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WF SEM II 1.06 & 1.10 Marketing Research Project Name ______________________Follow the Steps of the Consumer Research Process!Directions: For this project, you will be completing all of the steps for the consumer research process. I would suggest answering the following questions in steps. Save each step as you go. Use the scenario below as a basis for your research.Scenario:INCREASING ATTENDANCE AT LOCAL EVENTSAttendance at your high school’s sporting events has dropped considerably over the past three years. The athletic director at your school has come to your marketing class asking for a plan to increase attendance at games or other events.Develop a 10 question survey. Then survey a representative sample of students, staff members and parents. Your sample should be made up of at least 10 participants of your school population. Once you have gathered your data, prepare a series of graphs and charts illustrating the responses for each survey question. Use the free version of survey monkey (). Then administer the survey (email, post on facebook, and/or send through twitter for participants to complete the survey.) Make sure you include parents, students and school staff in your survey.You should type the answers to the questions in the following steps. Please COPY and PASTE these questions into a new document and provide your typed answers. Save the document as: 1.06 Designing the research process. Turn in a copy for your grade.Step 1: Define the Focus of Your ResearchWhat is the objective(s) of your research?What questions need to be answered? Give me at least 3 here.What is your hypothesis? Step 2: Define which Type of Research Design will be used. Determine what type of research design will be used. (exploratory, descriptive, or causal) Refer to your guided notes if necessary. Why is this type of research design appropriate for your study? EXPLAIN your answer!Step 3: Collect Data.What type of primary data are you going to collect?How do you plan on collecting your primary data?What sources of secondary data could you collect?How can you collect this secondary data?How are you going to obtain feedback? (personal observation, focus groups, questionnaires?)Step 4: Determine your sample.Explain who you will be administering your survey to. Be specific and make sure it is a good representation of the WFHS community!Next, begin to brainstorm and create the Questionnaire/surveyGenerate a list of questions for your questionnaire. This should be on a separate sheet of paper, or you may print your online survey for me and hand it in!Your questionnaire should consist of at least 10 questions. These should be a combination of closed-ended and open-ended questions. (This is what you are trying to prove, and you will then make recommendations based on your findings)Step 5: Administer your survey to 20 people (your sample).You can type your survey and administer, or you can use a website such as Survey Monkey, or you can email it out and print your results. Please conserve paper! Also email the survey address to yourself, so that the address will be saved to your email account. Have these 20 people to take the survey.Step 6: Analyze and interpret the results.After 20 people have completed your survey, you are to do the following: Tally the results of your survey. Turn this is into me when project is due!For example:Question 1 6 True & 4 FalseQuestion 2 5 Always, 3 Usually, 1 Sometimes, 1 NeverQuestion 3 4 attended 5 or fewer games, 6 attended 6-10 games, 0 attended more than 10 4669109209999Use Excel to create 3 charts and graphs illustrating the information gathered from at least 3 questions. Example data entered and Chart:None2One-Three5Four-Six2More than Six1STEPS TO CREATE CHARTS AND GRAPHSOpen ExcelDown Column A, enter the answer choices for the question chosenDown Column B, enter the total number of replies for that answer choiceHighlight all of the information that you have entered. For example, on the Excel worksheet shown above, I highlighted A1 through B 4 (A1:B4)Click the Insert tabChoose Column or Pie chartChoose a style, for example: 3D PieClick the Layout tab, Click Chart Title, Choose Above ChartEnter the Chart Title (the question that was asked) For example, Soccer Games AttendedClick & select the entire chart box, not just the chartThen you will right click to copy and then paste the charts and graphs into a Word documentSave the document as you work! Print it out if you are using on a poster, or paste them into your power point.Step 7: Recommend solutions: create your marketing report & presentation.Think like a marketer!Write at least two paragraphs about what you have learned from the completed surveys. Explain your strategic plan/recommendations based on your findings. Also, write a paragraph explaining 3 promotional ideas you could use to increase sales and exposure for your product/company.This presentation should be very neat and easy to understand. Follow the rubric! ................

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