Select Solutions to Chapter 7

Select Solutions to Chapter 7

7-14 East Company, which is highly automated, will have a cost structure dominated by fixed costs. West Company's cost structure will include a larger proportion of variable costs than East Company's cost structure.

A firm's operating leverage factor, at a particular sales volume, is defined as its total contribution margin divided by its net income. Since East Company has proportionately higher fixed costs, it will have a proportionately higher total contribution margin. Therefore, East Company's operating leverage factor will be higher.

7-15 When sales volume increases, Company X will have a higher percentage increase in profit than Company Y. Company X's higher proportion of fixed costs gives the firm a higher operating leverage factor. The company's percentage increase in profit can be found by multiplying the percentage increase in sales volume by the firm's operating leverage factor.

7-16 The sales mix of a multiproduct organization is the relative proportion of sales of its products.

The weighted-average unit contribution margin is the average of the unit contribution margins for a firm's several products, with each product's contribution margin weighted by the relative proportion of that product's sales.

7-17 The car rental agency's sales mix is the relative proportion of its rental business associated with each of the three types of automobiles: subcompact, compact, and full-size. In a multi-product CVP analysis, the sales mix is assumed to be constant over the relevant range of activity.

7-18 Cost-volume-profit analysis shows the effect on profit of changes in expenses, sales prices, and sales mix. A change in the hotel's room rate (price) will change the hotel's unit contribution margin. This contribution-margin change will alter the relationship between volume and profit.

7-21 The statement makes three assertions, but only two of them are true. Thus the statement is false. A company with an advanced manufacturing environment typically will have a larger proportion of fixed costs in its cost structure. This will result in a higher break-even point and greater operating leverage. However, the firm's higher break-even point will result in a reduced safety margin.

7-22 Activity-based costing (ABC) results in a richer description of an organization's cost behavior and CVP relationships. Costs that are fixed with respect to sales volume may not be fixed with respect to other important cost drivers. An ABC system recognizes these nonvolume cost drivers, whereas a traditional costing system does not.

Exercise 7-24 (25 minutes)

| | | |Total Contribution | | |Break-Even Sales |

| |Sales Revenue |Variable Expenses |Margin |Fixed Expenses |Net Income |Revenue |

|1 |$360,000 |$120,000 |$240,000 |$90,000 |$150,000 |$135,000 a |

|2 | 55,000 | 11,000 | 44,000 | 25,000 | 19,000 | 31,250b |

|3 | 320,000 c | 80,000 | 240,000 | 60,000 | 180,000 | 80,000 |

|4 | 160,000 | 130,000 | 30,000 | 30,000d | -0- |160,000 |

| |

|Explanatory notes for selected items: |

| | | |

|a$135,000 = $90,000 ( (2/3), where 2/3 is the contribution-margin ratio. |

| |

|b$31,250 = $25,000/.80, where .80 is the contribution-margin ratio. |

| | |

|cBreak-even sales revenue |$80,000 |

| Fixed expenses | 60,000 |

| Variable expenses |$20,000 |

| |

|Therefore, variable expenses are 25 percent of sales revenue. |

| |

|When variable expenses amount to $80,000, sales revenue is $320,000. |

| | |

|d$160,000 is the break-even sales revenue, so fixed expenses must be equal to the contribution margin of $30,000 and profit must be zero.|

Exercise 7-26 (25 minutes)

1. Profit-volume graph:

| | | |

| |Budgeted sales revenue | |

| | (10 games ( 6,000 seats ( .45 full ( $20) |$540,000 |

| |Break-even sales revenue | |

| | (20,000 tickets ( $20) | 400,000 |

| |Safety margin |$140,000 |

| | | |

|3. |Let P denote the break-even ticket price, assuming a 10-game season and 40 percent attendance: |

| | |

| |(10)(6,000)(.40)P – (10)(6,000)(.40)($2) – $360,000 |= |0 |

| |24,000P |= |$408,000 |

| |P |= |$17 per ticket |

Exercise 7-28 (25 minutes)

1. (a) Traditional income statement:

Pacific Rim Publications, Inc.

Income Statement

For the Year Ended December 31, 20xx

Sales $1,000,000

Less: Cost of goods sold 750,000

Gross margin $ 250,000

Less: Operating expenses:

Selling expenses $75,000

Administrative expenses 75,000 150,000

Net income $ 100,000

(b) Contribution income statement:

Pacific Rim Publications, Inc.

Income Statement

For the Year Ended December 31, 20xx

Sales $1,000,000

Less: Variable expenses:

Variable manufacturing $500,000

Variable selling 50,000

Variable administrative 15,000 565,000

Contribution margin $ 435,000

Less: Fixed expenses:

Fixed manufacturing $ 250,000

Fixed selling 25,000

Fixed administrative 60,000 335,000

Net income $ 100,000

|2. |[pic] | |

| | | |

exercise 7-28 (continued)

|3. |[pic] |

| | | |

| | |= 12% ( 4.35 |

| | |= 52.2% |

|4. |Most operating managers prefer the contribution income statement for answering this type of question. The contribution format |

| |highlights the contribution margin and separates fixed and variable expenses. |

Problem 7-34 (30 minutes)

|1. |Break-even point in sales dollars, using the contribution-margin ratio: |

| |[pic] |

| | |

|2. |Target net income, using contribution-margin approach: |

| |[pic] |

| | | |

|3. |New unit variable manufacturing cost |= $12 ( 110% |

| | |= $13.20 |

| |Break-even point in sales dollars: | |

| |[pic] |

Problem 7-34 (continued)

|4. |Let P denote the selling price that will yield the same contribution-margin ratio: |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| |Check: New contribution-margin ratio is: |

| |[pic] |

Problem 7-36 (30 minutes)

|1. |Break-even point in units, using the equation approach: |

| | | | |

| |$24X – ($15 + $3)X – $1,800,000 |= |0 |

| |$6X |= |$1,800,000 |

| |X |= |[pic] |

| | |= |300,000 units |

| | | | |

|2. |New projected sales volume |= |400,000 ( 110% |

| | |= |440,000 units |

| |Net income |= |(440,000)($24 – $18) – $1,800,000 |

| | |= |(440,000)($6) – $1,800,000 |

| | |= |$2,640,000 – $1,800,000 = $840,000 |

| | | | |

|3. |Target net income = $600,000 (from original problem data) |

| | |

| |New disk purchase price = $15 ( 130% = $19.50 |

| | |

| |Volume of sales dollars required: |

| | | |

| |Volume of sales dollars required |[pic] |

| | |

Problem 7-36 (Continued)

|4. |Let P denote the selling price that will yield the same contribution-margin ratio: |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| |Check: New contribution-margin ratio is: |

| | |

| |[pic] |

5. The electronic version of the Solutions Manual “BUILD A SPREADSHEET SOLUTIONS” is available on your Instructors CD and on the Hilton, 8e website: hilton8e.


1. Unit contribution margin:

|Sales price………………………………… | |$32.00 |

|Less variable costs: | | |

|Sales commissions ($32 x 5%)…… |$ 1.60 | |

|System variable costs……………… | 8.00 | 9.60 |

|Unit contribution margin……………….. | |$22.40 |

Break-even point = fixed costs ÷ unit contribution margin

= $1,971,200 ÷ $22.40

= 88,000 units

2. Model A is more profitable when sales and production average 184,000 units.

| |Model A |Model B |

| | | |

|Sales revenue (184,000 units x $32.00)……... |$5,888,000 |$5,888,000 |

|Less variable costs: | | |

|Sales commissions ($5,888,000 x 5%)… |$ 294,400 |$ 294,400 |

|System variable costs:…………………… | | |

|184,000 units x $8.00…………………. | 1,472,000 | |

|184,000 units x $6.40…………………. | | 1,177,600 |

|Total variable costs……………………….. |$1,766,400 |$1,472,000 |

|Contribution margin…………………………... |$4,121,600 |$4,416,000 |

|Less: Annual fixed costs…………………….. | 1,971,200 | 2,227,200 |

|Net income……………………………………… |$2,150,400 |$2,188,800 |

3. Annual fixed costs will increase by $180,000 ($900,000 ÷ 5 years) because of straight-line depreciation associated with the new equipment, to $2,407,200 ($2,227,200 + $180,000). The unit contribution margin is $24 ($4,416,000 ÷ 184,000 units). Thus:

Required sales = (fixed costs + target net profit) ÷ unit contribution margin

= ($2,407,200 + $1,912,800) ÷ $24

= 180,000 units

4. Let X = volume level at which annual total costs are equal

$8.00X + $1,971,200 = $6.40X + $2,227,200

$1.60X = $256,000

X = 160,000 units

Problem 7-38 (25 minutes)

1. Closing of mall store:

Loss of contribution margin at Mall Store $(108,000)

Savings of fixed cost at Mall Store (75%) 90,000

Loss of contribution margin at Downtown Store (10%) (14,400)

Total decrease in operating income $ (32,400)

2. Promotional campaign:

Increase in contribution margin (10%) $10,800

Increase in monthly promotional expenses ($180,000/12) (15,000)

Decrease in operating income $(4,200)

3. Elimination of items sold at their variable cost:

We can restate the November 20x4 data for the Mall Store as follows:

| |Mall Store |

| |Items Sold at Their | |

| |Variable Cost | |

| | |Other Items |

|Sales $180,000* $180,000* |

|Less: variable expenses 180,000 72,000 |

|Contribution margin $ -0- $108,000 |

| |

|If the items sold at their variable cost are eliminated, we have: |

|Decrease in contribution margin on other items (20%) $ (21,600) |

|Decrease in fixed expenses (15%) 18,000 |

|Decrease in operating income $ (3,600) |

*$180,000 is one half of the Mall Store's dollar sales for November 20x4.

4. The electronic version of the Solutions Manual “BUILD A SPREADSHEET SOLUTIONS” is available on your Instructors CD and on the Hilton, 8e website: hilton8e.


1. Sales mix refers to the relative proportion of each product sold when a company sells more than one product.

2. (a) Yes. Plan A sales are expected to total 65,000 units (19,500 + 45,500), which

compares favorably against current sales of 60,000 units.

b) Yes. Sales personnel earn a commission based on gross dollar sales. As the following figures show, Cold King sales will comprise a greater proportion of total sales under Plan A. This is not surprising in light of the fact that Cold King has a higher selling price than Mister Ice Cream ($43 vs. $37).

| |Current |Plan A |

| | | | | |

| | |Sales Mix | |Sales Mix |

| |Units | |Units | |

| | | | | |

|Mister Ice Cream |21,000 | 35% |19,500 | 30% |

|Cold King |39,000 | 65% |45,500 | 70% |

|Total |60,000 |100% |65,000 |100% |

c) Yes. Commissions will total $267,800 ($2,678,000 x 10%), which compares favorably against the current flat salaries of $200,000.

|Mister Ice Cream sales: 19,500 units x $37 |$ 721,500 |

|Cold King sales: 45,500 units x $43 | 1,956,500 |

|Total sales |$2,678,000 |


d) No. The company would be less profitable under the new plan.

| |Current |Plan A |

|Sales revenue: | | |

|Mister Ice Cream: 21,000 units x $37; 19,500 units x $37 |$ 777,000 |$ 721,500 |

|Cold King: 39,000 units x $43; 45,500 units x $43 | 1,677,000 | 1,956,500 |

|Total revenue |$2,454,000 |$2,678,000 |

|Less variable cost: | | |

|Mister Ice Cream: 21,000 units x $20.50; 19,500 units x $20.50 |$ 430,500 |$ 399,750 |

|Cold King: 39,000 units x $32.50; 45,500 units x $32.50 | 1,267,500 | 1,478,750 |

|Sales commissions (10% of sales revenue) | | 267,800 |

|Total variable cost |$1,698,000 |$2,146,300 |

|Contribution margin |$ 756,000 |$ 531,700 |

|Less fixed cost (salaries) | 200,000 | ----___ |

|Net income |$ 556,000 |$ 531,700 |

3. (a) The total units sold under both plans are the same; however, the sales mix has shifted under Plan B in favor of the more profitable product as judged by the contribution margin. Cold King has a contribution margin of $10.50 ($43.00 - $32.50), and Mister Ice Cream has a contribution margin of $16.50 ($37.00 - $20.50).

| |Plan A |Plan B |

| | | | | |

| | |Sales Mix | |Sales Mix |

| |Units | |Units | |

| | | | | |

|Mister Ice Cream |19,500 | 30% |39,000 | 60% |

|Cold King |45,500 | 70% |26,000 | 40% |

|Total |65,000 |100% |65,000 |100% |


(b) Plan B is more attractive both to the sales force and to the company. Salespeople earn more money under this arrangement ($274,950 vs. $200,000), and the company is more profitable ($641,550 vs. $556,000).

| |Current |Plan B |

|Sales revenue: | | |

|Mister Ice Cream: 21,000 units x $37; 39,000 units x $37 |$ 777,000 |$1,443,000 |

|Cold King: 39,000 units x $43; 26,000 units x $43 | 1,677,000 | 1,118,000 |

|Total revenue |$2,454,000 |$2,561,000 |

|Less variable cost: | | |

|Mister Ice Cream: 21,000 units x $20.50; 39,000 units x $20.50 |$ 430,500 |$ 799,500 |

|Cold King: 39,000 units x $32.50; 26,000 units x $32.50 | 1,267,500 | 845,000 |

|Total variable cost |$1,698,000 |$1,644,500 |

|Contribution margin |$ 756,000 |$ 916,500 |

|Less: Sales force compensation: | | |

|Flat salaries | 200,000 | |

|Commissions ($916,500 x 30%) | | 274,950 |

|Net income |$ 556,000 |$ 641,550 |

Problem 7-41 (45 minutes)

|1. |Break-even sales volume for each model: |

| | | [pic] |

| | | |

| |(a) |Standard model: |

| | | [pic] |

| | | |

| |(b) |Super model: |

| | | [pic] |

| | | |

| |(c) |Giant model: |

| | | [pic] |

Problem 7-41 (Continued)

2. Profit-volume graph:

| | | |

|Standard | $2.86 | $16,000 |

|Super | 2.70 | 22,000 |

This reasoning leads to the following equation: 16,000 + 2.86X = 22,000 + 2.70X

Rearranging terms yields the following: (2.86 – 2.70)X = 22,000 – 16,000

.16X = 6,000

X = 6,000/.16

X = 37,500

Or, stated slightly differently:

| |Volume at which both machines produce the same |[pic] |

| |profit | |

Check: the total cost is the same with either model if 37,500 tubs are sold.

| |Standard |Super |

|Variable cost: | | |

| Standard, 37,500 ( $2.86 | $107,250 | |

| Super, 37,500 ( $2.70 | | $101,250 |

|Fixed cost: | | |

| Standard, $16,000 | 16,000 | |

| Super, $22,000 | | 22,000 |

|Total cost | $123,250 | $123,250 |

Since the sales price for popcorn does not depend on the popper model, the sales revenue will be the same under either alternative.


1. Plan A break-even point = fixed costs ÷ unit contribution margin

= $33,000 ÷ $33*

= 1,000 units

Plan B break-even point = fixed costs ÷ unit contribution margin

= $99,000 ÷ $45**

= 2,200 units

* $120 - [($120 x 10%) + $75]

** $120 - $75

2. Operating leverage refers to the use of fixed costs in an organization’s overall cost structure. An organization that has a relatively high proportion of fixed costs and low proportion of variable costs has a high degree of operating leverage.


3. Calculation of contribution margin and profit at 6,000 units of sales:

| |Plan A |Plan B |

| | | |

|Sales revenue: 6,000 units x $120………………. |$720,000 |$720,000 |

|Less variable costs: | | |

|Cost of purchasing product: | | |

|6,000 units x $75…………………….…… |$450,000 |$450,000 |

|Sales commissions: $720,000 x 10%……... | 72,000 | ----__ |

|Total variable cost……………………….. |$522,000 |$450,000 |

|Contribution margin……………………………… |$198,000 |$270,000 |

|Fixed costs…………………………………………. | 33,000 | 99,000 |

|Net income…………………………………………. |$165,000 |$171,000 |

Plan A has a higher percentage of variable costs to sales (72.5%) compared to Plan B (62.5%). Plan B’s fixed costs are 13.75% of sales, compared to Plan A’s 4.58%.

Operating leverage factor = contribution margin ÷ net income

Plan A: $198,000 ÷ $165,000 = 1.2

Plan B: $270,000 ÷ $171,000 = 1.58 (rounded)

Plan B has the higher degree of operating leverage.

4 & 5. Calculation of profit at 5,000 units:

| |Plan A |Plan B |

| | | |

|Sales revenue: 5,000 units x $120………………. |$600,000 |$600,000 |

|Less variable costs: | | |

|Cost of purchasing product: | | |

|5,000 units x $75………………………….. |$375,000 |$375,000 |

|Sales commissions: $600,000 x 10%……... | 60,000 | ---- __ |

|Total variable cost……………………….. |$435,000 |$375,000 |

|Contribution margin……………………………… |$165,000 |$225,000 |

|Fixed costs………………………………………… | 33,000 | 99,000 |

|Net income…………………………………………. |$132,000 |$126,000 |


Plan A profitability decrease:

$165,000 - $132,000 = $33,000; $33,000 ÷ $165,000 = 20%

Plan B profitability decrease:

$171,000 - $126,000 = $45,000; $45,000 ÷ $171,000 = 26.3% (rounded)

PneumoTech would experience a larger percentage decrease in income if it adopts Plan B. This situation arises because Plan B has a higher degree of operating leverage. Stated differently, Plan B’s cost structure produces a greater percentage decline in profitability from the drop-off in sales revenue.

Note: The percentage decreases in profitability can be computed by multiplying the percentage decrease in sales revenue by the operating leverage factor. Sales dropped from 6,000 units to 5,000 units, or 16.67%. Thus:

Plan A: 16.67% x 1.2 = 20.0%

Plan B: 16.67% x 1.58 = 26.3% (rounded)

6. Heavily automated manufacturers have sizable investments in plant and equipment, along with a high percentage of fixed costs in their cost structures. As a result, there is a high degree of operating leverage.

In a severe economic downturn, these firms typically suffer a significant decrease in profitability. Such firms would be a more risky investment when compared with firms that have a low degree of operating leverage. Of course, when times are good, increases in sales would tend to have a very favorable effect on earnings in a company with high operating leverage.

Case 7-55 (50 minutes)

|1. |Break-even point for 20x4, based on current budget: |

| |[pic] |

| | |

|2. |Break-even point given employment of sales personnel: |

New fixed expenses:

Previous fixed expenses $ 150,000

Sales personnel salaries (3 x $45,000) 135,000

Sales managers’ salaries (2 ( $120,000) 240,000

Total $ 525,000

New contribution-margin ratio:

Sales $15,000,000

Cost of goods sold 9,000,000

Gross margin $ 6,000,000

Commissions (at 5%) 750,000

Contribution margin $ 5,250,000


Case 7-55 (continued)

1. Assuming a 25% sales commission:

New contribution-margin ratio:

Sales $15,000,000

Cost of goods sold 9,000,000

Gross margin $ 6,000,000

Commissions (at 25%) 3,750,000

Contribution margin $ 2,250,000

| | |

| |[pic] |

| | |[pic] |

| |Sales volume in dollars required to earn | |

| |after-tax net income | |


Sales $ 20,000,000

Cost of goods sold (60% of sales) 12,000,000

Gross margin $ 8,000,000

Selling and administrative expenses:

Commissions $ 5,000,000

All other expenses (fixed) 150,000 5,150,000

Income before taxes $ 2,850,000

Income tax expense (30%) 855,000

Net income $ 1,995,000

case 7-55 (continued)

2. Sales dollar volume at which Lake Champlain Sporting Goods Company is indifferent:

Let X denote the desired volume of sales.

Since the tax rate is the same regardless of which approach management chooses, we can find X so that the company’s before-tax income is the same under the two alternatives. (In the following equations, the contribution-margin ratios of .35 and .15, respectively, were computed in the preceding two requirements.)

|.35X – $525,000 |= |.15X – $150,000 |

| | | |

|.20X |= |$375,000 |

| | | |

|X |= |$375,000/.20 |

| | | |

|X |= |$1,875,000 |

Thus, the company will have the same before-tax income under the two alternatives if the sales volume is $1,875,000.


| |Alternatives |

| |Employ Sales Personnel| |

| | |Pay 25% Commission |

|Sales | $1,875,000 | $1,875,000 |

|Cost of goods sold (60% of sales) | 1,125,000 | 1,125,000 |

|Gross margin | $ 750,000 | $ 750,000 |

|Selling and administrative expenses: | | |

| Commissions | 93,750* | 468,750† |

| All other expenses (fixed) | 525,000 | 150,000 |

|Income before taxes | $ 131,250 | $ 131,250 |

|Income tax expense (30%) | 39,375 | 39,375 |

|Net income | $ 91,875 | $ 91,875 |

*$1,875,000 ( 5% = $93,750

†$1,875,000 ( 25% = $468,750


Problem 8-21 (45 minutes)

1. a. Absorption-costing income statements:

| |Year 1 | |Year 2 | |Year 3 | |

|Sales revenue (at $25 per case) |$2,000,000 | |$1,500,000 | |$2,250,000 | |

|Less: Cost of goods sold (at | 1,680,000 | | 1,260,000 | | 1,890,000 | |

| absorption cost of $21 per case) * | | | | | | |

|Gross margin |$  320,000 | |$  240,000 | |$  360,000 | |

|Less: Selling and administrative expenses: | | | | | | |

| Variable (at $ .50 per case) |40,000 | |30,000 | |45,000 | |

| Fixed |    37,500 | |    37,500 | |    37,500 | |

|Operating income |$  242,500 | |$  172,500 | |$  277,500 | |

*The absorption cost per case is $21, calculated as follows:

|[pic] |+ |[pic] |

| | | |

|[pic] |+ |$16 |

$5 + $16 = $21

Problem 8-21 (Continued)

b. Variable-costing income statements:

| |Year 1 | |Year 2 | |Year 3 | |

|Sales revenue (at $25 per case) |$2,000,000 | |$1,500,000 | |$2,250,000 | |

|Less: Variable expenses: | | | | | | |

| Variable manufacturing costs (at |1,280,000 | |960,000 | |1,440,000 | |

|variable cost of $16 per case) | | | | | | |

| Variable selling and administrative |   40,000 | |   30,000 | |   45,000 | |

| costs (at $ .50 per case) | | | | | | |

|Contribution margin |$ 680,000 | |$ 510,000 | |$ 765,000 | |

|Less: Fixed expenses: | | | | | | |

| Fixed manufacturing overhead |400,000 | |400,000 | |400,000 | |

| Fixed selling and administrative |    37,500 | |    37,500 | |    37,500 | |

| expenses | | | | | | |

|Operating income |$  242,500 | |$  72,500 | |$  327,500 | |

2. Reconciliation:

|Year |Reported Income |Difference | |Change in | |Predetermined |Difference In |

| | |in | |Inventory |(|Fixed |Fixed Overhead |

| | |Reported | |(in units) | |Overhead |Expensed Under |

| | |Income | | | |Rate* |Absorption and |

| | | | | | | |Variable Costing |

| |Absorption |Variable | | | | | | |

| |Costing |Costing | | | | | | |

|1 |$242,500 |$242,500 |-0- | |-0- | |$5 |      0 |

|2 |172,500 |72,500 |$100,000 | |20,000 | |5 |$100,000 |

|3 |277,500 |327,500 |(50,000) | |(10,000) | |5 |(50,000) |

| | | | | | | | | |

*Predetermined fixed manufacturing overhead rate = [pic]

Problem 8-21 (Continued)

3. a. In year 4, the difference in reported operating income will be $50,000, calculated as follows:

| |Change in |( |Predetermined | | |

| |inventory | |fixed overhead | | |

| |(in units) | |rate | | |

| | | | | | |

| |(10,000) |( |$5 |= |$(50,000) |

Income reported under absorption costing will be lower, because inventory will decline during year 4.

b. Over the four-year period, the total of all reported operating income will be the same under absorption and variable costing. This result will occur because inventory does not change over the four-year period. It starts out at zero on January 1 of year 1, and it ends up at zero on December 31 of year 4.

Problem 8-22 (40 MINUTES)

Throughput-costing income statements:

| |Year 1 | |Year 2 | |Year 3 | |

|Sales revenue (at $25 per case) |$2,000,000 | |$1,500,000 | |$2,250,000 | |

|Less: Cost of goods sold (at throughput cost, equal to direct-material | 600,000 | | 450,000 | | 675,000 | |

|cost of $7.50 per case) | | | | | | |

|Gross margin |$1,400,000 | |$1,050,000 | |$1,575,000 | |

|Less: Operating costs: | | | | | | |

| Direct labora |200,000 | |200,000 | |200,000 | |

| Variable overheadb |480,000 | |480,000 | |480,000 | |

|Variable selling and administrative costs (at $ .50 per unitc) | 40,000 | |30,000 | |45,000 | |

| Fixed manufacturing overhead |    400,000 | |    400,000 | |    400,000 | |

| Fixed selling and administrative costs | 37,500 | | 37,500 | | 37,500 | |

|Net income |$ 242,500 | |$ (97,500 |)|$ 412,500 | |

|a Assumes that management has committed to direct labor sufficient to produce the planned production |

|volume of 80,000 units; direct labor is used at the rate of $2.50 per unit produced. |

| |

|b Assumes that management has committed to support resources sufficient to produce the planned |

|production volume of 80,000 units; variable-overhead cost is used at the rate of $6 per unit produced. |

| |

|c Variable selling and administrative costs amount to $ .50 per unit sold. |


1. Total cost:

|Direct material (10,000 units x $36)…………... |$ 360,000 |

|Direct labor……………………………………….. | 135,000 |

|Variable manufacturing overhead……………. | 195,000 |

|Fixed manufacturing overhead……………….. | 660,000 |

|Variable selling and administrative costs (9,600 units x | |

|$24)…………………………… |230,400 |

|Fixed selling and administrative costs……… | 354,000 |

|Total……………………………………………. |$1,934,400 |

2. The cost of the year-end inventory of 400 units (10,000 units produced – 9,600 units sold) is computed as follows:

| |Absorption |Variable |Throughput |

| |Costing |Costing |Costing |

| | | | |

|Direct material………………………….. |$ 360,000 |$360,000 |$360,000 |

|Direct labor……………………………… | 135,000 | 135,000 | |

|Variable manufacturing overhead….. | 195,000 | 195,000 | |

|Fixed manufacturing overhead……… | 660,000 |________ |________ |

|Total product cost………………… |$1,350,000 |$690,000 |$360,000 |

|Cost per unit (total ÷ 10,000 units)… |$135 |$69 |$36 |

|Year-end inventory (400 units x cost per | | | |

|unit)……………………………... |$ 54,000 |$ 27,600 |$ 14,400 |

3. The total costs would be allocated between the current period’s income statement and the year-end inventory on the balance sheet. Thus:

Absorption costing: $1,934,400 - $54,000 = $1,880,400

Variable costing: $1,934,400 - $27,600 = $1,906,800

Throughput costing: $1,934,400 - $14,400 = $1,920,000

PROBLEM 8-27 (continued

Alternatively, these amounts can be derived as follows:

| |Absorption |Variable |Throughput |

| |Costing |Costing |Costing |

|Cost of goods sold: | | | |

|9,600 units x $135 |$1,296,000 | | |

|9,600 units x $69 | |$662,400 | |

|9,600 units x $36 | | |$345,600 |

|Direct labor | | | 135,000 |

|Variable manufacturing overhead | | | 195,000 |

|Fixed manufacturing overhead | | 660,000 | 660,000 |

|Variable selling and administrative costs | | | |

| |230,400 |230,400 |230,400 |

|Fixed selling and administrative costs | 354,000 | 354,000 | 354,000 |

|Total |$1,880,400 |$1,906,800 |$1,920,000 |

1. Throughput-costing income statement:

|Sales revenue (9,600 units x $216) |$2,073,600 |

|Less: Cost of goods sold | 345,600 |

|Gross margin |$1,728,000 |

|Less: Operating costs: | |

|Direct labor |$ 135,000 |

|Variable manufacturing overhead | 195,000 |

|Fixed manufacturing overhead | 660,000 |

|Variable selling and administrative costs | 230,400 |

|Fixed selling and administrative costs |_ 354,000 |

|Total operating costs |$1,574,400 |

|Net income |$ 153,600* |

*As a check: Net income = sales revenue - all costs expensed

= $2,073,600 - $1,920,000 (from req. 3)

= $153,600

5. The electronic version of the Solutions Manual “BUILD A SPREADSHEET SOLUTIONS” is available on your Instructors CD and on the Hilton, 8e website: hilton8e.

problem 8-28 (45 minutes)

1. Reported income will be higher under absorption costing, because inventory is expected to increase by 1,000 units during the year. (Twenty thousand units will be produced in the last two months, but 19,000 units will be sold.)

2. a. Variable costing: Total contribution during first 10 months is equal to the fixed costs plus profit for that period.

| | |Fixed costs during first 10 months |$3,000,000 |

| | |Profit during first 10 months |   300,000 |

| | |Total contribution margin |$3,300,000 |

Contribution margin per unit = [pic] = $33 per unit

Projected total sales for the year are 119,000 units (100,000 in first 10 months plus 19,000 units in last 2 months). We can compute projected income for the year as follows. (There are no variances or selling and administrative costs.)

| | |Projected total contribution margin ($33 ( 119,000) |$3,927,000 |

| | |Less: Projected fixed costs ($300,000 ( 12) | 3,600,000 |

| | |Projected income |$  327,000 |

The net income projected for the year under variable costing is $327,000.

Note: The problem states that the prior period’s cost rates are the same as those of the current period. There are 10,000 units on hand at October 31, and production equals sales in the first 10 months. Thus, 10,000 units were on hand at January 1.

b. Absorption costing: The gross margin for the first 10 months is $300,000. Notice that income and gross margin are the same, since there are no selling or administrative expenses. Therefore, during the first 10 months:

Gross margin per unit = [pic] = $3 per unit


Projected sales for the year are 119,000 units, so we can compute the projected gross margin for the year as follows:

| | | Projected gross margin ($3 ( 119,000) |$357,000 |

There were no selling and administrative expenses.

Therefore, the projected gross margin and projected income are the same.

So projected net income for the year under absorption costing is $357,000.

Check: Our conclusions can be checked by noting the following relationship:

[pic] – [pic]

 = increase in inventory ( fixed-overhead rate

 = 1,000 units ( $30 per unit = $30,000

Therefore, reported income will be $30,000 higher under absorption costing than under variable costing.

3. The advantages and disadvantages of variable and absorption costing are summarized as follows:

(a) Pricing decisions: Many managers prefer to use absorption-costing data in cost-based pricing decisions. They argue that fixed manufacturing overhead is a necessary cost incurred in the production process. To exclude this fixed cost from the inventoried cost of a product, as is done under variable costing, is to understate the cost of the product. For this reason, most companies that use cost-based pricing base their prices on absorption-costing data.

Proponents of variable costing argue that a product’s variable cost provides a better basis for pricing decisions. They point out that any price above a product’s variable cost makes a positive contribution to covering fixed cost and profit.

(b) Definition of an asset: Another controversy about absorption and variable costing hinges on the definition of an asset. An asset is a thing of value owned by the organization with future service potential. By accounting convention, assets are valued at their cost. Since fixed costs comprise part of the cost of production, advocates of absorption costing argue that inventory (an asset) should be valued at its full (absorption) cost of production. Moreover, they argue that these costs have future service potential since the inventory can be sold in the future to generate sales revenue.

Proponents of variable costing argue that the fixed-cost component of a product’s absorption-costing value has no future service potential. Their reasoning is that the fixed manufacturing-overhead costs during the current period will not prevent these costs from having to be incurred again next period. Fixed-overhead costs will be incurred every period, regardless of production levels. In contrast, the incurrence of variable costs in manufacturing a product does allow the firm to avoid incurring these costs again.

(c) Cost-volume-profit analysis: Some managers find the inconsistency between absorption costing and CVP analysis troubling enough to warrant using variable costing for internal income reporting. Variable costing dovetails much more closely than absorption costing with any operational analyses that require a separation between fixed and variable costs.

(d) External reporting: For external reporting purposes, generally accepted accounting principles require that income reporting be based on absorption costing. Federal tax laws also require the use of absorption costing in reporting income for tax purposes.

CH. 9 solutions

This comment is occasionally heard from people who have started and run their own small business for a long period of time. These individuals have great knowledge in their minds about running their business. They feel that they do not need to spend a great deal of time on the budgeting process, because they can essentially run the business by feel. This approach can result in several problems. First, if the person who is running the business is sick or traveling, he or she is not available to make decisions and implement plans that could have been clarified by a budget. Second, the purposes of budgeting are important to the effective running of an organization. Budgets facilitate communication and coordination, are useful in resource allocation, and help in evaluating performance and providing incentives to employees. It is difficult to achieve these benefits without a budgeting process.

9-18 In developing a budget to meet your college expenses, the primary steps would be to project your cash receipts and your cash disbursements. Your cash receipts could come from such sources as summer jobs, jobs held during the academic year, college funds saved by relatives or friends for your benefit, scholarships, and financial aid from your college or university. You would also need to carefully project your college expenses. Your expenses would include tuition, room and board, books and other academic supplies, transportation, clothing and other personal needs, and money for entertainment and miscellaneous expenses.

9-19 Firms with international operations face a variety of additional challenges in preparing their budgets.

• A multinational firm's budget must reflect the translation of foreign currencies into U.S. dollars. Almost all the world's currencies fluctuate in their values relative to the dollar, and this fluctuation makes budgeting for those translations difficult.

• It is difficult to prepare budgets when inflation is high or unpredictable. Some foreign countries have experienced hyperinflation, sometimes with annual inflation rates well over 100 percent. Predicting such high inflation rates is difficult and complicates a multinational's budgeting process.

• The economies of all countries fluctuate in terms of consumer demand, availability of skilled labor, laws affecting commerce, and so forth. Companies with foreign operations face the task of anticipating such changing conditions in their budgeting processes.

9-20 The five phases in a product's life cycle are as follows:

(a) Product planning and concept design

(b) Preliminary design

(c) Detailed design and testing

(d) Production

(e) Distribution and customer service

It is important to budget these costs as early as possible in order to ensure that the revenue a product generates over its life cycle will cover all of the costs to be incurred. A large portion of a product's life-cycle costs will be committed well before they are actually incurred.

Exercise 9-22 (25 minutes)

|1. |Cash collections in October: |

|Month of Sale |Amount Collected in October |

|July | $150,000 ( 4%   | $ 6,000 |

|August | 175,000 ( 10% | 17,500 |

|September | 200,000 ( 15% | 30,000 |

|October | 225,000 ( 70% | 157,500 |

|Total | | $211,000 |

| | |

| |Notice that the amount of sales on account in June, $122,500 was not needed to solve the exercise. |

|2. |Cash collections in fourth quarter from credit sales in fourth quarter. |

| | |Amount Collected |

| |Credit Sales | | | |

|Month of Sale | |October |November |December |

|October |$225,000 |$157,500 |$ 33,750 |$ 22,500 |

|November |250,000 | – |175,000 |37,500 |

|December |212,500 | – | – | 148,750 |

|Total | |$157,500 | 208,750 |$208,750 |

|Total collections in fourth quarter from credit sales | | | | |

|in fourth quarter | | | | |

| | | | |$575,000 |

3. The electronic version of the Solutions Manual “BUILD A SPREADSHEET SOLUTIONS” is available on your Instructors CD and on the Hilton, 8e website: hilton8e.

Exercise 9-27 (30 minutes)

|1. |Budgeted cash collections for December: |

|Month of Sale |Collections in December |

|November |$400,000 ( 38% |$152,000 |

|December |440,000 ( 60% | 264,000 |

|Total cash collections | |$416,000 |

|2. |Budgeted income (loss) for December: |

|Sales revenue | |$440,000 |

|Less: Cost of goods sold (75% of sales) | | 330,000 |

|Gross margin (25% of sales) | |$110,000 |

|Less: Operating expenses: | | |

| Bad debts expense (2% of sales) |$ 8,800 | |

| Depreciation ($432,000/12) |36,000 | |

| Other expenses |45,200 | |

| Total operating expenses | |  90,000 |

|Income before taxes | |$ 20,000 |

Exercise 9-27 (continued)

|3. |Projected balance in accounts payable on December 31: |

| |The December 31 balance in accounts payable will be equal to December's purchases of merchandise. Since the store's gross margin is 25 |

| |percent of sales, its cost of goods sold must be 75 percent of sales. |

| | | | |

| | |Cost of Goods Sold | |

| | | | |

|Month |Sales | |Amount Purchased in December |

|December |$440,000 |$330,000 |$330,000 ( 20% | $ 66,000 |

|January |400,000 |300,000 |300,000 ( 80% | 240,000 |

|Total December purchases | | | | |

| | | | |$306,000 |

| | |

| |Therefore, the December 31 balance in accounts payable will be $306,000. |

Exercise 9-28 (20 minutes)

| |Memorandum |

| | | |

| |Date: |Today |

| |To: |President, East Bank of Mississippi |

| |From: |I.M. Student and Associates |

| |Subject: |Budgetary slack |

| |Budgetary slack is the difference between a budget estimate that a person provides and a realistic estimate. The practice of creating |

| |budgetary slack is called padding the budget. The primary negative consequence of slack is that it undermines the credibility and |

| |usefulness of the budget as a planning and control tool. When a budget includes slack, the amounts in the budget no longer portray a |

| |realistic view of future operations. |

| | The bank's bonus system for the new accounts manager tends to encourage budgetary slack. Since the manager's bonus is determined by |

| |the number of new accounts generated over the budgeted number, the manager has an incentive to understate her projection of the number |

| |of new accounts. The description of the new accounts manager's behavior shows evidence of such understatement. A 10 percent increase |

| |over the bank's current 10,000 accounts would mean 1,000 new accounts in 20x5. Yet the new accounts manager's projection is only 800 |

| |new accounts. This projection will make it more likely that the actual number of new accounts will exceed the budgeted number. |

| |Problem 9-32 (40 minutes) |

| |1. |

| |Production and direct-labor budgets |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Shady Shades, Inc. |

| |Budget for Production and Direct Labor |

| |For the First Quarter of 20x1 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Month |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |January |

| |February |

| |March |

| |Quarter |

| | |

| |Sales (units) |

| |20,000 |

| |24,000 |

| |16,000 |

| |60,000 |

| | |

| |Add: Ending inventory* |

| |32,000 |

| |25,000 |

| |27,000 |

| |27,000 |

| | |

| |Total needs |

| |52,000 |

| |49,000 |

| |43,000 |

| |87,000 |

| | |

| |Deduct: Beginning inventory |

| |32,000 |

| |32,000 |

| |25,000 |

| |32,000 |

| | |

| |Units to be produced |

| |20,000 |

| |17,000 |

| |18,000 |

| |55,000 |

| | |

| |Direct-labor hours per unit |

| |(      1 |

| |(     1 |

| |(    .75 |

| | |

| | |

| |Total hours of direct labor |

| |time needed |

| | |

| |  20,000 |

| | |

| |17,000 |

| | |

| |13,500 |

| | |

| |50,500 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Direct-labor costs: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Wages ($16.00 per DLH)† |

| |$320,000 |

| |$272,000 |

| |$216,000 |

| |$808,000 |

| | |

| |Pension contributions |

| |($.50 per DLH) |

| | |

| |10,000 |

| | |

| |8,500 |

| | |

| |6,750 |

| | |

| |25,250 |

| | |

| |Workers' compensation |

| |insurance ($.20 per DLH) |

| | |

| |4,000 |

| | |

| |3,400 |

| | |

| |2,700 |

| | |

| |10,100 |

| | |

| |Employee medical insurance |

| |($.80 per DLH) |

| | |

| |16,000 |

| | |

| |13,600 |

| | |

| |10,800 |

| | |

| |40,400 |

| | |

| |Employer's social security |

| |(at 7%) |

| | |

| |22,400 |

| | |

| |19,040 |

| | |

| |15,120 |

| | |

| |56,560 |

| | |

| |Total direct-labor cost |

| |$372,400 |

| |$316,540 |

| |$251,370 |

| |$940,310 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |*100 percent of the first following month's sales plus 50 percent of the second following month's sales. |

| | |

| |†DLH denotes direct-labor hour. |

| | |

| |Problem 9-32 (Continued) |

| |2. |

| |Use of data throughout the master budget: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Components of the master budget, other than the production budget and the direct-labor budget, that would also use the sales data |

| |include the following: |

| | |

| | |

| |Sales budget |

| | |

| | |

| |Cost-of-goods-sold budget |

| | |

| | |

| |Selling and administrative expense budget |

| | |

| | |

| |Components of the master budget, other than the production budget and the direct-labor budget, that would also use the production data |

| |include the following: |

| | |

| | |

| |Direct-material budget |

| | |

| | |

| |Manufacturing-overhead budget |

| | |

| | |

| |Cost-of-goods-sold budget |

| | |

| | |

| |Components of the master budget, other than the production budget and the direct-labor budget, that would also use the |

| |direct-labor-hour data include the following: |

| | |

| | |

| |Manufacturing-overhead budget (for determining the overhead application rate) |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Components of the master budget, other than the production budget and the direct-labor budget, that would also use the direct-labor |

| |cost data include the following: |

| | |

| | |

| |Manufacturing-overhead budget (for determining the overhead application rate) |

| | |

| | |

| |Cost-of-goods-sold budget |

| | |

| | |

| |Cash budget |

| | |

| | |

| |Budgeted income statement |

| | |

| | |


| | |

| |Manufacturing overhead budget: |

| | |

| |Shady Shades, Inc. |

| |Manufacturing Overhead Budget |

| |For the First Quarter of 20x1 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Month |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |January |

| |February |

| |March |

| |Quarter |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Shipping and handling |

| |$ 60,000 |

| |$ 72,000 |

| |$48,000 |

| |$180,000 |

| | |

| |Purchasing, material handling, and inspection |

| | |

| |90,000 |

| | |

| |76,500 |

| | |

| |81,000 |

| | |

| |247,500 |

| | |

| |Other overhead |

| |210,000 |

| |178,500 |

| |141,750 |

| |530,250 |

| | |

| |Total manufacturing overhead |

| |$360,000 |

| |$327,000 |

| |$270,750 |

| |$957,750 |

| | |

| | |

| |PROBLEM 9-33 (40 MINUTES) |

| | |

| |1. Niagra Chemical Company’s production budget (in gallons) for the three products for 20x2 is calculated as follows: |

| | |

| | |

| |Yarex |

| |Darol |

| |Norex |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Sales for 20x2 |

| |120,000 |

| |80,000 |

| |50,000 |

| | |

| |Add: Inventory, 12/31/x2 |

| |(.08 × 20x3 sales) |

| | |

| |_10,400 |

| | |

| |_5,600 |

| | |

| |_4,800 |

| | |

| |Total required |

| |130,400 |

| |85,600 |

| |54,800 |

| | |

| |Deduct: Inventory, 12/31/x1 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |(.08 × 20x2 sales) |

| |9,600 |

| |6,400 |

| |4,000 |

| | |

| |Required production in 20x2 |

| |120,800 |

| |79,200 |

| |50,800 |

| | |

| | |

| |2. The company’s conversion cost budget for 20x2 is shown in the following schedule: |

| | |

| |Conversion hours required: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Yarex (120,800 × .07) |

| |8,456 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Darol (79,200 × .10) |

| |7,920 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Norex (50,800 × .16) |

| |_8,128 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Total hours |

| |24,504 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Conversion cost budget (24,504 x $20) |

| | |

| |$490,080 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


| | |

| |3. Since the 20x1 usage of Islin is 200,000 gallons, the firm’s raw-material purchases budget (in dollars) for Islin for 20x2 is as |

| |follows: |

| | |

| |Quantity of Islin required for production in 20x2 (in gallons): |

| |Yarex (120,800 × 1) |

| |Darol (79,200 × .7) |

| |Norex (50,800 × .5) |

| |120,800 |

| |55,440 |

| |25,400 |

| | |

| |Subtotal………………………………………………………………….. |

| |201,640 |

| | |

| |Add: Required inventory, 12/31/x2 (201,640 × .10) |

| |20,164 |

| | |

| |Subtotal |

| |221,804 |

| | |

| |Deduct: Inventory, 1/1/x2 (200,000 × .10) |

| |20,000 |

| | |

| |Required purchases (gallons) |

| |201,804 |

| | |

| | |

| |Purchases budget (201,804 gallons × $5 per gallon) |

| | |

| |$1,009,020 |

| | |

| | |

| |4. The company should continue using Islin, because the cost of using Philin is $152,632 greater than using Islin, calculated as |

| |follows: |

| | |

| |Change in material cost from substituting Philin for Islin: |

| |20x2 production requirements: |

| |Philin (201,640 × $5 × 1.2) |

| |Islin (201,640 × $5) |

| |$1,209,840 |

| |1,008,200 |

| | |

| |Increase in cost of raw material |

| |$ 201,640 |

| | |

| |Change in conversion cost from substituting Philin for Islin: |

| | |

| | |

| |Philin (24,504 × $20 × .9) |

| |$ 441,072 |

| | |

| |Islin (24,504 × $20) |

| |490,080 |

| | |

| |Decrease in conversion cost |

| |$ (49,008) |

| | |

| |Net increase in production cost |

| |$ 152,632 |

| | |

| | |

Problem 9-42 (120 minutes)

|1. |Sales budget: | | | | | |

| | |20x0 | |20x1 |

| | | | | | |First Quarter |

| | |December |January |February |March | |

| |Total sales |$800,000 |$880,000 |$968,000 |$1,064,800 |$2,912,800 |

| |Cash sales* |200,000 |220,000 |242,000 |266,200 |728,200 |

| |Sales on account† |600,000 |660,000 |726,000 |798,600 |2,184,600 |

| | | | | | | |

| |*25% of total sales. | | | | | |

| |†75% of total sales. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|2. |Cash receipts budget: | | | | | |

| | | |20x1 |

| | | | | | |First Quarter |

| | | |January |February |March | |

| |Cash sales |$220,000 |$242,000 |$266,200 |$  728,200 |

| |Cash collections from credit | | | | |

| |sales made during current | | | | |

| |month* |66,000 |72,600 |79,860 |218,460 |

| |Cash collections from credit | | | | |

| |sales made during preceding | | | | |

| |month† | 540,000 | 594,000 | 653,400 |1,787,400 |

| |Total cash receipts |$826,000 |$908,600 |$999,460 |$2,734,060 |

| | | | | | |

| |*10% of current month's credit sales. | | | | |

| |†90% of previous month's credit sales. | | | | |

Problem 9-42 (Continued)

|3. |Purchases budget: | | | | | | |

| | |20x0 | |20x1 | |

| | | | | | |First |

| | |December |January |February |March |Quarter |

| |Budgeted cost of | | | | | |

| |goods sold |$560,000 |$616,000 |$677,600 |$745,360   |$2,038,960    |

| |Add: Desired | | | | | |

| |ending inventory | 308,000 | 338,800 | 372,680 | 372,680* |   372,680†   |

| |Total goods | | | | | |

| |needed |$868,000 |$954,800 |$1,050,280 |$1,118,040   |$2,411,640    |

| |Less: Expected | | | | | |

| |beginning | | | | | |

| |inventory |††280,000 | 308,000 | 338,800 | 372,680 |  308,000** |

| |Purchases |$588,000 |$646,800 |$711,480 |$745,360 |$2,103,640    |

| | |

| |*Since April's expected sales and cost of goods sold are the same as the projections for March, the desired ending inventory for |

| |March is the same as that for February. |

| |†The desired ending inventory for the quarter is equal to the desired ending inventory on March 31, 20x1. |

| |**The beginning inventory for the quarter is equal to the December ending inventory. |

| |††50% x $560,000 (where $560,000 = December cost of goods sold = December sales of $800,000 x 70%) |

Problem 9-42 (Continued)

|4. |Cash disbursements budget: | | | | | |

| | | |20x1 |

| | | | | | |First Quarter | |

| | | |January |February |March | | |

| |Inventory purchases: | | | | | |

| |Cash payments for purchases | | | | | |

| |during the current month* |$258,720 |$284,592 |$298,144 |$ 841,456 | |

| |Cash payments for purchases | | | | | |

| |during the preceding | | | | | |

| |month† |352,800 |388,080 |426,888 |1,167,768 | |

| |Total cash payments for | | | | | |

| |inventory purchases |$611,520 |$672,672 |$725,032 |$2,009,224 | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Other expenses: | | | | | |

| | Sales salaries |$ 42,000 |$ 42,000 |$ 42,000 |$ 126,000 | |

| | Advertising and promotion |32,000 |32,000 |32,000 |96,000 | |

| | Administrative salaries |42,000 |42,000 |42,000 |126,000 | |

| | Interest on bonds** |30,000 |-0- |-0- |30,000 | |

| | Property taxes** |-0- |10,800 |-0- |10,800 | |

| | Sales commissions |   8,800 |   9,680 |  10,648 |   29,128 | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Total cash payments for other expenses | | | | | |

| | |$154,800 |$136,480 |$126,648 |$  417,928 | |

| |Total cash disbursements |$766,320 |$809,152 |$851,680 |$2,427,152 | |

| | | |

| |*40% of current month's purchases [see requirement (3)]. | |

| |†60% of the prior month's purchases [see requirement (3)]. | |

| |**Bond interest is paid every six months, on January 31 and July 31. Property taxes also are paid every six months, on February 28 and | |

| |August 31. | |

Problem 9-42 (Continued)

|5. |Summary cash budget: | | | | |

| | |20x1 |

| | | | | |First |

| | |January |February |March |Quarter |

| |Cash receipts [from req. (2)] |$ 826,000 |$ 908,600 |$ 999,460 |$2,734,060 |

| |Cash disbursements | | | | |

| |[from req. (4)] |(766,320) |(809,152) |(851,680) |(2,427,152) |

| |Change in cash balance | | | | |

| |during period due to operations |$  59,680 |$  99,448 |$147,780 |$ 306,908 |

| |Sale of marketable securities | | | | |

| |(1/2/x1) |30,000 | | |30,000 |

| |Proceeds from bank loan | | | | |

| |(1/2/x1) |200,000 | | |200,000 |

| |Purchase of equipment |(250,000) | | |(250,000) |

| |Repayment of bank loan | | | | |

| |(3/31/x1) | | |(200,000) |(200,000) |

| |Interest on bank loan* | | |(5,000) |(5,000) |

| |Payment of dividends | | |(100,000) | (100,000) |

| | | | | | |

| |Change in cash balance during | | | | |

| |first quarter | | | |$  (18,092) |

| |Cash balance, 1/1/x1 | | | |   70,000 |

| |Cash balance, 3/31/x1 | | | |$  51,908 |

| | |

| |*$200,000 ( 10% per year ( 1/4 year = $5,000 |

| | | |

|6. |Analysis of short-term financing needs: | |

| |Projected cash balance as of December 31, 20x0 |$   70,000   |

| |Less: Minimum cash balance |   50,000   |

| |Cash available for equipment purchases |$   20,000   |

| |Projected proceeds from sale of marketable securities |   30,000   |

| |Cash available |$  50,000   |

| |Less: Cost of investment in equipment |  250,000   |

| |Required short-term borrowing |$(200,000) |

Problem 9-42 (Continued)

|7. |Global Electronics Company |

| |Budgeted Income Statement |

| |for the First Quarter of 20x1 |

| | |

| | |

| | | | |

| |Sales revenue | |$2,912,800 |

| |Less: Cost of goods sold | | 2,038,960 |

| |Gross margin | |$  873,840 |

| |Selling and administrative expenses: | | |

| | Sales salaries |$126,000 | |

| | Sales commissions |29,128 | |

| | Advertising and promotion |96,000 | |

| | Administrative salaries |126,000 | |

| | Depreciation |150,000 | |

| | Interest on bonds |15,000 | |

| | Interest on short-term bank loan |5,000 | |

| | Property taxes |  5,400 | |

| |Total selling and administrative expenses | |  552,528 |

| |Net income | |$  321,312 |

|8. |Global Electronics Company |

| |Budgeted Statement of Retained Earnings |

| |for the First Quarter of 20x1 |

| | |

| | |

| | | |

| |Retained earnings, 12/31/x0 |$ 215,000 |

| |Add: Net income |321,312 |

| |Deduct: Dividends |  100,000 |

| |Retained earnings, 3/31/x1 |$ 436,312 |

Problem 9-42 (Continued)

|9. |Global Electronics Company |

| |Budgeted Balance Sheet |

| |March 31, 20x1 |

| | |

| | |

| | | |

| |Cash |$   51,908 | |

| |Accounts receivable* |718,740 | |

| |Inventory |372,680 | |

| |Buildings and equipment (net of accumulated depreciation)† | 1,352,000 | |

| |Total assets |$2,495,328 | |

| | | | |

| |Accounts payable** |$  447,216 | |

| |Bond interest payable |10,000 | |

| |Property taxes payable |1,800 | |

| |Bonds payable (10%; due in 20x6) |600,000 | |

| |Common Stock |1,000,000 | |

| |Retained earnings |   436,312 | |

| |Total liabilities and stockholders' equity |$2,495,328 | |

| | | | |

| |*Accounts receivable, 12/31/x0 |$ 540,000 | |

| |Sales on account [req. (1)] |2,184,600 | |

| |Total cash collections from credit sales | | |

| |[(req. (2)] ($218,460 + $1,787,400) |(2,005,860 |)|

| |Accounts receivable, 3/31/x1 |$  718,740 | |

| | | | |

| |†Buildings and equipment (net), 12/31/x0 |$1,252,000 | |

| |Cost of equipment acquired |250,000 | |

| |Depreciation expense for first quarter |  (150,000 |)|

| |Buildings and equipment (net), 3/31/x1 |$1,352,000 | |

| | | | |

| |**Accounts payable, 12/31/x0 |$ 352,800 | |

| |Purchases [req. (3)] |2,103,640 | |

| |Cash payments for purchases [req. (4)] |(2,009,224 |)|

| |Accounts payable, 3/31/x1 |$ 447,216 | |


1. Tuition revenue budget:

|Current student enrollment……………………. |12,000 |

|Add: 5% increase in student body…………… | 600 |

|Total student body………………………………. |12,600 |

|Less: Tuition-free scholarships………………. | 180 |

|Tuition-paying students………………………… |12,420 |

|Credit hours per student per year……………. | x 30 |

|Total credit hours……………………………….. |372,600 |

|Tuition rate per hour……………………………. | x $75 |

|Forecasted tuition revenue……………………. |$27,945,000 |

2. Faculty needed to cover classes:

|Total student body……………………………………. |12,600 |

|Classes per student per year [(15 credit hours ÷ 3 credit hours) x 2 | |

|semesters]…………………. |x 10 |

|Total student class enrollments to be covered…. |126,000 |

|Students per class……………………………………. | ÷ 25 |

|Classes to be taught…………………………………. |5,040 |

|Classes taught per professor………………………. | ÷ 5 |

|Faculty needed………………………………………… | 1,008 |

3. Possible actions might include:

• Hire part-time instructors

• Use graduate teaching assistants

• Increase the teaching load for each professor

• Increase class size and reduce the number of sections to be offered

• Have students take an Internet-based course offered by another university

• Shift courses to a summer session

4. No. While the number of faculty may be a key driver, the number of faculty is highly dependent on the number of students. Students (and tuition revenue) are akin to sales—the starting point in the budgeting process.

problem 9-35 (25 minutes)

|1. |Sales budget |

| |July |August |September |

|Sales (in sets) | 5,000 | 6,000 | 7,500 |

|Sales price per set | ( $60 | ( $60 | ( $60 |

|Sales revenue | $300,000 | $360,000 | $450,000 |

|2. |Production budget (in sets) |

| |July |August |September |

|Sales | 5,000 | 6,000 | 7,500 |

|Add: Desired ending inventory | 1,200 | 1,500 | 1,500 |

|Total requirements | 6,200 | 7,500 | 9,000 |

|Less: Projected beginning inventory | 1,000 | 1,200 | 1,500 |

|Planned production | 5,200 | 6,300 | 7,500 |

|3. |Raw-material purchases |

| |July |August |September |

|Planned production (sets) | 5,200 | 6,300 | 7,500 |

|Raw material required per set | | | |

|(board feet) |( 10 |( 10 |( 10 |

|Raw material required for production | | | |

|(board feet) |52,000 |63,000 |75,000 |

|Add: Desired ending inventory of raw | | | |

|material (board feet) |6,300 |7,500 |8,000 |

|Total requirements | 58,300 | 70,500 | 83,000 |

|Less: Projected beginning inventory of | | | |

|raw material (board feet) |5,200 |6,300 |7,500 |

|Planned purchases of raw material | | | |

|(board feet) |53,100 |64,200 |75,500 |

|Cost per board foot | ( $.60 | ( $.60 | ( $.60 |

|Planned purchases of raw material | | | |

|(dollars) |$ 31,860 |$ 38,520 |$ 45,300 |

PROBLEM 9-35 (Continued)

|4. |Direct-labor budget |

| |July |August |September |

|Planned production (sets) | 5,200 | 6,300 | 7,500 |

|Direct-labor hours per set | ( 1.5 | ( 1.5 | ( 1.5 |

|Direct-labor hours required | 7,800 | 9,450 | 11,250 |

|Cost per hour | ( $21 | ( $21 | ( $21 |

|Planned direct-labor cost | $163,800 | $198,450 | $236,250 |

5. The electronic version of the Solutions Manual “BUILD A SPREADSHEET SOLUTIONS” is available on your Instructors CD and on the Hilton, 8e website: hilton8e.


1. Sales are collected over a two-month period, 40% in the month of sale and 60% in the following month. December receivables of $108,000 equal 60% of December’s sales; thus, December sales total $180,000 ($108,000 ÷ .6). Since the selling price is $20 per unit, Dakota Fan sold 9,000 units ($180,000 ÷ $20).

2. Since the company expects to sell 10,000 units, sales revenue will total $200,000 (10,000 units x $20).

3. Dakota Fan collected 40% of February’s sales during February, or $78,400. Thus, February’s sales total $196,000 ($78,400 ÷ .4). Combining January sales ($76,000 + $114,000), February sales ($196,000), and March sales ($200,000), the company will report revenue of $586,000.

4. Sixty percent of March’s sales will be outstanding, or $120,000 ($200,000 x 60%).

5. Finished-goods inventories are maintained at 20% of the following month’s sales. January sales total $190,000 ($76,000 + $114,000), or 9,500 units ($190,000 ÷ $20). Thus, the December 31 inventory is 1,900 units (9,500 x 20%).

6. February sales will total 9,800 units ($196,000 ÷ $20), giving rise to a January 31 inventory of 1,960 units (9,800 x 20%). Letting X denote production, then:

12/31/x0 inventory + X – January 20x1 sales = 1/31/x1 inventory

1,900 + X - 9,500 = 1,960

X – 7,600 = 1,960

X = 9,560

7. Financing required is $3,500 ($15,000 minimum balance less ending cash balance of $11,500):

|Cash balance, January 1………………………… |$ 22,500 |

|Add: January receipts ($108,000 + $76,000).. | 184,000 |

|Subtotal………………………………………… |$206,500 |

|Less: January payments………………………… | 195,000 |

|Cash balance before financing…………………. |$ 11,500 |

Problem 9-37 (45 minutes)

|1. |The benefits that can be derived from implementing a budgeting system include the following: |

| |The preparation of budgets forces management to plan ahead and to establish goals and objectives that can be quantified. |

| |Budgeting compels departmental managers to make plans that are in congruence with the plans of other departments as well as the |

| |objectives of the entire firm. |

| |The budgeting process promotes internal communication and coordination. |

| |Budgets provide directions for day-to-day control of operations, clarify duties to be performed, and assign responsibility for these |

| |duties. |

| |Budgets help in measuring performance and providing incentives. |

| |Budgets provide a vehicle for resource allocation. |

Problem 9-37 (Continued)

|2. | | |

| |a. Schedule |b. Subsequent Schedule |

| |Sales Budget |Production Budget |

| | |Selling Expense Budget |

| | |Budgeted Income Statement |

| | | |

| |Ending Inventory Budget (units) |Production Budget |

| |Production Budget (units) |Direct-Material Budget |

| | |Direct-Labor Budget |

| | |Manufacturing-Overhead Budget |

| | | |

| |Direct-Material Budget |Cost-of-Goods-Manufactured Budget |

| |Direct-Labor Budget |Cost-of-Goods-Manufactured Budget |

| |Manufacturing-Overhead Budget |Cost-of-Goods-Manufactured Budget |

| |Cost-of-Goods-Manufactured Budget |Cost-of-Goods-Sold Budget |

| |Cost-of-Goods-Sold Budget (includes ending inventory in dollars) |Budgeted Income Statement |

| | |Budgeted Balance Sheet |

| | | |

| |Selling Expense Budget |Budgeted Income Statement |

| | | |

| |Research and Development Budget |Budgeted Income Statement |

| |Administrative Expense Budget |Budgeted Income Statement |

| | | |

| |Budgeted Income Statement |Budgeted Balance Sheet |

| | |Budgeted Statement of Cash Flows |

| | | |

| |Capital Expenditures Budget |Cash Receipts and Disbursements Budget |

| | |Budgeted Balance Sheet |

| | |Budgeted Statement of Cash Flows |

| | | |

| |Cash Receipts and Disbursements |Budgeted Balance Sheet |

| |Budget |Budgeted Statement of Cash Flows |

| |Budgeted Balance Sheet |Budgeted Statement of Cash Flows |

| |Budgeted Statement of Cash Flows | |

Select Solutions to Ch 10

10-26 Responses will vary widely on this question. Here are some possibilities for a bank:

• Financial: (a) profit; (b) cost of back-office (i.e., administrative) operations.

• Internal operations: (a) number of transaction errors; (b) employee retention and advancement.

• Customer: (a) local market share; (b) number of repeat customers.

• Innovation and learning: (a) new financial products; (b) employee suggestions received and implemented.

Lead measures, such as market share or new financial products, show how well the bank is doing now in areas that will affect financial performance in the future. Lag measures, such as the bank’s profits, measure the bank’s financial performance. Lag measures are the result of previous efforts in the bank’s customer, internal operations, and learning and innovation perspectives.

Exercise 10-32 (30 minutes)

|Direct-Material Price and Quantity Variances |

|Actual Material Cost | | | | | |Standard Material Cost |

|Actual Quantity | |Actual Price | |Actual Quantity |

| |( | | | |

|$148,800 | |$144,000 | |$120,000 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|$4,800 Unfavorable | | |

| |Direct-material | | | | |

| |price variance | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |210,000 kilograms |( |$.60 | | |

| | |used | |per | | |

| | | | |kilogram | | |

| | | | | |

| | |$126,000 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |$6,000 | |

| | | |Unfavorable | |

| | | |Direct-material | |

| | | |quantity variance | |

exercise 10-32 (continued)

|Direct-LABOR RATE and EFFICIENCY Variances |

|Actual LABOR Cost | | | | | |Standard lABOR Cost |

|Actual | |Actual Rate | |Actual Hours |

|Hours |( | | | |

|$158,600 | |$156,000 | |$150,000 |

| | | | | |

| |$2,600 Unfavorable |$6,000 Unfavorable | |

| |Direct-labor |Direct-labor | |

| |rate variance |efficiency variance | |

| | | |

| |$8,600 Unfavorable | |

| |Direct-labor variance | |

Problem 10-43 (25 minutes)

|1. |Direct-material price variance |= |(PQ ( AP) – (PQ ( SP) |

| | |= |(36,000 ( $1.38) – (36,000 ( $1.35) |

| | |= |$49,680 – $48,600 |

| | |= |$1,080 Unfavorable |

| | | | |

|2. |Direct-material quantity variance |= |(AQ ( SP) – (SQ ( SP) |

| | |= |(19,000 ( $1.35) – (20,000* ( $1.35) |

| | |= |$25,650 - $27,000 |

| | |= |$1,350 Favorable |

| | |

| |*1,000 units ( 20 yards per unit = 20,000 yards |

|3. |Direct-labor rate variance |= |(AH ( AR) – (AH ( SR) |

| | |= |(4,200 ( $9.15) – (4,200 ( $9.00) |

| | |= |$38,430 – $37,800 |

| | |= |$630 Unfavorable |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4. |Direct-labor efficiency variance |= |(AH ( SR) – (SH ( SR) |

| | |= |(4,200 ( $9.00) – (4,000* ( $9.00) |

| | |= |$37,800 – $36,000 |

| | |= |$1,800 Unfavorable |

| | |

| |*1,000 units ( 4 hours per unit = 4,000 hours |

Problem 10-45 (15 minutes)

| | | |Standard Material |

|Direct |Initial |Unit |Cost |

|Material |Mix |Cost | |

|Nyclyn |12  kg |4.35real    |52.20real    |

|Salex |9.6 ltr |5.40real    |51.84real    |

|Protet |5  kg |7.20real    | 36.00real    |

| | | | |

|Standard material cost | | | |

|for each 10-liter container | | |140.04real    |

The real is Brazil’s national currency.


1. Type I fertilizer:

|Price variance: | |

|Actual quantity purchased x actual price | |

|5,000 pounds x $ .53……………………………… |$2,650 |

|Actual quantity purchased x standard price | |

|5,000 pounds x $ .50……………………………… | 2,500 |

|Direct-material price variance………………………. |$ 150 Unfavorable |

| | |

|Quantity variance: | |

|Actual quantity used x standard price | |

|3,700 pounds x $ .50……………………………… |$1,850 |

|Standard quantity allowed x standard price | |

|4,400 pounds* x $ .50…………………………….. | 2,200 |

|Direct-material quantity variance…………………… |$ 350 Favorable |

| | |

|* 40 pounds x 55 clients x 2 applications | |

Type II fertilizer:

|Price variance: | |

|Actual quantity purchased x actual price | |

|10,000 pounds x $ .40……………………………. |$4,000 |

|Actual quantity purchased x standard price | |

|10,000 pounds x $ .42……………………………. | 4,200 |

|Direct-material price variance………………………. |$ 200 Favorable |

PROBLEM 10-46 (continued)

| | |

|Quantity variance: | |

|Actual quantity used x standard price | |

|7,800 pounds x $ .42……………………………… |$3,276 |

|Standard quantity allowed x standard price | |

|8,800 pounds* x $ .42…………………………….. | 3,696 |

|Direct-material quantity variance…………………… |$ 420 Favorable |

| | |

|* 40 pounds x 55 clients x 4 applications | |

2. Direct-labor variances:

|Rate variance: | |

|Actual hours used x actual rate | |

|165 hours x $11.50…………………….. |$1,897.50 |

|Actual hours used x standard rate | |

|165 hours x $9.00……………………… | 1,485.00 |

|Direct-labor rate variance………………… |$ 412.50 Unfavorable |

|Efficiency variance: | |

|Actual hours used x standard rate | |

|165 hours x $9.00………………………. |$1,485.00 |

|Standard hours allowed x standard rate | |

|220 hours* x $9.00……………………... | 1,980.00 |

|Direct-labor efficiency variance…………. |$ 495.00 Favorable |

| | |

|* 2/3 hours x 55 clients x 6 applications | |

3. Actual cost of applications:

|Type I fertilizer: | |

|Actual quantity used x actual price (3,700 pounds x $ .53)…. |$1,961.00 |

|Type II fertilizer: | |

|Actual quantity used x actual price (7,800 pounds x $ .40)…. | 3,120.00 |

|Direct labor: | |

|Actual hours used x actual rate (165 hours x $11.50)………... | 1,897.50 |

|Total actual cost…………………………………………………………. |$6,978.50 |

Yes, the service was a financial success. Wolfe charged clients $40 per application, generating revenue of $13,200 (55 clients x 6 applications x $40). With costs of $6,978.50, the fertilization service produced a profit of $6,221.50.

PROBLEM 10-46 (continued)

4. (a) Yes, the service was a success. Overall costs were controlled as indicated by

a total favorable variance of $902.50. In addition, each of the three cost components (Type I fertilizer, Type II fertilizer, and direct labor) produced a net favorable variance. Wolfe did have a sizable unfavorable labor-rate variance as a result of his having to pay $11.50 per hour when a more typical wage rate would have been $9.00 per hour. This inflated rate is attributable to the tight labor market, which is beyond his control. Note: Part of the variance may have been caused by a standard rate that was set too low, especially given the fact that this is a new service.

|Type I fertilizer: | |

|Price variance………………………………….. |$150.00 Unfavorable |

|Quantity variance……………………………… | 350.00 Favorable |

|Type II fertilizer: | |

|Price variance………………………………….. | 200.00 Favorable |

|Quantity variance……………………………… | 420.00 Favorable |

|Direct labor: | |

|Rate variance…………………………………… | 412.50 Unfavorable |

|Efficiency variance…………………………… | 495.00 Favorable |

|Total material and labor variances |$902.50 Favorable |

b) In this case, several of the favorable variances may have come back to haunt Wolfe. The favorable labor efficiency variance means that less time is being spent on the job than originally anticipated. This may indicate that the part-time employee is rushing and doing sloppy work. Also, less fertilizer used than budgeted (i.e., favorable quantity variances for both Type I and Type II) would likely give rise to an increased occurrence of weeds as well as a lack of greening in the lawn.

5. This is a management judgment for Wolfe to make. If the service is continued, Wolfe should consider hiring a full-time employee and insisting on the standard amount of fertilizer being applied to each lawn.

PROBLEM 10-47 (35 minutes)

1. a. Machine hours x 4 = standard direct-labor hours

165.5 x 4 = 662

b. Direct-labor efficiency variance = (AH(SH)SR

= (374(662)$15.08

= $4,343 F


| |a. Standard Direct-Labor |b. 20% of the Standard |

| |Cost* |Direct-Labor Cost* |

|January |$ 9,983 |$1,997 |

|February |6,050 |1,210 |

|March |33,297 |6,659 |

|April |43,056 |8,611 |

|May |9,651 |1,930 |

|June |13,994 |2,799 |

|July |6,273 |1,255 |

|August |5,791 |1,158 |

|September |5,791 |1,158 |

|October |4,343 |869 |


3. The variances for all of the months except August and September exceed 20% of the standard direct-labor cost and would therefore be investigated.


4. Statistical control chart for direct-labor efficiency variances:



5. The variances for March, April, and June will be investigated, since they exceed one standard deviation.

6. The production volume was much greater in March, April, and June.

Problem 10-48 (35 minutes)

|1. |Schedule of standard production costs: |

|Valport Valve Company: Shreveport Plant |

|Schedule of Standard Production Costs: Based on 15,600 Units |

|For the Month of March |

| | |Standard Costs |

|Direct material |15,600 units ( 3 lbs. ( $5.00 |$ 234,000 |

|Direct labor |15,600 units ( 5 hrs. ( $11.25 | 877,500 |

|Total standard production costs | |$1,111,500 |

|2. |Variances: |

| | | | | |

| |a. |Direct-material price variance |= |(PQ ( AP) – (PQ ( SP) |

| | | |= |(50,000 ( $5.20) – (50,000 ( $5.00) |

| | | |= |$10,000 Unfavorable |

| | | | | |

| |b. |Direct-material quantity variance |= |(AQ ( SP) – (SQ ( SP) |

| | | |= |(46,200 ( $5.00) – (46,800* ( $5.00) |

| | | |= |$3,000 Favorable |

| | |

| | *15,600 units ( 3 lbs. per unit = 46,800 lb. |

| | | | | |

| |c. |Direct-labor rate variance |= |(AH ( AR) – (AH ( SR) |

| | | |= |(80,200 ( $10.95) – (80,200 ( $11.25) |

| | | |= |$24,060 Favorable |

| | | | | |

| |d. |Direct-labor efficiency variance |= |(AH ( SR) – (SH ( SR) |

| | | |= |(80,200 ( $11.25) – (78,000* ( $11.25) |

| | | |= |$24,750 Unfavorable |

| | |

| | *15,600 units ( 5 hours per unit = 78,000 hr. |


3. The electronic version of the Solutions Manual “BUILD A SPREADSHEET SOLUTIONS” is available on your Instructors CD and on the Hilton, 8e website: hilton8e.


1. No. The variances are favorable and small, with each being less than 2% of budgeted cost amounts ($350,000). However, by simply reporting total variances for material and labor, one cannot get a totally clear picture of performance. Price, quantity, rate, and efficiency variances should be calculated for further insight.

2. Direct-material variances:

|Price variance: | |

|Actual quantity purchased x actual price | |

|45,000 pounds x $7.70……………………………. |$346,500 |

|Actual quantity purchased x standard price | |

|45,000 pounds x $8.80……………………………. | 396,000 |

|Direct-material price variance………………………. |$ 49,500 Favorable |

| | |

|Quantity variance: | |

|Actual quantity used x standard price | |

|45,000 pounds x $8.80…………………………… |$396,000 |

|Standard quantity allowed x standard price | |

|39,900 pounds* x $8.80………………………….. | 351,120 |

|Direct-material quantity variance…………………… |$ 44,880 Unfavorable |

| | |

|* 9,500 units x 4.2 pounds | |

| | |

|Total direct-material variance: | |

|$49,500F + $44,880U = $4,620F | |


Direct-labor variances:

|Rate variance: | |

|Actual hours used x actual rate | |

|20,900 hours x $16.25…………………. |$339,625 |

|Actual hours used x standard rate | |

|20,900 hours x $14.00…………………. | 292,600 |

|Direct-labor rate variance………………… |$ 47,025 Unfavorable |

|Efficiency variance: | |

|Actual hours used x standard rate | |

|20,900 hours x $14.00…………………. |$292,600 |

|Standard hours allowed x standard rate | |

|24,700 hours* x $14.00………………... | 345,800 |

|Direct-labor efficiency variance…………. |$ 53,200 Favorable |

| | |

|* 9,500 units x 2.6 hours | |

| | |

|Total direct-labor variance: | |

|$47,025U + $53,200F = $6,175F | |

3. Yes. Although the combined variances are small, a more detailed analysis reveals the presence of sizable, offsetting variances (all in excess of 12% of budgeted cost amounts). A variance investigation should be undertaken if the likely benefits of the investigation appear to exceed the costs.

4. No, things are not going as smoothly as the vice president believes. With regard to the new supplier, SolarPrime is paying less than expected for direct materials. However, the quality may be poor, as indicated by the unfavorable quantity variance and increased usage.

Turning to direct labor, the favorable efficiency variance means that the company is producing units by consuming fewer hours than expected. This may be the result of the team-building/morale-boosting exercises, as a contented, well-trained work force tends to be more efficient. However, another plausible explanation could be that Solar Prime is paying premium wages (as indicated by the unfavorable rate variance) to hire laborers with above-average skill levels.


As a side note, the favorable direct-labor efficiency variance may partially explain the unfavorable material quantity variance. That is, laborers may be rushing through their jobs and using more material than the standards allow.

5. Yes. Hoctor is the production supervisor. The prices paid for materials and the quality of material acquired are normally the responsibility of the purchasing manager. The change to the new supplier may introduce problems of dealing with the unknown—the supplier’s reliability, ability to deliver quality goods, etc. Finally, direct-labor wage rates are often a function of market conditions, which would likely be uncontrollable from Hoctor’s perspective.

Problem 10-51 (30 minutes)

|1. |a. |Responsibility for setting standards: |

| | |Materials: |

| | |The development of standard prices for material is primarily the responsibility of the materials manager. |

| | |Operating departmental managers and engineers should be involved in setting standards for material quantities. |

| | |Labor: |

| | |The personnel manager or payroll manager would be involved in setting standard labor rates. |

| | |Operating department managers with input from production supervisors and engineers would be involved in setting standards for|

| | |labor usage. |

| | | |

Problem 10-51 (continued)

| |b. |The factors that should be considered in establishing material standards include the following: |

| | |Price studies, including expected general economic conditions, industry prospects, demand for the materials, and market |

| | |conditions. |

| | |Product specifications from descriptions, drawings, and blueprints. |

| | |Past records on raw-material cost, usage, waste, and scrap. |

| | |Factors in establishing labor standards: |

| | |Engineering studies of the time required to complete various tasks. |

| | |Learning. |

| | |Expected wage rates. |

| | |Expected labor mix (e.g., skilled versus unskilled). |

|2. |The basis for assignment of responsibility under a standard-costing system is controllability. Judgments about whether departments or|

| |department managers are performing efficiently should not be affected by items over which they have no control. |

| | |

| | The responsibility for a variance should be assigned to the department or individual that has the greatest responsibility for |

| |deciding whether a specific cost should be incurred. Some variances, however, are interdependent and responsibility must be shared. |

PROBLEM 10-52 (40 minutes)

1. The standard cost per 10-gallon batch of strawberry jam is determined as follows:

| |Strawberries (7.5 qts.* ( $1.60) |$12.00  |

| |Other ingredients (10 gal. ( $.90) | 9.00  |

| |Sorting labor (3/60 hr. ( 6 qt. ( $18.00) |5.40 |

| |Blending labor (12/60 hr. ( $18.00) |3.60 |

| |Packaging (40 qt.† ( $.76) | 30.40 |

| |Total standard cost per 10-gallon batch |$60.40 |

| | |

| |*6 quarts ( 5/4 = 7.5 qt., needed to produce 6 good quarts. |

| |†4 qt. per gal. ( 10 gal. = 40 qt. | | |

| | | |

|2. |Joe Adams’ behavior regarding the cost information is unethical because it violates the following ethical standards: |

| | |

| |Competence. Prepare complete and clear reports and recommendations after appropriate analyses of relevant and reliable |

| |information. |

| | |

| |Integrity. Avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest and advise all appropriate parties of any potential conflicts. |

| |Refrain from either actively or passively subverting the attainment of the organization’s legitimate and ethical objectives. |

| |Refrain from engaging in or supporting any activity that would discredit the profession. |

| | |

| |Objectivity. Communicate information fairly and objectively. |

|3. |a. |In general, the purchasing manager is held responsible for unfavorable material price variances. Causes of these variances |

| | |include the following: |

| | | |

| | |Failure to forecast price increases correctly. |

| | |Purchasing nonstandard or uneconomical lots. |

| | |Purchasing from suppliers other than those offering the most favorable terms. |

PROBLEM 10-52 (continued)

| |b. |In general, the production manager is held responsible for unfavorable labor efficiency variances. Causes of these variances |

| | |include the following: |

| | |Poorly trained labor. |

| | |Substandard or inefficient equipment. |

| | |Substandard material. |

Problem 10-54 (35 minutes)

|1. |At California Housewares’ Merced Division, the standard cost per cutting board is calculated as follows: |

| | | |

| |Direct material: | |

| | Lumber (1.5 board ft.* ( $4.00 per board ft.) |$6.00 | |

| | Footpads (4 pads ( $.10 per pad) |  .40 |$6.40 |

| | | | |

| |Direct labor: | | |

| | Prepare and cut (14.4†/60 hr. ( $8.00 per hr.) |$1.92 | |

| | Assemble and finish (15/60 hr. ( $8.00 per hr.) | 2.00 | 3.92 |

| | | | |

| |Total standard unit cost | |$10.32 |

| | | | |

| |[pic] |

| | | | |

| |[pic] |

|2. |a. |The role of the purchasing manager in the development of standards includes establishing the standard cost for material |

| | |required by the bill of materials, determining if the company should take advantage of price reductions available through |

| | |economic order size, and obtaining data regarding the availability of materials. |

| | | |

| |b. |The role of the industrial engineer in the development of standards includes preparing the bill of materials that specifies |

| | |the types and quantities of material required; establishing, in conjunction with the production supervisor, any allowances |

| | |for scrap, shrinkage, and waste; and participating in time studies and test runs to facilitate the establishment of time |

| | |standards. |

| | | |

| |c. |The role of the managerial accountant in the development of standards includes reviewing all information regarding material |

| | |and labor standards received from other departments, establishing the labor rate standards based on the type of labor |

| | |required, determining application rates for indirect costs such as material handling and manufacturing overhead, and |

| | |converting physical standards such as hours and quantities to monetary equivalents. |

problem 10-54 (continued)

|3. |a. |Standard costing allows for management by exception. Timely reporting of variances allows management to take corrective |

| | |action before costs get out of hand. The breakdown of variances into various components helps management trace the source of |

| | |potential cost problems. Standard costing may also motivate employees to operate more efficiently if they are allowed to |

| | |participate in setting the standards. |

| | | |

| |b. |The standard costing system can have a negative impact on the motivation of employees if the standards are too easily |

| | |attainable or too difficult to reach. If the standards are too easy, employees may tend to reduce productivity. If they are |

| | |too difficult, production workers may become frustrated and ignore the standards. Also, standards that are set without |

| | |production employee input may not be accepted as realistic by those employees. |

Problem 10-55 (45 minutes)

|1. |Categories of measures: | |

| | |Area of Manufacturing Performance |

| |Cycle time (days) |a |

| |Number of defective finished products |b |

| |Manufacturing-cycle efficiency |a |

| |Customer complaints |b,c |

| |Unresolved complaints |c |

| |Products returned |b,c |

| |Warranty claims |b,c |

| |In-process products rejected |d |

| |Aggregate productivity |a,e |

| |Number of units produced per day per employee |a,e |

| |Percentage of on-time deliveries |f |

| |Percentage of orders filled |f |

| |Inventory value/sales revenue |g,h |

| |Machine downtime (minutes) |i |

| |Bottleneck machine downtime (minutes) |i |

| |Overtime (minutes) per employee |a,e |

| |Average setup time (minutes) |a |

| | | |

problem 10-55 (continued)

|2. |Memorandum |

| | | |

| |Date: |Today |

| | | |

| |To: |Management, Diagnostic Technology, Inc. |

| | | |

| |From: |I. M. Student |

| | | |

| |Subject: |Performance of Albany plant during 1st quarter |

| | |

| |The performance of the Albany plant is evaluated in nine key areas: |

| | | | |

| | |a. |Production processing: |

| | | | |

| | | |Cycle time, manufacturing-cycle efficiency, and productivity measures all point to consistency and high-level performance|

| | | |throughout the measurement period. Both cycle time and manufacturing-cycle efficiency exhibit slight, favorable trends. |

| |

| | |b. |Product quality: |

| | | | |

| | | |The number of defective finished products, number of products returned, and warranty claims all show improvement over the|

| | | |period. All three measures suggest excellent performance in quality control. |

| | |c. |Customer acceptance: |

| | | | |

| | | |Customer complaints are steady with an average of 5.5 complaints during a two-week period. The number of unresolved |

| | | |complaints improved during the period from 2 to 0. Performance in this area is very high, but there is a little room for |

| | | |improvement. |

| | | | |

| | |d. |In-process quality control: |

| | | | |

| | | |The number of products rejected in process has increased. This speaks well for the in-process inspection effort. The |

| | | |cause of these defective in-process units should be investigated and corrected. |

| | | | |

problem 10-55 (Continued)

| | |e. |Productivity: |

| | | | |

| | | |Both the aggregate productivity measure and the number of units produced per day per employee remained relatively steady |

| | | |throughout the period. The latter of these two measures exhibited a slight, favorable trend. |

| | | | |

| | |f. |Delivery performance: |

| | | | |

| | | |Both performance measures (percentages of on-time deliveries and orders filled) were very high through the period, |

| | | |finishing at 100 percent in period 6. |

| | |

|g. & h. |Raw material and scrap; inventory: |

| | | | |

| | | |Inventory value/sales revenue remained consistently low through the period (average of 1.83 percent). |

| | | | |

| | |i. |Machine maintenance: |

| | | |

| | | |Machine downtime was low through the period (average of 84 minutes each two-week period). Bottleneck machine downtime was |

| | | |low except in period 5. The cause of that incident should be investigated. |

| | | |

| | |Overall evaluation: |

| | | |

| | |The Albany plant has performed at a very high level of efficiency in virtually every phase of its operations during the 1st |

| | |quarter. |

Problem 10-56 (40 minutes)

| |Memorandum |

|Date: |Today |

| | |

|To: |President, Southern Plastics Corporation |

| | |

|From: |I. M. Student |

| | |

|Subject: |Performance of Baton Rouge Plant |

| | | |

|1. |The Baton Rouge Plant's performance for the period January through June is summarized as follows: |

| | | |

| |a. |Production processing and productivity: |

| | | |

| | |The plant's cycle time (or throughput time) has improved over the period from 19 hours to 16 hours (average of 17.8 |

| | |hours). This indicates that the efficiency of the actual processing of products has improved. Consistent with this |

| | |observation is the reduction in setup time from 69 to 61 hours (average of 64.5). However, the plant's manufacturing|

| | |cycle efficiency has declined through the period, indicating that too much time is being spent on inspection time, |

| | |waiting time, and move time, relative to actual processing time. Overtime hours have increased, possibly due to |

| | |higher demand late in the period. Power consumption has remained stable. |

| | | |

| |b. |Product quality and customer acceptance: |

| | | |

| | |The plant's quality control program appears to be paying off. The number of defective units in finished goods |

| | |declined dramatically, and no products were returned. This is the result of the plant's inspectors more effectively |

| | |identifying defective units while still in process. Effort should be devoted in the future to the reduction of the |

| | |in-process defective rate. |

| |c. |Delivery performance: |

| | | |

| | |Delivery performance is good, but could be improved. All orders were filled, but only an average of 95 percent of |

| | |the orders were filled on time in May and June. This might reflect increased demand, as evidenced by the increase in|

| | |overtime hours. |

problem 10-56 (continued)

| | | |

| |d. |Raw material, scrap and inventory: |

| | | |

| | |The rate of defective raw materials has declined to zero. The purchasing team is doing a good job by ensuring |

| | |delivery of high-quality raw materials. Inventory value has been steady through the period with an average of 4.8 |

| | |percent of sales. This is probably as low as can reasonably be expected in this industry. |

| | | |

| |e. |Machine maintenance: |

| | | |

| | |Machine downtime improved during the period from 30 hours to 10 hours (average of 21.7 hours), but bottleneck |

| | |machine downtime was too high, particularly in May. Also, unscheduled machine maintenance calls were up in May and |

| | |June. |

|2. |Recommended actions: |

| | | |

| |a. |Investigate the reasons behind the decline in manufacturing-cycle efficiency. Concentrate on the elimination of |

| | |non-value-added activities, such as move time and wait time. |

| | | |

| |b. |Maintain inspections in process. Try to reduce the in-process defective rate by emphasizing the importance of |

| | |quality to the work force. |

| | | |

| |c. |Investigate causes of bottleneck machine downtime and correct the situation. |








Loss area

Break-even point:

20,000 tickets

Tickets sold

per year

Annual fixed expenses








Dollars per year





ÿÿÿ4ÖProfit area




Loss area

Fixed rental cost: $40,000 per year

Break-even point:

40,816 tubs

Tubs sold

per year

(in thousands)









Dollars per year (in thousands)



Profit area



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