Club #/Name:

|Club Name/#: |XXX #2345 | |Meeting Date/Time: |01-01-2014 12:00pm – 1:00pm |

|Region/District/Division-Area: |III / 22 / X12 | |Meeting Location: |Bldg XYZ Room 123 |

|Meeting Theme: |xxx | |Presiding Officer: |Xxx xxx |

|Table Topics Main Subject: |xxx | |Word of the Day: |Word |


|TM = Toastmaster |AH = Ah Counter |PRE = |DG = District Governor |CC = Competent Communicator |

| | |President | | |

|Region/District/Division-Area: |V / 22 / K-1 | |Meeting Location: |Hope Lutheran Rm208 |

|Meeting Theme: |(none) | |Presiding Officer: |John Smith |

|Table Topics Main Subject: |Finish This Sentence. . . | |Word of the Day: |Disingenuous |


TM = Toastmaster |AH = Ah Counter |PRE = President |DG = District Governor |CC = Competent Communicator | |IN = Invocation |GR = Grammarian |VPE = VP Education |LGE = Lt. Gov. Education |ACB = Advanced Communicator, Bronze | |JM = Joke Master |TTM = Table Topics Master |VPM = VP Membership |LGM = Lt. Gov. Marketing |ACS = Advanced Communicator, Silver | |QM = Quiz Master |TTS = Table Topics Speaker |VPP = VP Pub.Relations |DVG = Division Governor |ACG = Advanced Communicator, Gold | |WM = Word Master |TTE = Table Topics Evaluator |SEC = Secretary |AG = Area Governor |DTM = Distinguished Toastmaster | |VC = Vote Counter |GE = General Evaluator |TRE = Treasurer |AAG = Area Asst. Gov. |CL = Competent Leader | |TI = Timer |SP = Manual Speaker |SAA = Sgt at Arms |PDG = Past District Gov. |ALB = Advanced Leader, Bronze | |MIN = TM Minute |EVl = Speech Evaluator |IPP = Immediate Past Prez |JUD = Contest Judge |ALS = Advanced Leader, Silver | |

Person, Award Level,

Office Held, Guest Indicator |Role(s) Played |Ah / Grammarian Report |Word of Day Count |Spkr Time |TTS Time |Eval Time |Voted As Best |Table Topics Topic, or, Speech Title, Book, #

(Time Limit Range) | |Melissa Harper, CTM |IN, TTM | |1 | | | | | | |Mark Sharpe |X | | | | | | | | |Lois Phillips, DTM, SEC,TRE |X | | | | | | | | |Ryan Thompson, ATMB,CL,VPE |AH, TI, TTS-2, EV-3 |1 ah, 2 you-know | | |1:26 |2:56 | |Bad teachers are: ones who cannot teach, or, ones that break the law | |Donna Jones |X | | | | | | | | |John Smith, CTM,PRES |SP-2 |4 ah, 4 you-know, 1 sentence restart | |10:30 +2:45 | | | |Paperless or Managed Image Documents, Technical #2, (8-10 plus 3 for Q&A) | |JoAnn Pauls, ATMS,CL,VPM |JM,VC,MIN |2 ah | | | | | | | |Jeff Young |TTE | | | | | | | | |Kashi Pankan, CTM |X | | | | | | | | |Vince Goins, CTM |TM,TTS-3 |3 ah, 1 well,

1 ‘are’ for ‘our’ | | |1:35 | |TTS |I really let my hair down: in high school I wore a wig to cover my long hair | |Chris Ernest, CTM |X | | | | | | | | |Tim Browne |TTS-1, EV-2 | | | |1:14 |3:12 | |Good teachers are: good at preparing kids for the next grade | |Carlos Garcia, ATMB,VPPR |X | | | | | | | | |Janine Mantle |SP-1, TTS-4 |2 ah, 1 ‘that weren’t bad’ |1 |6:34 |1:05 | |SP |Got Grass?, Basic Manual #2 (5-7)

My mother is the world’s: greatest mom | |Kole Little |X | | | | | | | | |Steve Willet, ATMB |X | | | | | | | | |Debby Kirkman, ATMB |X | | | | | | | | |Chris Daniels, SAA |SP-3 |2 ah | |8:30 | | | |Financial Planning: Commonsense Approach, Basic Manual #5 (5-7) | |Scott Franks, CTM |GR, GE |2 ah | | | | | | | |Larry Wilson, ARG (L-6) |TTS-5, EV-1 | | | |1:09 |3:20 |EV |Place importance on: taking care of details | |Karen Rogers, GUEST |TTS-6 |1 um | | |1:01 | | |Best vacation is: warm beach | |

Special Notes

• 10 of the 22 club members were in attendance this evening.

• Every member in attendance played at least one role. Most members played two or more roles.

• JoAnn Pauls (aka. Jay-Oh and J Lo, an inside joke, you had to be there!), as VP of Membership, gave ten reasons why each member did not bring a guest to the meeting this evening. She said that, on average, for each 15 people you ask to come to a meeting, one will accept. Remember the benefits we get from Toastmasters. Then share them with someone.

General Evaluator Comments

• Meeting started on time thanks to the Sergeant-at-Arms, Chris Daniels.

• The Toastmaster, Vince Goins, did a good job. He was well prepared and the meeting flowed well.

• The Word of the Day, Disingenuous, from Vince Goins, was a good word.

• Toastmaster Minute, JoAnn Pauls, was a good reminder. The Toastmaster called her by the wrong name. Calling people by their correct name is important.

• Speaker #1, Janine Mantle, did a good job. The ending seemed abrupt (she thought she was out of time). She had a great phrase in her speech: Don’t treat your soil like dirt!

• Speaker #2, John Smith, spoke to his poster a few times. Keep a paper copy of it in front of you for reference. Q&A handled well.

• Speaker #3, Chris Daniels, did a professional type presentation and looked the part in his tie. Wrote too small on the board.

• Table Topics, Melissa Harper as Table Topics Master, was fun.

• The General Evaluator, Scott Franks, should not be grabbing his notes from the lectern while someone else is speaking.

• Club members, at times, tend to be distracting during the meeting with side conversations, grabbing things, etc.

• Remember that there are ways to learn about Toastmasters outside of the club meetings.

• Tim Browne did a great job giving his first-ever evaluation.

Club Business

• Reminder of what the VP of Membership said in The Toastmaster Minute: ask 15 people to be a guest at a meeting and, on average, one will accept.

• K-1 Area Contest: Ryan Thompson represented the club for both the Humorous Speech (third place) and Evaluation (first place). He will move on to the Division K contest in September.

• Before leaving this evening, tell the VP of Education, Ryan, what role you want to play in the next couple of meetings.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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