PRIMARY RESOURCES | A blog by -Ram Shrangare

CLASS VSUBJECT - E.V.SCHAPTER: 1. Super sensesQ.1 How many hours does sloth sleep? a. 15 b. 16 c. 1 d. 18Q.2 Dolphins send messages through ________ wave. a. Ultraviolet b.Infrared rays c.Supersonic d.Visible raysQ.3 Human beings have ___________sense organ. a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d.7Q.4 Male insects recgonise their females by their ___. a.Smell b.Touch c.Heat d.WavesQ.5 Super sense of eagle is _______. a. Nose b. mouth c. Eyes d. wingsQ.6 Which animal sleeps for least time? a.Cow b.Python c.Giraffe d.CatQ.7 Musk deer are killed for _______. a. Scent b. leather c. horns d. fleshQ.8 People who kill animals are called ________. a.Killers b.Butchers c.hunters d.none Q.9 A tiger can see _____ times better than humans. a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8Q.10 Ghana national park is in _____. a. Madhaya Pradesh b. Bihar c.Jammu and Kashmir d. RajasthanCHAPTER: 2. A Snakes Charmer’s StoryQ.1 Snake charmers are _______.a.Dancers b.Kalbeliyas c.Tribal d.PlayersQ.2 Poisonous teeth of snakes are called ____.a.Molars b.Premolars c.Incisors d.FangsQ.3 Been is made up of_________.a.dried brinjalb.dried pumpkin c.dried gourd d.dried papayaQ.4 Medicine for snake bites are made from _____________. a.snake’s skin b.Snake’s teeth c.Snakes poison d.Snakes tongueQ.5 Snakes are ______of farmers. a.Enemy b.Friends c.Brotherd d.GuardianQ.6______part of snake is used to make leather. a.Skin b.Teeth c.Fangs d.EyesQ.7 Snake is a _____. a.Reptile b.Amphibian c.Pisces d. MammalQ.8 Snake charmers keep their snakes in_ .a.Pipeb.Bamboo basketc.Containerd.Jute BagQ.9 Snake charmers gift _______ to their daughter when they get married.a.Toysb. Jewelsc. Clothesd.HousesQ.10 In how many parts the tongue of sanke is bifurcated. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4CHAPTER: 3. From tasting to digestingQ.1 Which part is used to identify different taste? a.Teethb.Tongue c.Mouth d.LipsQ.2 Name the digestive juice present in our mouth. a.Bile juice b.Pancreatic juice c.Saliva d.Lemon juiceQ.3Which acid is present in our stomach? a.Hydrochloric acid b.Sulphuric acid c.Nitric acid d.Citric acidQ.4What is the instant source of energy? a.Lactogen b.Bournvita c.Glucose d.HorlicksQ.5 Our stomach is like a ___________.a.Sack b.Bag c.Box d.CapQ.6What is the taste of tamarind? a.Sweet b.Bitter c.Salty d.SourQ.7Out of the following which is not a part of digestive system? a.Heart b.Stomach c.Oesophagous d.IntestineQ.8Who found the secrets of digestion? a.Dr Joshib.Dr Beaumount c.Dr.Edward Jenner d.Dr Pramod SethiQ.9 What are tiny bumps called ?a.River bed b.Flower bud c.Ear bud d.Taste budQ.10 Function of intestine is ______________. a.To absorb nutrients b.Filteration c.Respiration d.RespirationChapter: 4. Mangoes Round The YearQ.1Which one of these can be kept for one week?a.Banana b.Biscuits c.Grapes d.ChikooQ.2 Organism which can not be seen with naked eyes. a.Insects b.Birds c.microorganisms d.MammelsQ.3 ____is used to see microorganism. a.Telescopeb.Microscope c.Stethscope d.BiscopeQ.4 Moist bread spoils within 2-3 days due to development of ___ a. Fungusb. Algae c.bacteria d.virusQ.5 Which is the main fruit to make ‘MamidiTandra’?a.Papaya b.Grapesc.Mangod.AppleQ.6 Which of these is not used for preservation of pickle? a.Oil b.salt c.Water d.VinegarQ.7 Papad is preserved by_____. a.Oiling b.Sun-dry c.Salting d.Adding PreservativesQ.8Which one is not used to store pickles? a.Glass jars b.Glass bottles c.Air tight containers d.Open vesselsQ.9 Which is the king of fruits? a.Mango b.Apple c.Banana d.OrangeQ.10 Which of these is made up of riped mango? a.Papad b.Pickle c.Chuteny d.MurrabaChapter: 5. Seeds and SeedsQ.1 Thing soaked in water before cooking ___.a)ladyfinger b)tomato c)chanad)brinjalsQ.2 Seed that takes the least time to come out of the soil______. a) fenugreek b) coriander c) sesame d) mustardQ.3 Plant which grows without seeds _______. a)radish b)onion c)potato d)tomatoQ.4 Seed used as a spice in our homes_________. a)chana b)cumin c)urad d)moongQ.5 Seeds are not spread by _____.a)windb)water c)birds d)sunQ.6 Where was Gopal’s mother going? a)bua’s house b)mausi’s house c)mama’s house d)chacha’s houseQ.7 Who had asked Gopal’s aunt to eat sprouts? a)bua b)chacha c)mama d)doctorQ.8 Plant which eats insects is_____. a) Cactus b) rose c)pitcher plant d) lilyQ.9Seeds that can travel are called______________. a)Wondering seeds b)running seeds c)jumping d)wandering seeds Q.10Chillies came to India from_____________________. a)South Americab)North America c)Australia d) Newzealand Chapter:6. Every Drop Counts1. Sar means _______. a) river b) sea c) laked) pond2. Which king got the Ghadsisar lake made? a)Ghadsi b)Rana Pratap c)Mansingh d)Scindia3. Bavdis are __________. a) tube wells b) wells c) step wells d) tanks4. The state in which the new bride worships the tap __________________. a) Bundelkhand b) Jharkhan dc) Uttarakhand d) Malajkhand5. Which is not a source of irrigation___.a) canal b) tube well c) bore well d) sleepwell6. Alwar is a district of____.a) Rajasthanb) Madhya Pradesh c) Haryanad) Uttar Pradesh7. The lady who helped in getting water in Alwar district is ________________. a) Geeta Mai b) Dwarka Mai c) Mata Bai d) Darki Mai8. Who came from Uzbekistan ______. a) Jahangir b) Akbar c) Al-Birunid) Tuglaq9. Many places in Rajasthan get______ a) no rainfall b) scanty rainfall c) heavy rainfall d) fall and fall10. Interconnected lakes in Ghadsisar were_____a) sevenb) elevenc) fourd ) nineChapter:7. Experiments with Water1 .Steel plate will _____in water. a)fly b)sink c)move d)float 2 .Plastic bottle cap will______in water. a) sink b) float c) move d) fly3. The saltiest of all the seas is____.a) Dead Sea b) Arabian Seac) Red Sead) Caspian Sea4._______dissolves in water. a) sand b) chalk powder c) sugar d) pebbles5.Thing that is made by drying in the sun_____. a) papad b) puri c) pakora d) samosa6. When water is kept boiling for a long time it_________. a) increases b)rises c)decreases d)remains same7. Why did Chittibabu keep mango jelly in the sun for_____. a)cooking b)drying c)baking d)frying8. Iron nail _____in water. a) floats b)sinks c)flies d) moves9. Who started Dandi March? a) Mahatama Gandhi b)Rajiv Gandhi c)Jawahar Lal Nehru d)Indira Gandhi10. Oil will_________in water.a) dissolveb) mix c) float d) sinkChapter: 8. A Treat for Mosquitoes1. For Malaria, this is tested______. a) urine b)blood c) saliva d) stool2. Dengue is caused by_________. a) Wasp bite b) mosquito bite c) cat bit d) honey bite3. Bark of_____tree is used for treating malaria.a)Peepal b)Neem c)Cinchona d) Ashoka4. Anaemia is caused due to the deficiency of___. a)calcium b)iron c)potassium d)vitamin5. Jaggery is a rich source of ____. a)vitamins b)calcium c)potassium d)iron6. Eggs of mosquitoes are called_____. a) larvae b) kitten c)chick d) kid7. Flies spread ________. a)cholera b)chicken pox c) small pox d)dengue8. Who is responsible for keeping places clean? a)N.M.C.b) V.E.C.c) V.M.C.d) C.T.E 9. Ronald Ross got Nobel prize for _________.a) literature b)physics c)medicine d)peace10. Currency used earlier in India was_____ . a) rupee b)takka c)paisa d)AnnaChapter – 9. Up You Go!Q.1Who was the director of adventure course ? a.Gyan Singh. b.Man Singh c.Sangeeta Arora d.Dhyan Singh.Q.2What Should a mountaineer take?a.VitaminC b.VitaminE c.VitaminD d.VitaminB12Q.3Which is the special way of coming down using the rope? a. Ropeling b.Saplingf c.Rapling d.SeedlingQ.4Who was the first Indian woman to reach Mount Everest? a.Bachhedri Pal b.Saina Nehwal c.Kalpana Chawla d.Sunita WilliamsQ.5The correct angle of rock climbing is________. a.90o b.70o c.80o d.50oQ.6The double layred plastic sheets are used______. a.To put up tent b.To spread on the ground c.To cover foot itemd.To cover our body.Q.7The name of Mount Everest in Nepal is_ .a.Kanchanjunga b.Alps c.K-2 d.SagarmathaQ.8The lady who was almsot burried at a snow storm? a.Kalpana Chawala b.Bachherdri Pal c.Biran Bedi d.Hellen KellerQ.9Sling is a Type of_______.a.Hook b.Cook c.Book d.takeQ.10Rucksack is a_____. a.bottleb.Plastic c.bag d.tiffinChapter – 10. Walls Tell StoriesQ.1Where is Golconda fort located? a.Bangolore b.Hyderabad c.Bhopal d.RajasthanQ.2Name the place where old items are displayed. a.Actuorium b.Stadium c.Museum d.ZooQ.3What is Mashak ? a.leather bag used for corrying water b.Cotton bag used for corrying sand c.Woollen bag used for carrying wool d.Jute bag used for carrying wheatQ.4A fort is made of___ . a.thick walls b.long walls c.thin wolls wollsQ.5In olden days pots were not made of___. a.Bronze b.Plastic c.Copper d.brassQ.6Hyderabad is situated in______. a.Andra Predash b.Utter Pradesh c.Madhy Predesh d.Himachal PradeshQ.7The part of the wall of the fort that comes out in round shape are_________. a.Station b.Fashion c.Bastions d.MansionQ.8_______ were dug around the fort walls. a.Pit b.hole c.Hit d.PitchQ.9The weapon used in olden days was _____. a.bomb b.Gun c.Missiled.RifleQ.10How many semicircular bostions were there in the fort’s outer most wall? a.56 b.94 c.87d.80Chapter-11. Sunita in spaceQ.1Sunita William is an____. a.Inspector b.Doctor c.Teacher d.AstronautQ.2Name the model of the earth. a.Pyramid b.Cube c.Globe d.MapQ.3Name the Festival related to the Moon. a.Diwali b.Id c.Ramnavmi d.PongolQ.4How does earth look like from the space ?a.Curved b.Square c.Conical d.TriangleQ.5Name the woman who made the record for the longest space flight. a.Kalpana Chowala b.Bachhendri Pal c.Sunita Williams d..P.T.UshaQ.6What is constellations? a.A group of flowers b.A group of stones c.A group of stars d.A group of AnimalsQ.7Which festival is celebrated on Amovasya? a.Holi b.Id c.Diwali d.DurgapoojaQ.8What is the shape of moon on purnima? a.Half b.Crescent moon c.fullmoon d.Gibous moonQ.9What is the natural satellite of the earth?a.Sun b.Rohini c.Moon d.AryabhattaQ.10Which of the following experiences gravitional force?a.Sun b.Space c.Moon Chapter – 12.What if it Finishes?Q.1What is the full form of L.P.G.?a.Liquified petroleum gas b.Load petrol gun c.Light performance guest d.Lift power gasQ.2Name the place from where people refill their vehicles. a.Gas store b.Air pump c.Petrol pump d.Bus standQ.3Upla is___. a.dried wood b.dried leap c.dried paper d.dried cowdungQ.4Diesel is used to in_____. a.Generator b.heater c.Ventilator d.ScooterQ.5We must____. a.Save oil b.waste oil c.throw oil d.drink oilQ.6Petrol is found____. a.Under the ground b.above the ground c.over the ground d.on the groundQ.7The rate of petrol is______ a.increasing b.decreasing c.remains same every day d.enjoys holidayQ.8Petrol is not used in_____. a.bicycle b.Scooter c.Car. d .Motor cycleQ.9Which is not a fuel? a.Petrol b.kerosene c.Diesel d.waterQ.10The fuel which people do not use___. a.cow dung cakes b.lead c.wood d.LPG.Chapter-13. Ashetter so high!1. Gaurav started his journey by __________ . 1.Motorcycle 2.Bicycle 3.Scooter 4.Car2. Distance between Mumbai to Delhi is ___. 1.1000 km2.1200 km 3.1400 km4.14000 km3. Manali is situated in _____. 1.Plain area 2.Hilly area 3.Sandy area4. Cold area4. Gaurav’s tent was _____. 1.Cotton tent 2.Nylon 3.Plastic paints 4.Woolen tent5. Cold desert is ________. 1.Manali 2.Kullu 3.Leh 4.Jammu6. Changpa carries their load on ___ 1.Cows and donkeys 2.Horses and Yaks 3.Goat and Yaks 4.Cows and Yaks 7. Pashmina shawl is made by ____. 1.Machines 2.Hand 3.Power loom 4. knitting8. Changpa’s tent is called ___. 1.Robo 2.Lobo 3.Ribo 4.Rebo 9. Lekha is house of ____ 1.Cow and horse 2.Horse and Yak 3.Sheep and Goats 4.Sheep and cow10. Changpa’s life depends on ____. 1.animals 3.snakes 4.vegetables Chapter-14. When the Earth shook1.Josma lives in ______. 1.Kullu 2.Mumbai 3.Kutch 4.Baroda2.Surpanch of village is ____.1.Mota Bhai 2.Moti bhai 3.Mota Babu 4.Pankaj Bhai3.Earth Shock means____. 1.Tsunami 2.Flood 3.Drought 4.Earth Quake4.After earth quake people stays in ___ 1.Kuccha House 2.Plastic Tents 3.Cotton Tents 4.In School5.Who designs our houses? 1. Builder & contractor 2.Engineers & Architects 3.Contractor 4.Architects6. Police Station number is ____. 1.100 2. 101 3. 1024. 1057.Which is not a natural disaster? 1.Flood 2.War & Bombing 3.Earthquakes 4. Tsunami8. Bhuj earthquake strucked on _.1.26Jan2010 2.26Jan.2001 3.26Jan2002 4.26Jan.20039.Which kind of disease spread after earthquake?1.Flu 2.Malaria3.Cholera4.Cough&cold10 .Earthquake is measured in__.1.Meter scale 2.Centimeter 3.Richter scale 4.Inch tapeChapter -15. Blow hot, blow cold1.Which gas is essential for burning?1.Nitrogen 2.Carbon dioxide 3.Oxygen 4.Hydrogen 2.The normal pulse rate of human heart in one minute ___. 1.72 2.73 3.74 4. 703.Who uses Stethoscope? 1.Doctor 2.Tailor 3.Dentist 4.Typist 4.Dr.Zakir Hussain was former _of India. 1.Prime minister 2.Speaker 3.President 4.Home minister 5.One who cuts tree is called ___. 1.Cutter 2.Wool Cutter 3.Wool Cutter4.Dutfer6.Name the instrument which produces melodious sounds when we blow air into them. 1.Flute 2.Guitar 3.Congo 4.Tabla7.You have all heard the ‘tick tick’ sound of the _ 1. clock 2. Computer 3.Engine 4.Sewing machine8.Our __ beats faster, after we run, skip or exercise a) Lungs b) Kidneyc) Heartd) Brain 9. _____is not a musical instrument. 1.Sitar 2.Star 3.Guitar 4.Violin10.Wood Cutter’s fingures were becoming hump due to ___________season. a) Winter b) Summer c) Rainy d)AutumnChapter-16. Who will do this work?Q.1. After Indian freedom, the constitution was prepared under the leadership________. 1. Jawaharlal Nehru 2.Dr. B.R.Ambedkar 3. Mahatma Gandhi 4.Dr. Rajendra PrasadQ.2. Which is Gandhi’s favourite Bhajan ? 1. Vaishnav Jan to tene 2. Jan Gan Man 3.Sare Jaha se Accha 4.Hind Desh ke Nivasi Q.3. The work of cleaning of public places is done by _________. 1.Driver 2.Sweeper 3.Porter 4.TeacherQ.4. We should put the garbage_______ 1. In the school 2. In the lake 3. In the garden 4. In the dustbin Q.5. Ambedkar’s name was ___________________. 1. Bhim Ram Ambedkar 2. Dada Saheb Ambedkar 3. Bhim Rao Ambedkar 4. Baba Rao AmbedkarQ.6.Gandhiji used to stay _______________. 1. Don’t do any work 2. Every person should do every kind of work 3. Do your own work 4. Work is worship Q.7.Gandhiji was born in _________.1.Gujarat 2.Maharshtra 3.Rajasthan 4.Uttar Pradesh Q.8. Baba Saheb fought for _________1.Leadership 2.Equality 3.Similarity 4.Hospitality Q.9. Sabarmati Ashram is in _____1.Andra Pradesh 2.Utter Pradesh 3.Gujrat 4.AssamQ.10 Which job people think is not respectable? 1.Driving 2.Teaching 3.Cleaning 4.Swimming Chapter -17.Across the wallQ.1) Where is Nagpada ?a) Nagpur b)Mumbai c) Chennai d)DelhiQ.2)What is the strength of team? a)Competition b)Wealth c)Unity d)fameQ.3) What is the National game of India?a)Cricket b)Hockey c)Foot ball d)KabaddiQ.4)What is the National game of America? a)Base ball b)Volley ball c)Foot ball d)Basket ballQ.5)Who is the famous women Badminton player? a)Sania Mirza b)Saina Nehwal c)Sonia d)SadhanaQ.6) Karnam Malleshari is famous for-a)weight lifting b)Wrestling c)Boxing d)FightingQ.7)How many players are there in Cricket from each team? a)12 b)11 c)13 d)14Q.8)Name the games recently held at Delhi. a)SAARC games b)ASIAN games c)Commonwealth games d)OlympicsQ.9)Which of the following is Indian women cricketer? a)P.T. Usha b)Anjali Bhagwat c)Jwala Gatta d)Zoolan GoswamiQ.10)After how many years does Olympics held ? a)4 b) 5 c)6 d)7Chapter -18.No Place For UsQ.1)What is the main occupation of villagers? a)goat keeping b) keeping cow c)farming d)Working in factoriesQ.2)We sell empty bottles and news papers to— a)shopkeeper b)Kabadiwala c)fruitseller d)vegetable sellerQ.3)A big wall across the river is called— a)Canal b)dam c)lake d)RoadQ.4)What do you mean by Emigration? a)Moving to another country b)Moving to another town c)Moving to another city d)Moving to another colonyQ.5)The people living in the villages are called as- a)Shepherd b)urban people c)villagers d)durban peopleQ.6)What is the big problem in the cities? a) Shelter b) transport c)communication c)clothsQ.7)What was the name of Jatryabhai’s daughter? a)Chameli b)Geeta c)Radha d)JhimliQ.8)Which job Jatryabhai use to do at Mumbai?a)Cobbler b)Barber c)Repairing fishing nets d)beggerQ.9)What was Jatrya’s native place? a)Khedi b)Mumbai c)Sinduri d)NagpurQ.10)People live in forests are called as-a)Jungli b)Adivasis c)Rural d) villagersChapter. 19 A Seed Tells Farmers’s StoryQ.1)Which of the following is the mixed vegetables dish? a)Sabji b)Chutney c)Undhiya d)CurryQ.2)Who is called the farmers friend? a)Mongoose b)snake c)earthworm d)ratQ.3)A natural fertiliser is called as- a)Compost b)Organic fertilizer c)Urea d)Inorganic fertilizerQ.4)Which leaves are used to save grains from insects? a)Mango b)Babool c)Neem d)Peepal Q.5)What is used to plough the fields instead of bullocks? a)Cultivator b)Tractor c)tiller d)None of theseQ.6)Loosning of soil is called as- a)Irrigation b)Harvesting c)Winnowing d)PloughingQ.7)Undhiya is eaten with- a)Jawar roties b)Bajara roties c)rice d)Maize rotiesQ.8)Which of the following is Monocot seed? a)Maize b)Coriander c)Chana d)Moong Q.9)What is inside the seed? a) A big tree b) A small plant c)Nothing d)fruitsQ.10)What are used to kill the insects? a)Medicines b)Insecticides c)Germicides d) PesticidesChapter -20. Whose forests?1.Forests belong to____.a) someone b) no one c) everyone d)none of them2.The people living in the forest are called___a) janglis b)adivasis c)foresters d) nomads3.Only those people have right over the forest who have been living in the forest for at least_______________________. a) 10 years b) 15 years c) 20 years d) 25 years4.The language of the adivasis is _________.a) Kuduk b) Suduk c) Muduk d) Auduk5.In Mizoram school children drink water from a stream in a cup made of _______. a) clay b) bamboo c) mud d) plastic6. The famous dance of Mizoram is____ a)Kuchipudi b) Kathak c) Cheraw .d)Garba7.About _____ people of Mizoram are linked to forest. a)1/4th b) 2/3rd c) 3/4th d) 1/28.In Jhoom farming what makes the land fertile__.a)ash b)cowdungc)manured)fertilizer9.In Kuduk language Torang means____.a) library b) hall c) forest d) playground 10.The adivasi girl who joined the Jungle Bachao Andolan was________.a) Chintamani b)Priyamani c)Rukhmani d) SuryamaniChapter -21 . Like Father ,Like Daughter1.Saroja and Suvasini looked alike because they were__.a) twice b)two c)twins d)double2.Polio is a disease which affects the______ . a) hands b)legs c)hear d)lungs3.Pulse polio is given to all children below______.a)1 year b)2 years c)5 years d)7 years4.The person who did experiment with pea to find out the law of inheritance was______. a)Mendel b)Al Burani c)Gaurav Jani d)Neil Armstrong5.Name the disease which is inherited_________.a) poliob)leprosy c)diabetesd)swine flu6.Saroja knew _________________ languages. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 7.You can measure the exact height of a person with a _______________. a) stick b) inch tape c) rope d) thread8. We acquire certain traits at birth from our_.a) teachers b)friendsc) parentsd)classmates9.Polio is caused by_____________.a) bacteria b) virus c) germs d) fungus10.Saroja and Suvasini were___________._a) brothers b) friends c) relatives d) sistersChapter-22. On the move again1.The famous sweet dish of Maharashtra is___.a) Sewaianb)Ladduc)Rasgullad)Puranpoli2.Mukadam is an agent who lends______.a) books b) seeds c) money d) dress3.Sugarcane farming can be done in months when there is ____________________. a) no rainfall b) less rainfall c)heavy rainfall d) moderate rainfall4.Dhanu’s family members work on the lands of big farmers till_________________. a) Holi b)Dushehra c) Id d)Christmas5.The villagers have to leave their village in search of__.a) plantsb)clothesc)housed)work6.Irrigation is not done by__________.a) tube well b)step well c)well d)sleep well7.What do people use in villages for carrying luggage? a) bullock cart b) bus c) train d) jeep8.Which people go to other villages in search of job? a) old people b) sick people c) rich people d)young people9.Dhanu is not able to go to school for __a) 2 monthsb)4 months c)6 months d)8 months10. In Maharashtra mother is called_________.a) bai b) mai c) tai d) aai ................

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