To Get The Full Thyroid Picture – Get Real About testing

To Get The Full Thyroid Picture

Let’s Get Real About Testing

All the following tests must be done by your GP or Endocrinologist regardless of who you see and what they say to get a true , current and accurate diagnoses of your total Thyroid and related functions.

TSH and T4 alone are poor indication of total Thyroid function. The most current TSH reference range is 0.4 - 2.5. Anything over 3.0 is a grey area and must be investigated for Hypothyroidism.

Referance ranges are only a guide and the doctor does not know what your personal set point is. Your personal set point (unique to you) may need to be discerned over a number of blood tests. Ask your doctor for a copy of your thyroid blood test results each time you have the tests done and keep a diary so you can identify just where you fit within pathology results and symptomatically i.e. according to how you feel.


Thyroid Test Master  (TFT)

This group of blood tests must be done every time.  

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone  (TSH) 

Free Thyroxine  (Free T4 or FT4)

Free Triiodothyronine  (Free T3 or FT3) 

Thyroid peroxidase antibodies  (TPO Ab)

Thyroglobulin antibodies  (Tg Ab)

- Antibodies indicate the health of the Thyroid.

Especially if blood tests are within the normal referance ranges.


Other Related Tests

This group of blood tests should be done after thyroid disease is diagnosed and from time to time according to personal symptoms.

Adrenals Function and Cortisol - An under active Thyroid will put stress on the Adrenal glands and so possibly causing a hormonal imbalance and may have below normal levels of DHEA.

DHEA ( Dehydroepiandrosterone ) - DHEA supplementation may help with depression and CFS.

Pituitary Prolactin – Improper function creates low levels of Thyrotropin aka TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)

Urine Iodine Spot Test – Tests for iodine sufficiency that in a lot of cases is deficient.

Full Blood Test – Thyroid disease alters the metabolic rate resulting in other possible medical conditions occurring. Make sure IRON – Ferritin and Cholesterol are included.

Reverse T3 (r-t3) – High levels usually induced by stress, blocks F-T3 and is a proponent of fatigue ( r-T3 naturally blocks excess amounts of F-T3 being secreted into the serum, preventing Thyrotoxicosis ).

Did you know:

A doctor practices because he / she can’t get it right ?

That is the reality of most Thyroid diagnosis and treatment complaints unfortunately. (



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