1. What three words would you use to describe yourself? 7 ...

Getting Started...

1. What three words would you use to describe yourself? 2. What three words would your friends use to describe you? 3. What three words would your parents use to describe you? 4. What three words would your teachers use to describe you? 5. Which descriptors are similar? Different? Why? 6. Ideally, how would you wish for people to describe you? 7. What song or song lyrics best capture your attitude toward life? 8. What is the most embarrassing moment in your life? 9. When have you surprised yourself? 10. Who is the most intriguing person you've met? 11. Who would you like to meet? 12.What are the three most important events that have taken place in your

life? Why are they important? 13. What personal accomplishment makes you the most proud? 14.What are your three greatest strengths? 15.What three areas of your life need the most improvement? 16.What is your philosophy of life? 17.What does your room look like, and what does this say about you? 18.Why do you want to go to college? 19.How do you hope to be different when you graduate college? 20.Describe yourself and what you want to be doing ten years from now. 21.What has been your most interesting class in high school? Why was it

interesting to you? 22.What are the three worst mistakes you have made in your life? Are you

any different now because of those mistakes? 23.Pick two or three extracurricular activities you participate in. Why do you

participate? 24.What are the three biggest obstacles you have overcome in your life? 25.What person or persons have been influential in your life? Why?


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