Pine Lake Middle School

Pine Lake Middle School

Common Core 8

Ms. Sarah Bluhm-Arnold



Link to Teacher web site:

(425) 837-5725

Course Description and Textbook:

The ISD math curriculum is taught using Connected Mathematics 3. This program is designed for “students to be able to reason and communicate proficiently in mathematics.” Mathematics is not a fixed, complete set of rules and properties to learn in isolated pieces, it is a way of thinking that all students can learn. Mathematics is enhanced when it is embedded in realistic contexts that are meaningful to students. This course content is aligned with the Common Core State Standards.

|Classroom Beliefs and Expectations: |Mathematical Standards of Practice: |

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|Community |Make sense of problems and persevere |

| | |

|Integrity |Reason abstractly and quantitatively |

| | |

|Excellence |Construct viable argument |

| | |

|Respect |Model with mathematics |

| | |

|Discovery |Use appropriate tools strategically |

| | |

| |Attend to precision |

| | |

| |Look for and make use of structure |

| | |

| |Identify regularity in repeated reasoning |


Successful math students are prepared math students. You will need the following items:

|Classroom (everyday) |Home (suggested supplies on hand) |

|Three-ring binder for math only |Pencils |

|Dividers with tabs (3 total) |Calculator |

|Graph Paper Spiral (2) |¼ inch graph paper |

|One roll of clear tape |Graph paper |

|Pencil pouch |Protractor |

|Pencils/erasers (at least 3) |Ruler |

|Red and Blue pen |Compass |

|Scientific Calculator (suggested TI-30 or TI 36) |Colored pencils |

|Ruler | |

| | |

| | |

***No late homework will be accepted except for excused absences

(Please refer to the school excused absence policy)***

Daily Homework assignments: 15% of trimester grade

← Students will be assigned homework every night.

← Homework will be recorded on a homework log and collected every two weeks.

← Homework is to be completed in pencil ONLY.

← Students will show their work, all proofs, legible, and to the best of their ability.

← Homework is due the following day. If it is not turned in that day it will be considered late.

← Homework points are broken down as follows:

o Complete, all work shown including proofs, corrected online 3 pts.

o Complete, all work shown including proofs, not corrected online 2 pts.

o Late work, not accepted . 0 pts.

Late work is not graded but I strongly recommended that the assignment be completed.

Assessments (Test and Quizzes): 75% of trimester grade

← Each chapter/unit will contain one chapter test

← Each chapter/unit will contain at least one quiz as a check for understanding

← District common assessments (final) – Given twice during the school year

Team/Individual activities: 10% of trimester grade

← This includes but is not limited to; team activities, individual work/participation, technology assignments, Smarter Balanced practice, vocabulary checkups, ticket out the door, etc.

Excused Absences:

• Students have the opportunity to make up homework/daily work for excused absences only. S/he will have one day for each day absent to make up work. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the work they missed either from a classmate, the assignment board, or the website.

• Absent the day before a test or quiz; Assessment will be taken on the original scheduled day.

• Absent the day of a test; Test will be made up the day student returns to class.

Grading Scale:

The grading scale at Pine Lake has been standardized. It will be used school wide.

|A = 100-93% |B+ = 89-87% |B- = 82-80% |C = 76-73% |D+ = 69-67% |F = 59-0% |

|A- = 92-90% |B = 86-83% |C+ = 79-77% |C- = 72-70% |D = 66-60% | |

***Return this portion to Ms. Bluhm-Arnold by Friday, September 4. ***

I have read the CC8 course information and understand Ms. Bluhm-Arnold’s expectations of me/my student. Additionally, I understand that Family Access will be updated on the dates indicated on the PLMS website, at which time I will review them with my parent/student.

Please check one of the following and sign the line blow:



Student Name – Printed Student Signature Date

Parent/Legal Guardian – Printed Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date

Life is a mathematical story problem!



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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