Rules of the Road - Mrs. Cholkar's Mathematics Class

Middle Creek High School

Wake County Public Schools

Wade Martin, Principal

123 Middle Creek Park Ave

Apex, NC 27539

(919) 773-3838

Introduction to College Mathematics (ICM)

|Instructor |Mrs. Cholkar |E-mail |rcholkar@ |

|School Contact |(919) 773-3838 |Extra Help |Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment only. Room 2310 |

| |Main Office | | |

Course Outline: Sets & Counting




Functions and Limits




1. Be respectful of your classmates, your teachers, and yourself.

a. Use polite speech and body language

b. Keep your hands and feet to yourself

c. Do not cheat on homework, quizzes, tests, or any other assignment

2. Be in your seat, working on the “Do Now,” when the bell rings.

3. Do not eat or drink (other than water) in the classroom.

4. Do not use any electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, etc.) in the classroom (unless teacher specifies timer is needed for class).

5. Come to class prepared to learn and willing to learn.

Daily Materials:

1- 2 inch 8.5 X 11 in. loose leaf binder

College-ruled loose leaf paper

8.5 x 11 in. graph paper

2- #2 Pencils

2- Ink pens; black and blue only

TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator (Suggested)


1. Bring all necessary materials to class.

a. Come to class everyday with a sharpened pencil and paper.

b. Come to class everyday with your binder and last night’s homework.

c. If there is a worksheet/new packet for the day’s lesson, pick it up before going to your assigned seat.

2. Be in your assigned seat, working on the “Do Now,” when class has begun. You may work in groups or on your own.

a. Have your binder/packet open to your completed homework from last night.

b. Continue to work quietly while Mrs. Cholkar checks that you have your homework and takes attendance.

c. If you would like to volunteer on a question from last night’s homework, please go to the board and put up your work or wait for the Elmo to show your work.

d. If you have completed the Do Now quickly, volunteer to put your work on the board by quietly raising your hand.

3. If you are late, follow the following procedure:

a. Walk into the class quietly

b. Sign in to the Late Book (Name, Date, and Time In)

c. Sit in your assigned seat

d. Begin to take notes on material that you missed

4. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking

or leaving your seat.

a. If you need to go to the bathroom, follow the following procedure:

i. Quietly raise three fingers and I will know this means bathroom and non-verbally acknowledge you to take the pass and go.

ii. Mark on the Hall Pass where you are going

iii. Take the Pass and walk quietly out the door and straight to the bathroom

iv. Return to the class within 3 minutes

v. Erase your mark on the hall pass

vi. Return the Pass

vii. Quietly return to your assigned seat and continue working

viii. Reminder: Students will not be permitted to use the restroom the first and last 10 minutes of class.

5. When Mrs. Cholkar asks for attention, stop what you are doing, face Mrs. Cholkar, and remain silent while Mrs. Cholkar is speaking.

6. When a classmate is speaking, listen carefully, do not interrupt, and remain silent while he/she is speaking.

7. After reviewing the homework problems, the INBOX will be passed around by the Inbox Monitor. All homework is to be placed into the Inbox, NEVER handed to the teacher.

a. When homework is placed into the OUTBOX, organize it in your binder so that you can find it later.

8. When you are absent, please do the following on the day you return:

a. Ask the Homework Monitor or other classmates about missed notes and homework (if you did not already get it off Mrs. Cholkar’s website)

b. To find a worksheet that you missed, look in the appropriate drawer in the homework folders.

c. All late/missing homework should be put in the appropriate INBOX, according to your block period.

9. When the bell rings, remain seated until Mrs. Cholkar dismisses you.

10. Before leaving class, clean up your desk, clean any mess that you made around your desk, and return your seat to its normal position (unless otherwise indicated by Mrs. Cholkar).

Grading Policy

Tests 55%

Quizzes 30%

Classwork/Participation 15%__

Total 100%

Your final examination will count as 20% of your final grade.


• Tests will be given approximately every 2 or 3 weeks. Tests will be announced 3 days prior to the exam date.

• Quizzes will be given when I feel they are appropriate. Quizzes will be announced 2 days in advance.

• Projects will be assigned once per semester and will count as a test grade.

• There are unit exam retakes (if needed) as long as you attend at least one tutorial session. This session must be scheduled with Mrs. Cholkar.

• If you pay attention during class, complete all of your homework, and ask questions when you have them, you will be successful on class assessments.


• Your classwork/participation grade is based on your active participation and effort in all activities in the classroom.

• Classwork includes completing your Do Now in a timely manner, putting up homework, taking notes, moving into groups quietly and quickly, etc.

• Participation includes paying attention, asking questions, answering Mrs. Cholkar’s questions, answering your classmates’ questions, volunteering to put work on the board, etc.


• Homework is assigned and checked or collected every day.

To be filled out by the student:

Name_________________________________ Grade _____ Block_____

Email ________________________________

To be filled out by the parent(s):

Mother/Guardian: _______________________________________

Email : _________________________________________

Phone # (h)__________________(w)___________________ (c)__________________

Father/Guardian: ____________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________

Phone # (h)__________________ (w)___________________ (c)__________________

Please check all that apply:

_________ student does NOT have internet access away from school

_________ student does have internet access away from school

_________ student will NOT be able to print out worksheets away from school

_________ student will be able to print out worksheets away from school

I have read the ICM Syllabus and expectations and I understand my responsibilities.

Student signature ____________________________________ Date_____________

Parent signature ____________________________________ Date_____________


Student Information Sheet for ICM


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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