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Exploring the Periodic TablePeriods and FamiliesThe periodic table is organized into seven horizontal rows called periods. Elements in the same period generally do not have a lot in common. There are also vertical columns of elements called families. Elements in the same family do share many common characteristics. Number each of the families of the periodic table 1-18.Label each of the families on the periodic table described below:The first family is called the alkali metals.The second family is called the alkaline earth metals.Families 3-12 are called transition metals.Family 17 is made up of halogens. Family 18 is made up of the noble gases.Metals and NonmetalsMost of the elements in the periodic table are metals. Metals are elements that can conduct electricity and heat, have luster, are malleable (can be hammered into thin sheets), and are ductile (can be drawn into a thin wire). Choose a colored pencil, and lightly shade in each of the metals. These should include:The first two elements of period 2.The first three elements of period 3.The first thirteen elements (up to gallium) of period 4.The first fourteen elements (up to tin) of period 5.All elements of period 6 up to bismuth, including the lanthanides.All elements of period 7, including the actinides.Nonmetals have properties that are, in many ways, the opposite of metals. They are not good conductors, do not have a luster, and are brittle. Choose a colored pencil and lightly shade in each of the nonmetals. These should include:Both hydrogen and helium in period one.Period two elements including and following carbon.Period three elements including and following phosphorus.Period four elements including and following selenium.Iodine and xenon in period five.Radon only in period six.Metalloids are elements that have properties of metals and nonmetals. All of the elements remaining between the metals and nonmetals are metalloids. Lightly color each in with a colored pencil. Periodic Table PracticePrecious metals are naturally-occurring elements with a high economic value. Locate the chemical symbol of each of these precious metals:GoldPlatinumSilverCopperPalladiumWhat group or family of elements are each of the precious metals found in?Semiconductors are materials that have an electrical conductivity less than metals like copper but greater than nonmetals. The two most commercially-used semiconductors are silicon and germanium. Give the symbol of each element.Are these elements metals, nonmetals, or metalloids?Rare earth metals produce some of the strongest magnets known on the Earth. They are hard to find because they are dispersed throughout the Earth’s crust. Write the name of each of these rare earth metals:PrNdSmBromine is one of the few elements that is a liquid at room temperature. What is the chemical symbol of bromine?Is bromine a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid?What group or family of elements is bromine in?Elements with atomic masses in brackets or parentheses are radioactive and unstable. The atomic mass represents the most stable isotope. List the names and symbols of three of these elements.Are these elements metals, nonmetals, or metalloids?Table salt has a chemical formula of NaCl. What two elements is it made of?The halogens are sometimes called “salt formers”, because they can react with other elements (usually alkali metals and alkaline earth metals) to produce salts. List another halogen besides chlorine and an alkaline earth metal that could combine to produce a salt.The modern periodic table is arranged by increasing atomic number. Early versions were arranged by atomic mass. Find two elements whose order would be reversed in one of these early tables.Some elements have been given symbols based on their Latin name. Find three elements whose symbols and English names do not match.The periodic table was first devised by a Russian scientist named Demitri Mendeleev. Give the chemical symbol of the element named after him. Is this element a metal or nonmetal?Is this element radioactive?right444500This is a list of the most common elements in the human body. Make a pie chart showing the relative percentages of each. Label the pie chart with the chemical symbol of each element.Oxygen – 65%Carbon – 18.5%Hydrogen – 9.5%Nitrogen – 3.2%Calcium – 1.5% Phosphorus – 1.0%Which of the major elements that make up the human body is the only metal? ................

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