Colorado Professional Learning Network

Lesson Planning Template(Highlighted fields/items should be completed) (Formatted to be shared on the Colorado Professional Network- )NAME*Jamie Odum & Rose MontoyaDISTRICT/SCHOOL*Primero School District Re-2Lesson Plan Title*CONTENT AREA*Solids, Liquids, Gas – Lesson 5Physical ScienceGRADE LEVEL(S)*DURATION OF LESSON*(minutes, class periods, weeks?)1st Grade30 minutesSTANDARD(S) ADDRESSED* (Colorado Academic Standards documents can be found at: 1.1 a-cDOES THIS LESSON SUPPORT A COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SAMPLE CURRICULUM OR INSTRUCTIONAL UNIT? If so, include the unit name(s) and/or link to the appropriate sample instructional unit(s). QUESTION/BIG IDEA/THEMELEARNING OBJECTIVES/STUDENT OUTCOMES* (What students will understand, know, and be able to do.)*Compare and contrast solids, liquids, and gases.PREPARATION* (What do I need to do prior to teaching this lesson?)Song The Three States of Matter (Sung to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus)Solids, Liquids, and Gases Sorting activity worksheetPattern BlocksGeo BoardsSticky notesDry erase boards, markers, and erasersConstruction PaperLEARNING EXPERIENCES AND ACTIVITIES* (Describe the learning activities, assignments, instructional strategies, and possible modifications/differentiation for students to be successful. Include connections with other content areas.)Review states of matter by singing The Three States of Matter.Have students sort a variety of items according to the correct state of matter. Use the Solids, Liquids, and Gases sorting worksheet.Review with a short “What Am I?” quiz. Students can respond in a variety of ways: with a physical action to represent each state of matter, with a verbal response of the correct state of matter, or with a written response on paper or a dry erase board with the correct state of matter. (See attached “Three States of Matter-What Am I?” document).Have students draw pictures with captions of each state of matter on a sticky note and have them place it in the appropriate category on the board. (With a marker or chalk separate your board into three categories SOLID, LIQUID, GAS).Identify Vocabulary:*Observe*Alike*Different*Compare*ContrastObserve: Have students use actions to determine which sense they would use to observe solids, liquids, and gases. You can verbally provide the solid, liquids, and gases. For example, you will say “APPLE” the students can respond by making binoculars for the sense sight, they can move their hands around for the sense touch, they can say MMMMMM… for the sense taste, they can inhale through their noses loudly for the sense smell. The action for hear could be cupping their hand around their ears. Alike: Use pattern blocks to sort items by their common attributes.Different: Use pattern blocks to determine different attributes that the blocks pare: Use geo boards to compare shapes that are congruent or alike.Inflate: Use geo boards to compare shapes that are not congruent or different.KEY TOPICS RESOURCES (What materials, hardware, software, online resources, websites will be required?)ASSESSMENT* (How will you know if the students have "gotten it"?)Create a foldable that demonstrates students’ knowledge of Solids, Liquids, and Gases.Fold paper hamburger style.Fold paper into three equal parts.Cut the folds on the front cover of the hamburger fold. (You should have three cuts that create flaps.)Label the front of each flap with the three states of matter: SOLID, LIQUID, and GAS.Inside the flap they need to write what each state of matter means, what it is, or its attributes.The third portion of the state of matter foldable should be a picture with a label for an example of the state of matter.Finally on the back of the foldable the students should use the word SOLID, LIQUID, and GAS in a sentence to demonstrate an understanding of each state of matter. ................

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