Doc: 18-18/00___r00 - IEEE Standards Association

IEEE 802.18

Radio Regulatory-TAG

|Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group Minutes |

|Date: 05 July 2018 |

|Name |Affiliation |Address |Phone |email |

| |

|Author(s): |

|Allan Zhu |Huawei |Santa Clara, CA |+1(718)877-9645 |chunhui.zhu@ |

| | | | | |

| |

|Officer presiding: |

|Jay Holcomb, |Itron |Liberty Lake, (Spokane) WA |+1(509) 891-3281 |jay.holcomb@ |

|Chair, RR-TAG | | | | |


Minutes of the IEEE 802 RR-TAG Teleconference.

These are the Minutes of the IEEE 802 RR-TAG Teleconference, Thursday, July 5th, 2018.

Attendees: 6 voters:

Hiertz Guido Ericsson AB

Holcomb Jay Itron Inc.

Kennedy Rich Self

Kerry Stuart Ruckus Wireless/Arris

Lepp James Blackberry

Lynch Mike Self

Nejatian Alireza Ericsson

Notor John Notor Research

Yaghoobi Hassan Intel

Zhu Allan Huawei Technologies

With teleconferences announced on 08 March 18, a quorum has been met.

Others: 0

1. Chair called the meeting to order at 2:33 EDT.

2. Chair presents slides 2, 3, and 4 of 802.18-18/0077r01, the call to order and administrative items

a. Includes meeting and participant’s guidelines

3. Chair presents slides 5, of 802.18-18/0077r01, the agenda

a. Call to Order

b. Administrative items

c. Approve agenda & last minutes

d. Discussion items

• EU Items

• Ofcom consultation

• NPRM on 3.7 to 4.2 GHz Band

• IEEE 802 6GHz single voice

• TR-51 SUN meeting invite

• Agenda for San Diego

e. Actions required

• What happens during the call

f. AOB and Adjourn

4. Chair presents slide 6, Motions – administrative

a. Motion: To approve the agenda as presented on previous slide

• Moved by: John Notor (Notor Research)

• Seconded by: James Lepp (Blackberry)

• Discussion?

• Vote: Unanimous consent

b. Motion: To approve minutes from the IEEE 802.18 teleconference on 28 June 2018; ; Originally Posted: 05-Jul-2018 12:52:25 ET

• Moved by: Allan Zhu (Huawei)

• Seconded by: John Notor (Notor Research)

• Discussion?

• Vote: 6 – Y; 0 –N; 1-A

• Motion passes.

5. Chair presents slide 7-8, EU Items

a. ETSI – BRAN – meeting #99 – 18-21 Sept

• Last week:

• BRAN(18)098007r1_Minutes_of_BRAN98

• The new work item in BRAN(18)098002 was adopted.

a. Technical Report on WAS/RLANs in the band 6 725 MHz to 7 125 MHz

• Latest SRDoc on 60GHz just posted.

b. ETSI - ERM - TG-11

• From previous calls: EN 300 328 (v2.2.1 (2018-04)) - Draft accepted by ERM and receipt by ETSI Secretariat on 07 June; Now to National vote. ERM(18)065022r3;

c. CEPT – ECC SE45

• Next f2f: 13 August (afternoon) -14 August 2018, ECO, Copenhagen, Denmark

d. CEPT – ECC FM57

• Next meeting 18 July, a web-meeting.

e. Any other EU news?


6. Chair presents slide 9-12, Ofcom – WRC-19

a. Ofcom Consultation: UK preparations for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19)

• The closing date for responses is 13 September 2018. (To EC by 16 or 23 Aug)

• There are 32 questions Ofcom is asking.

• We should focus on AIs from our view point document; 1.12, 1.13, 1.15, 1.16, 9.1 and 10.

b. 1.1 This consultation calls on stakeholders to help us play an important part in shaping the regulations that govern how the world’s radio spectrum is used. It sets out the key issues to be discussed at next year’s World Radiocommunications Conference (WRC-19) – and spells out our early thinking on the outcomes we’d like to achieve. It also explains the engagement process which Ofcom manages in order to allow stakeholders to feed into the development of UK positions for the WRC.

c. 1.2 Among the areas for discussion at WRC-19 are use of spectrum for mobile broadband – including next generation 5G. Decisions taken at the conference on this and other matters could affect thousands of UK businesses and consumers.

d. Questions related to the AIs from our view points

• A list of questions can be found in the agenda document.

e. Chair went through the Ofcom Consultation document.

• C: (for AI 1.11, the ITS band), FCC would like to keep this band open;

• C: we can come up with a general approach to respond to these type of consultations more efficiently.

• Question 6: on IoT and M2M

• C: there may not be much room for us to comment;

• C: consult 802.15 on this.

• Question 13: on band 3.7-4.2GHz and 6GHz band

• C: We should comment on this as it relates to the 6GHz band. We should align with 802.11’s position on this.

• C: This relates to .11 and .15 single voice. We need to talk to Chairs of .11 and .15.

7. Chair presents slide 13-14, FCC – Open Meeting next week and Flexible Use of the 3.7 to 4.2 GHz Band

a. Expanding Flexible Use of the 3.7 to 4.2 GHz Band

The Commission will consider an Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would continue the Commission’s efforts to make mid-band spectrum in the 3.7-4.2 GHz band available for expanded flexible use, primarily by seeking comment on mechanisms for clearing for mobile use and whether to allow point-to-multipoint use on a shared basis in portions of the band. To inform the Commission’s decision-making on the future of the band, it would also collect information from FSS earth stations and space stations to provide a clear understanding of the operations of current users. (GN Docket Nos. 18-122, 17-183; RM Nos. 11778, 11791)

b. Cellular Reform Third Report and Order

c. Children’s Television Programming Rules

d. Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts

e. Nationwide Number Portability

f. Formal Complaint Rules Consolidation Order

g. Mentor: (note: this is a ‘draft’ NPRM)

h. ECFS:


j. Do we delay start of Thursday AM2 until after this agenda item and present the open meeting until then?

• Yes, this would be fine.

• For those attending the FCC open session, they can get attendance credit for Thursday AM1.

k. Did not walk through the NPRM for areas we may want to comment on?

• With this a draft more changes are anticipated before the actual NPRM.

• So this version more an FYI to see what could be in the final NPRM.

l. Do any of the WGs have interests in this band now it is moving to a NPRM?

m. Discussion

• Chair: we didn’t comment on the NOI, think we need to comment on it this time.

• C : The NPRM is still not stable yet, there will be quite a few changes when it publishes new week.

• C: from standard point of view, there may not be much interest.

8. Chair presents slide 15, IEEE 802 on 6GHz

a. At a high level, any new thoughts on how to get IEEE 802 to a single voice on where to take the 6GHz band?

b. To bring up at the EC opening meeting

c. Licensed incumbents have a strong voice with the commission, more than the UWB unlicensed incumbents.

• Protection of the (licensed) incumbents will be key.

d. To go in with 2 opposing views or no inputs at all, both have pluses and minuses.

e. Note: 802.11ax CoEx documents failed in an 802.19 vote.

f. Chair will sit down with EC Chair and Chairs of .11/.15/.19 to try to come up with a Single Voice of IEEE early in the week of the San Diego meeting.

• C: Talking has not been working so far.

9. Chair presents slide 16, TR-51 SUN meeting invite

a. TIA's Director of Smart Building Programs, Limor Schafman, will be in San Diego.

b. TIA's Director of Global Standards Programs, Victoria Mitchell has invited interested 802 participants to attend their TR-51 Smart Utility Networks meeting next Friday 13 July.  

• If interested in attending please RSVP to Victoria.  

• Victoria Mitchell, Director, Global Standards Programs 

Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) 


10. Chair presents slide 17, Agenda – Plenary San Diego

a. Call to Order

• Attendance server is open

b. Administrative items

c. Approve agenda & last minutes

• Any interest in being the 802.18 Vice-Chair?

d. Discussion items

• EU Items

• Ofcom consultation

• NPRM on 3.7 to 4.2 GHz Band

• IEEE 802 6GHz single voice

• TR-51 SUN meeting invite

• Time for teleconferences

• Teleconferences through December

e. Actions required

• What happens during the call

f. AOB and Adjourn

11. Chair presents slide 20, Adjourn

a. The next face to face meeting of the 802.18 RR-TAG will be at the IEEE 802 Plenary 10-12 July 2018 at the Grand Hyatt, San Diego.

b. Next teleconference: 19 July 2018 – tbd ET

• Call in info: or the latest.

• Note: If the call-in link doesn’t work send the Chair an email right away.

• All changes/cancellations will be sent out to the 802.18 list server.

12. We are adjourned at 15:29 EDT.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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