Welcome to sixth grade math


Hello and welcome to the Eighth Grade. My name is Mrs. Korsorku and I will be your child’s mathematics teacher. I am excited about the new school year and welcome your support and cooperation in this endeavor. This year the school’s goal is “Building a Solid Foundation for Student Success’. Together we will ensure that your child is successful not only in this class, but also on the NJ ASK 8. This year I will utilize to keep you updated on class assignments. In this newsletter you will find all of the information that you will need to help make this a successful year. Please contact me at the above listed phone numbers or email addresses. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

School commences at 7: 35 a.m. sharp. Students are to enter the building through the use of doors at the main entrance. It is imperative that the children have a sense of urgency to be on time for class. Every child should be seated before the bell rings, prepared and ready to learn. Children are to bring their homework and all items listed for school supplies. Prior to the bell ringing, students should have sharpened their pencil if needed. Dismissal time is 2:26 p.m. with students exiting the side doors.

In order to receive credit, all work that is turned in must contain the following formatted information.

First Name, Last Name Period

Date Name of Assignment

This process provides your child with the opportunity to reinforce following directions and procedures as well as helping manage all the various types of work that will be accomplished throughout the school year.

The eighth grade curriculum utilizes the Connected Math Program which consists of eight individual paperback books. Student will receive a text book for utilization in class and at home. In order to preserve the text, books must be must be kept in a binder (required).

School Supplies

1. 3 ring binder

2. TI -30 (scientific calculator for use at home)

3. Loose leaf paper

4. 1 two pocket folder

5. Pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners, color pencils. markers (unlimited


6. 1 pack (fine point) dry erase marker with eraser

7. Individual three hole puncher (for binder)

Grading Policy (school’s policy):

Homework will be assigned daily. Students will receive four points for completed homework each day and a score of two for incomplete homework. A score of zero will be assigned for homework that is not returned. In addition to your child’s agenda book, homework assignments will be posted on . Homework will count for 10% of the marking period grade. Homework will placed weekly on a calendar in the back of the room. In the case whereby a student may be absent, he/she can find their missing homework assignments from or by looking at the calendar. In addition, I am available after school.

Everyday there will be “Do Now” problems posted on the board that the students must complete to reinforce prior math skills. Students may be assigned independent or group work during class. They are expected to follow directions and complete the assigned work within the timeframe allocated. In addition to ‘Do Now’ class work grade comprises of active student participation in class activity and learning centers. Four points will be assigned for complete “Do Nows” two for incompletes, and a zero for work not handed in. Class work will count for 20% of the marking period grade.

Quizzes will be given weekly throughout the marking period. Upon completion of a unit, students will take a unit test. Binders will also count as a test grade for the marking period. Quizzes will count for 15% of the marking period grade. Tests will count for 30% of the marking period grade.

Reports/projects will be assigned during each marking period. Students will receive detailed instructions along with a sample to assist them in successfully completing the project. Class time will be allotted when possible. Students who require extra time must complete the project/report as homework. Students have two due dates to submit projects without a consequence. The expectation is for all projects and reports to be turned in on the due dates. Late projects will not be accepted. Projects and reports will count for 25% of the marking period grade.

Each student is expected to follow the classroom and schools’ expectations. The list of consequences and rewards are outlined. The district’s disciplinary plan will be strictly adhered to.

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Please complete and return.

I have read Mrs. Korsorku’s newsletter and classroom expectations with my child, _______________________________. We understand the contents. We know what is expected for the 2010-2011 school year and will do our very best to meet the requirements for success.

Parent’s Name (print) ________________________________ Parent’s Signature_________________________

Home/Cell Phone: _____________________________ Email: _______________ Date: ______________

Student’s Name (print) _______________________________Signature:_____________________________________


Levitt Middle School

Eighth Grade Math Newsletter

Mrs. Korsorku Room: B3

Email address: ckorsorku@

Phone: (609) 835- 8900


Arrival and Departure


Textbooks/Classroom Supplies


Class Work

Quizzes and Tests


Class Expectations


1. Be Prompt

2. Be Prepared

3. Be Productive

4. Be Polite

5. Be Respectful of yourself and others

Consequences: Rewards

• Verbal warnings Verbal Praise

• Phone call home Parent Notification

• Teacher Detention Educational Prizes

• General detention Certificates

• Parent conference

• Referral to VP

If teacher detention(s) is not served, a general detention will be issued. Immediate referrals will be written (and/or student removed) for:

• Constant and severe classroom disruption

• Use of profanity and or Blatant disrespect of staff

• Dangerous behaviors such as fighting, throwing chairs or desk, threatening staff.

• Leaving classroom without permission

Violation of students’ code of conduct

Additional supplies to help the class

• Tissues

• Hand Sanitizer


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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