to)color, (to)paint, (to)dye, (to)ink


Ta here, very close by, close at hand, within arm's reach (location) [but not to confuse with Sa]

Ta, (Tee) tit, (tits)

Taba Yawn

Taban, Chapqa tired (sleepy), tired(worn out)

Tabani (to) tire, get sleepy

Tabi (to) yawn

tabor (noun): a small drum

tabuk (noun): a kind of antelope, being yellow in color and having a single horn. Hunted in the far north the horns are prized for there beauty in carvings.

Tabuk antelope, yellowish, one-horned, Gorean

ta-grape (noun): A Gorean grape from which Ta_wine is made, usually associated with the terraces of Cos but not limited to such they being grown in various locales in similar latitude. “I retrieved a grape about the size of a small plum from the table before it could be cleared away. It was peeled and pitted, doubtless laboriously by female slaves. It was a ta-grape.” Pg. 292-292 Players of Gor

tahem wings

Tajuks (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai

Ta'Kara (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Kavars

Takiiyuhawi Spring equinox

Tal (noun): greetings; often accompanied with a salute performed by raising the right hand to shoulder level, palm inward. This signifying the person being greeted is not considered an enemy, the gesture showing an open weapon hand devoid of any weapon. For a slave of course, not permitted weapons, this form of greeting would be ludicrous.

Tal greetings, arm

talender (noun): delicate, yellow-petaled meadow flower, symbolic of feminine love and beauty; a crown of talendars is often worn by a free woman during the Companionship ceremony; worn in a slavegirl's hair, it is a silent plea for her to be raped

talmit (noun): headband

talu (noun): a unit a measure equaling 2 gallons

taluna (noun; lit. 'Panther girl'): a free woman who lives as a hunter in small tribes of 15-100 members; they roam the northern forests of Gor

Tan, Tana hand

Tanfa finger

Tanfar(a) ring, a finger-ring (See also Tsirq: a ring in general)

Tanfee fingers

Tanli (to) dance

Tanlu dance

tar (preposition): to

Tar-Sardar-Gor (lit. 'To the Priest-Kings of Gor'): ritual phrase recited during the pre- banquet libation in which a few grains of meal, colored salt, and a few drops of wine are placed in a fire; the equivalent of saying grace

Tar, Tara bottom, base of something

Tarayki get down, lay down, and hide, Danger!

Tareet, Tareeta cake

Tari (to) drop (a thing)

tarn (noun): crested, hawk-like bird large enough to be ridden; used in battle and in racing .(also known as “Brothers of the Winds”

tarn cot (noun): building in which domesticated tarns are housed

tarn disk, copper (noun): a unit of currency

tarn disk, gold (noun): a unit of currency, of the highest value on Gor; also made in double- weight; many cities on Gor mint their own money, but the gold tarn disk of Ar is the standard for much of Gor.

tarn disk, silver (noun): a unit of currency

tarn goad (noun): an electrical device, much like a cattle prod, used for controlling

tarns; is c. 20" long

tarn ship (noun): a type of ram-ship, being long and narrow, with a shallow draft, a straight keel, a single lateen-rigged mast, and a single bank of oars; at the prow, below the waterline, is a ram shaped like a tarn's head; it also carries light catapults, shearing blades, and other weaponry.

Tarn hawk-like bird, large enough to ride, crested like a jay

tarn wire (noun): razor wire strung between the walls of a city to protect it from aerial attack.

tarna (noun): daughter

tarsk (noun): 1) porcine animal akin to the Earth pig, having a bristly mane which runs down its spine to the base of the tail; 2) copper coin that is the whole coin of least value, equaling 10 tarsk bits.

Tarna bottom of heart, core of being

Tarnae Daughters

Tarnyan thunder

Tars, Tarsa ankle

Tarsar anklet, leg-iron (ankle-metal)

Tarsk Six-tusked wild boar

tarsk bit (noun): a copper coin worth from 1/10 to 1/4 of a copper tarsk, depending on the city which mints the coin

tarsk, giant (noun): large cousin of the tarsk, standing 10 hands high at the shoulder.

tarsk, silver (noun): a coin worth 100 copper tarsks

Tashid (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai

Tassa powder (noun): a reddish powder, usually mixed with red wine, which renders the consumer unconscious.

tassna (noun): mother

tasta (noun): founding, as of a city

Ta-Teera (noun): similar to a slave tunic, but more ragged and revealing; often referred to as the 'slave rag'.

Tasu add

Tatankasa Red Bull (B)

Tatar la

Tatanka Bull of the kailiauk (B)

Tatari (to be) lazy, (to be) worthless [but not same as Gotri]

Ta-Teera (noun): a one-piece, sleeveless, short slave garment; also called the slave rag

Tatrix Female Administrative Rulerziness, one who does not help

TaTeera toga, dress (quite short, slave-length)

Ta-Thassa (phrase; lit. 'to the sea'): ritual phrase invoked during a libation offering of wine, oil, and salt made to Thassa

tatrix (noun): title of the female ruler of the city of Tharna

tau (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet; corresponds to the Earth letter 'T' (?)

Tavel bow

Tavot grease

Tazj, Tazja cup, drink vessel

te`an sleeps

tef (noun): a unit of measure, consisting of a handful of whatever produce (such as dates) is being weighed; 6 tefs equal one tefa

Teera dress-(mid-length), toga

tefa (noun): 1) a unit of measure equaling 6 tefs, or handfuls; 5 tefas equal 1huda;

2) a small basket

telekint (noun): a plant of the Tahari; its roots, mashed & mixed with water, provide a red dye

tem (noun): a tree which produces a black wood that is very strong; similar to the Earth wood ebony.

Teni (to) have, hold, possess

Tenk(a) weather

tenth ahn (noun): tenth 'hour', the Gorean noon

teslik (noun): a plant whose extract is the active ingredient in breeding wine

tevu sing(s)

Thar(a) across

tharlarion (noun): one of several types of large, carnivorous reptiles, some of which have been domesticated; it's fat is rendered to provide lamp oil; see also mamba.

tharlarion boots (noun): high boots of soft leather worn by riders of high tharlarion to protect their legs from the abrasive hides of their mounts

tharlarion, broad (noun): sluggish tharlarion used as draft animals; herbivorous

tharlarion, high (noun): agile tharlarion used as a mount for riding; like T. rex, they have very short, almost useless, forlegs; carnivorous

tharlarion, river (noun): extremely large, herbivorous, web-footed lizards used by bargemen of the Cartius River to pull barges.

tharlarion, rock (noun): a small reptile of the Tahari

Thassa (noun): the sea

3. The place or location a Master claims as his home is also referred to as his Homestone.

Third Knowledge (noun): that which, if it exists, is reserved for the Priest-Kings

Thieves, Caste of (noun): the caste of those who make their living by stealing, robbery, picking pockets, etc.; exists only in Port Kar.

Thren, Threna bird, small song bird (may be a cross between Thrush and Wren and possibly a Swallow?)

Thuka pepper, pepper plant, any hot seasoning

Thumpa dumb, stupid, having no desire to learn

Ti (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai

tibit (noun): a small, thin-legged bird which lives on tiny mollusks found on the shores of Thassa; sandpiper?

Tim(ee) insect(s)

Tiri (to) breathe

Tok, Toka guard, shield, prophylactic

Tokak danger

Tokaki (to) keep away, get back, protect self

Tokari (to) buy, trade, and barter (compare to Tokri: to take)

Toki (to) fight for, protect, guard

Tokri (to) bring, get, have, take, hold, fetch, (see also Wa'ali), to steal

Tola, Feast of (noun): the Priest-King festival celebrating the anniversary of the Nuptial Flight of the Mother

Tolam, Feast of (noun): the Priest-King festival celebrating the anniversary of the Deposition of the First Egg

Tolama, Feast of (noun): the Priest-King festival celebrating the anniversary of the Hatching of the First Egg

toos (noun): a crab-like organism with overlapping plating; inhabits the Nest and scavenges on discarded fungus spores.

Too- prefix for verb: indicating future tense, or conditional

Tool, Toola tool

Toor, Toora gag, a mouth gag

Toori (to) gag, keep from speaking

Toosi (to) start, begin something

Toqam(ee) hilt(s), guard(s), crosspiece of a sword, the hip(s)

tor (noun): light

Tori (to) impregnate self, [slang; Tori Kwani: Why Don't You Go F*** Yourself!]

Toroki (to) raid

Tor-Tu-Gor (noun; lit. 'light upon the Home Stone'): the sun

toruii fire

torvis (noun): fire

Tos cough

tospit (noun): a small, wrinkled yellowish-white peach-like fruit, about the size of a plum, which grows on the tospit bush, patches of which are indigenous to the drier valleys of the western Cartius. They are bitter but edible. Book4 pg. 59

Tower Slave (noun): a state slavegirl in any of the cities of Gor; her duties in the apartment cylinders are largely domestic; traditionally, she kneels with her knees together & with her wrists crossed in front of her, as if for binding.

Tower Slave Nadu: another variation of Nadu in which the slave kneels the similarly to nadu, but with her knees modestly together. This variation is referred to as Tower Slave Position and is typically reserved for underage or white-silk slavegirls, or slavegirls who serve their Master in a non-sexual way, such as a Tower Slave or female Work Slave.

tran thee

tre`sha precious

trik girl

tri’shena wind

tu (noun): on; upon

tu (prhase): you are

Tuchuk (noun): one of the four tribes of the Wagon Peoples; their standard is a representation of 4 bosk horns

Traveechi (to) know(Biblically)

Trooz, Trooza pants, trousers

Tsirq, Tsirqa circle, Turian collar, a ring

Tsirqi encircle (a hunting method to encircle the prey and close in.)

Tu, Tuwa tribe or clan. Also means 'Thank you' ('for the tribe')

tufted fisher (noun): a waterbird which inhabits the rivers of the rainforests inland of Schendi.

tumit (noun): large flightless bird, about the size of an ostrich, having an 18'-long hooked beak; carnivorous

Tum, Tuma stomach

Tumi (to) digest

Tumpooli (to be) late

tun (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet; derived from demotic Egyptian

tur (noun): a reddish tree having a large trunk

Turia (noun): a major city-state of Gor, located south of the equator; named for the single Tur tree found at the bank of the stream by which it was built; celebrates the New Year at the summer solstice; often referred to as the 'Ar of the South'

tur-pah (noun): an edible tree parasite with curly, red, ovate leaves; grows on the tur tree; a main ingredient in sullage

twentieth ahn (noun): twentieth 'hour', the Gorean midnight

Tuvas baby, young one

Tuwath, Tuwatha farm, ranch, land to live on


u- not (a word prefix) [as in Usuk:new, not old]

-u suffix: familiarity ending

Uamabis late (not on time)

Ubar (noun): war chief

Ubar lord, leader [Gorean word] Kassar:not separate (from the clan)

Ubar San (noun, lit. 'One Ubar'): war chief chosen to be supreme commander of the 4 tribes of the Wagon Peoples

Ubara (noun): the Free Companion (consort) of a Ubar

Ubarate (noun): the territory governed by a ubar

UDavisi (to) close, shut, seal

uDegalb dishonor, disrespect, shame

Udrakeemi (to) lie, (to) not tell truth

Udrakijas disguise, (false clothing)

uFis, uFisa dull, not sharp

Ugar grandson

Ukras ugly

Ukref soft, limp, not solid

ul (noun): giant carnivorous pterodactyl

Uqam granddaughter

urt (noun): a small, silken-furred rodent akin to the Earth rat; it has three rows of teeth, two tusks, and two horns.

Urt 1. rat [a type of giant rat found on Gor] 2. slang term for something vile or unpleasant

Urt Soldiers (noun): a warrior society of the Yellow Knife tribe of Red Savages

urt, ground (noun): a small rodent which inhabits the floor of the rainforests inland of Schendi.

urt, leaf (noun): a small tree-dwelling rodent, having 4 toes, which inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi; tree sloth.

urt, tree (noun): a small tree-climbing rodent found in the rainforests inland of Schendi.

Usuk new (not old)

UYelis building (non-moving) [see Hachka: home]


va in

va you/yours

Va'a work, action, movement

Vaal, Va'al maiden, etc.

Vachki (to) cook, prepare food

Vakam, Vakama north [Gorean equivalent is Ta-Sardar-Var, or just Var]

val (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet; derived from demotic Egyptian

Valeen(ee) wing(s)

Valeeni (to) fly

Vali (to be) hairy, to grow hair, also a slang for growing up, aging

Valis hair

Vam, Vama south

Vamasti southerner, to live the south way

Van(a) again

vana`she master

var (noun): resting

var (conj.): where

vart (noun): blind, bat-like flying rodent, about the size of a small dog

Vani return, repeat, bring back, revolve [comp.to Nadi:to turn]

Vaqal soup (cook water)

Vareem(a) red (color of fresh blood)

Varma blood

vart, jungle (noun): a relative of the northern vart, it inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi.

Vech, (Vecha) late in day, (evening)

veck (verb): stand

veil (noun): a covering or coverings for the face, worn by free women in many city-states; up to five are worn see also house veil, last veil, pride veil, street veil, and veil of the citizeness.

Vee direction, way

Veeshi (to) come sexually, (to) have an orgasm

veil of the citizeness (noun): the second of the veils worn by free women; worn under the pride veil and over the last veil.

veminium (noun): a bluish wildflower commonly found on the lower ranges of the Thentis mountains; used in perfumes

veminium, desert (noun): small, purplish flower found in the Tahari; used in perfumes.

ven day

verr (noun): a mountain goat indigenous to the Voltai Mountains; wild, agile, ill-tempered, with long hair and spiraling horns; source of a form of wool; it milk is potable, as well as being used for cheese.

Ver, Vera summer

Verr goat (Gorean)

Verus The true

Ves, Vesa spring of the year

vidrew acknowledge

vidrew truth

Vikini (to) have purpose, fight for, live for, be worth, have value of

viktel (noun): triumph

Vit, Vita gust (of wind)

Vok present time, now

Voraki (to) receive, be given

Vosk League (noun): an alliance of 19 towns (Fina, Forest Port, Hammerfest, Iskander, Jasmine, Jort's Ferry, Point Alfred, Port Cos, Ragnar's Hamlet, Sais, Siba, Sulport, Tafa, Tancred's Landing, Tetrapoli, Turmus, Ven, Victoria, White Water) formed to keep the Vosk River clear of pirates & to promote trade

Voyages of Acquisition (noun): voyages made to Earth by the Priest-Kings to gather biological samples; this perhaps accounts for the similarity in many animals, as well as in language and culture, between Earth and Gor.

vulo (noun): a tawny-colored poultry bird, similar to a pigeon, which also exists in the wild; used for meat and eggs.


Wa there, far

Waal, Wa'al neck, handle, narrow, place to grip

Wa'ali (to) bring, get, force to come along, (to take by the neck)

Waalis thin, narrow, skinny

Wa'alzjepa Neck-chain. (Line of slaves may be chained, neck to neck to neck)

Wa'an lamb

Wabisti (to get or become) pregnant, ripening seed pod or fruit

wader, ring-necked (noun): a variety of waterbird which inhabits the rivers of the rainforests inland of Schendi

wader, yellow-legged (noun): a variety of waterbird which inhabits the rivers of the rainforests inland of Schendi

Wagon Peoples (noun): four nomadic tribes that wander the Plains of Turia with their immense herds of bosk.

Waiting Hand (noun): the 5-day period between the 12th Passage Hand and the beginning of the New Year, which begins on the Vernal Equinox.

Wak, Waka spell (magic)

Waki (to) weave magic

Wakis, Wakisa Magi, one who uses magic

Wakisti weaver (light bender, one who does magic)

Waku shaman

Wal, Wala wagon (also car, truck) [see Hachka:home]

Wali (to) carry, support

walking chains (noun): adjustable chains fastened on the ankles of a slavegirl to train her to walk with the length of stride preferred by her.

Wan head-end (main part) of something

Waniyanpi Tame cattle/slaves owned collectively; Also known as the Sames

Wanasapi Hunt or chase [B] 18:8

Wasnapohdi Pimples

Warrior's Pace (noun): a slow jog that can be maintained for hours

Wawihaka Joker/Wit

Wayuksapiwi Corn Harvest Moon

Weight (noun: a unit of measurement equal to 10 Stone, or 40 Earth pounds

Warriors, Caste of (noun): the caste which includes infantry, tharlarion cavalry, and tarnsmen; one of the fiveHigh Castes which make up Gorean government, and as such the military branch of the government; their caste color is scarlet red.

Wefti (to) weave clothe

Wep, Wepa thread

Wepaki (to) sew

Wepi (to) thread (a needle)

Whip Caress (noun): see Slaver's Caress

Whip Knife (noun): a whip with razors embedded in the tip

wingfish (noun): tiny blue salt-water fish, about the size of a tarn disk when curled in ones hand, with 4 poisonous spines on its dorsal fin; it is capable of hurling itself from the water and, for brief distances, on its stiff pectoral fins, gliding through the air , usually to evade the smaller sea-tharlarions, which seem to be immune to the poisonous spines; found in the waters off Port Kar; its liver is considered a delicacy in Turia book4 pg84

Whip of the Furs (noun): a method of disciplining slavegirls by rape rather than by flogging; esp. popular in Torvaldsland

Wicayuhe Master (B)

Wicincala Girl

Wochak, Wochaka bed

Wochaki (to) f--k, actual meaning (to) sleep, to lie down

Wochaku Let's f--k (slang term -really means ‘sleeping familiarly')

Wochi (to) lay or lie [as WochiFeq! : Lie flat!]

Wolakota Friendship

Wopeton Merchant/Trader

Womnake Speak

Womnaka Stinky-Much odor

Woo up, upon, on, above, [Gorean word is 'tu']

Wooabove up, on, upon [Gorean word is 'tu']

Woobis upward

Wook, Wooka bridge

Wooki (to) bridge across

Woom, Wooma east (Gorean equiv. is 'Rim')

Woon, Woona ceiling



Yabi (to) swim

Yach(a) horse

Yaduk jealous

Yak, Yaka hundred

Yalok moon

Yareem, Yareema orange

Yas, Yasa bone [Yasee:bones] (Incidentally, Yasun is the Mongol word for bones)

Yeli (to) move about, walk

Yelita (to) come (Yeli=move;+Ta=here)

YeliWa (to) travel (walk far), (to) go away

Yellow-Kaiila Riders (noun): a warrior society of the Kaiila tribe of Red Savages

Yellow Knives (noun): a tribe of Red Savages which inhabits the Barrens

Yerba grass, grasslike plants

Yod, Yoda sometimes

Yok, Yoka skirt

Yurt, Yurta tent, felt, with thatched roof [grass, used for thatch, is Yerba]


Zab, Zaba melon

zad (noun): a large, broad-winged, black-&- white bird with a long, narrow, yellowish, hooked beak, found in the Tahari; they scavenge on carrion; similar to the Earth vulture

zad, jungle (noun): a cousin of the Tahari zad; found in the rainforest inland of Schendi

zadit (noun): a small, tawny-feathered, sharp- billed bird of the Tahari; insectivorous, feeding on sand flies and other similar insects; they often land a kaiila and spend long periods hunting the sand flies that infest the host animal

Zar (noun): a board game of the Tahari; the board is marked like a Kaissa board, but the pieces - 9 per player, and called 'pebbles' - are placed at the intersections of the lines; movement is somewhat like that of checkers, but without capturing of pieces the object of the game is to effect a complete exchange of the original placement of the pieces

zeder (noun): a small, sleen-like, carnivorous mammal which inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi, esp. along the Ua River; grows to c. 2' and weighs 8-10 lbs.; is diurnal, can swim very well, & builds a stick-&-mud nest in the branches of a tree, where it spends the night

Zevar (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai

Zag animal

Zagfa meat

Zeem, Zeema winter [because of the similarity between snow and winter, Zima (female) is usually used for snow and Zeem (male) is used for winter]

Zim, Zima snow

Zimi (to) snow

Zja hope, anticipation, 'waiting'

Zjaawait anticipation

Zjad ass, rump

Zjadfa ass-hole, with the same derogatory uses as here.

Zjak, Zjaka jacket

Zjar (Zjara) empty, hole, hollow, (a cave)

Zjar, Zjara cave, an emptiness

Zjari (to be) hungry, (to be) empty

Zjat, Zjata brush

Zjeem(a) hot

Zjeemi (to be) burning, in flames

Zjeer fat

Zjep, Zjepa chain [the Gorean word is Fora]

Zjepi (to) chain

Zji (to) wait for, anticipate, plan for, hope for

Zjoosanger [see Pool(a)]

Zjumi (to) swear, take an oath, pledge [a blood-oath, stronger than Labi]

Zjuni (to) display, show, look like, appear, seem

Zjur, Zjura copper

Zontaheca Honest

Zor, Zora, Kalmak vest [a Kalmak is a short open vest worn by slaves]

Zurok, Zuroka storm

Zuroki (to) storm

Zuts, Zutsa headache


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