Michael Warren Myers - WSU

Michael W. Myers University Address Washington State University Pullman, PO Box 644880 Pullman, WA 99164-4880 (509) 335-8036 e-mail: myers@wsu.edu Current Appointment Washington State University Professor, School of Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs Coordinator, Religious Studies Program Areas of Specialization Areas of Competence Philosophies of India Philosophies of China and Japan Philosophy of Religion World War II Strategic Studies Religious Pluralism Post-Holocaust Jewish PhilosophyEducationPh.D. in philosophy, University of Hawaii, 1990Program in Comparative Philosophy Dissertation: “Their Conceptual Sphere is Where the Cow Wanders: Metaphor and Model from Veda to Vedanta” Directed by K. N. UpadhyayaM.A. in philosophy, Gonzaga University, 1981B.A. with major in philosophy, University of Washington, 1974Minor in GermanCurrent Research1. Book manuscript: “Religious Pluralism Inside and Out: The Public and Private Expression of Religion”My major project is the preparation of a manuscript on religious pluralism. The goal of the book is to address the implications of religious diversity for both personal religion and policy decisions in the public sphere. The book will join inquiry into questions of individual belief with the relation of democracies and other groups to religious communities. 2. Contribution to edited book manuscript: “Japan’s Asia-Pacific War: New Interpretations”My role is to serve as co-editor and contribute an essay to the volume. My contribution will consist of a chapter based on new findings since the publication of my book The Pacific War and Contingent Victory: Why Japanese Defeat Was Not Inevitable. PublicationsBooks1. The Pacific War and Contingent Victory: Why Japanese Defeat Was Not Inevitable. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2015.2. Brahman: A Comparative Theology. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 2001.3. Let the Cow Wander: Modeling the Metaphors in Veda and Vedanta (Monographs of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, no.14). Honolulu: Univ. of Hawaii Press, 1995.Book Chapters1. “Dvaita Theory of Knowledge and the Spirit of Science” Dr. B.N.K. Sharma First Death Anniversary Commemoration Volume. Mumbai: S. K. Bhavani, 2006, pp. 123-126.2. “Ethical and Religious Perspectives on Kyosei (Living Together)” Toward a Peaceable Future: Redefining Peace, Security and Kyosei from a Multidisciplinary Perspective. Ed. Yoichiro Murakami, Noriko Kawamura and Shin Chiba. Pullman, WA: Thomas J. Foley Institute, 2005, pp. 167-177.3. “Hymns from the Rgveda” Reading About the World, Ed. Paul Brians, Michael Myers et al. Fort Worth: Harcourt College, 1999, pp. 126-129.Journal Articles (All refereed except No. 3)1. “The Possibility of Religious Pluralism” Forum on Public Policy (Oxford University), 4:1 (2008): 91-97.2. “Sankaracarya and ananda” Philosophy East and West, 48:4 (October 1998): 553-567. Original paper, response by B. N. K. Sharma, and concluding remarks. 3. “Verifiability Criteria in the Religious Pluralisms of Vivekananda and Cantwell Smith” Journal of Religious Pluralism, IV (1994): 17-29.4. “Tat tvam asi as Advaitic Metaphor” Philosophy East and West, 43:2 (April 1993): 229-242.5. “Wise Blood and the Japanese yugen Aesthetic” The Flannery O’Connor Bulletin, XXI (1992): 58-72.6. “A Platonic Explication of G. M. Hopkins’ ‘To Seem the Stranger’” The Explicator, 45:1 (Fall 1986): 27-29.Creative Achievements1. Across the Pacific. Reno, NV: Pacific Rim, 2010.Historical simulation of World War II in Asia and the Pacific. I designed the game and contributed a historical summary and annotated bibliography. 2. Across the Pacific [Japanese language edition]. Osaka: Kokusai-Tsushin, 2014.A Japanese edition of Across the Pacific was published in 2014. The translator and developer was Nakaguro Yasushi. I collaborated with him so that the Japanese version essentially forms a 2nd edition.Book Reviews1. Classical Hindu Thought: An Introduction by Arvind Sharma (Oxford Univ. Pr., 2000), for Journal of Hindu Studies, April 2001. 2. God, Mystery, Diversity: Christian Theology in a Pluralistic World by Gordon D. Kaufman (Fortress Pr., 1996), for Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 37:1 (Winter 2000): 79-80.3. India’s Agony over Religion by Gerald James Larson (SUNY Pr., 1995), for Journal of Asian Studies, 56:1 (February 1997): 234-236.4. Faith and the Other: A Relational Theology by Paul R. Sponheim (Fortress Pr., 1993), for Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 34:1 (Winter 1997): 243-244.5. Perceiving in Advaita Vedanta: Epistemological Analysis and Interpretation by Bina Gupta (Bucknell Univ. Pr., 1991), for Philosophy East and West, 44:2 (April 1994): 406-408.6. An Apology for Apologetics by Paul J. Griffiths, Dissonant Voices: Religious Pluralism and the Question of Truth by Harold Netland, and Attitudes of Religions and Ideologies toward the Outsider: the Other, ed. Leonard Swidler and Paul Mojzes, for Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 30:3/4 (Summer/Fall 1993): 484-485.7. The Book of Theodicy: Translation and Commentary on the Book of Job by Saadiah Ben Joseph Al-Fayyumi, trans. and with commentary by L. E. Goodman (Yale Univ. Pr., 1988), for Philosophy East and West, 42:1 (January 1992): 370-372.Grants and AwardsGrants1. Samuel and Patricia Smith Teaching and Learning Grant, Washington State University [$4000]Grant to revise courses to new University Core standards (UCORE) in a public way to serve as a model for other faculty, 2011Grants (continued)2. US Dept. of Education, Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Program [$1000]Grant to incorporate new materials into Philosophies and Religions of China and Japan class, and infuse it with recent scholarship on Pacific Rim cultures, 20113. Plateau Center for American Indian Studies, Washington State University [$500]Grant to bring three Nez Perce tribal members to graduate seminar to speak on “Religious Pluralism in the Nez Perce Community,” 20104. Spalding Foundation, England [?1000]Grant to attend the Oxford Round Table and submit paper to the Oxford Forum on Public Policy, 20075. Washington State University [$500]Grant to travel to Gonzaga University for research during professional leave, 19976. University of Hawaii [$800]Grant to travel to Miami University of Ohio for 3rd International Congress of Vedanta, 19907. Asia Pacific Scholarship [Tuition waiver]University of Hawaii, 1989Awards1. William F. Mullen Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts, 20102. Naval ROTC Award for Excellence in Teaching, Washington State University/University of Idaho, 20053. Kappa Delta Pi, Education Honor Society, 1983Conference Presentations1. Keynote speech: “Seaweed of War: Discerning Strategy and Contingency in the Pacific War” Columbia Valley Undergraduate Asian Studies Research Symposium, Washington State University, Apr. 18, 20142. The Veritas Forum: “Making Sense of Suffering: The Existence of Evil and the Human Journey” A Conversation between Dr. Michael Rea, Co-Director of the Center for Philosophy of Religion at Notre Dame University, and Dr. Michael Myers, Philosophy Professor in the School of Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs at Washington State University, April 9, 2014 (Washington State University) and April 10, 2014 (University of Idaho)Conference Presentations (continued)3. Four Glimpses of Scholarship in the Humanities: “Empathy and Religious Diversity” at the Humanities Week Roundtable, Washington State University, Jan. 28, 2014 4. “Strategy and Contingency in the Pacific War” The Joseph Kruzel Memorial Foreign and Defense Policy Luncheon Series at Washington State University, January 20145. “A Conversation Between Franz Rosenzweig and Adolf Hitler”Washington State University/University of Idaho Philosophy Colloquium, September 20116. “Is There a Referent for the Term ‘Philosophy after the Holocaust’?” Washington State University/University of Idaho Philosophy Colloquium, October 20107. “Jewish Perspectives on Religious Pluralism” Asia Program, Washington State University, October 20108. “Wending One’s Way Between Belief and Unbelief” (two-part lecture series) Washington State University/University of Idaho Philosophy Colloquium and the Washington State University Religious Studies Group, October 20099. “The Possibility of Religious Pluralism”Washington State University/University of Idaho Philosophy Colloquium, September 200710. “The Possibility of Living a Religiously Plural Life”Oxford Round Table, Oxford University, July 200711. “A Coug Takes on the Fighting Irish: Myers on Plantinga and Van Inwagen”Washington State University/University of Idaho Philosophy Colloquium, April 200712. “Ethical and Religious Perspectives on Kyosei (Living Together)”International Christian University/Washington State University Conference on Peace, Security and Conviviality, Washington State University, September 200413. “Madhva Vedanta and Scientific Method” Invited plenary session speaker14th International Congress of Vedanta, Miami University of Ohio, April 200414. “Martin Buber and Indian Philosophy”13th International Congress of Vedanta, Miami University of Ohio, September 200215. “Is Brahman God?”12th International Congress of Vedanta, Miami University of Ohio, September 2000Conference Presentations (continued)16. “Pramanas and Prameyas: The Relationship of Philosophy and Theology in the Indian Schools”Washington State University/University of Idaho Philosophy Colloquium, January 200017. “Further Thoughts on Sankara and ananda: B.N.K. Sharma and G. C. Pande”8th International Congress of Vedanta, Miami University of Ohio, October 199618. “Sankaracarya and ananda”7th International Congress of Vedanta, University of Madras, India, January 199619. “Ayodhya and the Religious Worldview”7th East-West Philosophers’ Conference, East-West Center, University of Hawaii, January 199520. “G. C. Pande’s Concept of Sacrifice”5th International Congress of Vedanta, Miami University of Ohio, August 199421. “Verifiability Criteria in the Religious Pluralisms of Vivekananda and Cantwell Smith”4th International Congress of Vedanta, Miami University of Ohio, April 199222. “The Ontological Argument as a Way of Worldmaking” 43rd Northwest Conference in Philosophy, University of Washington, November 199123. “Metaphor and Model in Sankara's Real-Process Idealism”3rd International Congress of Vedanta, Miami University of Ohio, April 199024. “Metaphor in the Rgveda: Toward a Contemporary Model of Religious Explanation”6th Symposium of the Center for South Asian Studies, University of Hawaii, March 1989Teaching and AdvisingTeachingWashington State University, 1991-presentGraduate coursesPhilosophy of Education (twice; once through distance delivery)Aristotle (once)Buddhist Philosophy (once)Religion and Ethics (once)Teaching (continued)Conjoint Graduate/Advanced Undergraduate Seminars (each once): Liberation Theology: Past and PresentIsrael as a Nexus of Religious PluralismWhat’s So Great about Religious Pluralism?Dawkins, Dennett and Delusion: The Fate of ReligionJewish Perspectives in the Philosophy of Religion Three Jewish Philosophers: Spinoza, Rosenzweig and FackenheimMartin Buber: A Study in ImaginationNishida Kitaro and the Kyoto SchoolStudies in Buddhist PhilosophyBuddha and Christ in Comparative PerspectiveApproaches to Religious PluralismPhilosophy and MysticismSystematic TheologySizing Up Critical StudiesUndergraduate coursesIntroduction to Philosophy (8 times)Introduction to Ethics (once)Philosophy of Religion (22 times)Writing and Reasoning (9 times)World Civilizations to 1500 (10 times)Philosophies and Religions of India (26 times)Philosophies and Religions of China and Japan (28 times)The Book of God and the Mind of Nature: Science and Religion (Team-taught with Joseph Keim Campbell, once)Yoga and Vedanta (Honors course, once)The Spiritual Quest (Honors course, twice)Interdisciplinary Approaches to Religious Diversity (Honors course, once)On-line courseDeveloped course “Philosophies and Religions of China and Japan,” wrote class text, and taught on-line twiceUniversity of Hawaii--Manoa, 1986-1990Undergraduate coursesIntroduction to Philosophy (once)Introduction to Morals and Society (once)Gonzaga University, 1980-1986Undergraduate coursesIntroduction to Critical Thinking [Logic] (13 times)Philosophy of Human Nature (twice)Introduction to Ethics (twice)Teaching (continued)Spokane Community Colleges, 1982-1985CoursesIntroduction to Philosophy (twice)Ethics (once)Advising and MentoringAdvising/MentoringReligious studies majors, 1992 to presentAsia Program majors, 2011-2013M.A. students in philosophy, 2004-2007Liberal Arts Program majors, 2000-2004Philosophy pre-majors, 2000-2004Graduate Student Committees1. Jacob Wells, History (M.A.), 2014-present2. Jhoanna Duran, Political Science (M.A.), 2014-present3. Adam Wickens, M.A. in philosophy: “Toward a Pantheistic Philosophy of Time” 2010 [chair]4. Daniel Mistak, M.A. in philosophy: “Disruption: An Interrogation of the Foundations of Ethical Systems” 20105. Todd Trembley, M.A. in philosophy: “Martin Buber’s I and You: Responsibility, Sacrifice, and Forgiveness” 20076. Athena Griffith, M.A. in sociology: “On Social Construction of Whiteness: What Does it Mean to be White?” 20067. Xin Liu, M.A. in philosophy: “Conceptual and Comparative Foundations for Environmental Ethics: A Daoist Perspective” 20068. David Howell, Ph.D. in interdisciplinary studies: “Nishida and the Philosophy of Education,” 19979. Shu-wei Lin, M.A. in theater: “Zhuangzi’s Butterfly,” 1994ServiceAt the international/national/community level:Peer reviewer for Philosophy East and WestAt the university level:Humanities Center Planning Group, 2011-dateInterim Director, Asia Program, 2011-2013Affiliate of Plateau Center for American Indian Studies, 2009-2011, 2014-dateAt the College of Arts and Sciences level:Chair of tenure review committee for new Director of the School of Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 2014-2015Strategic Planning Committee, 2014-present. Member also of External Recognition and Communication Subcommittee.Undergraduate Studies Advisory Committee, 2014At the unit level (School of Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs):Philosophy Tenure and Promotion Guideloines subcommittee, 2013-2014Graduate Studies Committee, 2013-2014Undergraduate Studies Committee, 2011-2012, 2014-present. Chair 2011-2012Award presenter Scholarship and Fellowship Awards Ceremony, 2014Other service:Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Philosophy, 2004-2007CoordinatorReligious Studies Program, Washington State University, 1992-presentLiberal Arts Program, Washington State University, 2000-2004Images of Asia mini-course, Washington State University, April 1995Freshman Seminar Program, Philosophy Department, University of Hawaii, 1989Service (continued)Participant1. Asia Program, Washington State University, 1991-present2. Graduate Mentor Liaison, Graduate School, 2004-present3. Presenter, Asia Program mini-course, 1996, 2005, 20094. Panel chair, Columbia Valley Undergraduate Asian Studies Symposium, 2006, 2008, 20105. Excel program for students at risk, 19956. Freshman Seminar Program, Washington State University, 1994-19997. Summer workshops for world civilizations teachers, Washington State University, 1990-1999 (presenter 1995, 1998)8. Workshop abroad in India and Thailand, Washington State University, 1992-1993Other Committees and Service1. Faculty Senator, 2010-20112. Curriculum Committee, College of Liberal Arts, 2008-20113. Meyer Professorship Evaluation Committee, 20084. Scholarship and Essay Prize Committee, Department of Philosophy, 2007 [chair]5. Dean’s Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation, College of Liberal Arts, 2000-20036. General Education Committee, 1999-20037. Library Committee, Faculty Senate 1995-1998 [chair, 1997-1998]Numerous Search committees and Promotion and Tenure CommitteesModerator1. Debate: “The Existence of God” Phil Fernandes vs. Eddie Tabash. Sponsored by Secular Student Alliance, 20092. Debate “Is Christianity a Better Basis for Morality than Atheism?” Dan Barker vs. Mark Bradley. Sponsored by the WSU Atheist and Agnostic Student Group, 2008Student Groups1. Faculty mentor of Meditation Club, 2014-present2. Faculty mentor of Secular Cougs, 2012-20143. Atheist Agnostic Student Group. Led discussion on “Jewish Philosophy and Jewish Atheism” 20104. Atheist Agnostic Student Group. Led discussion on “The Argument from Evolution” 20095. Wilmer-Davis Hall. Gave talk on “World Religions” 2009Community Discussions“Wending One’s Way Between Belief and Unbelief.” Led a two-part discussion series at Interfaith House 2009Other ExperienceIndexer1. Interpreting Across Boundaries. Ed. Gerald Larson and Eliot Deutsch. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Pr., 1988.2. Heidegger and Asian Thought. Ed. Graham Parkes. Honolulu: Univ. of Hawaii Pr., 1987.Administrative Assistant1. 6th East-West Philosopher’s Conference, University of Hawaii, 19892. NEH Summer Institute on Nagarjuna and Buddhist Thought, University of Hawaii, 1989Library Assistant1. Hamilton Library, University of Hawaii 1987-1988Serials2. Crosby Library, Gonzaga University 1979-1986Acquisitions3. Washington State Library, Olympia 1975-1978CatalogingLanguagesClassical and Vedic Sanskrit, reading knowledgeGerman, reading knowledge ................

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