Princess Anne High School - Math Courses

|Algebra II 2016 – 2017 Classroom Expectations |


|These expectations contain important information and will be useful to you throughout the year. Please keep this sheet in the front of your math binder. Algebra |

|II is a rigorous college-preparatory math class, which fulfills one of the Advanced Diploma requirements for graduation. Students enrolled in Algebra II should |

|have successfully completed Algebra I Parts 1 & 2, passed their Algebra I SOL, and successfully completed Geometry Parts 1 & 2. Students enrolled in Algebra II |

|must take the Algebra II SOL at the end of the year. |

| | |


|All assessments and homework must be completed in pencil, copying the problem and|ALL students will be expected to: |

|showing all work. |Be in your seat, prepared with all materials, working on the warm-up or grading |

|All tests and projects will be predetermined and students will know at least one |homework when the bell rings. The tardy policy will be followed strictly. |

|week in advance. |No food or drinks (other than bottled water) are allowed in the classroom. |

|Quizzes should be expected daily and may be unannounced. Students should always |Sleeping in class will NOT be tolerated. If a student is ill, he/she will be |

|be prepared. |sent to the clinic. |

|Students who are unable to complete a quiz or test in the allotted block will |Raise your hand and wait to be called on before asking or answering questions, as|

|have until the end of that same day to complete it or it will be graded “AS-IS”. |to allow all classmates the opportunity to participate. |

|Retakes on tests will be administered during after school hours for students who |Refrain from talking, passing notes, personal grooming, or any type of disruption|

|wish to improve their quiz/test grade(s). To be eligible for a retake the student|at all times. |

|must have 100% on time homework completion for the specific unit and complete |Show respect to the teacher and other students and treat others the way they want|

|detailed test corrections on the designated correction form. Corrections can be |to be treated. |

|completed after school with my assistance. Not all quizzes will be eligible for a|Stay completely silent during tests/quizzes and keep his/her paper covered at all|

|re-take, however re-takes on quizzes must be completed before the Unit Test. |times. |

|Re-tests must be completed prior to the following Unit Test. |Communicate any personal problems with the teacher before class to avoid |

|There may be between two and four tests (100 points each), between three and |unnecessary misunderstandings. |

|eight quizzes (10-60 points each) each nine weeks and about 10 collected homework|Ask questions regarding grades before or after class, so it does not disrupt |

|assignments. Homework will not count more than 10% of the overall quarter grade.|classroom instruction. |

|Each assignment will be averaged into the grade based on the number of points it |Put forth YOUR BEST EFFORT each day! Giving up is NEVER an option! |

|is worth. Grades will be calculated by total points (average of earned |Help students in your group when you understand a concept and they are having |

|points/total points). |trouble. |

| |Use the restroom before class, unless it is an emergency. |

| |Depending on the classroom violation consequences will start with a student |

| |conference then parent notification, and office referrals. |

| | |


|Work missed due to an extended excused absence may be made up by the unit test. |1 ½” to 2’’ three ring binder |

|When you return to school, it is your responsibility to turn in past homework, |Loose-leaf paper |

|obtain missed handouts, copy the notes from another student, and learn the |Pencils (#2 or mechanical) |

|material. |A good eraser |

|If a student misses a test review day, he/she is still expected to take the test |Non-black pens for correcting papers |

|the day it is scheduled. |TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus, or TI-84 Silver (Color) calculator. |

|If a student is absent on a test day, he/she will be expected to schedule a time |Android Phones can download a graphing calculator via the Wabbitemu app. If you|

|outside of class to make up the test. |do not have your own calculator, you may borrow a TI-83 Plus (gray calculator) |

|If a quiz is not made-up within two school days after it is given, the student |for the school year. |

|will not be able to make it up. The quiz grade will be replaced by the unit test|If you are interested in purchasing a calculator, the preference would be the |

|that covers the same material (scaled down to quiz value). |TI-84 Plus CE. However, calculators are available at school. |

Teacher: Mrs. Amy Rubino Email: Amy.Rubino@

Phone: 648-5600 Ext. 58500 PAHS Math website: pahsmath.

| | |


|Assigned homework should be expected every block & it is the student’s responsibility to |All students are expected to work hard to achieve their full |

|record any changes to the syllabus from the front board. Homework should be expected to take|potential. There is simply not enough time during class for everyone |

|approximately 45 minutes to one hour. |to receive individual help. Each student must take responsibility for|

|Homework will sometimes be assigned via IXL and/or other websites. Remember students have |his/her own learning and seek extra help when concepts are not clearly|

|access to computers in the library before, during, and after school. Loaner laptops are |understood. |

|available through the library and school counselors have information regarding free/reduced |Please DO NOT wait until the day before a test or quiz to come for |

|internet (for qualifying students). |help. |

|Written homework may be collected at the beginning of each block and graded for up to a |The online textbook has many completed examples as well as practice |

|possible 5 points. |quizzes and tests with immediate feedback! If additional tutoring is |

|Upon entering class, the students should come with questions on homework they need help |needed, help will be available Wednesdays from 2:30 – 3:30 in 306. |

|with. Each student is expected to take an interest in fully understanding all material that|If a student needs help another time, he/she must set up an |

|has been taught. If concepts cannot be grasped in class, then tutoring should be sought |appointment with Mrs. Rubino. |

|out. |The student must sign in and out to after school help. He/she will be |

|Students can turn in late homework assignments for partial credit as long as they are |expected to bring a pencil, organized notebook, and specific questions|

|turning the assignment(s) in prior to the assessment for that particular unit or no more |to each tutoring session. |

|than two weeks after the original assignment date (whichever comes first). Homework | |

|assignments turned in after the assessment for the unit/two weeks will receive NO CREDIT! | |

|Homework will not count more than 10% of the overall quarter grade. | |

| | |


| | |

|Each student is required to keep a neat and organized notebook arranged at his or her |There are several free websites that offer help with math. Some of |

|discretion. |these sites include Khan Academy, Purple Math, and Cool Math |

| |Students will often be assigned homework through |

|Course expectations (this paper) should be kept in the notebook for future reference. | |

|All work should be done on loose leaf or graph paper. |USERNAME:____________________________ |

|All work should be kept for the duration of the course. |Student ID Number@vbschools |

| | |

| |PASSWORD:____________________________ |

| |Student ID Number and first two letters of last name (lowercase) |

Loss/Damaged Textbooks: Students will be assessed a fee of 100% of the book cost for damages that prevent re-distributing the book and/or missing or unreadable bar codes. Please contact the main office for extenuating circumstances.

Parents are reminded to visit the Parent Portal on the Internet to view up-to-date student grades and attendance (access at the PA website at princessannehs@ ). Grades are posted by Wednesday evening of each week. Parents are advised to check the Parent Portal each week for grade updates. Major tests, essays, projects, and research papers may take longer than one week to grade.

Parents are reminded that all student papers, tests, exams, etc. are the property of Princess Anne High School and the instructor. These items may be sent home at the teacher’s discretion. Any parent wishing to view any material shall contact the teacher.

While we encourage the use of technology for instructional purposes, the security of student devices is the responsibility of the student. Teachers and staff will not be held accountable for the safe keeping of student devices.

Students taking and Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) course are expected to take the AP or IB exam.

Algebra II: 2016-2017

Name:__________________ Block ______

Dear Parent/Guardian and Student: Please complete this form and return NLT Tuesday, September 13. By signing, you are indicating that you have read and understand all aspects of Mrs. Rubino’s Classroom Expectations and that you understand you will be held financially responsible if any materials that are issued to your child for the year or borrowed in class become damaged or lost (see back).

_____________________________________, ________________________________ ______________

Student’s Last Name (Print Neatly) First Name (What you want to be called) Current Grade (9-12)

______________________________ ___________________________ _____________ _______________

Student School ID # Counselor Calculator # Book #

(if issued by Princess Anne)


List your extra-curricular activities and/or jobs

__________________________________ ___________________ ______________________________ _____________

Name of Parent/Guardian - please print Relationship to student Parent/Guardian Signature Date Signed

_________________ ________________ _______________________________________________________________

Home Phone Cell Phone E-mail Address (Please print clearly)

__________________________________ ___________________ ______________________________ _____________

Name of Parent/Guardian - please print Relationship to student Parent/Guardian Signature Date Signed

_________________ ________________ _______________________________________________________________

Home Phone Cell Phone E-mail Address (Please print clearly)

Note this form may be signed by just one or both parents/guardians

For Teacher Use Only:

Parent/Guardian Contact Log

Please turn over.


Students will be using the Texas Instrument TI-84 Color calculators to help them complete assignments, quizzes, and tests in their math class. If desired, a student may check out a TI-83 Plus calculator with comparable functions for the duration of their math course. You and your child will be responsible for the school issued calculator.

_____ NO MY STUDENT DOES NOT NEED A CALCULATOR. Please DO NOT issue my child a graphing calculator. My child already has an appropriate graphing calculator, I will be purchasing one for my child by the second week of school, or my child has an ANDROID phone and will be downloading the free Wabbitemu calculator app.

_____ YES MY STUDENT DOES NEED A CALCULATOR. I would like my child to be issued a school graphing calculator (will need AAA batteries). If the calculator is lost, stolen, damaged, or defaced, I agree to pay the full replacement cost of $50.00 for a TI-83, $88.00 for a TI-83 Plus, and $115.00 for the class TI-84 Color. A replacement

TI-84 plus calculator, in the original unopened package, can be accepted in lieu of the assessment fee.

A class set of TI-84 color calculators will be used in the classroom for activities. Each student will have one calculator number they will use for these activities. Your student will be responsible for the safe care of the calculator issued to him/her for use in the classroom.


Princess Anne High School strongly encourages the use of the online textbook. It is really the best choice because students can access from anywhere and have ample interactive resources at hand.

_____ ONLINE TEXTBOOK. I would like my child to be issued the online textbook using the internet. I understand that this is an interactive book with personal tutoring, more examples and real-life applications, self-quizzes, and many links to explain the material when the student is at home. I understand that if this option is chosen, my child may not also have a

CD or hard copy of the textbook.

_____ CD TEXTBOOK. I would like my child to be issued a CD of the textbook. This does not require the internet, but does not have as many options available to the student as the online option. I understand that if this option is chosen, my

child may not also have an online textbook or hard copy of the textbook.

_____ HARD COPY TEXTBOOK. I would like my child to be issued a hard copy of the textbook. I understand that if this option is chosen, my child may not also have the online book or CD. Also, I understand a hard copy textbook does not provide any of the interactive resources of the online option.


Damage can occur in many ways but it occurs most often when a calculator or textbook is dropped or placed in a book bag and knocked around. Damage can be, but is not limited to, spots or blank lines on the screen, a blank screen, missing keys, ripped binding or pages. A calculator or textbook is considered defaced if the calculator/textbook number has been altered in any way, stickers have been applied to any part of the calculator or textbook, the barcode sticker has been altered or defaced in any way, or something has been done to change the original appearance of the calculator or textbook. If a school calculator or hard copy textbook is issued to your child and damage occurs replacement prices are listed below.


|TI-83 Calculator |$50.00 |

|TI-83 Plus Calculator |$88.00 |

|TI-84 Calculator |$115.00 |

|TI-84 Color Calculator |$115.00 |

|Calculator Cover |$5.00 |

|Battery Cover |$3.00 |

|Algebra II (Glencoe) Book or CD |$79.98 |

Please read and sign: I have read and understand the classroom expectations for this course.

Student Signature__________________________________ Date_________________________

Parent Signature___________________________________ Date_________________________


Choose ONE

Choose ONLY One


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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